Dwarf In The Future - Chapter 110.2

Published at 19th of June 2024 06:37:43 AM

Chapter 110.2

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The hovercar sped to the military department at the fastest speed. With Chu Rong’s authorization, Fan Xiangnan escorted Qiao Zhiya all the way to the research base at the center of the military department, descending three levels underground and entering the most secluded room.

As soon as Qiao Zhiya entered, he saw Chu Rong standing in front of a row of containment pods, along with several unfamiliar researchers.

“Sir,” Fan Xiangnan called out.

Chu Rong, who was talking to the researchers, turned his head and looked over. His gaze settled on Qiao Zhiya after scanning the room, and he gestured for the researchers to leave, then stepped forward and hugged Qiao Zhiya tightly.

Seeing this, Fan Xiangnan was momentarily stunned. He tactfully exited the room, closing the door behind him.

“Chu Rong?” Qiao Zhiya was taken aback by the sudden embrace. Sensing Chu Rong’s unstable breath, he quickly raised his hand to return the hug, comforting him, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you unlock it. Just relax.”

Smelling the familiar scent, hearing the familiar voice, and feeling the familiar warmth, the restless spiritual energy in Chu Rong’s mind finally began to calm down. Chu Rong subtly rubbed his forehead and suppressed the increasingly uncontrollable emotions. Slowly releasing him, he lowered his head and kissed Qiao Zhiya’s forehead, whispering, “Sorry for troubling you again.”

“It’s not a trouble. I’m happy to help.”

“Something inside has awakened and has been moving since this morning,” Chu Rong embraced him, soothingly rubbing his stiffened ears. He continued, “First, let’s change into protective suits. Before unlocking, the researchers will fill this room with sleeping gas to prevent any harm from the experimental subjects inside.”

Qiao Zhiya came to his senses and glanced again at the containment pod. He nodded obediently and followed Chu Rong to the adjacent room to change clothes.

Once everything was ready, Chu Rong took out the spiritual stone, while Qiao Zhiya squatted in front of the containment pod, beginning to draw the Assimilation Magic Array. Perhaps due to fatigue from earlier movements, there was no more activity coming from inside the containment pod as Qiao Zhiya drew the magic array, allowing him to complete it smoothly without any further scares.

At the moment Qiao Zhiya finished drawing the magic array, Chu Rong stepped forward and enveloped him with spiritual energy. Then, he activated the power within the spiritual stone and spread it towards the containment pod.

Sensing the spiritual energy, the red light indicating the locked state was suddenly flashing, changing to green.

Qiao Zhiya couldn’t help but hold his breath, wanting to get closer to see. Chu Rong stopped him for a moment, but the next second, a deafening roar, almost piercing eardrums, echoed through the room. The door of the containment pod was violently pushed open, and a nimble black figure, the size of an adult man, rushed out towards them at lightning speed. Simultaneously, a strange force spread rapidly throughout the room.

Fan Xiangnan, who was observing the situation outside the room, was shocked and quickly increased the release of the hypnotic gas.

The black figure moved too fast, and Chu Rong couldn’t avoid it. He quickly extended his arm to push Qiao Zhiya far away. Just as he prepared to confront the black figure, he realized that the figure was heading straight for Qiao Zhiya, completely ignoring him.

“Be careful!” His expression changed drastically as he hurriedly chased after them.

Pushed back by the force, Qiao Zhiya barely stabilized himself when the black figure came rushing towards him again. Their eyes met, and he saw the grotesque and eerie face covered in black scales, devoid of any emotion, resembling the eyes of a cold-blooded creature. His heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively stepped back, while his magic spread out unconsciously, vines suddenly appearing and entangling the black figure.

The black figure was momentarily immobilized by the vines, giving Chu Rong the opportunity to approach and shield Qiao Zhiya behind him. Then, he took out a tranquilizer gun and aimed it at the head of the black figure, firing a shot.


With the tranquilizer gun and the sleeping gas combined, the black figure staggered and fell into a heap on the ground. The strange force that filled the room also dissipated.

Chu Rong kissed Qiao Zhiya’s forehead reassuringly, then approached to cover the black figure with an isolation barrier. He looked towards Fan Xiangnan, who had rushed in, and ordered in a deep voice, “Call the researchers over.”

Qiao Zhiya slowly regained his senses, his gaze shifting to the black figure covered in black scales on the ground. However, the eerie feeling he experienced when he saw the red marks resurfaced. His heartbeat raced faster than ever before, and his thoughts were in disarray.

The strange force that appeared in the room just now was clearly a combination of Zerg neural waves and the power of the Imperial High Advisor, but it combined the worst aspects of the two — suppression of spiritual power and paralysis.

Perhaps there was something else, but the appearance of that force was too short-lived for him to sense it more clearly.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, and he took a deep breath to calm himself, trying to clear his mind of the chaotic thoughts. His gaze shifted to the bloodstain on the head of the black figure. A speculation arose in his mind — could those red marks be drawn with the blood of these “monsters”?

As he pondered, his magic, floating in the air, couldn’t help but drift towards the isolation barrier, uncontrollably piercing into it and targeting the drop of blood inside.


A severe burning sensation suddenly rushed back along the force that had penetrated the blood, quickly returning to his magic pool in his brain. The power began to boil, blood flow accelerated, and a call from his bloodline surged vigorously.


He clutched his head, his two small horns suddenly heating up.


Chu Rong extended his arm to hold him, noticing his painful expression. His face darkened, and he quickly lifted Qiao Zhiya out of the sealed room.

The scent of blood disappeared, replaced by Chu Rong’s aura. The burning sensation in his mind also subsided somewhat. Clutching Chu Rong’s clothes tightly, he buried his head in his chest, absorbing his warmth and aura.

Sensing his discomfort, Chu Rong halted his steps, fed him a dose of medication, and enveloped him with spiritual energy as they walked. “Bear with it for a moment. I’ll take you to the medical room.”

“No,” Qiao Zhiya protested weakly as the burning sensation quickly dissipated after the medication entered his body. He shook his head, took a deep breath to steady himself, and reluctantly pushed himself away from Chu Rong’s embrace. “I’m fine. I was just accidentally affected by the power of that experimental subject. Let’s continue unlocking the containment pod.”

He had a strong intuition now — whether they could obtain results from the red marks and if he could return home depended on that blood. In any case, he couldn’t let those experimental subjects self-destruct. He had to find a way to preserve them.

Chu Rong frowned, touching his slightly pale face, and lifted him up again, continuing to walk out. He rejected Qiao Zhiya’s request with his actions.

Qiao Zhiya looked at him resolutely, reassuring, “This time I’ll be more careful. Really, the countdown on the containment pod won’t last long. Let me unlock it. Research needs more samples.”

“No,” Chu Rong’s voice was firm, his expression like still water.

His embrace was too tight, and Qiao Zhiya felt uncomfortable. He couldn’t help but pat Chu Rong and said, “Chu Rong, loosen up a bit. I feel suffocated…”

Chu Rong abruptly stopped and looked down at his distressed appearance. He reluctantly loosened his arms and gently patted his back for comfort, then took a deep breath to suppress his restless mind. He frowned and turned back, leading him back to the sealed room.

The researchers had already removed the unconscious experimental subject. Qiao Zhiya glanced at the remaining dozen or so containment pods, knowing that Chu Rong’s decision to bring him back should be tacit approval of his unlocking request. He tentatively jumped out of his embrace. Seeing that Chu Rong didn’t stop him, he felt a little relieved. He approached and comforted him by rubbing his chest, saying, “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.”

Chu Rong’s Adam’s apple bobbed, suppressing his desire to take Qiao Zhiya away directly. He lowered his head and kissed his forehead, whispering, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it,” Qiao Zhiya rubbed against him again before turning to face the containment pod. He squatted down again and began to gather his magic.

Chu Rong stood behind him, taking a dose of medication while Qiao Zhiya wasn’t looking, stabilizing his restless mind, and then stepped forward to stand beside him. This time, he didn’t take out the spiritual stone, intending to wait for Qiao Zhiya to finish drawing the magic array and move to a safe place before using the spiritual stone to unlock the containment pod.

After several arrays were drawn, Qiao Zhiya noticed that Chu Rong still hadn’t taken out the spiritual stone. He guessed his thoughts and hesitated for a moment. He turned his head to look at him and then walked to several large containment pods that hadn’t started the countdown yet, continuing to draw the arrays.

Chu Rong’s frown deepened when he saw this, but he didn’t stop him.

When Qiao Zhiya assimilated all the locks on the containment pods, Chu Rong immediately stepped forward to lift him up and send him out of the room, asking Fan Xiangnan to take care of him. Then, he returned alone to the sealed room, closed the door, and took out the spiritual stone.

Qiao Zhiya frowned as he watched from outside the room. He turned to Fan Xiangnan, hesitating, and asked, “Is Chu Rong okay…?” Chu Rong’s emotions just now were really off.

Fan Xiangnan sighed when he finally noticed and shook his head without saying a word.

Chu Rong stood in the middle of the sealed room and activated the spiritual stone directly.

The moment the power spread out, the doors of the four containment pods with countdowns were immediately pushed open. Four black figures rushed out in succession, and a much denser strange force swept over them.

Chu Rong, who was prepared in advance, immediately activated the protective barrier to cover himself, gathered all his spiritual energy to avoid being harmed, then took out the tranquilizer gun and aimed at their heads. He swiftly shot each one, rendering them unconscious, before turning his gaze to the large containment pods.

After a few minutes of waiting without any movement from the large containment pods, Chu Rong frowned. Without waiting any longer, he approached and opened the nearest large containment pod.

After lifting the lid, a large white block resembling ice was revealed, with something frozen inside. Vague black silhouettes could be seen, resembling the experimental subjects in the smaller containment pods.

Qiao Zhiya, seeing this, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Chu Rong’s tense body also relaxed slightly. He closed the hatch, turned to the door, and waved to summon the researchers inside.

After a flurry of activity, the experimental subjects were safely transferred to heavily guarded military containment pods. Qiao Zhiya timely requested to take some blood and scales of the experimental subjects back for research.

Chu Rong looked down at him, bending over to kiss his forehead and gently rubbing his ears. His brow furrowed, but he still nodded.

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