Published at 30th of May 2024 01:19:23 PM

Chapter 495: Diplomatic Envoy

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Chapter 495 Diplomatic Envoy

?The next day, Margaret and Howard strolled through the garden.

Margaret mentioned that Anna hadn't been visiting Fernsouth Castle much lately, staying instead in her own domain.

Howard shrugged his shoulders, implying that a lord cannot command where their vassals reside during peacetime.

Margaret clarified that she didn't mean for Howard to order Anna around, but recently she had been feeling a bit strange and lonely.

She worried if she had been too harsh in forcing Anna to seek alliances with the Katerina and Valuva families, fearing Anna might hold a grudge against her.

Howard wasn't entirely sure himself but tried to reassure Margaret, saying, "Don't worry, Anna won't take it to heart."

They reached a small pavilion and sat down on stone benches.

Howard reflected on how the environment here was far better than in Safa Village, making him realize the hardships of his childhood.

Margaret then brought up Kaido, inquiring about his recent situation.

The mention of Kaido made Howard tense and concerned about the unfolding events.

"Last I recall, Kaido's knight squire had imprisoned him, claiming he needed to teach Kaido a lesson," Howard said. Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

"I haven't followed up on that matter since. Now that you mention it, it does seem odd. It's been quite a few days; why hasn't Kaido been released yet?"

Margaret, not fully understanding the situation, made some casual remarks, though she had always been rather indifferent towards Kaido.

That afternoon, Howard instructed Bosiden to send someone to Windhaven Village to check on Kaido's situation.

He wanted to know whether Golan was planning a usurpation or intending to release Kaido, and he expected a clear response.

The next day, Bosiden reported that the turmoil in Windhaven Village had subsided.

Golan had disciplined Kaido and subsequently released him.

Howard, aiming at a target in the archery range, remarked, "Well, as long as he's unharmed, that's good. Windhaven Village seems to have returned to normal."

Having aimed carefully, he released an arrow that struck the bullseye, eliciting cheers from the conscript soldiers training alongside him.

Bosiden spoke softly, "However, after releasing Kaido, he dismissed Golan."

Howard, visibly shocked, exaggeratedly exclaimed, "What?"

Bosiden continued with some difficulty, "The situation indeed took some twists, but in the end, Golan no longer wishes to serve as Kaido's knight squire and is seeking a position with another noble."

Howard stroked his upper lip thoughtfully, "Invite him over, let him be my knight squire."

Howard had no real intention of violence.

In the past weeks, he had studied diplomacy and international relations in the library, gaining a deeper understanding.

His aggressive posture was a calculated move to make a statement to Mibo's envoy, asserting his position since Mibo had been the one to breach their agreement.

There was no need for Howard to humble himself.

Releasing Ivan's collar, Howard looked down at him and said, "So, you're the envoy sent by Mibo? What kind of schemes and plots does that old fox have this time?"

Ivan bowed to Howard as an apology.

Howard responded, "Good, now hand over the title of Baron Gokasu, and I'll consider this matter resolved."

Ivan, in a difficult position, explained that it was his father and uncle's decision, and he had no authority over it.

Howard scoffed coldly at Ivan, indicating that the words of Mibo's envoy amounted to nothing but empty talk.

Without presenting a tangible title, the injustice Howard suffered would remain unaddressed, and he would not forgive Mibo.

Ivan retorted, "Don't blame me or my father. This whole affair was orchestrated by my uncle, who persuaded my father to betray you. If you must blame someone, blame him."

Unable to contain himself, Howard burst into laughter, viewing Ivan more as a jester than an envoy.

"Are you jesting? As a warlord, you allowed an ally to dictate the terms of your war's resolution? Do you think such a warlord bears no responsibility? Don't take me for a naive fool. I've done my research these past days."

"In your role as the warlord, the decision to strip or retain Hof's title was entirely yours to make at the moment. Don't use your ally as an excuse."

"If you had chosen not to strip Hof of his title and instead imprisoned him, even if your ally's relative was furious, they couldn't have made that decision for you."

"Therefore, this entire debacle is solely your fault. You couldn't resist temptation and heeded wicked counsel – isn't that your own doing?"

Ivan, aware of the reality but committed to his role as a diplomat, repeated his earlier statements with the practiced tone of an envoy, then added, "Lord Howard, although we of the Gokasu are mere barons, our military strength is not insignificant. Do you know why that is?"

Howard settled into a chair and signaled Nora to command the maids to pour tea for them.

Ivan took the opportunity to sit down, offering Howard a smile, which Howard did not return.

"Why is that? Are you testing my intelligence gathering?" Howard inquired.

"Take a guess," Ivan prompted.

Howard scoffed, "You really think I'm unaware? Your father has consolidated many knightly titles. Despite holding an excessive number, which is beyond the norm, he refuses to distribute any to create new knights."

Ivan nodded, "Yes, I've advised him against this, but he won't listen."

As the maids served the tea, Ivan pointed to his cup and said to one of them, "Add some sugar, please. I have a sweet tooth."

The maid glanced at Howard, who gave a slight nod, signaling her to comply.

Howard then asked Ivan, "You've advised him? And how exactly did you do that? Did you suggest your father award some of the surplus titles to you?"

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