Published at 13th of May 2024 06:15:08 AM

Chapter 98

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Jiang Qingyue picked up the knife and aimed it at the abdomen of the person beside the pillow.

He instantly became sober, wanting to make a sound, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t speak. He exerted all his strength, and his hands only paused for a second.

The next moment, Ren Shuhan opened his eyes, one hand gripping the blade that had entered his abdomen, and the other holding Jiang Qingyue’s hand, looking at him with confusion.

That gaze was clear, devoid of any hatred or resentment, only confusion. It pierced Jiang Qingyue’s heart like a knife.

Ren Shuhan was always vigilant. Even though he felt more secure sleeping beside his beloved, it didn’t prevent him from sensing danger at the first opportunity. So, he knew when Qingyue got up, knew when Qingyue picked up the knife, and knew when the knife was aimed at him. Yet, he only grabbed Qingyue’s hand after Qingyue took action.

“Why?” Blood was still flowing, but Ren Shuhan wanted to hear Jiang Qingyue’s answer first.

“I want your Golden Core,” Jiang Qingyue replied coldly, forcefully removing Ren Shuhan’s Core from his body.

Ren Shuhan’s Core was different from others; it was a naturally born Demonic Core. Even though dragon scales couldn’t be seen when he was in human form, it didn’t hinder its strength. Moreover, doing such an action required immense strength, and even an ordinary mortal, let alone someone as delicate as Jiang Qingyue, would find it difficult to accomplish.

After removing it, Jiang Qingyue’s body had reached its limit, and both his hands were trembling.

The delayed pain and mental shock gradually numbed Ren Shuhan, causing him to release his hands and fall back.

“Why do you need it… I can give it to you myself,” he said intermittently, “no… need…”

“Are you sure you’ll win against him?” Jiang Qingyue’s voice was cold, punctuated by a series of questions.

“Even if you win, can you definitely dig out his intact Core? Even if you dig it out, will he definitely give it to me? And if he does, can you ensure that after this long journey, it’ll still be useful for me?”

In fact, what Ren Shuhan wanted to say was:

If you want anything of mine, you only need to tell me.

But these words didn’t come out and stopped abruptly amidst the nightmare-like scene.

Jiang Qingyue took out the Core, still covered in flesh and blood, and swallowed it whole.

“I want to cultivate with a Golden Core. There’s one right in front of me, why bother seeking it from afar?” Jiang Qingyue wanted to vomit, but his body surprisingly remained calm and composed as he spoke.

At that time, Jiang Qingyue thought he would never forget the feelings of that night for the rest of his life, but later he realized that it was just the first step into hell.

After saying these words, he packed up his things and left the Jiang Residence without stopping, leaving the city under cover of night. In just a few days, he left Qiongzhou and headed for the border of the mortal realm, waiting only for the complete integration of the Core before entering the immortal realm, changing his name and identity, and seeking refuge in a notorious demon den.

Unexpectedly, Ren Shuhan didn’t die that night.

He didn’t stay at the Jiang Residence that day either. Instead, for some reason, he covered his wound, dragged his heavy steps, and ascended Cold Mountain.

Perhaps on Cold Mountain, his Master could treat him.

But Ren Shuhan could only smile bitterly at the thought, even if he received treatment, so what?

He no longer knew why he was alive.

That night, snow suddenly fell heavily. Jian Ci knew the plot in advance, so he gave Ren Shuhan a night off, but he was restless and waited for him at the foot of the mountain, nearly having a heart attack when he saw Ren Shuhan approaching covered in blood and collapsing in the snow.

This wasn’t the plot he arranged!

In the original story, Jiang Qingyue was just a cannon fodder who, because of his estrangement from Ren Shuhan and his unbearable love for him, came up with a plan to drug Ren Shuhan. When discovered, Ren Shuhan returned to Cold Mountain to seek help from Jian Ci, and they formed an ambiguous relationship.

From that day on, Ren Shuhan never saw Jiang Qingyue again until the end. By then, Jiang Qingyue had aged with white temples, but Ren Shuhan remained forever youthful, just as he was in the past, still holding hands with the equally youthful and beautiful Jian Ci, chatting happily, and passing by Jiang Qingyue.

Ren Shuhan didn’t recognize him, but he turned back and stopped, watching Ren Shuhan’s figure for a long time.

This ending could be considered tragic.

But Jian Ci always felt it was not enough.

He found that Ren Shuhan’s feelings for Jiang Qingyue were fundamentally different from what was written in the book. It wasn’t like: “Although they had been childhood friends for many years, they only interacted like siblings,” but rather more like the onset of romantic feelings.

Jiang Qingyue’s appearance was indeed outstanding, and his personality was gentle, unlike Jian Ci’s coldness. Ren Shuhan lived with him for many years, and even Jian Ci admitted…

It was really easy to develop feelings.

If Ren Shuhan hadn’t firmly returned to Cold Mountain as in the original story, but instead went along with Jiang Qingyue… Jian Ci couldn’t imagine it and definitely wouldn’t allow such a thing to happen.

So Jian Ci chose a pen from his system’s store and personally altered this part of the plot, making Jiang Qingyue act against Ren Shuhan.

But Jiang Qingyue couldn’t succeed; his fate was sealed—he would die.

And he would be killed by Ren Shuhan’s own hands.

Jian Ci had thought that Ren Shuhan would feel sad and disappointed, but these were just fleeting emotions. He knew Ren Shuhan well—resilient and capable of enduring hardship. He could succeed in any task, no matter how arduous, with a little more experience.

After experiencing betrayal from loved ones, he would become even more mature.

Only then could he become a better person.

Jian Ci had never imagined the scene before him.

Coming from a world where killing was commonplace, he was decisive in his actions and had experienced countless life-and-death situations. But watching the person in front of him fall and wanting to tend to his wounds, his hands trembled uncontrollably, unable to even hold the medicine steady.

“I regret it…” Jian Ci muttered incessantly, “I shouldn’t have let you go back. I knew it long ago, but I didn’t expect…”

It was in this moment of possible loss that Jian Ci realized his second self.

It was related to being born in a world where life and death were paramount, coupled with his naturally strong competitive spirit and gaming talent. He had never had time to try romantic experiences before, and this time-travel was his first attempt.

The system generated the type he would most likely be attracted to:

Handsome and tall, patient, with amazing combat talent, rebellious yet extremely loyal.

Most charming when smiling, with eyes that seemed to contain countless stars yet only focused on one person.

However, Jian Ci had always felt that he wasn’t moved. Even though his heart would race and he would sometimes desire physical contact when observing him, he would always deny it, saying it wasn’t love.

Watching Ren Shuhan endure the pain and stitch his wounds himself was the first time Jian Ci realized—

He had truly fallen for this character.

Jian Ci never thought he would have these feelings. His years of gaming experience made it impossible for him to face this side of himself, let alone confront the reality of being rejected by Ren Shuhan. So, from that moment on, he sometimes excessively yearned for love, fantasizing about romantic scenarios, and sometimes reverted to reality, treating the person he liked with the same coldness and indifference, unwittingly entering the hell he had set for himself.

While destroying others, he also destroyed himself.

In the remaining ten or so years of this book, neither Jian Ci nor Ren Shuhan ever emerged from the snow of that night.

Ren Shuhan rebuilt his Core, practiced martial arts day and night, and focused on advancing his cultivation to numb himself. His life became busier, and rather than say he never thought of Jiang Qingyue again, it was more accurate to say he never forgot.

Jian Ci felt sorry for him, telling him not to call him Master anymore, that he shouldn’t be so depressed without Jiang Qingyue. He even stayed by his side every day, but Ren Shuhan always pushed him away, saying he wanted to be alone for a while.

“You… Ah Ci,” Ren Shuhan hesitated for a moment, hanging his head sorrowfully, “You don’t understand. I… I feel differently about him.”

It was different.

It was a desire to touch, to hug, to kiss, to gently bite like a small beast, to hold him tightly in his arms, and to protect him with his life—the kind of fervent affection that had been buried in that snowstorm.

Once, when Jian Ci was drunk, he came to Ren Shuhan’s room, sat on his bed, and watched him. Suddenly, he lowered his head.

Ren Shuhan thought he wanted to hug him, but he felt uncomfortable, so he closed his eyes and turned his head away, as if rejecting him, without saying anything. Jian Ci then fled in embarrassment.

As he left, Ren Shuhan felt a little sad and grabbed his sleeve.

Jian Ci turned back, silently sitting on his bed.

“Ah Ci, I…” Ren Shuhan also sat up, mentioning for the first time in many years the person he had never spoken of before. He confessed, “I miss him.”

For Ren Shuhan, Jian Ci was like an elder who had cared for him from birth until he was five years old, much like a father or an older brother. Even after he turned sixteen, Jian Ci continued to look after him. Although Jian Ci seemed colder than Ren Shuhan remembered and perhaps not very expressive of his emotions, he was still an important figure in Ren Shuhan’s life.

“Death is like extinguishing a lamp,” Jian Ci said stiffly. “You should have forgotten about him long ago.”

Ren Shuhan shook his head.

“He’s not dead.”

Jian Ci froze.

“Even if he wanted to kill me, what difference does it make if I give him this life?” Ren Shuhan suddenly smiled. “I owe him my life.”

“What are you saying?” Jian Ci asked blankly, because he had always believed that Jiang Qingyue was dead, so he had never looked into Jiang Qingyue’s whereabouts over the years. “He injured you severely, yet you didn’t kill him? Are you saying you were too weak at the time?”

“I couldn’t kill him,” Ren Shuhan said. “I could have killed him, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

Sorry for not posting earlier! I was actually finishing piling up the chapters for a huge update to complete the novel

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!