Published at 30th of May 2024 01:17:12 PM

Chapter 573: Quelling the Rebellion

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Chapter 573 Quelling the Rebellion

?Vettel responded to Bosidn, "Ever since Master Resarite ruled our village, we have been good friends."

Bosiden added, "What, has it been ten years now?" Vettel took a sip of his malt beer and nodded in agreement.

Bosiden bit into a pudding.

"Given that, I'll treat you as someone I can trust. I'll speak frankly— you are a duke of the kingdom, and so am I. Let's join forces and overthrow Howard."

"After that, we can make Neplon the king." The beer mug was placed heavily on the table.

Vettel's eyes widened, and he said to Bosiden, "How much have you had to drink? You're this drunk to jest so recklessly—I'll pretend I never heard that."

Bosiden sighed, then waved his right hand through the air between them, as if to dispel any ill-spoken words.

"I'm serious, no joke," Bosiden asserted.

Vettel, with a swift motion, stood up to check the surrounding security measures.

He then ordered his confidant, "Impose martial law here today. No one is allowed in."

After issuing these commands, Vettel sat down across from Bosiden again, his face etched with worry. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"What's the rush? We are living the life of dukes, clothed in silk and feasting on delicacies. Why bother with anything else?"

"Isn't Howard managing everything well? The kingdom grows stronger by the day, and the new continent is nearly under our control. What could possibly dissatisfy you?"

Bosiden, with a troubled expression, crushed a peanut between his fingers before speaking.

"I don't really want to move against Howard, but have you seen what he's been up to lately?"

"Howard was quite commendable, benevolent to all on his way up. Even when Resarite Master rebelled once, he was shown leniency with no punishment. But ever since Resarite Master conspired with Anna and killed Margaret's father, losing his title, everything has fallen into chaos."

Vettel took a sip of his drink, finding Bosiden's words to carry a semblance of truth.

Yet, he felt that living a peaceful life was preferable, seeing no need for risk.

"Indeed," Vettel remarked, "since Master Resarite and Anna left, our entire nation's system has undergone too many changes."

"Whether it's the rising tide of new nobility or the original nobles from the Oungria region and those newly ennobled in the Balgen Peninsula, the people we know are becoming fewer, and those we don't, ever more numerous."

Vettel realized communication with the old village chief of Yami was futile, so he chose to stay silent.

At that moment, Neplon entered, his ambition evident as he declared, "What do you say, gentlemen, to joining my cause? I am confident in forging an alliance with the Fran Kingdom to establish a mighty empire that spans from the Oli region, through Oungria, across Balgen Peninsula, all the way to Constantinople Castle, stretching across the entire continent."


Within a week, Howard had temporarily appointed some individuals and replaced military commanders, removing Neplon from his position and appointing Arthur in his stead.

Arthur hailed from the Ing Empire, a man lent to Howard by Elizabeth.

Upon hearing of Howard's troubles, Queen Elizabeth immediately allowed Duke Wellington of the Ing Empire to temporarily fall under Howard's command to assist in managing the army.

Howard made it clear to Duke Wellington that he had no intentions of declaring war on the Ing Empire, urging the Duke to focus solely on training his troops without harboring any conflicting sentiments.


Neplon, Bosiden, and Vettel rebelled, plunging a significant portion of the kingdom into the hands of the insurgents.

Howard placed his trust in Arthur and personally led the troops into battle, advancing eastward with fifty thousand men, while commanding Ness to lead thirty thousand troops from the east to the west.

Neplon, as the rebel leader with Bosiden and Vettel lacking military expertise, assumed command.

General Desai was appointed as the commander of the left flank, while a person named Pierce led the right flank.

Pierce, a typical mercenary leader without notable military achievements, was chosen by Neplon for his compatibility with Neplon's preferences.

Howard received support from the Duchy of Savoy and the Lombardy Kingdom for his campaign, while Neplon's rebellion garnered no external assistance.

Arthur's tactical prowess effectively countered Neplon's strategies, leading to Howard's ultimate victory in the war.

Following their victory, Howard forgave Bosiden and Vettel, acknowledging their significant contributions to his rise and sparing them without penalty, releasing them immediately.

This act of clemency made both men realize their actions were unnecessary, increasing their loyalty towards Howard and vowing to serve him with greater fidelity.

Howard also released Neplon, who proved more difficult to reconcile with, declaring, "Howard, a battle between us is inevitable."

Howard thought to himself the futility of such words, given Neplon's previous defeat but responded diplomatically, "I hope you will manage your people well and seek their welfare in the future."

Neplon left without a word and, according to Portia, headed to the Fran Kingdom.

Soon after, a significant rebellion erupted in the Fran Kingdom.

Somehow, Neplon secured a military position within the Fran Kingdom, leading General Desai and their forces all the way to the capital, eventually becoming the king of the Fran Kingdom.

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