Dwarf In The Future - Chapter 113.1

Published at 19th of June 2024 06:37:33 AM

Chapter 113.1

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The breeze blew gently, causing the leaves of the yellow-leaf tree to sway softly. Under Qiao Yi’s detailed questioning, Qiao Zhiya recounted his life in the Federation and, in passing, tried to say a few good words about Chu Rong, attempting to salvage his father’s impression of him.

Qiao Yi and Mi Lai listened quietly. Their expressions softened slightly upon hearing that Chu Rong had taken care of Qiao Zhiya for over two years. However, when they learned that the two were already engaged and had been living in the same room, their auras flared up again.

Coercing a recently-of-age dwarf to sleep together without a formal marriage contract, especially when the white-haired scoundrel was ten years older than Qiao Zhiya! The child might not understand, but how could an adult not?

Mi Lai gripped her giant hammer tighter, her face stern and eyes filled with murderous intent, as cracks appeared in the ground beneath her feet.

Qiao Yi’s expression was not much better. His gaze was cold, and the wood-element magic around him surged, his aura spreading out. However, mindful of his son’s feelings, he didn’t let his emotions show. He gently patted Qiao Zhiya’s small frame and asked, “So, you’ve already become a Grand Magic Magister1…I really don’t remember the term I used before. Just know that he’s only one step before reaching the peak?”

“Uh-huh…” Qiao Zhiya noticed his parents’ off emotions, cautiously stopped talking, and nervously tightened his claws. Looking at the visibly angry Mi Lai, he hesitantly asked, “Mom, did I make you angry? I’m sorry…”

Mi Lai snapped back to reality, seeing that she had scared her son. She quickly put away her weapon, sat beside him, and picked up the meat soup that had been kept warm with a magic stove. Stirring it with a spoon, she fed him a spoonful and said with a smile, “No, Mom was just too surprised. My baby has already become a Grand Magic Magister, that’s amazing! And you’re such a good boy, how could I be mad at you?” If anyone, she was mad at a certain kidnapper!

Qiao Zhiya, easily pleased, felt embarrassed by the praise. He twiddled his claws, obediently drank the meat soup, and happily wagged his tail — he hadn’t tasted his mother’s cooking in so long; it still tasted so good!

Watching his son’s tail wag happily, Qiao Yi’s gaze softened, and he fell into deep thought.


Qiao Zhiya, having finished his soup, noticed his father’s unusual expression and stepped forward worriedly to ask.

Seeing the pure and innocent look in his son’s eyes, Qiao Yi felt a myriad of emotions. He reached out and touched his small horn, then took out a fresh wild fruit and held it to his lips. After swallowing his words, he finally smiled and softly said, “Qiaoqiao, your atavism… might have been artificially induced.”

Both Qiao Zhiya and Mi Lai were stunned. Mi Lai immediately frowned and sternly called out, “Qiao Yi.”

Holding his wife’s hand and gently stroking it, Qiao Yi organized his thoughts and explained, “Dragons are different from other species. All their inheritance comes from their bloodline, and the essence of their power is also in their blood. Qiaoqiao must have some ancient dragon blood in him. Normally, this bit of bloodline is very thin, far from enough to cause atavism. But frequent absorption of dragon power and bloodline induction gradually activated that dragon gene in him. Coupled with his rapid magic advancement stimulating his body, he eventually transformed.”

Frequent absorption of dragon power and bloodline induction?

Qiao Zhiya was stunned, recalling the Imperial High Advisor’s true form and the scales he was once made to absorb, and the power spheres later given to him. His eyes widened slightly. “But if the Imperial High Advisor is really a dragon, then why was he captured back then…”

“That’s something you’d need to ask him yourself.” Qiao Yi had no interest in this “Imperial High Advisor” person and brushed off the question with a single sentence. He then continued, “Those experimental subjects you mentioned must also have some traces of dragon blood in them. That’s why they influenced you and why, upon awakening, they affected the bloodline provider far away in another country — the Imperial High Advisor.”

‘So the Imperial High Advisor was indeed affected by those experimental subjects? And so was I?’

Qiao Zhiya looked down at his claws, then at his father’s Elven appearance, and finally turned his gaze to his mother — his father’s bloodline was beyond doubt, so his dragon bloodline must have been inherited from his mother. If the mysterious person still had similar experimental subjects, they could continue to induce dragon bloodline in others, meaning his mother might…

His tail stiffened, and he anxiously flapped his wings, flying in front of Mi Lai. But before he could speak, Mi Lai pulled him down again.

“Baby, I told you not to fly around. You may seem longer, but it’s all tail. Your body is still small, and your wings are too tiny to fly steadily. What if you fall?” Mi Lai advised him earnestly, too oblivious to notice her son’s concern.

Qiao Yi, noticing his son’s unease, gently patted his head and reassured him, “Your mother’s dragon bloodline should have been fully passed on to you. Normally, elves and dwarves can’t have children together, but you’re still born. Qiaoqiao, you are a miracle.”

Unlike elves, dwarves, or beastmen, dragons do not have reproductive isolation from other species because dragons can take human form, which makes their characteristics very close to those of humans. It is well known that humans have a highly inclusive bloodline, capable of interbreeding with almost any species with human-like forms. When dragons take human form, their physical traits become nearly identical to humans, allowing them to reproduce with other species.

Most dragons enjoy forming unions with other species because the fertility rate among dragons themselves is very low. The dragon bloodline is dominant enough to ensure that the offspring born from these unions often transform into dragons upon reaching adulthood.

Mi Lai, being a descendant of wandering dwarves, likely had ancestors who mingled with dragons. More reasonably speculating, Mi Lai might have had a human-dragon hybrid in her ancestry.

“Merely having dragon blood might not have been enough to conceive you. Your mother probably also has some human blood. The human reproductive system tends to pass on the best traits to their offspring, so Qiaoqiao, you are the best gift from heaven to us, a unique gift.”

Back then, Qiao Yi only suspected his wife had some human blood. He hadn’t expected that the reason for Qiaoqiao’s birth included dragon blood as well.

Mi Lai curiously touched her head and pinched her arms, trying to find some proof of her mixed heritage.

Seeing this, Qiao Yi smiled, took her hand, and then gently lifted their confused son. He said with a smile, “Qiaoqiao, Dad is very happy to be your father.”

Mi Lai, not wanting to be outdone, leaned in and kissed Qiao Zhiya’s forehead, saying, “Mom  is also very happy to have given birth to you!”

Feeling touched, Qiao Zhiya hugged them with his little claws and sniffed emotionally.

Qiao Yi hugged him back, shielding his view, and his smile faded slightly. He looked at the clear blue sky and said softly, “So those hiding in the shadows, who led you here and tried to steal your bloodline, Dad will deal with them for you.”

Inducing the bloodline, seizing the opportunity to capture — those were the acts of the mastermind Qiao Zhiya mentioned, who likely discovered the special nature of his bloodline and would not give up on such a natural “bloodline enhancer.”

Therefore, they couldn’t leave here just yet. The dangers needed to be resolved first. Otherwise, if Qiaoqiao could be taken once, it could happen again. As a father, he could not allow such threats to loom over his child.

Mi Lai’s face hardened upon hearing this. Seeing her husband’s cold expression, she gently stroked her son’s little horn and looked up at the blue sky, snorting coldly — anyone who tried to harm her baby would die!

Federal Military Headquarters.

One protective shield after another broke down. The ground in the center of the mental force storm was cracked beyond recognition, and worse still, the medical building where Chu Rong lay seemed about to collapse.

“What do we do? If it really collapses, won’t Erge be buried inside?” Chu Yan was very worried. He hadn’t eaten or slept well these past few days, constantly haunted by the image of Qiao Zhiya missing and Chu Rong falling. He had lost weight significantly.

Chu Huai, who had just rushed over after finishing his work, shook his head and reassured him, “Xiao Rong knows how to protect himself. With such a violent force, even if the building collapses, the rubble probably won’t reach him.”

Yuan Lie wiped his face and sighed, “But this is already the fifteenth outburst…”

The existing record for the violent transition from SS to SSS-level spiritual power was no more than five times. No one had ever upgraded from SSS to SSSS, but if the number of outbursts had doubled, it would have been about right. But now it had tripled.

“When Qiao advanced, he had about ten outbursts, which took several days,” Chu Yan suddenly said.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan, then collectively sighed internally.

‘Forget it, comparing the Marshal and his fiance’s situation to others’ is pointless.’

“We have news!”

Lin Zhen’s voice suddenly rang out. Everyone turned their heads to see Lin Zhen hurrying over with some documents in hand.

Chu Huai’s heart leaped at the news, and he quickly went to meet him, asking, “What news? Is it about the Imperial High Advisor—”

“Yes! Someone spotted Jian near a wilderness activity park on the main star. We’ve already sent people to confirm it!” Lin Zhen handed over the documents, which included a surveillance photo with Jian’s figure in the corner.

“That’s great!” Chu Huai felt a weight lift off his shoulders and hurriedly said, “Once confirmed, bring Jian and the Imperial High Advisor to the military headquarters immediately. Ensure their safety – I have questions for the Imperial High Advisor!”

Last time Qiao Zhiya and Chu Rong went missing, the Imperial High Advisor had been able to assure everyone of their safety when all others were helpless. Now that Qiao Zhiya was missing again, having someone confirm his safety was crucial.

“Understood!” Lin Zhen replied, glancing at the central area where the building was. His brows furrowed in worry before he suppressed his emotions and quickly left.

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