Doomsday Ecstasy Cave - Chapter 125

Published at 21st of March 2022 05:11:32 PM

Chapter 125

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In contrast to the elegant club above, outside the elevator was a casino that fully smelled of money everywhere. There were many people there, all kinds of people. There were big fat men with fat brains who looked like they were rich at a glance, there were some cynical young masters from the upper class, playing poker carelessly with cigarettes in their mouths, and there were also aristocrats who were old but had an aristocratic air in their every gestures.


What surprised Chu Youning the most was the countless beauties in the hall... Yes, beauties. Although they were different in style, each one of them was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off them. Such a scene might not have been uncommon before the end of the world, but in the end times, this was simply a miracle.


Chu Youning even fell into a trance for a moment, that perhaps the so-called end of the world was just a terrible dream.


Seeing Wei Zixin's arrival, many people stopped what they were doing to greet her. And Wei Zixin also instantly became more refined, smooth and slick(*in establishing social relation) from her previous silence. While talking to Wei Zixin, those people sized up Chu Youning with a curious light in their eyes.


Ever since Chu Youning had turned into a skinny boy, she had maintained that image in front of Wei Zixin. So everyone was very curious to see an unremarkable young boy beside Wei Zixin.


In the face of everyone's discreet inquiries, Wei Zixin just smiled mysteriously, without meaning to solve their curiosity at all.


The entire underground casino was divided into five floors. The third and fourth floor was an open casino, the fifth floor was a box casino, and the first two floors below were a variety of er*tic love suites.


It was conceivable that guests eats in the clubhouse, gambles there, and after gambling, they will drag their favorite beauties to the er*tic suites below to have s*x, leading a decadent life in a drunken stupor day after day. It was worthy of being called the "Ecstasy Cave" by Wei Zixin ah.


Just when Chu Youning thought this was all, Wei Zixin took her into the elevator again, and this time... she pressed B1 again.


Perhaps because she had experienced it once, this time Chu Youning was very calm. But when the elevator door opened again, Chu Youning was still shocked. "This place is..."


"The gladiatorial ring!" Wei Zixin said with a smile.


The place was huge and tall, with three floors in a ring shape. The top floor was a circle of private rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows, the second floor was a platform surrounded by a circle of fences, and the ground floor was a circular gladiatorial arena.


The entire three-story building was black and red in a repressive style, and the air was filled with the thick smell of blood. At this time, there was no gladiatorial shows, and the place only had a few staff members that were cleaning up.


Wei Zixin took Chu Youning for a brief look, and then entered the elevator again. This time... Chu Youning surprisingly saw an underground shopping mall...


"Ever heard of the black market?" Wei Zixin asked in a deep voice.


Chu Youning felt as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest. In just less than an hour, her so-called worldview of survival in the apocalypse, collapsed.


"Here is it..." Wei Zixin seemed to be pleased by Chu Youning's silly expression, and rubbed her head with a smile. "Don't look at how easy it is for you to come in. In fact, every elevator has a newly developed genetic code lock. Only a selected few that have gone through a heavy screening are eligible to come here."


Wei Zixin did not lead her to the black market, but took her in another direction.


"You will live here from now on, my room is next to yours. There is an office behind that door, that's where I work."


The room Wei Zixin prepared for Chu Youning was a spacious building within a building. There were two floors above and below, with the bedroom, study, bathroom above, and the living room, kitchen, gym, and a training room for practicing supernatural abilities below.


This place would have been considered a mansion even before the end of the world.


"You rest first, I will take you to dinner later! "Wei Zixin patted Chu Youning on the shoulder and left after saying that.



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