Dwarf In The Future - Chapter 103.2

Published at 9th of May 2024 05:05:40 AM

Chapter 103.2

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About 15 minutes later, Chu Huai returned with the Xiang and Wei’s families’ representatives and heads of various departments to start scheduling inspections.

As attendees were all high-ranking members of the federation, they likely had some insight into undisclosed matters. Considering their own safety and the security of the federation, they cooperated fully with the inspection.

Examination of the mental force lock needed some level of penetration of the spiritual sea. In order not to cause damage to everyone, the inspectors arranged by Chu Huai were all people with a doctor’s certificate and a mental strength level of SS level or above.

Of course, these doctors have been confirmed by Chu Rong’s inspection in advance to ensure the safety of the inspection process. During the inspection, Chu Rong’s soldiers would also be on the side to prevent accidents during the inspection.

The Chu family was called the first to go to the examination room on the second floor because it had the least number of people and also played a leading role in reassuring the safety of the process.

Qiao Zhiya was a little hesitant. His power was different from that of humans, and his brain was not the same. He didn’t know if this would be noticed during the inspection. 

Chu Yan assumed he was nervous and hurriedly reassured him, saying, “Your spiritual power is SSS-level. Doctors of SS-level wouldn’t dare to tamper with your mind, and besides, you can trust that Erge won’t let anything happen to you.”

Thinking of Chu Rong, Qiao Zhiya’s nervousness subsided a bit. He nodded. 

The two entered different examination rooms under the guidance of soldiers. As soon as Qiao Zhiya stepped in, he spotted Chu Rong’s figure. His eyes lit up, disregarding the presence of an elderly man beside him. He joyfully rushed over and called out, “Chu Rong!”

Upon hearing this, Chu Rong turned his head, his previously stern expression softening. He opened his arms and embraced Qiao Zhiya, patting the back of his head gently. Then, he turned to the elderly man beside him and said, “I’ll take care of his examination. Why don’t you go rest for a bit?”

The elderly man’s gaze swept over Chu Rong’s rarely gentle eyes and Qiao Zhiya’s slightly shy expression. A kind smile appeared on his face as he nodded in understanding, then turned towards the inner room, giving them privacy.

Chu Rong guided Qiao Zhiya to sit on the nearby sofa, holding his hand gently. “Even though I’m the one conducting the examination now, we still need to go through the detailed process. Just relax and don’t be afraid.” 

Qiao Zhiya’s heart finally calmed. He quickly nodded, trusting himself to him.

With their similar levels of strength and mutual trust, the process went smoothly. Qiao Zhiya resisted the urge to lean into the familiar sensation of power and obediently locked his power in the magic pool, allowing Chu Rong’s spiritual energy to circulate in his mind.


Chu Rong had already known about the unusual power structure in Qiao Zhiya’s mind from their previous exploration, so the inspection was quickly completed. He gently touched Qiao Zhiya’s forehead and, after he opened his eyes, spoke softly, “Dage and I will be back later today. Take care of Dasao and make sure to get enough rest.”

Qiao Zhiya just felt that the inspection was over before it even started. He felt reluctant to leave Chu Rong’s side. He nuzzled his palm, nodded obediently, knowing that there must be something else going on behind him. Finally, he stood up and prepared to go out.

Seeing this, Chu Rong’s eyes soften even more. He hugged the youth, kissed his forehead, and sent him out in person.

About five minutes later, Chu Yan stepped out of the examination room next door, and the two exchanged information. Instead of going downstairs, they turned towards the lounge where the pregnant women were.

Halfway through, they happened to encounter the next wave of the Xiang family members coming up for inspection. The relaxed smile on Chu Yan’s face faded, replaced by a glare at Xiang Kun. Xiang Kun didn’t even acknowledge him, looking straight ahead and simply “passed by” them.

“This brat..” Chu Yan wanted to roll up his sleeves.

Qiao Zhiya hurriedly held him back, his gaze shifting to Xiang Hui walking ahead of Xiang Kun. Seeing Xiang Hui’s indifferent demeanor, he became more convinced of his strangeness. Remembering Chu Rong, who was still in the examination room assisting the doctor, he silently set aside his worries and pulled Chu Yan along towards the pregnant women’s lounge area.


Tan Shengwei, who was guarding outside the pregnant women’s lounge room, hesitated for a moment when he heard their inquiry, then replied, “Didn’t the Madam go to find you two? Someone just came up and said that the Third Young Master and Second Young Master Xiang were fighting downstairs. Madam got worried, so she took Zhuang Yu with her and went down to look for them.”

Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya heard this and had the same expression. Chu Yan quickly took out his communicator and dialed Zhuang Yu’s number, while Qiao Zhiya quickly spread his magic towards the surroundings.

“No one answered!” Chu Yan hung up immediately, then turned around and ran towards the third-floor conference room where Chu Huai was.

Qiao Zhiya turned around and ran towards Chu Rong’s examination room.

Tan Shengwei realized that the situation was not right, and he took out his communicator and started to contact Fan Xiangnan and Lin Zhen, who was controlling the security of the Presidential Palace outside.

‘None, none, none…’

The magic power quickly searched the first and second floors of the Presidential Palace, but he couldn’t detect any trace of Gu Yan’an. 

Qiao Zhiya’s forehead broke out in a cold sweat in just that short moment of time, and his pace quickened, almost like a gust of wind sweeping through the second-floor corridor. He dashed straight into the examination room where Chu Rong was located.

Inside the room, the eldery man was conducting the examination on Xiang Jing. Chu Rong likely sensed his power fluctuation and was striding out to greet him. They collided at the doorway, and Chu Rong quickly caught him, helping steady his body.

Qiao Zhiya, unable to care about almost falling, grabbed Chu Rong’s sleeve and urgently said, “Dasao and Zhuang Yu are missing! Someone lied to them about Xiao Yan and Xiang Kun fighting, and Dasao was worried, saying she was going to find us, but Xiao Yan and I didn’t see her at all! Also, I just used magic to search the first and second floors of the Presidential Palace, but I didn’t find her anywhere.”

Hearing this, Chu Rong’s expression rapidly darkened. As his breath quickened, he hurriedly asked him to stay here and not walk away, striding out of the examination room.

Qiao Zhiya rushed forward to keep up, but was blocked by Xiang Hui, who just came in. They collided and he almost fell. 

Xiang Hui ignored him and went straight into the inner room. Seeing this, Xiang Kun, who came later, frowned and reached out to support Qiao Zhiya, asking, “Are you okay? I just saw Marshal Chu hurriedly leaving. What happened?”

Qiao Zhiya shook his head. After thanking him, he wanted to leave. Then, he noticed something, and glanced back at Xiang Hui again.

But at this moment, there was no sign of Xiang Hui inside, nor of Xiang Jing and the elderly man. 

The military stationed inside and outside the Presidential Palace sprung into action, conducting a thorough search of the premises. All personnel present were placed under tight security and no longer allowed to move freely.

But after a detailed search, let alone Gu Yan’an and Zhuang Yu, even Xiang Hui and Xiang Jing who disappeared later were also vanished. 

“Damn!” Chu Yan raised his hand and punched the wall hard. Once again, right next to him, his relatives were missing.

Qiao Zhiya also appeared anxious and worried, leaning against the wall with drooping ears. His magic still spread outward as he attempted to locate the two familiar spiritual powers. 

“The soldier who reported the false information has been found. Traces of the Ning family’s medicines were detected in his body. Based on the absorption rate, it appears he had recently ingested it. His spiritual power is highly unstable, showing signs of manipulation.”

Fan Xiangnan reported. Despite his calm face, his cadence was over the place, showing his anxiety. 

Chu Rong nodded in understanding. He saw Lin Zhen hastily entering with a photon computer, and knew that surveillance footage had been retrieved. He quickly took it and started playing the recording.

The first footage showed the moment when Xiang Hui went missing. In the recording, Qiao Zhiya and Xiang Kun were supporting each other, speaking with lowered heads. Suddenly, Xiang Hui, who was walking into the room, turned back to glance at them, then reached out his hand towards Qiao Zhiya.

Seeing this scene, Chu Rong’s expression was even scarier, while Xiang Kun frowned deeper.

“Dage isn’t looking right. This isn’t his usual self. He must be manipulated.” Xiang Kun offered his opinion, his expression still solemn. 

The scene continued to unfold. Just as Xiang Hui reached out his hand, the elderly man finished his inspection on Xiang Jing. Xiang Jing opened her eyes first and saw Xiang Hui standing in front of her. She rose with a puzzled expression and placed her hand on his shoulder. Meanwhile, the elderly man sensed something amiss and rushed towards Xiang Hui.

Xiang Hui, startled, turned around. In that instant, a black hole appeared where Xiang Hui had reached out his hand. The black hole rapidly expanded, sucking in the three of them, and then quickly dissipated.

Everyone held their breaths as the room descended in silence. Chu Huai, who had not spoken in the corner, clenched his fists.

Lin Zhen immediately played the second video.

Inside the pregnant women’s lounge area, Gu Yan’an was talking to Zhuang Yu. Then a soldier came in and said something. Gu Yan’an’s expression immediately turned anxious. She got up to leave, and although Zhuang Yu tried to persuade her, she couldn’t. So, Zhuang Yu accompanied her out.

The scene then shifts to the corridor, where Zhuang Yu was helping Gu Yan’an walk. Then, at a corner, a female figure rushed out, suddenly approaching them. Soon after, a black hole appears, sucking them in.


There was a crack in the wall of the room. Chu Huai couldn’t control his power and punched the wall. 

“Continue to search the Presidential Palace, and close all entrances and exits. No one is allowed in or out. Check out the trajectory of Xiang Hui after entering the Presidential Palace to see who he has contacted.”

Chu Rong issued decisive orders, calmly analyzing the situation, “Everyone’s personal belongings were checked before entering, so it’s unlikely that Xiang Hui had a black hole teleportation device on him. The items he had must have been given to him by someone else after entering the Presidential Palace. The black holes appeared briefly in the surveillance footage, indicating that the victims must have been very close to the perpetrators. It’s likely that Xiang Hui and the woman had unstable teleportation devices, unable to transport them far. With the palace under lockdown, it’s highly probable they are still inside.”

“It’s Long Baorou!” Chu Yan said suddenly, not knowing when he had forced himself to calm down. His eyes stuck on the suspended holographic screen, as he continued, “That figure, it must be her! All the members of the Long family have been arrested, she’s the only one still out there! And only she would be so familiar with the layout of the Presidential Palace!”

Qiao Zhiya’s ears suddenly perked up, and he said quickly, “Underground! I detected a weak spiritual power feedback from the underground area! There’s a huge room down there!” 

Chu Rong immediately connected the puzzle. ‘Underground, Long Baorou…’

“There must be a secret passage in this place.” Chu Huai suddenly said, then got up and walked straight out.

Chu Rong busied himself directing the search team to assemble at the entrance to the Presidential Palace’s secret passage, while Qiao Zhiya had already turned and ran towards the location where the fluctuations were coming from. As he ran, he retracted his wood-elemental magic and increased the output of his earth-elemental magic, heading directly underground for exploration.

Everyone quickly followed.

The members of other families within the Presidential Palace were still unaware of what had happened. They only knew that the military had suddenly tightened security around everyone. The members of the Chu and Xiang families were all missing without a trace, and even Chu Rong’s subordinates who occasionally appeared all wore expressions suggesting something significant had occurred.

While everyone was still puzzled and uneasy, the new president and his entourage suddenly walked out of a room on the third floor with stern faces. Then they all turned a corner together and disappeared from sight.

Everyone started to mutter more and more, and whispered to guess what was going on.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!