Published at 30th of May 2024 01:18:44 PM

Chapter 519: Supporting Edward

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Chapter 519 Supporting Edward

?A month later, the fleet returning from the New World docked at Luka, unloading a vast cargo.

Meanwhile, Edward made his move against the Duke of Florence.

Howard dispatched troops directly.

Resarite, for his part, showed no sign of rebellion, claiming his earlier remarks were just a sleepy blunder, which Howard took with a grain of salt.

He didn't care whether it was true or not; as long as Resarite didn't revolt, he remained a valued vassal.

Howard assigned Resarite the position of a commander, with the soldiers under his command.

Ten days later, in the territory of the Earl of Florence, Ferald's diplomatic minister met with Howard.

Howard offered the minister a glass of water, a gesture of basic courtesy.

The minister from Ferald began, "Noble, brave, and wise Duke Howard, first, please allow me to extend my highest respects to you. My lord, the Duke of Florence, has long admired your reputation and often speaks of your valiant figure on the battlefield in his court."

"My lord does not wish to engage in combat with such a respected adversary. Kind Duke Howard, please withdraw from this war. In return, my lord will reveal to you the location of a gold mine in Nok territory."

Vettel stood silently, and Howard glanced at him.

Vettel shook his head.

Howard responded, "A gold mine in Nok territory? If that's true, how come I, the Earl of Nok, am unaware of it?"

The diplomatic minister attempted to show Howard the exact location on a map, but Howard hastily gestured to Golan to stop him, saying, "No, no, no, put away your map. I've already made a promise to Edward, and I cannot withdraw from this battle. Keep your goodwill, I cannot accept it."

Another ten days passed, and the Florence Castle was breached.

Edward discovered a large amount of gold that Ferald had not managed to evacuate in time.

This gold was stored in deliberately aged boxes, covered with a thick layer of misleading dust.

However, Edward's Briar Brigade, a mercenary group, was not only skilled in combat but also had a keen eye and methods for treasure hunting.

Desai, the deputy leader of the Briar Brigade, pushed open a door that seemed long sealed and immediately sensed something amiss.

The spotty cobwebs were clearly not naturally formed.

The man replied amiably, "I am an officer, currently en route to the battlefield. However, I am not part of Duke Howard's direct troops. My father always taught us not to oppress the people and to treat them well, as they are the foundation of our cause. My name is Cotler, the son of Earl Resarite."

Howard's mouth curved into a smile, but he didn't laugh out loud, his teeth clenched together in an odd expression.

Catherine, unaware of the prior conversation between Howard and Resarite, pinched Howard's arm and said, "What's the matter? Cotler is Resarite's son, and Resarite is an earl under your command. Isn't that a good thing? Why don't you seem happy?"

Howard, feeling somewhat helpless, replied, "I'm not unhappy."

Cotler and his cavalry, overhearing the couple's conversation, exchanged glances in disbelief.

Tentatively, Cotler asked Catherine, "Madam, are you...?"

Catherine revealed their identities and then wiped their faces a bit cleaner.

The cavalry dismounted and knelt in respect.

After Howard and Catherine returned to Lagusa, bathed, and changed into clean clothes, Howard chided Catherine for revealing their identities so soon.

Catherine defended her action as being opportunistic based on the situation.

Howard felt a sense of regret.

He did not immediately reward Cotler with any honor; the Resarite family was becoming increasingly enigmatic to him.

Cotler had shown exemplary conduct, and under normal circumstances, Howard would have likely granted him an additional title on the spot.

However, following Resarite's recent proposal, Howard hesitated to bestow any title upon Cotler, fearing it might be a trap.

Seeing Howard's troubled expression, Catherine asked, "Is there something wrong with Cotler? I sensed something odd in your behavior towards him."

Howard then confided in Catherine about the entire situation.

Catherine pondered for a moment and said, "You should check what titles Cotler holds under his father."

Howard, puzzled, replied, "What does that have to do with me? Even if he has a title, it's under Resarite, not a loyalty to me."

Catherine chided gently, "No, that's not what I mean. You could give him a knight's title or a baronetcy. That way, even if he is under Resarite, he might still be grateful to you."

Howard turned to leave, saying, "Catherine, it seems you don't quite understand. A vassal's vassal is not my vassal. I cannot directly grant a title to a vassal's vassal without bypassing Resarite. I suggest you learn more about the rules of nobility."

Five or six days later, the conflict concluded.

Earl Edward gained the title of Duke of Florence, not only by occupying the earldom of Florence directly but also by securing the loyalty of the other earls in the territory.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!