Published at 19th of January 2024 01:09:53 PM

Chapter 463: 461Imminent Danger Arrives as Scheduled

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Chapter 463 Chapter461-Imminent Danger Arrives as Scheduled

As the blizzard descended upon them, Ethan and Shadow Elf found themselves trapped within the inn, unable to venture outside.

Over the course of the next two days, the two of them discreetly gathered information about the inn's guests.

The majority of the inn's occupants were adventurers.

Some had faced immense dangers within the Glacial Peaks on previous journeys, while others were experiencing it for the first time.

A common thread among them all was a sense of unease regarding the peculiar nature of this blizzard.

One seasoned adventurer, who had crossed the Glacial Peaks multiple times, cryptically addressed those around him. Trace the roots of this material to novelb!n•

"Don't be fooled by the calm demeanor of the local residents here. This blizzard is far from ordinary. The blizzards in Glacial Peaks have always followed a strict pattern. Under normal circumstances, a blizzard at this time is highly unusual. I believe it might be an ominous sign of something terrible about to happen."

Some of the guests remained skeptical of his speculations, believing that the timing of blizzards in the Glacial Peaks might not be as precise as he claimed.

"I find your conjecture utterly baseless," one traveler argued, his voice tinged with the confidence of one who had traversed these lands more than once.

"I, too, have lingered in these parts, and have been ambushed by sudden blizzards. Are you suggesting that merely because Glacial Peaks harbors the formidable Power of Frost, it dictates the onset of these tempests?"

"Glacial Peaks is not a mere sanctuary of frosty might. There, myriad forces intertwine, each as potent as the next."

"I've even heard tales of its very genesis being wrought from the clashes of deities, a battlefield where from the ashes of divine combat Glacial Peaks emerged. Without such celestial warfare, it might have remained a nondescript hillock, lost in the annals of time."

Their argument became a wellspring of information, much to the interest of those nearby.

Amidst this verbal tempest, there stood Ethan, a listener by choice, unswayed to take part.

His purpose was clear as the mountain air - to gather information, a quest he pursued with unwavering resolve.

Ethan was no stranger to tales of Glacial Peaks, especially those whispering of the White King and his legends.

Yet, his knowledge was second-hand, a collection of stories and rumors, for he had never ventured to the far side of Glacial Peaks himself.

As the travelers sparred with words, unable to sway the other, Ethan absorbed every word, every inflection, a silent observer to their impassioned exchange.

Ultimately, neither traveler could claim victory in this battle of beliefs and experiences.

"Do you all look like you've been to the other side of Glacial Peaks? Do you know if there have been any significant changes on the other side? "

It was evident that this guest was a formidable magus, particularly skilled in Cryo Magic, a master of ice-based spells.

How could such a powerful Cryo Magus be easily killed? In this small town, Cryo Magi were considered highly formidable.

"Things aren't as simple as they seem. The content on this note is likely meant to mislead our judgment. Our hidden adversary may intend to eliminate all of us," a guest not far behind Ethan stated calmly.

As he shared his assessment, his tone remained composed, as though he had grown accustomed to such situations.

Ethan quickly turned to look at the individual.

He could tell that this guest was a warrior of considerable strength.

The guest's gaze, when directed at Ethan, held a hint of wariness.

"Why do you say that? Do you happen to possess additional information? If you do, could you please share it with us? It could be immensely helpful in finding the culprit," Ethan inquired, seeking more details.

The formidable warrior simply smiled in response to Ethan's question.

He believed there was no need to divulge much information to Ethan, as he deemed Ethan unworthy of discussing the matter with him.

"Did you not hear the questions he just asked? Since you seem to possess additional information, why not share it with all of us? Or is it that you killed this person, and you are the culprit?"

Shadow Elf naturally sided with Ethan, and she confronted the warrior who had not answered Ethan's question.

The formidable warrior held Shadow Elf in high regard.

It seemed that he could sense the immense power of the Shadow Elf's Power of Shadow.

"The reason I didn't answer his question is because it's a complete waste of time. How could I be the culprit? If I were the culprit, I would have already launched an attack on all of you."

"Whoever killed such a powerful Cryo Magus must possess considerable strength. All of you combined may not even be a match for them. If I had such immense power, I wouldn't be wasting my time here. I could easily find some lords from the Human Empire to provide me with a highly lucrative job," the formidable warrior retorted.

The response from the formidable warrior seemed to convince the others.

However, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that there were hidden secrets about him, and he was determined to uncover what those secrets might be.

During their conversation, the innkeeper finally regained her composure.

"We need to find a highly skilled magus to ensure the safety of our inn. Only that way can we be certain that our establishment is secure. I'm sure all of you guests want to ensure your place of residence is safe as well," she stated.

The innkeeper hoped to locate a magus within the town, but with the blizzard raging outside, anyone venturing into it would face tremendous danger.

Naturally, the innkeeper herself wouldn't undertake such a task.

She now cast her gaze upon the guests, believing that their abilities must be formidable.

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