Published at 19th of January 2024 01:09:46 PM

Chapter 470: 468Collaboration of Two Ethans

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Chapter 470 Chapter468-Collaboration of Two Ethans

In the Cursed Dreamland, Ethan found himself locked in a fierce battle with his dreamland counterpart.

Though their combat was intense, both Ethans were careful not to alert anyone else to their clandestine clash.

Ethan was determined not to allow this sudden conflict to awaken Prophet Magus prematurely within the dream realm.

Conversely, the Ethan within the dream wished not to disturb Prophet Magus's actions within this enigmatic world.

After a while of intense combat, both realized that neither could swiftly vanquish the other.

Thus, they temporarily disengaged, creating some distance between them.

The Shadow Elf also naturally distanced itself from its dreamland counterpart.

The duel between these two Shadow Elves yielded no discernible outcome.

"Who are you exactly? Why have you appeared here? And how is it that your strength matches mine perfectly, with skills that mirror mine in every way? You even have a Shadow Elf by your side! You must explain yourself thoroughly, or I won't let you go easily. Though I may not be able to defeat you outright, your power does not surpass mine."

Ethan within the dreamland questioned Ethan sharply.

The Ethan in the dreamland's actions didn't surprise Ethan at all, for he believed that he would have said the same had he found himself in a similar situation.

"I am Ethan, the real Ethan," he explained.

"You are merely a manifestation within this dream realm. I have come here to seek answers to the questions that plague me."

Ethan's explanation elicited a brief look of surprise from his dreamland counterpart.

However, the dream Ethan quickly grasped the situation.

"If I am but a character within this dream, then Prophet Magus, who just walked through the corridor, must also be a figure within this dream," reasoned the dream Ethan.

"So, the dream we find ourselves in belongs to Prophet Magus. Is your purpose to determine if Prophet Magus is truly on our side? Or do you aim to ascertain if he possesses the immense power he claims?"

Much like the real Ethan, the dream Ethan remained remarkably composed and rational, his mind working tirelessly to unravel the enigma of their circumstances.

After Ethan provided some clues, the dream Ethan swiftly pieced together the puzzle.

"What you say makes perfect sense," he concurred.

"The reason I entered Prophet Magus's dream realm was indeed to unravel these two questions. If I'm not mistaken, in this dream realm, Prophet Magus has instructed all of you to remain in your respective rooms while he investigates alone. I believe you should stay in your room, and I and the Shadow Elf I brought with me will discreetly monitor Prophet Magus."

He believed that offering clues to the dreamland Prophet Magus might trigger changes within his dream, potentially leading to unforeseen dangers.

"If we provide him with these clues, his dream might undergo corresponding alterations, and we could even face greater risks. I think it's best to proceed with caution," Ethan replied, his voice low and thoughtful.

Shadow Elf's argument gradually persuaded Ethan.

Shadow Elf believed that even if they provided clues to Prophet Magus within the dream, Prophet Magus would likely consider them as mere dream revelations once he woke up.

"I don't think this will lead to significant changes in his dream, and it might even help him find some leads within the dream!" Shadow Elf exclaimed.

"If we can achieve that, our next actions might become easier. Even if Prophet Magus becomes somewhat suspicious of us due to this, he would likely attribute it to the dream revelations stemming from his prophetic abilities."

With this rationale, Ethan emerged from the shadows and approached Prophet Magus directly.

When Prophet Magus laid eyes on Ethan, his expression did not betray any surprise.

"I saw in my prophecy that you would appear here. But my question is, what is your purpose for being here? Did you step out of your room because you found some clues?"

Prophet Magus, despite his prophetic abilities, remained unaware that the Ethan before him was not the Ethan of the dreamland.

His powers did not extend to distinguishing dreamland characters from reality.

"I am indeed here to provide you with clues," Ethan replied.

"I can offer you a lead that there are mysterious individuals within this inn. Among them is a man in black, whose actions on the day I first checked into the inn were highly unusual. I believe he is still hiding somewhere within the inn. Could you use this clue to prophesy relevant information? Perhaps this time, you will find enough hints. If we can locate the man in black, we may gain a direction to resolve this issue."

Ethan rapidly conveyed all the information he possessed about the man in black.

He understood that withholding any details could hinder Prophet Magus from extracting more significant insights from the prophecies.

Prophet Magus nodded and closed his eyes once again.

In his mind, he integrated all the clues provided by Ethan.

What he witnessed next sent shivers down his spine—a terrifying vision.

The man in black had indeed eliminated Cryo Magus!

Furthermore, it was a fatal blow, leaving Cryo Magus no time for retaliation.

Prophet Magus witnessed the vision of the man in black slaying Cryo Magus, and in an instant, he opened his eyes, staring at Ethan in shock.

"You were absolutely right," he exclaimed.

"The man in black you mentioned is indeed the one who killed Cryo Magus! And he is currently within the inn! We must quickly alert the others; otherwise, they will also fall prey to the threat posed by this man in black!"The source of this material is novelbin★

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