Dwarf In The Future - Chapter 111.1

Published at 19th of June 2024 06:37:39 AM

Chapter 111.1

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‘Since it’s not the brain, could it be the heart?’

Qiao Zhiya thought of this possibility as his power began to concentrate, surging to the heart.

The Imperial High Advisor’s heart was beating regularly, very healthy and strong, showing no signs of weakness. But similarly, there was no strong fluctuation of power, so this wasn’t the power core. 

Qiao Zhiya was puzzled, furrowing his brow slightly.

If not in the most important parts of the human body like the brain and the heart, then where could the power core be?

The magical power traversed through the Imperial High Advisor’s body again, but still found nothing. Qiao Zhiya became more puzzled and couldn’t help but open his eyes to glance at the Imperial High Advisor. He noticed that under the nourishment of magic, the Imperial High Advisor’s complexion had become much rosier, and the gentle power floating in the air had stabilized. Feeling a slight relief, his gaze swept over the scales on the Imperial High Advisor’s face, which seemed to have lightened a bit, sparking a sudden speculation.

‘If the Imperial High Advisor wasn’t regarded as a human but as a beast…’ He closed his eyes again and let the power flow.

Beasts and humans were different. Besides the potential presence of magic, beasts also had something called a “power core,” another vital “heart” for beasts. The power core generally grew in the chest or abdomen of a beast, and damaging it would result in death.

He had just searched through the Imperial High Advisor’s body and hadn’t seen anything like a power core, so there was only one possibility left.

Some powerful beasts were born strong, and they didn’t need to cultivate a power core like the ones that appeared later in life. Because their entire bodies were the “power  core,” the essence of their power.

Previously, the Imperial High Advisor had effortlessly transformed his power into scales, so perhaps in his concept, his body was the most direct manifestation of power.

Qiao Zhiya’s magic penetrated deep into the Imperial High Advisor’s flesh and blood. Suddenly, the sound of blood flowing in his ears became louder, and a comforting warmth, along with a faint feeling of kinship from encountering a member of the same kin, flowed back along with the magic power that had penetrated deeper into him.

Qiao Zhiya couldn’t help but let out a comfortable sigh, knowing he had found the right place. He concentrated his mind and fused the power into the Imperial High Advisor’s blood. Gradually, he noticed that the Imperial High Advisor’s blood seemed to be too “excited.”

During this time, he had been studying the blood of those experimental subjects and found that their blood “activity” was particularly high. If this type of active blood was introduced into the human body, the human body would definitely explode due to being unable to withstand such activity.

And now, the Imperial High Advisor’s blood suddenly seemed to be following suit with those monsters.

This was abnormal. When beasts transformed into humans, all their physical characteristics tended to converge towards those of humans. The current excitement of the Imperial High Advisor’s blood was definitely abnormal.

Furrowing his brow, he gently soothed and calmed the Imperial High Advisor’s body with the healing wood-elemental magic, while searching more carefully. There must be a reason for this abnormality. The blood of a human body couldn’t change without cause.

An hour passed in a blink. The scales on the Imperial High Advisor’s face began to fade, and his nails slowly retracted, while his skin gradually returned to normal. Jian watched with undisguised joy from the side, speaking more softly, not daring to disturb Qiao Zhiya sitting by the bedside with closed eyes.

A few minutes later, Qiao Zhiya opened his eyes with a troubled expression and held the Imperial High Advisor’s hand, examining it repeatedly.

“What’s wrong?” Jian hurriedly asked.

Qiao Zhiya looked up at him and shook his head, saying, “Although I know where the problem lies with the Imperial High Advisor’s body, I can’t find the reason. Based on what I just searched, there’s nothing wrong with the Imperial High Advisor himself. His condition is likely caused by an external factor.”

“External factor?” Jian was taken aback, immediately looking around cautiously. After realizing that everything around was arranged by himself, his caution turned into confusion, and he asked, “Qiao, can you find that external factor?”

Qiao Zhiya shook his head. He had already used magic to search the room once, but found nothing.

Jian’s shoulders drooped, his gaze sweeping over his father’s restored appearance on the bed. He then straightened up again, grateful, and said, “This is already very good. Thank you for helping my father, Qiao. You’re really amazing!”

Qiao Zhiya shook his head, looking at the Imperial High Advisor who was still asleep, feeling somewhat heavy-hearted.

Could the Imperial High Advisor’s beastification be related to the awakening of those strange experimental subjects? But the Imperial High Advisor’s symptoms had appeared long ago, and the two events were separated by such a long time, so it couldn’t possibly be related.

Frustrated with no answers, Qiao Zhiya, for safety reasons, tactfully suggested to Jian that they move the Imperial High Advisor to the Chu residence. The military compound was crowded with people and had a complex environment. If the Imperial High Advisor’s beastification were to be discovered, it would be very troublesome. It would be safer to go to the Chu residence.

After some hesitation, Jian accepted his suggestion.

Qiao Zhiya went out to discuss with Chu Rong about bringing the Imperial High Advisor to the Chu family’s residence. Without any hesitation, Chu Rong agreed immediately and promptly arranged a team to come and pick him up. Externally, they would say that the Imperial High Advisor was taking Jian to visit the Chu family.

For the next two days, Qiao Zhiya would use magic every day to stabilize the Imperial High Advisor’s condition. There were no further instances of beastification, but he still didn’t wake up, causing Jian to worry incessantly.

Chu Rong didn’t inquire much about what had happened to the Imperial High Advisor. Qiao Zhiya regarded the Imperial High Advisor’s beastification as his privacy and didn’t mention it to him. The two tacitly ignored this matter and focused on the upcoming festival.

On the day of the festival, the Chu residence was bustling early in the morning.

“Is Jian really not coming?” Chu Yan adjusted his tie, turning to ask Qiao Zhiya, who was having the old butler help him with his tie.

“He said he wants to stay with the Imperial High Advisor,” Qiao Zhiya replied, smiling gratefully at the old butler after his tie was fixed.

The old butler smiled kindly in return, then turned to see Chu Yan’s tie unraveling into a mess. With a swift motion, he pulled it down, saying, “Third Young Master, you represent the image of the Chu family and the Federation. You should always pay attention to your appearance.”

‘Here we go again…’ Chu Yan rubbed his temples, preemptively fixing his tie before the old butler could continue. Then he grabbed Qiao Zhiya and quickly said to the old butler, “The banquet is at the central square this time, quite far away. Qiao and I are going to check if Dasao is ready. We need to leave now.” With that, he dragged Qiao Zhiya and ran off.

The old butler, now even more exasperated, chased after them, saying, “Don’t go rushing searching Madam, it’s still early! Third Young Master? Third Young Master!”

After a chaotic moment, Gu Yan’an arrived to suppress Chu Yan’s sudden burst of energy. After instructing the old butler to take good care of Jian and Imperial High Advisor, she brought Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya onto a hovercar and, escorted by Lin Zhen and his squad, headed towards the central square.

On the way, Chu Huai and Chu Rong, who had gone out earlier to arrange the celebration activities, called separately to confirm that they had set off. After quickly hanging up once they confirmed the departure, they began arranging special entrances for them.

“When the banquet starts, the media will come to take a short video for the news. They’ll also take footage during the celebration. The fireworks display will be live-streamed. You’ll need to change into three different outfits in total, don’t forget.”

Gu Yan’an instructed them carefully, paying special attention to Chu Yan, who didn’t like these kinds of events, and said seriously, “Especially you, Xiao Yan. You must change your clothes. Wearing the wrong outfit will only invite ridicule. You’re already twenty. In a few years, you’ll need to find a partner. Don’t mess around with your appearance outside, or else no one will take you seriously in the future.”

Chu Yan, in agony, covered his face, murmuring softly, “Dasao, I’m only twenty…”

“You’re already twenty-one in lunar years, you’re not young anymore! Take your hand down, stop covering your face, and fix your hair.” Gu Yan’an pulled his hand down, tapped his forehead, then looked at Qiao Zhiya, scanning his bangs with some concern. Worriedly, she asked, “Shouldn’t you wear a hat to prevent your horns from itching?” 

Qiao Zhiya quickly shook his head, reaching up to touch his bangs that he had trimmed just yesterday, knowing she was concerned about the small horns on his forehead. He reassured her, “It won’t itch. Wearing a hat at today’s event would be too disrespectful.”

After the appearance of the second horn, these two small horns on his head never grew again, nor did they itch anymore after the first encounter with the blood of the experimental subjects. It seemed that those blood samples no longer had any effect on him.

He had gradually gotten used to the existence of these two small horns, although he occasionally felt extremely embarrassed when accidentally poking Chu Rong’s chest while nuzzling him1lbr, probably one of QZY’s favorite loving gestures..

Gu Yan’an felt that what he said made sense and reached out to tidy his bangs. Looking at his lovely and pleasing appearance, then glancing at Chu Yan’s bear-like expression next to him, she sighed inwardly.

At the same age, Qiao was about to get married, but Chu Yan still acted like a child. It was truly distressing.

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