Published at 1st of October 2016 06:12:03 AM

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

After Meeting, A Supporter
Jiri, Jiri, the sound of scraping the soil was heard everywhere.
The brilliant lights from the ceiling illuminated the a square area that was
surrounded by light green walls. This was known as a <Room>. It is a cubic space
inside the dungeon.
Inside this place, I held my <Goddess’s Dagger> in a reversed grip and headed
towards that monster.
Four legs, two thin and sharp forearm, plus two huge eyeballs. Its entire body was
covered with a blood-red color. It cannot be helped that this figure reminds others
of ants.
However, what is different when compared to normal ants is that its body is
roughly the same size as me. Also it used its thin waist as support when it lifted its
upper body and straightened its back.
<Killer Ant>.
A Monster that appears after entering the 7th floor. Together with the 6th
Floor’s <War Shadow>, these two are usually known by Adventurers as the
<Rookie Killer>.
The name originates from the hard shell that wrapped around its whole body, as
well as its high attack power that leaves the Goblins and other Low-Level monsters
in the dust. The skin that was covering the body was as solid as a armor. You can
only constantly dodge against the the Killer Ant’s sporadic attack, otherwise it
really isn’t a joke if you were directly hit by its shelled attack.
The arm in front had four claws. The sheen from the faint reflection of the twisting
suddenly breaking out caused people to dread it.
Constant attacks, until the other’s defense completely shattered, then taking the
opportunity to use these sharp claws to land fatal injuries. This is the fixed attack
pattern of the Killer Ants.
Those Adventurers accustomed with the enemies up to the 5th floor have mostly
become their prey, because it was different than the monsters that could be easily
dealt with up till now.
KichiKichiKichiiii, the Killer Ant moved its mouth and issued of a sharp sound of
grinding its teeth.
Actually this monster is currently calling for its companions. Although,
it doesn’t actually make a noise, it seems that it will secrete a hormone that we
don’t know whenever it is in danger.
This tactic matches very well with its hard shell. Although to us Adventurers, it is
the worst.
No matter what, to defeat it, you must rely on a swift attack. Of course, killing it in
one attack and causing it to stop breathing is the best.
Separated by a few steps away, the Killer Ant and I stared at each other.
The one that moved first was me. No matter what, counterattacking and attack
second did not fit my personality.
So my side was the one that provoked the battle. I issued a cry and rushed and
swung my right arm towards the Killer Ant.
The enemy’s claw depicted a white arc in the air. It was approaching from the left
side of my sight——But it was cut off.
My side was faster. With an attack speed that was superior to the Killer Ant, I cut
the swinging claw off from the forearm.
I rotated around to the right side of the Killer Ant, which had lost its weapon.
While listening to its painful cries, I held the <Goddess’s Dagger> in order to
prepare for the next instant.
If I wanted to successfully defeat the Killer Ant, I must aim for the gap between
the hard shells. It was the normal method to attack the soft flesh inside the gap.
Although to a rookie adventurer, aiming for the tiny gap between the shell was
difficult, at least in theory it was.
However, I easily ignored this point.
Aiming at the head of the Killer Ant, that lost its arm, and revealed a defenseless
upper body, the black blade swept through like the word “一”.
I felt that the dagger’s blade pierce through the hard shell that protected its head.
At first, there was only the feeling. Then as the blade did not meet any resistance
and continued to enter, I naturally swung my arm as usual.
Sannnnn, accompanied by a nice sound,the dagger slid through the Killer Ant’s
head and the head flew up into the air. Purple fluid oozed up from the sliced off
neck. The Monster’s head that was spinning in the air, carried a expression as if it
did not know what happened as it headed towards the ground.
Following it, the body that seemed to notice that it lost its head, also fell to the
“……Ah, not bad!”
While swing the dagger and getting rid of the sticky fluid on top of it, I looked at
the <Goddess’s Dagger>
It feels like it was attracted to my hand. As if I had always been using it, it was
already familiar with my hand.
There was nothing to say much about the power. After all, it sliced through the
Killer Ant’s hard shell like it was butter.
Amazing, this is a Hephaestus Familia weapon!!
An item that Kami-sama gave me specifically.
While revealing an expression of a child receiving a new toy, I began to recover
the Magic Stone of the monsters I killed.
In reality, there isn’t much difference compared to the present me and my
childhood days. During all my previous birthdays, I would get a picture book about
Heroes. It feels like the current situation was the same as at that time. I remember
that, at that time, I would read the book very precariously. In the beginning, I did
not even dare to touch it, because I was afraid that it would get dirty.
But now when I was using this dagger, I would not be afraid and my heart
constantly had these thoughts.
(Thank you, Kami-sama……)
In my mind, I recalled the face of Kami-sama, who had recently become busy, and
I smiled cheerfully and thankfully.
I will definitely become stronger. In order to become a suitable owner for this
weapon, and also to not disappoint Kami-sama’s expectations.
I placed the dagger back into its sheath that was hanging on my waist, and I began
to continue my exploration of the 7th floor.
× × ×
“You really are courageous huh~?”
Bell could not help but let out a scream. In contrast to Eina’s
unsuspecting low voice, rage can be felt constantly leaking out from her, who was
now frowning in front of him.
Bell, who finished today’s 7th floor exploration, merrily headed back to the guild
headquarters while admiring the very existence of the dagger he obtained from
Hestia. After exchanging his battle rewards into gold, he went off to see his adviser 
Eina and also triumphantly give off his recent report——That the floor he reached
had increased to the 7th floor. The instant he mentioned this, Bell felt that he
invited his end.
Thunk! Eina slammed her hands onto the table in front. Her jade colored eyes
stared at him and Bell was forced to enter a state where he was being stared at like
a frog.
The reason behind Eina’s anger was just as she had said, that Bell did not care
about his growth and constantly increased his floor levels. According to her, this
was the act of Adventurers going on an <Adventure>, she was currently blaming
him about this point.
“A week ago, who was the person who nearly died against a Minotaur!?”
“I…It is me!?”
“Then why do you still have this behavior of continuing to go down floors! You
have already fell once, why do you still not remember, Bell-kun!”
“S…Sorry…….!” Bell said this while holding back his tears. From Eina’s
perspective, it was a caring reprimand. Because she did not want Bell to die, so she
could only turn into a demon and shout at him.
As a rookie adventurer with half a month of progress, it was basically suicide to
enter the floors below the 5th floor.
Starting from the 5th floor, the dungeon will change overall. The degree of
difficulty will also increase. Using Bell entering the 7th floor as an example, the
moment the Killer Ant calls his companions, it represents the end. It is different
than the situation of meeting a group of Kobolds. A person would be completely
eaten by that swarm of ants.
“Your sense of danger is not enough! Absolutely not enough! Today you will fix
your happy attitude and deeply engrave the terror of the dungeon inside your
Huh, Bell issued off an unpromising sound.
After all, within this month, Eina’s Spartan guidance could have been said to have
already been engraved on every inch of his skin.
The information that she taught was undoubtedly useful. But towards her special
guidance, saying “Yes, please give it to me” and sincerely embracing it was
another story. Bell panicked and began to make excuses.
“P…Please wait a minute!? About that, I, from that time have also grown a lot
“Your ability is obviously still at H, what kind of growth are you talking
“R…Really! My <Status>, a few abilities inside have already gone over E!?”
Eina suddenly stopped her actions. Her eyes froze in a stiff manner.
She could not understand what Bell had just suddenly said. After understanding it,
her face quickly showed disbelief.
“E…Even if you say such a lie, how could you possible trick……”
“It’s true, It’s true! I don’t know if it was because of my recent good fortune or
what, anyways, my proficiency had increased immensely!”
Yes yes yes, seeing Bell nod his head strongly, Eina revealed a puzzled look.
Although her time of becoming Bell’s adviser was still short, but she could still
clearly distinguish, to a certain extent, if he was lying or not.
According to Eina’s observation, Bell just now did not lie.
“……Is it really an E?”
After a while, Eina reached out a hand towards Bell.
The other hand was analyzing by counting the letters downwards 6 times: S, A, B,
C, D, E…… At the same time, she leaked out a “Wuahhhh” sound. She tried again.
S, A, B, C, D, E…… 6 times. The result did not change.
Eina was confused. Bell was not lying. Although he wasn’t lying, but his ability
suddenly raising to E was like a joke. It was impossible to believe it.
Eina’s disbelief about his abilities being E was not groundless. With a time span of
only two weeks, the proper ability range that an Adventurer will reach was not
deeply related to whether if that person was powerful or not. And generally most
Adventurers will only be at H. Even then, this was also limited to the people who
had good skills.
If it was G, then they have been overdoing it. And if it reached above F……No
matter what, that was too fast.
If it was a person who accumulated lots of fighting experience before becoming an
adventurer, then Eina may be persuaded, but the person in front of her was
originally a farmer. But Bell was not lying
“Wuahhhhh”, Eina, who continued to have a tangled expression. She was
thinking deeply while holding her fingers onto her chin.
Bell, who was being stared at on the other side, also did not say a word. It was as if
they were uncomfortably in a cold war.
“……About this, Bell-kun”
“The <Status> engraved on your back, can you show it to me?”
Eina, with a serious expression, said this. Bell could not help but raise his voice.
“Ah, it isn’t that I don’t believe in you? Only that……”
Eina hurriedly waved her hands to shake off the misunderstanding.
Yes, only that……Bell’s Goddess Hestia probably wouldn’t have given him
misleading information on her own initiative……She thought that.
Could it be that, there was any mistakes when conveying the information.
Even if she continues to think about it, her suspicions will not disappear. After all,
this sign, E, absolutely defies common knowledge for Eina.
Because of this, if there is no evidence about this status, she could not believe in
Bell’s words.
“B…But, Adventurer’s <Status> absolutely must not be revealed, isn’t it……”
The guild, which places the Adventurers under their jurisdiction, also developed
laws about the leakage of personal information. Adventurers have an obligations to
report their Lv and rankings since it acts as an indicator to judge their strength. But
besides that, there were no other requirements.
Among this, there are people who have rare <Skills> and Special <Magic>.
Because of the special characteristics of a <Familia>, today’s friend could easily
become tomorrow’s enemy. It was natural to not reveal your own weaknesses and
block off enemy intelligence information.
“I will make a promise with you. From now on, I will not mention it to
anyone what I see. If Bell-kun’s <Status> was officially leaked, I will also take
responsibility. I swear to you that I’ll absolutely obey this.”
“O…Obey…… A…Anyways, Eina-san can also read <Sacred Text>?”
“Yes, although only a little. The abilities within <Status> should still be capable.
Luckily, Eina also graduated from the school district. She was a Scholar that
specialized in comprehensive Theology.
If it was the simple <Sacred Text>, she will still be able to read it.
“If I can’t use these pair of eyes to confirm it, I, no matter how long, will not allow
Bell-kun to enter below the 5th floor”
“T…This really is…Please spare me……”
“I will not look at Magic and the Skill windows, okay? Please!”
“I still have not discovered any Skills or Magic, so even if you see it, it is
fine……I understand”
Towards Eina, who clapped her hands together and deeply bowed, Bell conceded.
Considering she had taken care of him in various cases, he placed absolute trust in
her to the same degree as Hestia. Bell did not doubt Eina’s words.
“About this, then……Do I begin to strip?”
“Having your face become red just because of such a thing, you should not have to
confirm it again! You’re also making me feel embarrassed!”
Both sides stood up with flushed faces, and headed towards the corner of a room
with sufficient space. Bell held back his embarrassment and quickly changed into
his half-naked state.
In that short amount of time, Eina stared at the black <Status> engraved on his
back. But what first entered her eyes was a surprisingly well-trained body, and she
quickly coughed a few times to fix her arrayed head.
Her pointy ears also became red, and she began to closely interpret the <Sacred
Bell Cranel
Lv. 1
Strength: E 403
Endurance: H 199
Dexterity: E 412
Agility: D 521
Magic: I 0
(It can’t be……)
Although she had already accepted that there was a 50% chance that it was
true, she was still stunned when this was suddenly shown to her.
Aside from <Magic>, according to these abilities, it was more than enough to
singly fight against the 7th floor Monsters. Eina emphasizes defense, and although
<Endurance> was slightly lower, this clear lower gap for <Endurance> wasn’t a
surprise because of Bell’s fighting method. After all, Bell’s main attacking method
was to dodge and create confusion, and then find an opportunity to strike once and
However, seeing that <Agility> had even entered D, she felt like she was about to
erupt with shock.
Eina’s throat issued a soundless groan. Instantly, it felt that her own common sense
inside her body has broken. Then gradually, a sudden chill blew through her back.
Because of her occupation and she knew in depth about the various information
concerning the Adventurers entering the dungeon. Eina finally understood how
incredible that the circumstances in front of her was.
Bell’s <Growth>, no matter what, it was simply too fast.
This possibility instantly flashed through her mind.
She actually found an adventurer with such an irregular and destructive growth
ability. If it was from a skill, Eina almost regretted while thinking about it……But,
it was only a bit, if she could confirm it……
(……If it was only a glance)
After recovering, her sight had already been stolen by the <Sacred Text> on the
side of the center of the back.
In front was the <Magic> and <Skill> window.
Since it had come to this, it was almost impossible to suppressed her surging
impulse. Not only Eina, if there was a treasure chest with the lid opened,
everyone will naturally want to take a peek. This was considered human nature.
Due to her curiosity, Eina looked at the Magic and Skill window.
(…Ah, no)
She can’t read it.
She could only see a dense arrangement of <Sacred Text>, Eina could not read the
contents of the Magic and Skill window.
——Actually, this was something that Hestia, who was like a doting parent, did
just in case. She played a trick in the area where it would not affect Bell’s abilities,
and added protection to the <Status>. Eina had not completely grasp the <Sacred
Text>’s system and essence. It was too difficult for her to understand these twisted,
complex and strange markings that was actually Hestia’s own handwriting, and
could be said that it was her unique method of writing.
She walked around Bell in turns, this time it was Hestia’s victory.
“About this, Eina-san……you’re not finished yet?”
“Ah……I…It’s already okay!”
Listening to Bell’s shy voice, Eina’s ears also beeped once, and she recovered. She
was also smiling shyly and turned her gaze up from the <Status>. She looked at
Bell, who was quickly wearing his clothes, and issued an apology inside her heart.
She did not expect it to be true, Eina groaned.
Looking at his status, she couldn’t stop Bell from enter the 7th floor. Although it
was not absolute, this level for an Adventurer should have no
trouble going alone as long as they are prepared.
——Even so, it also generated brand new problems.
“W…What is it?”
Examining carefully from head to toe of Bell, who had just finished wearing his
clothes, Eina impolitely glued her eyes and stared at him. Bell could not help but
raise his voice.
Actually, Eina did not stare at Bell’s body as if she wanted to lick his entire body.
She was not even staring at his body, but rather his equipment……those poor,
cheap, armor.
“Ah, yes?”
“Tomorrow, are you free?”
× × ×
Then after a day.
I headed to the northern area of Orario’s plaza that was constructed in a semicircular
shape facing the Main Street. And stood there by myself.
In order to meet with Eina-san.
Yes, meet……
(C…Could this be a ……date?)
Even though he knew something like that couldn’t happen, he couldn’t help but
think about it.
Yesterday, Eina-san gave an invitation of buying my armor together.
She seems to think that my situation of raiding the dungeon does not match my
equipment, which is that my current armor is too unreliable. That person really
likes to help others, and this time she specifically came here for me.
Yes, that must be it. There is no other meaning. It is only the intimate kindness
from a caring person……
(……Although saying this, but to the bystanders, it may also……)
Based on the form, it may seem to match.
Just like that the two of them had made an appointment to meet together alone in
front of the plaza’s statue at 10 am.
Uwaaaa! Uwaaaa!
“Hey~, B~ell~kun~!”
Then the agreed upon time finally came.
The owner of the cute voice that was issued from time to time, her figure gradually
became bigger in my field of vision.
“Good morning, you’re really early. What now, are you really looking forward to
buy new armor?”
“Huh, that’s not it, I’m just……!”
——Towards being alone together with Eina-san, this matter somehow made me
feel restless.
This point cannot be clearly mentioned to her. This type of me, really is still
I, with an expression of not being able to calm down, looked left and right.
“Mmm, actually I was also looking forward to it. Although it is only to buy things
together with Bell-kun, but somehow I felt very excited”
Eina-san clothes are different than what she normally wears. Normally, she would
always wear the guild uniform. However, today she was wearing a cute, white
blouse with laces and a miniskirt. It was a kind of light and lively feeling. She also
removed the glasses she usually wear for her eyes.
Maybe the problem was because I was used to seeing her figure in a guild uniform,
but now Eina-san felt like she suddenly had an adult-like atmosphere. How could I
say it——It was very bright.
Yes, very cute.
I excitedly stared at Eina-san and was captivated.
“We are going to buy equipment, this kind of unromantic stuff, later, but you are
actually so excited now, is it me that feels a bit strange?”
“H…How could it be!”
Seeing me denying it in a panic, Eina- san smiled. Uwahhhh, Uwahhhh……
Even among the numerous guild employees, Eina-san’s popularity amongst the
Adventurers was also very high.
Half-elf, this creature, are they all as cute as Eina-san……
“Cough, cough. Do you have anything you want to say, Bell-kun?”
“Huh, I…Is there anything?”
She looked down at me from above with a mischievous eyes that looks like they
like to play pranks on children.
Uwahhh, Uwaaaa
“……Ummm, well, you really …… look much younger than usual”
“Hey! I’m only 19 years old!”
“Ahhhhhh, ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?”
Eina used her slender white arms to mercilessly clasp down on my neck.
Just like that, I was being hugged by her tightly from the side…….squeezeeeed.
my cheeks were headed towards Eina-san’s chest……
“Quickly apologize to me!”
“N…no, please forgive meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!?”
Eina-san made a strange noise that continued to irritate my ears. I could not help
but cry out.
× × ×
“It’s been a really long time since I went shopping with others”
“Ah, really? I would have thought that Eina-san was quite popular……Especially
among the males.”
“Fufu, you’re such a sweet talker, Bell-kun. But it’s the truth. After all, ever since I
entered the guild, I’ve always been stuck working”
Today was a bright and clear sunny day.
It was the perfect day to have a date……Although I was not prepared to say it. But
really, the blue skies was almost dazzling clear. I followed Eina-san from the North
Main Street path and headed to the south. We were bathed by the breezes as we
walked, and I felt more relaxed physically and mentally.
As we passed through the street, we had just caught the liveliest time period. It was
filled with people everywhere. The shops, no matter how big or small, had
employees trying hard to attract the crowd. Around us, it sounded like the dwarves
were in high spirits.
Occasionally, some shop employees would try to talk with Eina-san
(while I was treated as a servant), but she would just wave graciously to counter it.
The beastman shop employee that talked with her would have a face filled with
happiness and entered a state where he felt like his entire body had lost its strength.
“About this, where are we going today? If we continue to go down this path, we
will reach the dungeon.”
“We are about to arrive, so you can look forward to it—— If I say this, does it feel
that I’m being mean? Ah, forget it, I’ll tell you”
From the center of the city of Orario, the 8 paths that headed in 8 directions were
known as the Main District’s Main Streets. They were: North, North-East, East,
South-East, South, South-West, West, and North-West. And each direction has one
oath. Overlooking the roads from the sky, it will look like four thick lines
gathering at the city’s center and then it would split into its respective direction.
Each Main Street intersects at the center area of the city, and the center area is right
above the dungeon.
The central square that intersects the Main Streets was just in front. I looked at the
overwhelming presence of the skyscraper facility while I quietly waited for Einasan
to reply.
“The place we are heading to…….is actually the dungeon.”
“To be more precise, it is the skyscraper above the dungeon.”
<Babel> is a high-rise tower that seems to act as a cover for the dungeon. It is the
skyscraper facility in front of my eyes.
Everyone knew that it’s role wasn’t to just cover the dungeon, but also Babel’s task
was to observe and manage the dungeon.
This guild-owned facility was one of the most familiar building to the Adventurers.
“Inside Babel……Doesn’t it only have Adventurer’s Public Facilities such as
“You really don’t know anything……Forget it, you’ve only been an Adventurer
for less than a month. This is also something that can’t be helped, right? Well,
today, I’ll teach some useful information to you, okay?”
——I can’t help but remember her Spartan-like methods to
instill Dungeon knowledge into me from before. To be honest, looking at Einasan’s
proud expression, I felt afraid from the bottom of my heart.
I prayed that it would not develop into the situation back then, and I began to
concentrate on her teachings.
“First of all, the guild-owned Babel, is just like what Bell-kun just said. It has the
responsibility to provide Adventurers with public facilities. Aside from that, there
is also a simple canteen, treatment facility and even a gold exchange, you know?”
“Ah, isn’t it only for guild branches to have one?”
“Yes, Babel also has one. But because there are only a few appraisers, you will
probably wait a long time in line if you head there……Now, I’ll continue
okay? Where we’re headed to today is another one of it’s responsibilities. Babel
also rents out spaces, and many businessmen would rent these areas to sell their
I can understand her intentions slightly. In other words, we’re heading to Babel in
order to go to the shops that sell weapons and armors.
“Because it was constructed directly above the dungeon, these shops are all
specialized for Adventurers. Most of them are business-type <Familia>.
<Hephaestus Familia> should be the representative for shop openings in Babel.
You’ve at least heard of the name right?”
I could not help feeling a bit scared. I involuntary confirmed that the dagger was
hanging from my waist.
“Bell-kun, how much do you know about the <Hephaestus Familia>?”
“Ah, it is a popular <Familia> that sells equipment. Their equipment qualities are
extremely high. As long as you’re an adventurer, you will want
one…but I only know that much……”
“Yes, that’s correct. Incidentally, where we are heading to today is probably the
leased out area of the <Hephaestus Familia>
Looking at me, who issued the most tragic cry today, Eina-san gave off a smile that
seemed to represent her mischievous prank had succeeded.
How did something like this happen? Just when I wanted to inquire further, she
seemed to dodge it like a capricious elf, and then swiftly headed to the wide area.
“W…We’re here……”
Central Plaza.
The white walls of the huge tower had a circular arrangement of houses that
surrounded Babel. One can see the green plants and the various forms of fountains
everywhere. There was absolutely no problems with it being called a park.
While they were heading here, there were many residents in the streets that were
unrelated to the dungeon mixed with the Adventurers. But in this Central Plaza,
almost all of them are Adventurers carrying large-sized swords, spears and other
weaponry. The most frightening thing is that, even though there was a dazzling
amount of people, this place did not give off a crowded feeling.
“Eina-san, what on earth is happening!? I can’t buy things from the <Hephaestus
Familia>. That’s only something for the rich!”
“We~ll~ Just look forward to it until then”
“Please don’t joke around. I’ve been sweating like mad now!?”
Even if Eina-san saw the tearful expression of mine, she still had a expression as if
she didn’t care. Her brisk pace shows no signs of slowing down.
Instead, she used her slender fingers to hold tightly to my feeble and falling hands.
“Okay, let’s go! If you’re a man, then don’t squirm around here trying to stop!”
Instantly, my mind became blank. Then my face slowly turned red. The only
thing I could do was let Eina-san pull me forward.
Those soft hands, compared to my stiff hands that were changed due to farm work
I did since I was small, was warm and gave off a slightly itchy feeling. My mind
was also groggy and I entered a state where I couldn’t think.
However, after getting mixed in the crowd, the active male Adventurers around
me were all giving off a <I’ll Kill You> gaze towards me.
This time, my face turned to blue, but thanks to that, it also helped me calm down.
“E…Eina-san, y…your hand, can you please let go? Pppppp…Please……!?”
Since we’re heading to the top-class Blacksmith <Familia> shops in Orario, I’ll
further explain about those Blacksmiths. Bell-kun, do you know about
<Development Ability>?
Towards me, who was a male, but still squirmed around telling her to stop, she
magnificently ignored me. Please don’t be like that, after all, I’ll die.
I determinedly gave up, and carried the determination of being killed, trembled and
tried to shrink my body.
“Errrr, I don’t know……”
“<Development Ability> is an ability that randomly appears after the <Status>
levels up. These abilities are more specialized than the <Basic Abilities>.”
<Development Ability> is similar to leveling up, it is a privilege gained from
<Level Up>, Eina concluded.
“When the time comes, it will be based automatically on the individual’s
<Experience Points> to decide which abilities to enhance. Among these abilities,
there also exist a <Blacksmith> ability”
<Blacksmith> from <Development Ability> huh……No matter what abilities there
are, it was still the first time I’ve heard about it.
According to Eina, the <Blacksmith> ability is necessary for the current
blacksmith generation. Most of the blacksmiths in <Hephaestus Familia> all have
this ability.
In other words, most of the members are Level 2 or above……According to
this, we also know that their faction’s fighting power should also be quite high.
“Of course, the Blacksmith career has existed for a long time. Although the
ancient works have all become antiques, there are still some that are being
used today. The current generation……those with the <Blacksmith> ability, can
add attributes to weapons since they have the power of the <Grace> given by the
“Which is also a special ability. As long as they wish to,
they can place a skill from the Adventurer’s Status into the weapon as well. Just
like an unbreakable blade. A normal Blacksmith couldn’t create such a weapon.”
Indeed, I unconsciously nodded.
“Among them, there are also weapons that can create phenomenons like
magic. For example, they can swing a weapon down and flames gushes out.”
“This is also basic knowledge……Anyways, weapons that can evoke a similar
effects to magic are called <Magic Sword>. There are only a handful of
Blacksmiths that can create Magic Swords.”
I couldn’t help but swallow. Although Eina-san was speaking casually, what she
said also meant that anyone who gets a <Magic Sword> will have the one power
that can defeat hundreds of veteran warriors——which is Magic.
“However, Magic Swords are consumable items, and they have the characteristic
of breaking apart once it reaches its limits. Although it doesn’t need
chants and can directly activate, it’s power is still notch below to Magic.”
It really is a costly weapon that is thrown away after being used, Eina-san gave off
a wry smile.
From her expression, I could tell that there are very few people that uses Magic
Sword. Although it is popular, it has a disadvantage of being broken. To an
Adventurer, who wants stability in order to fight in an ever-changing dungeon, a
weapon that can break will not be easily accepted.
No matter what, it is possible to encounter accidents anywhere and at any time.
“About that, Eina-san. Aside from <Blacksmith> in Development Abilities, what
else is there?”
I raised the issue that is to the utmost concern to the Adventurers.
I might have the opportunity to use this knowledge eventually, no, I absolutely will
use it.
“Ah~, to Adventurers, the typical abilities are <Abnormal Resistance> and
<Magic>. Aside from those, <Mystery> is also considered as one.”
“Yes. Speaking of this, it is to activate Gods’ 18 <Miracles>. This ability is also
known as <God’s Technique>. Do you know the story of the philosopher’s stone,
Of course, I don’t know. I shook my head.
“It seems to be a very old story. A member of a certain faction with this <Mystery>
ability……Sage, successfully created this item called a <Philosopher’s Stone>. It’s
effect is to directly give eternal life.”
“……How should I say, the beginning is really old-fashioned.”
“Fufu, indeed. But the main point of this story is at the end……The Sage joyfully
reported to his own God about creating the Philosopher’s Stone…….And brought
the stone to the God. But in front of the Sage’s eyes, the god threw it to the floor
and it shattered……. Causing the eternal life to”
“The god used its finger to point at the empty shell of the Sage, who lost his
soul, and that God seemed to laugh continuously.”
This was one of the worst <Myths> I have heard about the Gods.
By the way, the myths that I mentioned here, refers to my Kami-sama who would
tell me about various stories about Heaven.
I, for the very first time, felt that I was lucky that my encounter with a God was
“The philosopher’s stone seemed to be something that was created accidentally. If
you wanted to create it again, it was impossible. After the Sage, no one appeared
again who was able to utilize the <Mystery> ability to its maximum limit. The
Philosopher’s Stone also gradually turned into an item of myth.”
“Maximum……? The Development Ability also have proficiencies just like the
Basic Ability?”
“Unnn, it doesn’t have proficiencies with numbers like Basic Abilities. It only has
letters and is divided into rack S to I. It is so extremely difficulty to get
to the next rank, that it can’t even be compared to a Basic Ability.”
That must be an incredible ability……this was what I thought about what Einasan
told me.
After all, it was an area that I have no experience with, so I could only have such
While we were talking, we had already reached the door in front of Babel.
Although I called it a door, it was more like a hole that pierced through the tower
walls and hole occurred in multiple areas circling the tower. It was a design that
allowed Adventurers to enter the inner part of the tower, no matter how many
people or where they were coming from. Passing through the door, the white and
light-blue colored lobby entered my eyes.
The entrance to the dungeon was underneath this place.
“After coming here……”
“Go up. After all, the vacant spaces that Babel provides starts at the 4th floor.”
Babel’s 1st floor was only the entrance. Its public facilities begin at the 2nd floor.
On the 3rd floor, I explored using my upper body to discover the location of the
gold exchange that was mentioned earlier. I attempted to find the stairs up, but was
suddenly cut off as Eina-san grabbed onto my hand and pulled me to the center
area of the floor.
We got on top of one of the several circular pedestals here. The wall was a
translucent material that was like glass, and leaning on this wall resulted in an
obvious feeling.
Just when I was wondering how Eina-san will operate the device on the
wall……The pedestal left the ground and began to float.
It gradually floated upwards, no it was rising up.
“Ah, I also had that feeling when I first rode it”
Looks like this glass-like object was a elevator to move between floors…….It
should be a product made from Magic Stone.
Attached to the base of the pedestal was a large number of <Magic Stone>.
The stones looked like they were transforming the Magic Power inside
into a Floating Power. I was shocked it could even do something like this. Then I
was informed by Eina-san that these Magic Stones have to be replaced every once
in a while. It looks like the Magic Stones are not almighty.
After a while, we reached the 4th floor of Babel.
“Although the shop that I fancy is on a higher floor, we may as well look at the
others since it’s rare for us to come here. Bell-kun, you also want to look
around, right?”
After glancing around, there were shops that sell weapon and armor everywhere. I
also became somewhat excited and quickly nodded at Eina-san as she asked the
I looked at the sign on the billboard, <Ήφαιστος>……Could it be that from here to
the end, every shops belongs to the <Hephaestus Familia>……?
“Ahah, from the 4th floor to the 8th floor, all of it was rented out by the
<Hephaestus Familia>……”
……Isn’t this just like reserving the entire place. In the end, how amazing is the
<Hephaestus Familia>
Incidentally, near where Kami-sama and I lived, there was also a branch on the
North-West Main Street.
The price of the dagger that I had often looked through the window in front of the
shop was …… 8 Million Varisu.
It was an amount that could purchase a few items from a respectable shop.
The store right next to me had a display window. I looked carefully at the price of
the red sword in the center……
(30 Milllion Varisu!?)
Kuraaaaa, I staggered while placing my palm on my forehead. Eina-san must be
looking at me with a wry smile.
Today I brought the dagger that was created by Hephaestus. Kami-sama also said it
was the only one in the world……In the end, how much did it cost?
“Welcome~! This customer, may I ask what you want to buy today?”
While I was staring at the goods in the display window, I was suddenly addressed
by an employee with a bright, cheerful voice.
Although that girl was slightly short, but her looks were dignified. Her face had a
well-trained and beautiful business smile. Her cute black twin tails would often
shake from time to time, and she smiled at me.
Underneath the red apron, that looks like the uniform, she had a petite figure with
mismatched boobs that constantly demonstrated its existence……
“……What are you doing, Kami-sama”
Kami-sama’s smile stiffened.
So that was it. I was wondering what she was busy with. It looks like she ran off to
this place to work……!
“Why are you here!? Are you working!? Didn’t I cleary say that since the floors I
can go to has increased, our Familia isn’t that short of money anymore”
“Okay, Bell-kun, just forget about everything you saw today. Act like an adult and
obediently go home……! You coming here is too early!”
“Isn’t it too early for Kami-sama as well!? When you only get paid 30 Varisu an
“I will not let you to mock those potato croquettes!”
“Okay, let’s go home together!? After all, Kami-sama is a God. I can’t let you
abandon your dignity and get shamed! What if other people begin to mock us!?”
“No, leave me alone, leave me alone Bell-kun! Sometimes Gods also have things
that they must do!”
“What exactly do you mean, that Kami-sama also have times when she has
something that they must do!? Please, listen to my words!”
I was using both my hands to grab onto her right wrist, but Kami-sama turned her
face away from me with a solemn expression of trying to escape.
In the end, what on earth happened that made Kami-sama so stubborn……!
Using the corner of my eyes, I looked at Eina-san to confirm if she’s shocked by
such a scene. However, it was not the time to worry about such things.
“Hey hey! Newcomer, don’t play around! Quickly, get back to work!!”
Pyu-nnn! Kama-sama seemed to have flew out from my grasp.
Watawata, she panicked and ran off into the store’s interior. The petite figure and
the twintails behind her disappeared from the shop’s entrance.
“……Same as usual, completely different than the other gods?”
Facing me, who issued a resigned sigh, Eina-san did not know whether to give out
a dry laugh or not.
Then I remembered that I didn’t come alone today, so I cooled off slightly and
forced myself to calm down.
……Currently, I should temporarily forget about Kami-sama……
“Letting you see such an embarrassing scene, I’m really sorry……”
“No problem. Now then, shall we head up to the upper floors?”
I nodded while walking together with Eina-san, who had a wry smile. Our
destination was Babel’s 8th floor.
This time, we also rode on the Magic Stone Elevator, and slowly rose to the upper
“Okay, we’re here.”
“Can’t believe I really came……”
Opening the manual door of the elevator that stopped, I looked around. It was a
similar view like the 4th floor.
Sword, Spear, Axe, Hammer, Dagger, Bow, Shield, Armor and other defensive
equipment…….The specialized shops that sell all kinds of weaponry was spread
out like tiles in the wide space of the floor. Also, I don’t know why, but the
number of customers…… number of Adventurers was more than the 4th floor.
Thinking that all the people here must be first-class Adventurers, I suddenly
retreated midway.
“Like the high-class brand <Hephaestus Familia>, I shouldn’t ruin them. Bell-kun
must be thinking of such thoughts?”
To me, who was ill at ease, could not say anything right now. I could only admit it.
Eina-san saw my reaction and gave off a hearty smile.
“Actually there is no such thing. Forget it, it is best if you saw it instead! Follow
Eina-san took me and entered the shop with the most customers. It was a shop that
sells spears.
Continuously moving into the interior of the shop, Eina-san stopped in front of the
spear case that was against the wall. The prestigious battle spears, with its
spearhead pointing at the ceiling, was lined up one by one.
Anyways, it must be terribly expensive. Thinking about this, I looked at the
price……12000 Varisu.
If this was the price, then I might be able to afford it……
“Fufu, shocked right?”
“Y…Yes. But, why?”
I, who was stunned, inquired this to Eina-san who had a good mood.
“The difference between <Hephaestus Familia> and the other specialized
Blacksmith <Familia> is that even their bottom ranked members have the
opportunity to continue creating their works. And those creations are also placed
inside the shop to sell”
“Ah……Is that alright? Comparing it with the top-class craftsmen, wouldn’t it be
“Of course, they will still separate those items from the skilled Blacksmith
creations to sell. And those creations will have to first pass through a management
team to make an accurate assessment of its value. Afterwards, it must be selected
by an Adventurer where it can then be purchased. This way, the direct evaluation
will be precious to the immature Blacksmith, even if the assessment has the utmost
praise or the harshest assessment. To them, it is to propel and help motivate them
to continue to create more excellent equipment.”
Although it was a little surprising, I quickly understood. Instead of locking
the blacksmiths in a narrow workshop where they can only attempt to try and
practice, why not allow the wide world to stimulate them. This way,
their experience could easily become the fuel for their growth.
“Doing it like this causes no harm to the shop. By creating this system, it
lets Adventurers from the early floors to become customers.”
In the group of rookie Adventurers, there may be a top-class adventurer fledgling
waiting to become more mature. And when they become more mature, they may
become an honored customer that will purchase top-class equipment. So the key
was to create a pyramid-like layers for customers, Eina-san said.
Attract customers from the largest, bottom layer. From the middle layer, select a
few customers and wait for these individuals to mature and become the upper layer.
This was the characteristics of the labyrinth city. On the whole, how much interest
could an Adventurer produce, no one knows.
“The main point of this mechanism is to allow new Adventurers and Blacksmith
form a new bond. During this period, they will continue to build and deepen their
ties. It might be deep or shallow, but it does happen.”
What on earth does this mean? I used my eyes to inquire.
“The rookie Blacksmiths will engrave their own name onto their creations. And
after the rookie Adventurers purchases their products, they will remember the
name. If the two match well together, then they may even meet directly. Even if
these Blacksmiths weren’t discovered a management team or the Blacksmiths were
buried by the Blacksmith division, they may still be discovered by the wise eyes of
the Adventurers. Although the two won’t match perfectly, only the Adventurers
who directly used the Blacksmith creations are able to truly appreciate the feelings
that were poured into these creations.”
……After saying this much, I feel that perhaps that may really be true.
At least as far as I’m concerned, I still have some attachment to the dagger and
light equipment provided by the guild.
“And, if it was created specifically for someone, then it will contain more feelings,
and allow it to unleash more of its ability……These words was what someone else
had told me.”
Looking at Eina-san, who stuck out her tongue slightly, ba-dump, I was moved.
I would have never dreamed that this person would actually do such a childish act.
“Looks like I said too much. In conclusion, there exists items from the
<Hephaestus Familia> that even Bell-kun is able to purchase. Bell-kun, how much
money did you bring?”
“About that, exactly 10 000 Varisu.”
“Well then, if I had to say, it might be tricky to fit a whole set of armor with that
much money. Forget it, it might be just like what I said earlier. If we look carefully,
there might be something from a rookie Blacksmiths, and we may find an
unexpected reward. Now let’s go!”
Compared to me, it looks like Eina-san was more energetic. I, who had slightly
calmed down, could only give a wry smile.
Eina-san’s suggested that it might be more efficient if we split up to search,
so I temporarily split from her and was brought to a shop that had a signboard for
armor and shield.
Once I entered the shop, a view that I have never seen before entered my eyes.
(Wow……Although these were the creations from the lowest ranked Blacksmith,
the feeling of amazement didn’t change……)
It was most fitting to describe this as a Forest of Armor.
The pure white torso that was covered by a variety of armor, even if its body was
standing on the floor, manifested its dignity. Among those, there were also lifesized
dolls with armor on their body. It was possible to imagine how I would look
if I were to wear it.
On the wall’s support, there were numerous shields and helmets. It seemed very
simple, yet robust. It was also decorated with a gorgeous shine. There really is all
kinds of equipment here.
Whether it was male or female, everybody was selecting the armor that fits them.
Looks like this shop allows you to try it on.
(What should I do. It feels that I’m becoming quite excited……?)
Looks like I was affected by the atmosphere of the shop, because even my pace
sped up. I headed to the interior of the shop. Suddenly, I widened my eyes.
In the corner of the shop, there was something that wasn’t eye-catching. There
seemed to be a box of defensive gear that was stacked up like a small mountain.
It was a set of armor.
Although the other armors were displayed on the doll’s torsos, these were stacked
up like a mountain of garbage, but they also gave off a feeling. Besides this box,
there were also numerous similar boxes. Looks like these items are the creations
that the <Familia> have deemed to be low-valued.
Even after being used, the quality should not be a problem. Perhaps these sets are
already incomplete.
“Ah, they really are selling them……”
Close to the bottom of the box was a label: 5700, 6400, 3900……Although the
amount written in red was different, it still looked like a bargain.
The armor that I looked at before was already 15000 Varisu. Even the guild’s light
equipment that I was wearing now costs 5000 Varisu……Yes, my thoughts were
not wrong. This was a price level that I can buy.
But thinking about what Eina-san told me before, armor was used to protect my
body and I shouldn’t be stingy with it.
Walking along the arranged boxes, I suddenly stopped.
Looking down into one of these boxes, I found a certain armor.
Silver white. It was not bright red nor was it a dull black. On the surface, it had a
metallic luster flashing. There was no paint, and it kept the original material’s
figure. However, it struck a chord with me.
I kneeled down to carefully look, and noticed that it was a light armor.
Although the knee guard and breastplate area was small, it feels like it will fit me.
Aside from that, the elbow, forearm , and waist had minimal protection. It
looked like a very disorderly armor.
I tried to pick up the piece of breastplate, and it was very light. The guild’s support
goods could not compare with this. Then I knocked on it. Although I don’t know
whether it sounded good or bad, it felt like it will be able to protect me.
The size looks just right as well.
I was very strongly attracted by it.
Of course it might be because it was the first time I saw such an item.
But when I noticed it, I had already been deeply fascinated by this armor.
Lifting up the breastplate, I carefully looked. Then I suddenly turned it around——
I have it now, <Welf Crosso>. it was the creator’s signature that was engraved on
the back of the breastplate.
Looks like it was not permitted to have the <Ήφαιστος> trademark on it.
(Welf Crosso……)
I’ll remember it.
I forcibly turned my consciousness away from the armor to the name of the creator.
What Eina-san said about Adventurers and Blacksmiths having a connection, it
was the first time I experienced it after hearing about it.
I had already been captivated by this light armor, so I’ll be sure to buy it.
Looking at the price recorded on the box……Eh, 9900 Varisu.
It was equivalent to the entire wealth that I brought……
“Hey—, Bell-kun! I saw something good! It was a leather armor! Although it is
slightly expensive, but I still think it is the best if we think of a way to purchase
it……Huh, Bell-kun also found something he likes?”
Eina-san, who had just returned, looked at the item from above since I was
crouched down……Unnnn Uhhhh, she revealed a expression as if she was
thinking of something.
Looking at the selling method of it being placed in boxes, it is easy to give off an
impression that it was the remainders of a defective product.
“……Did you decide to purchase that?”
“Yes. I want this.”
“Ha……Bell-kun really likes light armor. Since it was a chance to select armor,
you decided it so quickly”
Looking at me, who had a apologetic expression, Eina-san could only say “Well,
don’t mind it”, and gave a wry smile.
“After all, Bell-kun will be the one that uses it. From my perspective, I can only
hope you put a lot of thought into it since it’s equipment that’s protecting your
body……but if you decided to purchase this, I won’t oppose it.”
“……Thank you”
I said a word of thanks while holding the box and stood up.
After reaching the cashier to pay, the remaining money I had was only 100 Varisu.
I really spent a considerable amount.
Eina-san had disappeared again. I carried my backpack that had the light armor
inside and looked around.
Where did she head off to/ I racked my head and searched. Suddenly, I found her.
Eina-san, who had a devilish smile, was standing behind me. Did she just come out
from the shop.
“Bell-kun, this is for you”
The item that was suddenly shoved over was a slender armor.
Its shape mimics the cover for the hands, its length was also from the wrist to the
elbow. From the metallic surface, it can be seen to have the functions of a shield.
The color was also the same as Eina-san’s jade-like eyes.
“T…This is……”
“My present that I’m giving to you. You have to remember to use it okay?”
“Ahhhh!? No, I can’t have it! P…Please return it immediately!”
“What? You’re not willing to accept the item that a female gave you?
“N…No, only……that I feel bad about it”
Although I hurriedly refused, I also said the truth. No matter what time or age, you
will simply feel ill at ease for receiving a precious item from a female.
I silently bowed my head, Eina-san revealed a smile.
“I hope you can accept it. This is not for me, but for you.”
“To be honest, it is not surprising for an Adventurer to die at any time. No matter
how powerful a person is, a little inattention will easily cause them to lose their
lives. I have seen too many Adventurers not coming back”
“……I hope that you will not suddenly disappear, Bell-kun. Or are you still unable
to accept the thing that I gave you?”
Eina-san smiled shyly, and stared at me.
With quiet eyes.
“Is it not possible?”
I could only look at the ground.
And tried hard to use my bangs to cover my slightly reddened face.
That kind of speaking is too cunning, I was not even able to say this sentence out.
“……And, Bell-kun, didn’t you say that you love me?”
This time, my face really turned red. Lifting my head, our gaze met.
Eina-san’s cheeks were also slightly dyed red.
“About that matter, it was because Eina-san had encouraged me, so I was happy
and on a whim……”
“I was also very happy. Bell-kun said that he loved me. Although it was not that
meaning, I also understood?”
No matter which side it was, they both had reddened faces.
“Perhaps you do not understand. I also slightly wish to become your strength. I do
not wish to easily give Bell-kun, who has been working hard, to others. Okay, can
you accept it now?”
Chon, she squeezed my nose.
I touched my nose that was squeezed by Eina-san, then I nodded with my reddened
“Thank you……”
“You’re welcome”
It feels that the chest that was holding the jade-colored armor also has something
warm overflowing from it.
× × ×
“Looks like it’s getting a bit late……”
The sky was gradually being dyed into a dark red color. The time should be
already evening.
After we finished buying our things, I walked Eina-san back home. Then I began
returning home.
I ran and left the West Main Street and entered an alley that was formed by
numerous tiny intersections.
(My heartbeat was actually becoming fast due to Eina-san……This is bad)
The Wallenstein in my head used a cold glare to stare at me. Of course this was
just wishful thinking.
I didn’t want to believe that I was faithless……Even though earlier before, I kept
saying Harem this. Ah ha ha ha, I issued a broken voice as if I was escaping reality.
I am devoted to Wallenstein whole-heartily, I am devoted to Wallenstein wholeheartily……
“……Footstep sounds?”
I stopped my footsteps.
From the depths of the alley, patapata, what came was the sound of someone else
running. One person……No, is it two.
One had a small body size. The other had a large body size. Because the sound
emitted from the shoes had a significant difference, it was easily to discover this.
“From where……?”
I had just left the Main Street area. From my current position, if I turn around back
to the road, I will be able to clearly look at the people coming from the Main Street.
And the sound of the footsteps were constantly approaching here.
Although they was still some distance away, if there was any trouble caused near
our home, I will still feel bad.
While I was still a little uneasy, I stuck out my head to the opposite corner of the
path that I usually use.
Surprisingly, a figure in front of my eyes fell down onto the floor. Looks like the
running figure had stumbled from my foot, while I had stuck it out in order to look
I hurriedly approached the person that issued a tiny cry and took a closer look.
With a height that was even shorter than Kami-sama and had what seemed to be
slender hands and legs that would break if it was touched. No matter what body
part, it was extremely small if viewed from the outside. This characteristics quickly
allowed me to recall the name of this particular race.
It is the demi-race that loved to eat and dance, and is always noisy.
“Sorry, are you okay!?”
The tiny body quickly climbed up.
It was a girl. Her chestnut-colored, shoulder-length hair covered her neck.
From her appearance, she was very young. On her tiny face, her big round eyes
gave off a deep impression.
“I finally caught up to you, you damn Hobbit!!”
Just when I was about to reach out to her, another person appeared from the depths
of this small road. He issued off an angry roar that caused the Hobbit girl to
revealed a pitiful expression.
The male, that had his eyes flash constantly, seemed to be an Adventurer.
His age should be around 20 or so? On his back was a sword that was slightly
larger than average. But his body looked to be much stronger than mine.
“I will not let you escape anymore……!”
The youth revealed an evil-like expression that will cause others to stop breathing.
It even made me, who wasn’t confronting him, to instinctively step back. It was
really scary.
——That person, what did he want to do to that Hobbit child?
While I was thinking about this, my body instinctively moved.
As if I was protecting the girl’s body, I stood in front of the youth.
“……Ah? Brat, out of the way, scram”
The man’s gaze left the girl’s body for the very first time, as if he had just noticed
My cheeks twitched. Even if I defeat more monsters, I will still not be able to get
used to such a thing.
Although I was completely pressured by the man, but I still had a determination to
stand still.
“T…That……May I ask you what you want from this child……?”
“You’re annoying, brat!! If you don’t scram quickly, I’l cut you together with her!”
——Ah, it doesn’t work, we are unable to communicate.
I shed a tear while I prepared my resolve.
Although I did not know what had happened, but there was no doubt that this
person wanted to do cruel things to the girl behind of me.
I removed my backpack and placed it on the ground at a corner. Seeing my actions,
not only did the male Adventurer was shocked, even the Hobbit girl behind me was
also surprised.
The male’s eyes widened, his face quickly turned red.
“Brat……! You really want to die……!?”
“T…That, W…Why don’t you temporarily calm down a bit……!?”
“Shut up, what do you plan to do!? Are you that chibi’s companion!”
“I…It is my first time meeting her”
“Then why do you want to protect that fellow!?”
“……B…Because she’s a girl?”
“What are you talking about……!”
Really now, what am I saying……
But there was no other way. The other reasons were unrelated, thus there was
really only one reason.
As long as you’re a male, then normally that is what you’ll do right? If a girl was
attacked, you would usually extend a helping hand right?
Forcing me to find a reason is only in vain……!?
“Forget it, I’ll first turn you into pieces…….!”
The male used his hand to pull out the sword behind his back.
Real murderous intent shook my body, and reflexively, I also put out a posture for
my <Goddess’s Dagger>
Ha, this was the sound of breathing. Looking back, I noticed that the Hobbit girl
was currently staring at me with wide eyes.
No, it should be staring at my……<Goddess’s Dagger>
Although the male was shocked for a moment when I took up a posture, but he
quickly place strength back into his eyes and stared at this side.
——This is bad.
It is my first time fighting against a human……My legs are trembling. Is combat
really like this?
The murderous intent, that was coming from the other side, caused me to enter a
state of extreme tension. Sweat constantly emerged, and I also swallowed a few
times. I was filled with anxiety and fear. In my posture, the male Adventurer
revealed a grim smile. He probably understood that the enemy in front of him
could be defeated effortlessly.
He went forward openly and shortened the distance between the two of us by a step.
I gritted hard and desperately suppressed my impulse to turn around and flee.
I could only imagine me belling killed. But, I did not retreat.
In the next instant, the male rushed over.
“Please do not continue to fight”
The male’s sword did not swing down at me.
A sharp voice broke the tension at the scene.
While puzzled, we looked toward the source of the sound. What entered our eyes
was a female elf carrying paper bags in one hand.
Similar to Eina-san, she had a perfect face. And what was different than a half-elf
compared to her, was that her two ears that stuck out was sharper.
Her bluish, almond-shaped eyes stared directly at the male Adventurer.
Ah, I remember that she was……indeed an employee at <Mistress of Abundance>,
“One after another……!?What is the problem this time!?”
“The person that you want to harm……He is a companion of an irreplaceable
colleague. I will never allow others to attack him”
What is she saying.
“That fellow is your fellow is, stop saying words that I can’t understand……! You
all want to be turned into pieces by me, huh!?”
“Stop shouting”
——Shin, the air froze.
The male that yelled loudly also became speechless. Ryuu-san, who narrowed her
eyes, had quietly released an unparalleled sense of pressure. He had an troubled
“I do not wish to do any violent acts. Because I will unconsciously overdo it”
While having her back faced towards the sunset coming from the Main Street,
Ryuu-san said flatly.
What she said was mostly the truth.
Her powerful pressure that eroded the surroundings forced me to believe that it was
The male Adventurer’s mouth continued to open and close. As if she was to issue
off an ultimatum, Ryuu-san’s empty hand, with a sound that seemed to pierce
through the air, was equipped with a Kodachi.
C…Could not see it clearly……
“D…Damn it!?”
The male had a pale face and he decided to give up.
“Are you alright?”
To the female in front of me, that did not fight and was able to scare off the
Adventurer, I was slightly afraid.
I wiped the sweat that was falling down to my chin. I do not know whether it was
due to the Adventurer or whether it was because I was too concerned about her, I
could not determine it.
Could Ryuu-san be an Adventurer……?
“Thank you, it was a great help……”
“You’re welcome, I should be the one apologizing for doing such a rash action. If
it was you, you would be able to solve it.”
“No, that’s not the case…….”
I was extremely afraid. Afraid to the extent that I could only desperately imagine
the worst circumstances
I scratched my cheek, then turned my gaze away.
“R…Ryuu-san, why are you here?”
“I had to buy things in order to prepare for the night business. It is different than
during the daytime. There will be many Adventurers that come at night. It’s not
acceptable if we don’t prepare in advance. On my way, I saw you so I
unconsciously came to look at the situation.”
I accepted it as if I understood the situation. <Mistress of Abundance> seemed to
be a popular bar. If they only simply prepare a few food and wine, then it will
quickly be emptied out.
But then again, unconsciously? I should not have seen her more than a few
times……Could it be that this person has a strong sense of justice?
“Then what are you doing here?”
“Ah, right, that child……Huh?”
Looking around, the Hobbit girl that was still here earlier had suddenly
“Was there someone else?”
“Ah, Yes. Although this was true……”
Was she afraid so she ran away.
If I really had to say, then it was unavoidable. After all, I had also felt fear.
Although I was still curious……
“Then I’ll go first.”
“Okay. I really appreciate for your help this time.”
After having a small talk with Ryuu-san, we split up from there.
× × ×
“Ah, good……”
Bell, who was equipped with his new armor, confirmed his own posture with the
The silver white light armor that was purchased yesterday matched well with the
black shirt that was underneath it. Although it was called an armor, but it seemed
to be weightless and it will not affect my movements.
My left wrist was also equipped with the shining jade-colored armor.
Bell stared at the defensive gear, that had the special characteristics of a jade to
reflect, he obtained from Eina-san, and slightly smiled while touching it.
“Kami-sama, I’m heading out!”
“Yes~, Have a nice trip~……”
Bell headed to the entrance while giving a wry smile while glancing at his Goddess
who was still lazily sleeping due to fatigue. He had already given up on persuading
her about her work..
Before leaving, he still took a final glance at the mirror. From the temporary
support armor to the armor that he was currently wearing, he finally seemed to
look more like an Adventurer. While he thought like this, Bell also felt a little bit
more proud.
With his <Dagger> and <Hestia’s Dagger> inserted near his waist, he was fully
equipped. He left from the hidden room inside the church.
(The weather is really nice……)
Walking out from the church, a wide sky allowed his vision to expand forward.
I wonder if something good will happen today. Because there was such a good,
cloudless weather, Bell could not help but think about that.
He finally reached the central square after passing through many alleys to the Main
Following the flow of the Adventurers, Bell finally reached Babel.
(Today, I will also……)
Work hard, he could not help but remember the girl with the golden hair and
golden eyes while saying this phrase.
“Onii-san, Onii-san. White haired Onii-san.”
Hearing the unexpected call, my actions couldn’t be helped but be interrupted.
I turned to the direction where the sound came from. However, the nearby
Adventurers continue to disappear from my eyes. I couldn’t find the person
speaking with me.
“Onii-san, B…Below”
Searching for the slightly angry female voice, I looked downwards, ah, found her.
Her height was about 100 centimeters. Her cream-colored long robe was draped
over her entire body. From the hood, you could see only a bit of her marooncolored
bangs. On her back was a big backpack that was several times bigger than
her petite body. That backpack was huge to the extent that it was scary.
Bell, who was feeling a strong sense of déjà vu, tried hard to dig through the
memories of yesterday night during the alley. Then he widened his eyes.
“Y…You are……”
“First time meeting you, Onii-san. Although it is a little abrupt, but are you looking
for a Supporter?”
This way, it covered Bell’s voice, the girl used her baby-like finger to point behind
The direction of her finger was pointing at Bell’s backpack.
Only those that are solo Adventurers will equip a backpack. Anyone
can tell by simply connect those points together.
<If they have an Supporter, Adventurers will not have to carry their own
Thus, she used a half-sure tone to confirm it as if he needed a Supporter, or
“Are you still confused? But isn’t the current situation very simple? A Supporter
that is very important to an Adventurers, but is limited in amount, came to you”
In contrast to Bell’s dazed expression, the girl revealed a sunshine-like smile.
“T…That’s not the case……You are yesterday’s……?”
“……? Onii-san, have you met with Lili before? Lili do not seem to remember
such a thing”
Towards the girl that tilted her head cutely, Bell also tilted his head.
The passing Adventurers around them all threw a what-are-they-doing type of
gaze to them.
“Besides that, Onii-san, what about it? Do you need a Supporter?”
“About that……If it is possible, then I probably will want to……?”
“Really! Then, why don’t you take Lili away, Onii-san!”
The girl was extremely excited. Her round eyes that were covered by her hood and
bangs also shone brightly.
The large eyes gazed at the dagger inserted at Bell’s waist.
“That’s not it, but is it really okay, ah……?
“Ah, is it my name? I’m really sorry, Lili forgot to introduce herself”
The girl took a step back and revealed a hearty smile.
“Lili’s name is Liliruca Arde. Onii-san, what is your name”
The girl’s eyes that was looking up at Bell, seemed to be flashing strangely.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!