Published at 19th of January 2024 01:09:39 PM

Chapter 473: 471The Innkeeper's Dream

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Chapter 473 471-The Innkeeper's Dream

After Ethan had presented his proposal, he turned his gaze towards Prophet Magus and Shadow Elf.

Ethan could tell that Shadow Elf would heed his suggestion, but he remained uncertain about what was going through Prophet Magus's mind.The source of this content can be linked to n0velbin•

He could discern the ever-shifting expressions on Prophet Magus's face, a testament to his inner turmoil.

Ethan refrained from pressing Prophet Magus further, aware that his hesitation stemmed from his past actions.

He needed to grant Prophet Magus ample time for contemplation.

"I've made my decision. I will join you in this endeavor. However, you must tell me how you both enter others' dreams," Prophet Magus declared after a moment of hesitation.

Still, he harbored the hope of unraveling the secrets behind Ethan and Shadow Elf's ability to infiltrate the dreams of others.

Ethan and Shadow Elf exchanged a glance, both of them now slightly hesitant.

The Cursed Dreamland was a closely guarded secret among the Shadow Clan, and they contemplated whether they should help preserve that secret.

"I believe Sherry would approve of our current course of action. If she were truly here, she would have shared the details of Cursed Dreamland with Prophet Magus,"

Ethan said after a moment of reflection, addressing Shadow Elf directly.

Upon hearing Ethan's words, Shadow Elf understood his final decision and saw no issue with Ethan's actions.

"We have the ability to enter the dreams of others through the use of Cursed Dreamland. You may not be familiar with it, but I can tell you that Cursed Dreamland is an extension of the power of the deity, the God of Curses," Shadow Elf explained.

"You must have heard of the God of Curses, haven't you? The God of Curses possesses the power to influence one's mind and can drive people to the brink of madness."

Prophet Magus was naturally familiar with the God of Curses.

For a magus, understanding the attributes of deities and the powers they represented was of paramount importance.

While Prophet Magus spent the majority of his time delving into spells related to the River of Destiny, he still needed a certain level of knowledge about spells from other domains.

"The power of the God of Curses? You dare to harness its might? Aren't you concerned that using such power might drive you to madness?"

Prophet Magus expressed a hint of surprise at Ethan and the others for daring to wield the power of the God of Curses.

After all, he had come across some information about the deity in the past.

Among the information he had gathered about the God of Curses, the most notable point was that it had the potential to plunge those who used its power into the depths of insanity.

Ethan appeared somewhat resigned as he replied, "I'm well aware of the risks, but I have no other choice. If there were alternative ways to gather more clues, I wouldn't take such a gamble."

Prophet Magus, being cautious by nature, refrained from speaking directly.

After all, he had just entered someone else's dream.

With more experience in such matters, Ethan decided to take the lead.

"Our purpose for being here isn't to change rooms but rather to inquire about a specific guest staying in your inn," Ethan began.

As he spoke, the dream innkeeper's expression underwent a significant transformation.

She appeared displeased with Ethan's approach.

"I won't readily divulge information about the guests in my inn unless you can provide me with a compelling reason," the dream innkeeper responded firmly.

The dream innkeeper's resolve remained steadfast.

She understood that casually revealing her guests' information could tarnish her inn's reputation significantly.

Ethan felt somewhat awkward, struggling to come up with a convincing reason to persuade her.

Just as he grappled with the dilemma, Prophet Magus decided to intervene.

"It appears that something dreadful has transpired within your inn. The information we seek about that specific guest is closely tied to the unfortunate events transpiring here. I have witnessed these events in my prophetic visions, which is why I've come to offer assistance. Do you doubt my words? If you do, I can leave," Prophet Magus asserted.

Prophet Magus's words left the dream innkeeper visibly distressed.

The innkeeper addressed Prophet Magus directly, saying, "You may go ahead and ask your questions. There have indeed been distressing events in my inn, though I can't recall the specifics at the moment."

Her response surprised both Ethan and Prophet Magus.

Ethan's instincts kicked in, and he prepared himself for a potential confrontation.

He understood that within a dream, the innkeeper should have access to all her memories, as the subconscious could retrieve every piece of information from one's memory.

However, the fact that the innkeeper couldn't remember the unsettling events within her inn could only mean one thing: her dream had been influenced by an external force.

The most likely culprit to affect the innkeeper's dream was none other than the mysterious figure in black.

In the very moment Ethan braced himself for a possible battle, an immensely powerful bolt of lightning struck down from above.

Ethan managed to narrowly evade it, but his two companions were not as fortunate.

They were unable to dodge the lightning's deadly attack.

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