Published at 30th of May 2024 01:17:07 PM

Chapter 486: 484Flawless Stratagem

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Chapter 486 484-Flawless Stratagem

Shadow Elf continued, "In the upcoming events, all we ask of you is assistance. We will not hold your previous actions against you, for you, too, have fallen victim to the deception of the God of Curses."

He understood the innkeeper's anguish and her desperation to undo the tragedy of losing her son.

Shadow Elf believed that her cooperation was essential in uncovering the ultimate strategy of the God of Curses.

Without her help, they would be left vulnerable and unprepared for whatever malevolent plans the god had in store.

As Shadow Elf conversed with the innkeeper, in another realm, Ethan and the God of Curses remained locked in their tense standoff.

Confronted with the God of Curses' inquiries, Ethan chose to withhold any response.

He was uncertain if the God of Curses possessed additional trump cards up his sleeve, and caution dictated his silence.

Though Ethan had emerged victorious in their battle within the Shadow Clan's territory, he sensed that the God of Curses had not yet unleashed his full power.

In the Shadow Clan's domain, Ethan could still draw upon the assistance of the Power of Shadow.

"Why do you remain silent now?" the God of Curses taunted, his tone filled with confidence.

"Do you still believe you have a chance at victory? You must surely sense the relentless surge of the Power of Curse. When it strengthens to a point where the dream realm can no longer bear its weight, both you and everyone within will be crushed by the curse. Even if I were not here, it would be impossible for you to escape."

His presence in this confrontation, the God of Curses explained, was solely to ensure the success of his ultimate plan.

He held an unwavering belief in the flawless execution of his strategy, honed over an extensive period.

"To ensure your complete defeat," he declared, "I have invested considerable time and effort into orchestrating this master plan."

The God of Curses' confidence was unshaken, as he believed Ethan was now trapped without any viable escape routes.

Ethan, as anticipated by the God of Curses, remained in prolonged silence, seemingly devoid of any response or counterstrategy.

Just as the God of Curses prepared to deliver another taunt, Ethan spoke up directly.

"I'm not sure what you think of Shadow Elf. Do you genuinely believe he's incapable of insight into your machinations? He hasn't even delved into the deeper layers of the dream realm. That means there's no way for you to stop his actions. If he were to disrupt your plans within the shallow dreamland, do you truly think your scheme would succeed?"

Ethan's counterquestions left the God of Curses momentarily hesitant.

In truth, the God of Curses didn't hold Shadow Elf in high regard.

To him, Shadow Elf was merely an extension of the power of the God of Shadows, and he considered his own abilities to be on par with those of the God of Shadows.

Therefore, why should he fear Shadow Elf, whose power paled in comparison?

The God of Curses continued to dismiss Ethan's statements as mere bluster.

Little did he know that the God of Curses still possessed the power to put up a fight.

Prophet Magus had underestimated the God of Curses' strength.

Sensing Prophet Magus's unease, Shadow Elf spoke up, his tone conveying the gravity of the situation.

"Although the God of Curses has been weakened, he is still a deity, and his power remains formidable. The version of the God of Curses appearing in the deep dreamland is, in fact, his true self. While there are countless incarnations of the God of Curses, each one possesses significant strength."

"If not for our coordinated efforts, the God of Curses' plan would have already succeeded. I can assure you that once the God of Curses' plan succeeds, it won't only affect me and Ethan. Your entire town will face dire consequences. After all, the protective deity of your town pales in comparison to the might of the God of Curses."

Shadow Elf's words were undeniably true.

The protective deity of the small town was far from being one of the top-tier deities; in fact, it couldn't even compare to some of the second-generation deities.

Given this reality, the town's protective deity stood little chance against the might of the God of Curses.

After hearing the conversation between the two, the innkeeper couldn't help but feel a sense of perplexity.

However, the innkeeper didn't need to know all the details.

Regret filled her heart.

Prophet Magus had shown her a vision of her son being successfully resurrected by the God of Curses.

But, as Shadow Elf had pointed out, the resurrection had turned her son into a twisted monstrosity.

Faced with the grim reality, she began to question her allegiance to the God of Curses.

The innkeeper now saw the futility of her actions and realized the dire consequences of her choices.

Her obsession had waned, and she no longer harbored as many regrets.

She understood that betraying the God of Curses might be the only way to prevent the abomination her son had become.

In the end, Prophet Magus and Shadow Elf chose not to take any further actions, realizing that their interference might only complicate Ethan's situation.

They understood that additional interventions might put Ethan at greater risk instead of providing assistance.

They decided to wait patiently for Ethan to prevail in his battle.

Ethan's showdown with the God of Curses had been a prolonged and grueling struggle, and it wasn't until the approach of dawn that the battle reached its climax.

Despite the God of Curses being a deity-level being and having meticulously planned this operation over an extended period, Ethan, with perfect coordination from his allies, managed to secure victory.

Ethan not only uncovered all of the God of Curses' plans successfully but also emerged triumphant in their final confrontation.

While the God of Curses had orchestrated a top-notch scheme, Ethan's unwavering determination and cooperation with his allies ultimately turned the tide of the battle.

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