Dwarf In The Future - Chapter 104.1

Published at 9th of May 2024 05:05:38 AM

Chapter 104.1

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Chu Rong and Qiao Zhiya got off the mecha and immediately boarded the hovercraft. They looked at Chu Huai and others who were surrounded by many people in the corner.

“How is Dasao?”

Qiao Zhiya rushed to ask anxiously. The situation was too critical in the secret passage before, and he did not have time to conduct a detailed inspection of Gu Yan’an.

“Not optimistic.” 

The doctor, called urgently to examine Gu Yan’an, looked sympathetically at the newly appointed young president, who held Gu Yan’an tightly with slightly reddened eyes. With a sigh, he said, “During the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant women are most averse to mental stress and vigorous activity. However, the First Lady has been frequently subjected to trauma today, and all the necessary emergency treatments have been administered, yet there has been no response. The fetus may already…”

In fact, if it weren’t for the protective shield, the First Lady might have been severely injured by now.

The doctor didn’t finish his words, but everyone understood. The condition of the fetus in Gu Yan’an’s womb wasn’t… good. 

The members of the major family in the car fell silent upon hearing these words. The atmosphere of celebrating survival after the ordeal slowly dissipated, replaced by a heavy silence.

The birth of a child was a wonderful occasion. But if the situation was reversed … alas.

Chu Huai was also aware that the situation with Gu Yan’an might not be good. As a couple with a deep connection, he and Gu Yan’an were spiritually linked, and he could feel all of her current pain and unease as if it were his own. He blamed himself for not protecting his wife and child.

The communicator suddenly rang, signaling that the hovercar arranged by Fan Xiangnan had arrived. The members of the Gu family who had been guarding here had also departed for the nearest Gu family hospital, preparing in advance for Gu Yan’an’s treatment.

Chu Huai switched off the communicator and tossed it to Chu Yan. He gently touched Gu Yan’an’s slightly pale face, carefully lifting her up. Suppressing his emotions, he looked around at the others and said, “It’s getting late. We’ll continue the examination tomorrow. I apologize for not considering and preparing adequately, which put everyone at risk today.”

The others in the car hurriedly expressed that it was okay, wanting to offer comfort but not knowing how to start. The Chu family had always been small in number, and it took Chu Huai and Gu Yan’an more than ten years of marriage to finally have a child. Now, to lose the baby, it was heartbreaking to even think about.

Chu Huai then looked at his two younger brothers, who were standing silently in front of him. He tried to muster a comforting smile for them, but he couldn’t manage it. Instead, he suppressed his emotions again and quietly instructed, “Xiao Rong, I’ll leave things here to you. I’m taking your sister-in-law to the hospital.” Without further delay, he walked briskly towards the exit.

It’s truly a pity that his child was gone, but he had to prioritize the living now. 

Upon hearing the doctor’s response, Qiao Zhiya was stunned. Seeing Chu Huai about to take Gu Yan’an away, his gaze swept over her slightly bulging belly. His heart clenched, and he wiped away the tears that had unconsciously welled up. He tightened his face and followed along—no, the baby would be fine!

Chu Yan, with red eyes, followed suit. Xiang Kun opened his mouth to offer some comfort, but his gaze fell on the soldiers guarding the unconscious Xiang Hui nearby. His lips moved, but then he fell silent.

Now everyone was qualified to comfort the Chu family, but the Xiang family did not.

After this incident, the recently eased relationship between the Xiang and Chu families was likely to freeze again, perhaps even deteriorating further than before. As for him and Chu Yan… He glanced at Chu Yan’s figure boarding the Chu family’s exclusive hovercar outside, lowered his head, and a wry smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

‘What nonsense am I thinking? When did my relationship with that bastard Chu San ever get better? It’s just gotten worse. What’s the point…’ He raised his hand and buried his face in the shadows.

Chu Rong also wanted to leave with his family, but couldn’t, he still had to stay for the follow-ups.

Everyone could see how terrible and terrifying the Marshal’s mood was at this moment, and the sharp spiritual energy lingering in the air had never dissipated. Everyone fell silent, unlike the relaxed and natural atmosphere in front of Chu Huai, they didn’t even dare to make eye contact with him.

“Xiangnan,” Chu Rong finally spoke, and the coldness in his voice made everyone shiver.

Fan Xiangnan, who had stood silently by the side, stepped forward. He responded in a low voice. 

“Take Xiang Hui…” Chu Rong began, glancing at Xiang Hui being watched by the soldiers, then looking outside at Long Baorou, who was firmly locked at the center by Qiuqiu. He ordered, “And take Long Baorou to the military headquarters. I want to interrogate them overnight!”

“Yes!” Fan Xiangnan responded, ignoring the presence of Xiang Lingyun and others on the side. He gestured to the soldiers to tie up Xiang Hui, his attitude cold, rough, and unapologetic, not hiding the hatred the Chu family currently held towards Xiang Hui.

Xiang Lingyun couldn’t bear to show his face, but he didn’t stop. He just watched silently, and clenched his fists.

The crowd inside the car was in an uproar and looked at each other.

They just heard whose name? Long Baorou? Is she the daughter of the traitorous president Long Ruifeng? Hasn’t she been missing for a long time? Where did she come from again?

And Chu Rong’s current attitude, is it true that the Chu family and Xiang family are going to break up?

The door closed, the hovercar started, and quickly headed towards the nearest Gu family’s hospital.

Originally sitting quietly opposite Chu Huai, Qiao Zhiya suddenly stepped forward and knelt down, placing his hand on Gu Yan’an’s abdomen. A green light emerged from his hand, gradually growing stronger as it penetrated into Gu Yan’an’s body.

Still immersed in grief, Chu Huai and Chu Yan were stunned when they saw this. Remembering his special power, they suddenly snapped out of it, and a glimmer of hope lit up in their eyes as they looked up at him.

The green light fluctuated gently, and a healing power spread inside the car.

“…Qiao?” Chu Huai’s heart raced, his grip on Gu Yan’an tightening. His tone was uneasy, his voice hoarse, tinged with a certain hope, yet he couldn’t bring himself to ask directly, afraid it might be false hope.

Qiao Zhiya, however, was too preoccupied to respond to his cautious inquiry. His focus was entirely on Gu Yan’an, his magical energy infused with healing properties gently circulating around her body after entering it, slowly making its way towards her abdomen.

A silence fell. Where there should have been another heartbeat, he could only hear a heartbreaking silence.

Qiao Zhiya’s hand trembled for a moment, but quickly steadied himself. Taking a deep breath to suppress the urge to cry, he increased the output of his magic, allowing it to circulate continuously within Gu Yan’an’s body. At the same time, he gently transmitted strength to the seemingly peacefully sleeping baby, soothing its tiny body with care.

There’s hope, there must be hope. Last time he managed to save Jian, this time he can definitely save the baby too. He convinced himself, pouring out his magic as if it cost nothing.

The wood-elemental magic inside the car grew denser and denser, green light dots converged to form a green sphere that enveloped Gu Yan’an entirely. Qiao Zhiya shifted from a kneeling position to sitting on the ground, finally pressing his forehead against Gu Yan’an’s abdomen.

Holding Gu Yan’an’s arm, Chu Huai’s muscles had stiffened, but he dared not move recklessly. His gaze fell on the green lights around Gu Yan’an, and he unconsciously relaxed his breath.

Chu Yan accompanied Qiao Zhiya to the ground and secretly held Gu Yan’an’s hand on his side.

As one circle followed another, and one layer followed the next, just as the magic within him was about to be depleted, amidst the steady beat of a single heartbeat in his ears, there slowly emerged another, extremely faint sound, as if it were just an illusion.

The baby! 

Qiao Zhiya sat up abruptly, his pointed ears twitching, eyes glowing with hope. While continuing to channel magic, he took out the last bit of Tree of Life sap from his storage bracelet and fed it to the corner of Gu Yan’an’s mouth.

Chu Huai saw that his posture was awkward, and he reached out to help.

The gentle power of the Tree of Life sap spread throughout Gu Yan’an’s body as soon as it entered, and Qiao Zhiya quickly focused his energy to guide it towards the limbs, directing it towards the baby in the womb, where the heartbeat was sometimes faint, sometimes strong.

Before this, he had only used the Tree of Life sap on babies who had already been born and hadn’t tried it in this situation before. But the baby was too weak to withstand a powerful force, so he had to try this option.

The magic, infused with the power of the sap, circulated layer by layer within the baby’s body. It seemed that Gu Yan’an was slowly regaining consciousness, or perhaps it was simply the instinctual response of a mother. The spiritual power within her body suddenly became active, surrounding the fetus protectively.

Sensing the fluctuations in Gu Yan’an’s power, Chu Huai quickly set down the small pot with engraved leaves, which was now empty,  and began channeling his own spiritual energy into her body.

With the combined power of its parents and the potent healing aura of the wood-element magic, the faint heartbeat of the baby finally became clear and stable. Qiao Zhiya grew even more excited, wanting to increase the flow of magic, only to find that the magic pool was nearly empty. Pausing for a moment, he quickly took out a piece of jade and held it in their hand, absorbing and releasing its energy, pushing themselves to his limits.

The hovercar had already stopped at the emergency entrance of the Gu family hospital. The Gu family members, who had arrived earlier to prepare, gathered outside, anxiously and worriedly approaching the hovercar when they noticed the door remained closed, knocking on it in urgency.

Three minutes later, the door of the hovercar finally opened. A force that cleared one’s mind rushed out. Chu Huai carried Gu Yan’an down from the vehicle, followed by Chu Yan, who was supporting a sweaty Qiao Zhiya. Their expressions were filled with anxiety.

“Prepare a healing chamber for Qiao, quickly!” Chu Huai urgently instructed as he placed Gu Yan’an on a mobile sickbed.

The members of the Gu family who had already approached to examine Gu Yan’an were stunned at his words. They were just about to express their discontent about how he seemed to care more about his younger brother’s fiance than his own wife when the results on the diagnostic instrument startled them.

The mother and the fetus are both perfectly fine, with all vital signs even approaching optimal levels. How… how is this possible? Just before Gu Yan’an returned, the preliminary examination results for her were quite unfavorable.

Qiao Zhiya also saw the results and knew that his sister-in-law and the baby were safe now. With a sense of relief flooding his mind, his consciousness, which had been holding on tightly, finally couldn’t bear it anymore. In the sudden rush of heat from the magic pool, his strength faltered, and he passed out with closed eyes.

Chu Yan was so anxious that he hugged his unconscious falling body, screaming, “Qiao!”

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