Dwarf In The Future - Chapter 106.1

Published at 23rd of May 2024 05:43:21 AM

Chapter 106.1

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After the call was connected, Qiao Zhiya briefly told Chu Huai about the situation in the military academy where a student was also being controlled by the Ning family’s drug, then hung up. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to call Chu Rong as well.

Although he was worried that this “he got into danger as soon as he’s out of Chu Rong’s sight” situation might cause Chu Rong to lose control of his emotions again, saving people was more important. While Chu Huai could quickly dispatch people to stabilize the situation at the academy, Chu Rong, with his military resources, would be more efficient in rescuing Ling Yi’s father.

Chu Rong’s call was almost immediately answered the moment he dialed, and the older man’s voice, which still sounded relatively calm, came through: “After the exam… why is it so noisy on your end? What’s going on?”

The calm only lasted less than two seconds.

“It’s nothing, I’m very safe,” Qiao Zhiya first reassured him about his situation to ease his mind, then briefly explained what was happening on his side, and then said, “Ling Yi said his father is in danger. He has now fainted. I don’t know who his father is, you…”

“I will send someone to rescue him,” Chu Rong interrupted, his tone turning serious, followed by the faint sound of footsteps, “Don’t run around, stay with your teachers. Wait for Xiao Yan to come find you, I’ll be there soon.”

The call ended. Chu Rong’s tone remained rational and calm throughout, which made Qiao Zhiya breathe a sigh of relief. After putting down the communicator, he saw that Xiang Kun had fully woken up. Although he seemed somewhat dazed, probably from the pain, Qiao Zhiya frowned, lifted him onto his back, and turned to follow the teacher who was taking Ling Yi to the infirmary.

Chu Huai acted quickly. By the time they arrived at the infirmary, the school’s higher-ups had already received orders and responded efficiently. They first cleared the infirmary to prevent panic from spreading due to Ling Yi’s condition, then increased patrols and security around the school, and sent people to guard all of Ling Yi’s personal belongings in his dorm room for further investigation.

After taking the potion, Ling Yi remained unconscious, and his mental state was unstable.

Although Xiang Kun, who was also injured, was now conscious, the situation didn’t look good – his chest, a vital area, was hit by a heavy mecha manufacturing tool, resulting in a large bruise and possibly internal injuries.

The doctor swiftly examined and treated both of them. The school authorities soon arrived, gathered information from the teachers on the scene, and arranged to keep the news under wraps to stabilize the emotions of the witnessing students. Perhaps worried about Qiao Zhiya being frightened, they did not approach him for details but instead arranged for him to sit and rest on the side, even handing him a cup of hot water.

A few minutes later, Chu Yan hurriedly arrived. As soon as he entered, he saw the large bruise on Xiang Kun’s chest on the bed near the door, gasping in shock. He didn’t even notice Qiao Zhiya sitting on the side, and quickly walked over to the doctor examining Xiang Kun, asking, “How is he? Are his bones or internal organs hurt?”

The doctor, aware of the special status of these students, quickly reassured him, “His bones are not injured. His internal organs took a bit of a hit, but it’s not a major problem. He just needs a few days of rest. The bruise will take some time to heal.”

Chu Yan, however, did not believe it. Pointing to the bruise on Xiang Kun’s chest, he said, “Such a large bruise, how can it not be a major problem? Are you sure the bones aren’t injured? If his internal organs are affected, how can the bones be fine? Please check again. What if there’s something you missed— ouch!”

Xiang Kun, who had been lying with his eyes closed, couldn’t bear it any longer. He raised his leg and kicked Chu Yan hard in the chest, frowning and glaring at him, saying, “You’re the one with injured bones! I think your brain is damaged! Did it hurt when I just kicked you? Are your bones broken? Are your internal organs affected? If you don’t trust the doctor, why are you seeing one? Every bruise you gave me before was this big, shut up and get lost!”

Qiao Zhiya, sitting on the side, was shocked, his eyes wide open. He hadn’t expected Xiang Kun to suddenly explode with such ferocity. He turned his head to look at Chu Yan, who was clutching his chest and rubbing it furiously, then looked at the seemingly frightened doctor. Silently, he got up and led the innocent doctor away.

This kick immediately enraged Chu Yan. He was about to retort angrily but, upon seeing Xiang Kun lying pitifully on the bed with his clothes disheveled and his blanket askew, swallowed back all the harsh words. After a moment of stewing, he just walked over, yanked the blanket up, and covered Xiang Kun’s head with it forcefully, exclaiming angrily, “You really are a one-in-a-millenia disaster!!” 

Hearing this, Xiang Kun’s body stiffened. He took a deep breath, threw off the blanket, and wanted to kick him again, cursing, “Who’s the disaster! Who are you calling a disaster! Clearly, you are the disaster! Your whole Chu family is a disaster! Chu San, why didn’t I just beat you to death back then!”

As he spoke, for some reason, his eyes suddenly turned red. He quickly blinked hard, unwilling to look at Chu Yan’s irritating face any longer. He pulled up the blanket to cover himself and turned his back on Chu Yan, cursing, “Get lost! You’re goddamn annoying!”

Chu Yan’s dynamic vision was excellent, and Xiang Kun’s attempt to hide his emotions was too clumsy, so he immediately noticed Xiang Kun’s reddened eyes. He was stunned for a moment and then became a bit flustered. After hesitating, he stepped forward and tugged at the blanket, carefully asking, “Are you crying? No way, you’re an adult… I used to beat you so badly, and you never cried. Now I just scold you once… Okay, okay, stop moving, I give up. Don’t lie on your side, you’ll hurt your chest.” 

Seeing him pulling back the blanket, Chu Yan, afraid that his movements might aggravate his wound, quickly raised his hands in surrender and let go of the blanket, frowning deeply in frustration. He knew how to deal with the tough and stubborn Xiang Kun, but he had no idea how to handle this suddenly fragile Xiang Kun who cried at a mere scolding.

Qiao Zhiya silently stepped forward, handing Chu Yan all the oral and topical medications the doctor had prescribed for Xiang Kun. He pushed Chu Yan gently and whispered, “Xiang Kun got hurt saving me.”

Chu Yan was stunned, looking at the medicine in his hand, then at Xiang Kun’s back turned towards him. With a bit of frustration, he scratched his head, dragged a chair over to sit by the bed, and poked Xiang Kun’s exposed back, saying, “I was wrong, I shouldn’t have scolded you. Thank you for saving Qiao… Don’t cry anymore, take your medicine first, otherwise, your wound won’t heal. Didn’t you say to trust the doctor? The doctor says you need to take your medicine now.”

Xiang Kun moved a bit, threw off the blanket, turned his head, and cursed, “You’re the one crying, you— mmpfff!!!” 

Chu Yan seized the opportunity to stuff the medicine into his mouth, then covered his mouth with his hand. He climbed onto the bed to pin down Xiang Kun’s legs, making him lie flat. Using his teeth, he tore open the packet of the topical medicine, poured it directly onto Xiang Kun’s bare chest, and started massaging it in with firm strokes, saying seriously, “Better to endure short-term pain for long-term gain. Let me help you spread out the medicine, it will heal faster this way!”

Finally free to speak, Xiang Kun pounded the bed in rage, gasping frequently from the pain, and struggled to kick Chu Yan off, but couldn’t. Looking at Chu Yan’s infuriating face above him, he choked up and cursed, “Chu San! You’ll die a terrible death! You dare to do this to me, I’ll kill your whole family!”

Chu Yan’s mood inexplicably soared. He massaged Xiang Kun’s chest harder, but when he saw Xiang Kun stiffen in pain, he guiltily softened his touch and earnestly advised, “You can’t kill anyone. With your weak body, who in my family could you possibly beat? Don’t move, don’t move, I can’t use my strength properly.”

“Chu San, I’ll fucking %&@!!!”

Chu Rong walked in just in time to hear Xiang Kun’s long string of extremely colorful curses. Frowning, he strode over, first pulling the wide-eyed and shocked Qiao Zhiya to stand behind him, then stepped forward and slapped the back of Chu Yan’s head forcefully, scolding, “What nonsense are you up to? Get down!”

Xiang Kun’s cursing stopped. Chu Yan’s head was knocked forward, nearly hitting Xiang Kun’s face. His hand slipped while massaging the bruise, sliding down Xiang Kun’s chest to his collarbone and then gripping his neck.

Xiang Kun rolled his eyes. “Cough, cough, Chu… San… I’ll kill— cough, cough…”

“Sorry, sorry, my bad, my bad,” Chu Yan quickly pulled his hand back and patted his chest to soothe him. He glanced at Xiang Kun’s flushed and tear-streaked face turned to the side, and then at his own hand resting on Xiang Kun’s bare, reddened chest. Suddenly, he felt something was off about the scene. But before he could figure out what, Chu Rong, unable to tolerate his younger brother’s antics any longer, yanked him off Xiang Kun and thoughtfully pulled the blanket up to cover Xiang Kun’s body.

“I’ll deal with you later.”

Chu Rong scolded him with a frown, signaling the stunned doctor to check on Xiang Kun. He then stepped forward to block Qiao Zhiya’s view and led him towards the bed where Ling Yi was lying.

“Hey, Erge…” Chu Yan took two steps forward, wanting to follow. He glanced at Xiang Kun on the bed, hesitated, and then stopped, frowning as he walked back to the bedside. He pulled the blanket to cover Xiang Kun’s exposed legs and said, “Look at you, what else can you do besides cursing? We’re all adults now, you can’t just throw punches whenever you feel like it.”

Xiang Kun couldn’t stand his nagging. He lifted his leg and kicked him again, furious enough to want to kill him on the spot!

Living for twenty years, there was one thing he had always known for sure: he and this bastard Chu San were destined to clash!

Compared to the bustling scene there, the atmosphere around Ling Yi’s hospital bed was much heavier. Most of the school’s leaders and teachers were gathered there, frowning and discussing the situation seriously.

When Chu Rong entered, a senior leader who was familiar with him immediately approached and said worriedly, “Marshal, now that there are victims of the Ning family’s drugs even in the Federal Military Academy, I’m concerned there may be more Ning family remnants hiding here. This might not be the only affected student. Should we arrange a comprehensive health check for all the students? The winter break is approaching, and if we…”

“Rest assured, I will arrange it. The military’s inspection team will arrive soon, and a thorough check will quickly be carried out across the entire Federation,” Chu Rong reassured him. He then walked over to check on Ling Yi’s condition. Seeing that his complexion was stable, he asked the doctor standing by, “How is he doing?”

“After taking the potion provided by Qiao Zhiya, his condition has stabilized. The level of poisoning from the medication wasn’t deep, and he has a very strong will. He has been actively resisting the effects of the medication,” the doctor replied simply, looking pleased—this was the quality expected of a student of the Federal Military Academy. 

Chu Rong nodded, then went over to discuss the upcoming student health checks with the school leaders. After leaving Lin Zhen to coordinate with the follow-up team, he took Qiao Zhiya out of the infirmary and directly boarded a hover car.

“Where are we going?” Qiao Zhiya asked in confusion.

“To the hospital. Xiangnan has already rescued Ling Yi’s father. You know his father too, he’s Ling Yingxu, who competed with you in the mecha piloting finals,” Chu Rong replied. He reached out to touch Qiao Zhiya’s hair, only to find he was wearing a hat. “Why are you suddenly wearing a hat, are you cold?” he asked, holding his hand to check his temperature and finding it normal, he felt slightly relieved.

Qiao Zhiya was taken aback, focusing entirely on Chu Rong’s first sentence. Shaking his head to indicate he wasn’t cold, he hurriedly asked, “How is Ling Yingxu? Why is he in the hospital? Is he injured? Before fainting, Ling Yi mentioned the Ning family. What exactly happened?”

“The specifics are unclear. He was just rescued and is currently undergoing emergency treatment. The initial guess is that the Ning family remnants kidnapped Ling Yingxu and forced Ling Yi to approach and attack you. We’ll have to wait until Ling Yi and his father wake up to confirm everything,” Chu Rong explained, squeezing Qiao Zhiya’s hand to comfort him. Seeing his anxiety, Chu Rong accelerated the hover car further.

Ling Yingxu lived on the Capital Planet, very close to the Federal Military Academy. He was injured at home, and as soon as Fan Xiangnan received the news, he quickly found Ling Yingxu, who was severely injured and unconscious. He then sent him to the nearest hospital for treatment.


kinda spoilery i guess?

Chu Yan and Xiang Kun are…. getting along well, huh…. hmmmmmmm what does this mean?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!