Published at 30th of May 2024 01:18:40 PM

Chapter 522: Dealing with Resarite

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Chapter 522 Dealing with Resarite

?Howard left the lord's hall, then convened a meeting in a relaxed atmosphere, inviting his vassals to discuss how best to judge Resarite.

Anna sarcastically remarked about Resarite, "He aspired to be a duke, seeing himself above us mere earls and baronial knights. We hardly seem qualified to judge such a grand figure as Lord Resarite." Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Margaret suggested, "We should adjudicate according to noble tradition."

Bosiden proposed, "Leave him with a single earldom. I'll think about the rest."

Vettel offered, "Let him keep a barony, and take away the other titles."

Alonso added, "Take one of his baronies and let the rest be."

Kaido, glaring viciously at the three, then sycophantically addressed Howard, "Take all his lands and give them to me. I definitely won't rebel and will fight well for you."

Anna mocked Kaido's military prowess, "With your skills, giving troops to you would be sending them to their deaths. A noble who got trapped in his own lands by Golan should keep quiet."

She then glanced at the man in black chainmail standing to Howard's left – Golan, who had once imprisoned Kaido.

Kaido couldn't bear the insult.

He had tolerated the fact of Golan being Howard's knight squire since it was never openly discussed, but today's direct mention in the vassal meeting infuriated him.

He attempted to grab Anna's collar but was deflected by her swift hand.

Howard urged Kaido to calm down, saying, "Kaido, it's not that I won't grant you land; it's just that you have yet to earn my trust. I hope you can understand."

Kaido left the meeting in a huff, "If you can't even trust me, your relative, there's nothing more to say."

Watching Kaido's retreating figure, Anna unapologetically remarked, "He's nothing but a stuffed pillow, full of straw inside. Just look at his track record. Any honors he has received are entirely due to his wife's influence."

The meeting continued.

Portia, the chief of spies, suggested, "My lord, I propose not to strip Resarite of his titles, but to execute him instead."

Howard gasped in shock, and the other vassals reacted similarly.

Margaret, with her soft voice, pleaded, "Let's not be so cruel."

Anna's expression changed slightly as she gently added, "That might be a bit too far."

Bosiden, pointing accusingly at Portia, burst out, "Portia! Don't forget how Resarite treated you! You would never have caught Lord Howard's favor if it weren't for Resarite's strong recommendation, saving you. When you worked for Mibo and messed up my claim fabrication, I didn't even settle that score with you! And now you want to kill your benefactor? Are you even human?"

Satisfied with the findings, he carried a tray into the prison himself.

On the tray were a roasted chicken, a slice of cheese, and a bottle of milk.

Howard presented the meal to Resarite, who ate quietly.

Resarite's son had already been released and was on his way to Gokasu Castle.

Howard observed Resarite in silence, a gesture of respect.

After Resarite finished eating, Howard took the tray back out.

The war was over.

Charles, the "Bold" from the Fran Kingdom, arrived in Nok with his soldiers, only to find the conflict had ended.

Howard hosted a banquet in Charles's honor and offered him a thank-you gift of 100 gold coins.

Initially, Charles, being the son of the King of Fran Kingdom and not in need of money, refused to accept it.

However, he eventually relented and accepted Howard's sincere token of gratitude, unable to resist Howard's kindness and earnestness.

Subsequently, Howard gave Bosiden a meaningful glance.

Bosiden, with impeccable politeness, addressed Charles, "Respected Lord Charles, my lord currently seeks an ally in the Fran Kingdom. May I inquire if you are interested in further discussions?"

Considering his status, Charles replied, "My father is the King of the Fran Kingdom, and he often warns me to keep my distance from your country, expressing distrust. If I were to form an alliance with you, it might displease him."

Bosiden respectfully lowered his head, "Lord Charles comes from the illustrious Capet family, and I wouldn't dare to speak out of turn.

However, what are your thoughts on the current state of the Fran Kingdom? Is it capable of withstanding an offensive from our allied forces?"

Charles narrowed his eyes and said, "In the last war, the Fran Kingdom was defeated, and its core territories were seized by your empire's emperor.

Are you implying disrespect towards the Fran Kingdom and the Capet family? Who gave you the audacity to speak to me from such a high pedestal?"

Bosiden, feeling unjustly accused, was about to explain himself when Vettel interjected, "The Fran Kingdom has vast territories and was one of the early nations to develop a concept of statehood. Despite its fluctuating borders due to various disputes with the Ing Empire, the kingdom has awakened to the concepts of nationhood and ethnicity. The Fran Kingdom certainly has the strength to unify its internal conflicts. And as the primary heir to the Fran Kingdom's throne, Lord Charles, you should have more confidence in yourself."

Charles then found a seat and sat down.

Seeing his words make an impact, Vettel, invigorated, continued in the same vein, "The Capet family is the oldest surviving noble house. Their prestige is unmatched; no one dares claim to be first when the Capet family is second! While rulers of other nations have come and gone like passing seasons, the Capet family, through an unbroken line of male heirs over eleven generations, has firmly held the crown of the Fran Kingdom."

"As rulers, their governance has been exemplary, maintaining a firm grip on the kingdom's crown to this day. Moreover, the Capet family's influence extends beyond the Fran Kingdom; distant branches loyally serve within the feudal system of Castile, leading noble lives as vassals."

After saying this, Vettel carefully observed Charles's facial expressions, cautiously adding, "The glory of the Capet family is, I believe, even clearer to you, my lord, than to me. If you aspire to lead the Capet family back to its former splendor and stand the people of the Fran Kingdom at the pinnacle of the continent, cooperation with my lord Howard becomes even more essential for you."

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