Dwarf In The Future - Chapter 108.3

Published at 19th of June 2024 06:37:53 AM

Chapter 108.3

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A day later, the safe passage from the ground to this place was finally cleared by the remaining troops on the flagship.

Detailed searches of the entire laboratory quickly began, and both Ning Tianxing and the young man were pulled out by Chu Rong for separate interrogations after they regained consciousness. Ning Tianxing remained silent as a clam in the face of questioning, just like his clone. Chu Rong had no patience to waste on him, nor did he have the energy to break through his mental barrier again, so he simply knocked him out again. The young man, on the other hand, was very cooperative in questioning, but he claimed ignorance about everything, with very little useful information in his head.

The follow-up investigation team from the Chu family also quickly arrived. This once neglected garbage planet quickly became lively as the long-buried laboratory was exposed to the sun.

Qiao Zhiya huddled in the flagship, confirming that Chu Rong was busy with the search and wouldn’t return for the time being. He took out the communicator and dialed the Imperial High Advisor’s communication again, getting straight to the point and asking, “Where are you from, and what is your true form?”

There was a long silence on the Imperial High Advisor’s end, then he replied honestly, “My hometown is called Seaguard, as for my true form… Qiao Zhiya, after I take revenge for An Lunn, I plan to go home. Would you like to come with me?”


Qiao Zhiya stood up in shock, knocking over the chair directly. Astonished, he asked, “Do you have a way to go back to your hometown?”

“If I exhaust my current power, then yes,” the Imperial High Advisor replied confidently. Suddenly, there was a hint of relief in his voice, as if sighing, he said, “Qiao, I won’t let any child of my kind live alone in this dirty Blue Galaxy for the rest of his life. You saved An Lunn and are of my kind. As a reward, I am willing to take you back to my hometown. It’s a beautiful place, and you will like it.”

Footsteps suddenly came from outside the door. Qiao Zhiya reflexively hung up the communication and looked towards the door.

Chu Rong pushed open the door, and seeing him standing stiffly in front of the fallen chair, his brows furrowed. He stepped forward, pulled him into his arms, and asked with concern, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”

“N-nothing… I just accidentally fell asleep lying down and had a nightmare…” Qiao Zhiya shook his head, feeling a bit disoriented after lying, then buried himself in Chu Rong’s arms, clutching his clothes. His heartbeat gradually stabilized, but his thoughts were still chaotic.

The Imperial High Advisor kept mentioning that they’re of the same “kind”. Those scales, and his current atavism… Could he eventually turn into a terrifying creature like that young man? What would happen to Chu Rong then…

His heart suddenly clenched, and he hugged Chu Rong tightly. Opening his mouth to say something, he suddenly felt his forehead heat up again. Then, with a pop, another bulge appeared opposite to the small horn from before.

Chu Rong, who had been watching him anxiously, immediately noticed the protrusion and his expression changed. He reached out and touched it.


Qiao Zhiya cringed and then realized something, reaching up to his forehead.

The two stared at each other wide-eyed. Qiao Zhiya felt dumbfounded and at a loss, saying, “Chu Rong, I’m turning into a monster…”

Chu Rong’s heart clenched, and he hugged him tightly, lowering his head to gently kiss his forehead and soothe him, saying, “No, you’re just growing up. Don’t be afraid, you’ll be fine. Nothing will happen to you.”

Being comforted by him, Qiao Zhiya touched the two horns on his forehead, feeling overwhelmed, and buried himself in Chu Rong’s arms.

Two weeks later, the detailed cleaning of the laboratory finally came to an end. Except for Area D, which collapsed and couldn’t be restored, all the data and experimental subjects from Area A, B, C, and E were dug out and transported to the flagship for systematic research by the Federation.

The real Ning Tianxing was once again kept in a coma and guarded. His assistant, the experimental subject, was assigned to a separate room and guarded, awaiting further interrogation.

That night, under the urging of his family, Chu Rong set sail back to the Federation Capital Planet.

—— To celebrate the victory of the war, the Federation and the Empire were preparing to celebrate the New Year together this year. Due to the greater contribution of the Federation in the battle against the Zerg Queen, the festive celebrations were to be held in the Federation. In any case, the Chu family was about to get busy again.

Upon learning that the Imperial High Advisor would also come for the New Year celebration, Qiao Zhiya, who had been feeling low-spirited during this period, finally perked up. He longed to go home and hoped to have a good talk with the Imperial High Advisor when he came for the festival.

Chu Rong thought that he had been demoralized by the appearance of those experimental subjects, but now seeing him finally spirited up because of going home, he felt even more guilty. So during the return voyage, he deliberately pushed aside all matters and accompanied him for two days.

Two days later, the flagship landed, and Chu Rong took Qiao Zhiya back home. Then Qiao Zhiya’s spirits were completely lifted — for nearly half a month, the baby in Gu Yan’an’s belly finally kicked!

Perhaps because of being nurtured by wood-elemental magic power, the baby was particularly sensitive to Qiao Zhiya’s aura. Every time he approached, the baby would excitedly stretch out their little arms and legs, leaving Gu Yan’an amused and exasperated.

“This family is no good, even the baby is biased!”

Chu Yan grumbled and complained, then looked at Gu Yan’an’s belly, couldn’t help but grab the cushion and rub it vigorously, affirming, “It’s a boy! It must be a boy! So lively, it must be a boy! Zhuang-jie definitely knows the baby’s gender, but she refuses to say. It’s so annoying!”

Qiao Zhiya sat blushing on the other side of Gu Yan’an, staring at her swollen belly with shining eyes, leaning forward with his ears up, focused on observing the baby’s movements. The smile on his face looked a bit silly.

‘Whether it was a boy or a girl, as long as it was a healthy baby…’ His ears twitched, feeling a mixture of joy and anticipation, thinking that as long as it was a healthy baby, everyone would be happy.

Gu Yan’an couldn’t help but laugh, reaching out to pat her belly gently and patting Chu Yan on the shoulder, saying, “I actually think it’s a girl. There’s enough commotion with you boys around, we don’t need another one.”

“I’m already an adult, what’s with all this talk about kids…” Chu Yan grumbled, just about to say something more when he felt a slight hit on the back of his head.

“Every time I come home, all I hear is you complaining. You’re already grown-up, stop making such a fuss every day,” Chu Huai scolded him with a smile, then bent down to kiss Gu Yan’an’s cheek affectionately and asked, “How was your day?”

“Pretty good,” Gu Yan’an replied with a smile, then looked at Chu Huai, who had just walked in from behind, and asked, “How about things with the military department?”

At the mention of this, the smiles on Chu Huai and Chu Rong’s faces faded slightly. Seeing this, Gu Yan’an frowned with concern and asked, “Not going well?”

“Not exactly, just encountered a little difficulty,” Chu Huai replied simply. Changing the subject when the butler walked out of the dining room, he smiled and said, “Let’s not talk about this for now, let’s eat.”

Qiao Zhiya turned his head to look at Chu Rong, who had walked up to him, opened his mouth to ask, but was stopped by Chu Rong, who pinched his ear.

“Let’s eat first.” Chu Rong pulled him up, tousled his hair again, covering the small horns with his bangs, took his hand, and led him to the dining room.

Chu Yan watched them enter the dining room one by one, leaving him alone on the sofa, and after a moment of stupor, he picked up a cushion and buried himself in it in frustration.

He couldn’t stay in this family any longer!! 

After dinner, Chu Rong and Chu Huai went to the study to discuss matters. Seeing this, Qiao Zhiya turned and went to the laboratory, busy with the mecha-related matters for Chu Yan. When it was almost time to sleep, he tidied up and returned to his room. Seeing that Chu Rong hadn’t returned yet, he obediently took a shower, then crawled into bed and waited.

Chu Rong didn’t return to the room until almost 10 PM. Seeing the small bump on the bed, his eyes softened, and he quietly approached, washing up in the bathroom before coming to bed.

Qiao Zhiya, who was about to fall asleep, immediately woke up when he saw him return. Seeing that he was back, he quickly stretched out his arms and nestled in his embrace, affectionately rubbing against his chest and neck, subconsciously releasing his magic power.

“Did I wake you up?” 

Chu Rong hugged him tightly, lowered his head to kiss his forehead.

Qiao Zhiya shook his head, remembering the purpose of waiting for him, and quickly said before he fell asleep, “Do you remember when I told you about my origins? When the black hole suddenly appeared in my hometown, I was then transported to that mining planet. Recently, I suddenly thought that since black holes don’t randomly appear but are artificially created, maybe the Imperial ship you found on that mining planet also has a black hole transmission device? Perhaps Jian’s father discovered something back then. I want to go see that Imperial ship. Is that okay?”

Chu Rong’s breathing suddenly stagnated at the mention of this, sensing Qiao Zhiya’s stiffness. He quickly suppressed his emotions, slowed down his breath, pressed his forehead to prevent him from seeing his expression, and gently replied, “Okay, I’ll take you to see it tomorrow.”

Seeing his agreement, Qiao Zhiya immediately forgot about the momentary discomfort and replied softly, yawning and curling up in his arms, falling asleep.

Chu Rong gently stroked his back, waiting for him to fall asleep before lowering his head to push aside his bangs and look at the two small horns on his forehead. Thinking of the beast-like traits on those experimental subjects, he frowned deeply, gently tucked him in with the blanket, and then got up.

Zhuang Yu met her commanding officer in the house’s infirmary room. It was a sudden summon, and she was still in his pajamas, with dark circles under her eyes. She had been busy researching the experimental subjects brought back recently, working day and night – feeling really tired, super-duper tired, and seriously sleep-deprived.

If it weren’t for the fact that she could mooch food, drinks, and rides at the Chu family’s residence and didn’t have to worry about starving to death in her own apartment without anyone knowing, she would have moved out long ago.

“So, what you’re saying is that Qiao still firmly believes that he was transported here by a black hole, the phenomenon of memory confusion has reappeared, and he has even made some reasonable speculations about this confused phenomenon?” Zhuang Yu asked, rubbing her face. Seeing the Marshal nod, she opened her mouth, sighed, and replied, “This may be a stress response. He saw so many experimental subjects and his body instinctively rejected them, so his body fabricated memories as a self-defense mechanism. Of course, there is also a possibility that he really was transported here by a black hole, and it’s your memory that’s the problem.”

The last sentence was somewhat petulant, as memory searches were basically impossible to go wrong, but she couldn’t help it; sleep deprivation made people irritable, and she occasionally wanted to rebel a little.

Chu Rong frowned, skipped over that part, and went straight to the point, “Are Qiao’s horns really harmless?”

Zhuang Yu hesitated, thinking of the appearance of those experimental subjects, and said, “The test results show that there’s no problem… Sir, you can’t just jump to the conclusion that Qiao has undergone a similar mutation to those experimental subjects just because of a horn. Perhaps that horn is really just a natural developmental phenomenon for his species?” Although it developed a bit late.

Chu Rong pondered for a few seconds, said nothing, thanked her, and then turned and left.

Zhuang Yu watched him leave, sighed heavily, and collapsed onto the table.

After seeing so many experimental subjects, she couldn’t help but suspect that there was something wrong with the horns on Qiao’s head now. The Ning family was truly sinful.

Early the next morning, Chu Rong took Qiao Zhiya to the military department, retrieved the Imperial ship stored in the military department archives, and went into a sealed room with Qiao Zhiya to search it again.

The ship had been searched countless times by Chu Rong’s investigative team before. Qiao Zhiya walked around inside, naturally finding nothing.

“Let’s go eat,” Chu Rong said at the right time after Qiao Zhiya left the ship, reaching out to pat his head, not wanting him to worry too much about it.

However, Qiao Zhiya was not willing to give up. He always felt like he had missed something. He shook his head, stubbornly pressed his hand against the ship, and spread his magic power over it.

Layer by layer, his magic power enveloped the ship, almost covering every corner of it. The once impenetrable outer shell of the ship now seemed like paper in front of him, easily penetrated.

‘Nothing, nothing, nothing…’ as his magic power swept from bow to stern without finding anything suspicious, just as he was about to give up, he felt a strange fluctuation.


His ears pricked up, immediately spreading his magic power toward that direction. Then his eyes lit up, and after pinpointing the location, he jumped onto the ship, found the power axis device outside the highest command room of the ship, and took out his toolbox to dismantle it.

Chu Rong’s expression changed, and he quickly followed suit.

After the outer shell and outer parts of the command room were removed, the core components of the power axis were exposed. Qiao Zhiya confirmed that the power fluctuation did indeed come from here. His heart leaped for joy. He touched the core component and tried to twist a protrusion that shouldn’t exist. Then, with a click, the power axis suddenly opened, and a small box fell out from inside the component.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!