Dwarf In The Future - Chapter 113.2

Published at 19th of June 2024 06:37:32 AM

Chapter 113.2

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In the giant forest, Qiao Zhiya, having understood his situation, finally got accurate information about Chu Rong from Qiao Yi.

It turned out that his father had used a bloodline teleportation array to take him away just as he was about to fall into a black hole. At that time, Chu Rong was right beside him, his power violent and unstable, watching helplessly as Qiao Zhiya disappeared.

Qiao Zhiya’s little claws clenched unconsciously, his wings and tail drooping. His whole body exuded worry for Chu Rong. He clung to Qiao Yi’s robes and asked, “Dad, did he really see you? Are you sure he saw you?”

Qiao Yi disliked his son’s current state of being so worried about someone else, but he understood his feelings and didn’t want him to remain anxious. He frowned slightly and hugged Qiao Zhiya’s small body, nodding, “To take you away, I had to teleport directly. He definitely saw me.”

That’s good… Qiao Zhiya felt slightly relieved but still worried.

Chu Rong had seen his family in Qiao Zhiya’s memories. If he saw his father, he would know that Qiao Zhiya was taken by family and not captured by the mastermind, which would at least lessen his worry.

After his disappearance, with Chu Rong’s abilities, escaping from the black hole shouldn’t be too difficult, and the military would have rushed to help.

Qiao Zhiya’s tail perked up a bit. He reached out to gently hold Qiao Yi’s wrist, distressed by the hastily bandaged wounds, and said sadly, “Dad, I’m sorry for worrying you and Mom.”

The bloodline teleportation array required a significant amount of power and a lot of kinship blood for the array to function. No wonder his father’s face was pale — it was all to find him.

Qiao Yi’s expression softened, and he gently patted his head, speaking warmly, “It’s okay, as long as you’re safe and back.”

Qiao Zhiya still felt a pang of guilt as he looked around the temporary shelter his parents had set up in this forest. Remembering the vast asteroid belt and the air devoid of magical elements outside, he sniffled and started pulling items from his storage bracelet – the only belonging left on him.

Purified spiritual power liquid, yellow-leaf potion, top-grade wood-elemental magic stones, top-grade earth-elemental magic stones, advanced spiritual power calming agents, a pile of stone grass potions, and green fruits… His claws hesitated, and he started pulling out various high-level herbs.

The clearing beside them soon filled with items. Mi Lai, who had just stepped away to make a small nest for Qiao Zhiya, turned around and almost had her eyes blinded by the pile of top-grade earth-elemental magic stones, nearly as tall as a person. She rushed over to hug the magic stone, looking at her son, who was still pulling out items. Her eyes sparkled as she asked, “Baby, did you get all these? Wow, you’re amazing!”

Qiao Zhiya blushed and replied shyly, “These were all prepared by Chu Rong for me…” He glanced at his father, trying to gauge his reaction.

Qiao Yi narrowed his eyes, scanning the obviously valuable items before looking down at his son, who gazed back with a mix of flattery and anticipation. He patted Qiao Zhiya’s head without saying a word.

Mi Lai quickly released the magic stone, her expression turning peculiar. She twisted and turned before grumbling in dissatisfaction, sitting down to pick up Qiao Zhiya and placing him in the small nest, muttering, “I hate people who try to impress dwarves with money… That white-haired scoundrel, how dare he take my son… My baby is priceless, damn it…”

Listening to his mother’s disgruntled muttering, Qiao Zhiya glanced back at his father’s indifferent expression, and his tail drooped again. But he quickly perked up, fluttering his wings to dive into his mother’s arms.

‘No worries, Mom and Dad don’t like Chu Rong right now because they haven’t met him yet. Once they meet him, they’ll like him for sure. The immediate priority is to help Mom and Dad get well.’

Qiao Yi watched his son trying to comfort his wife, then turned his head to look at the clear blue sky above.

His son’s affection for Chu Rong was obvious. After more than two years of living together day and night, with Qiaoqiao’s simple and kind nature, the feelings he now poured into Chu Rong were undoubtedly deep. For his son’s future, Qiao Yi had to talk to Chu Rong personally. Additionally, any threat to his son’s safety had to be completely eradicated.

—He needed to get out of this “barrier” again.

Thinking this, he touched the wound on his wrist, sensing the faint cracks in the magic pool, and frowned slightly.


The medical building, which had been tottering for days, finally collapsed. Chu Yan, who was sleeping in a nearby temporary bedroom, was startled awake. Hearing the commotion outside, he quickly threw off the blanket and ran out.

It was already late at night, and the basic infrastructure within the protective zone had long been destroyed by violent forces. It was pitch black inside, and nothing could be seen.

Soldiers and officers guarding the area rushed over at the noise, standing around the protective shield and discussing in bewilderment.

“The protective shield seems to have stopped moving.”

“The signal is back to normal. The interference signal from the violent force has disappeared!”

“Could it be that Marshal Chu’s spiritual power upgrade is complete?”

“Damn, there aren’t even many stars out tonight, we can’t see anything.”

Chu Yan had already reached the spot closest to the medical building’s protective shield, leaning on it and peering inside as hard as he could. Just then, the clouds moved, and a bit of starlight shone down, revealing a tall, dark figure emerging from the ruins. His eyes lit up, and he called out loudly, “Erge? Erge! I’m here!”

Everyone stopped their discussions at his words and looked in that direction.

The dark figure paused slightly upon hearing Chu Yan’s call, then strode towards them.

“It’s the Marshal!”

“It really is the Marshal!”


As the figure approached, the protective shield in front of everyone shattered into powder and disappeared. The starlight grew brighter, allowing everyone to see Chu Rong’s current state clearly.

He was wearing a hospital gown, his hair slightly messy, but he looked healthy and walked steadily, not at all like a patient.

Everyone’s eyes brightened. The Marshal’s condition seemed so good—had his spiritual power upgrade succeeded?

However, Chu Yan frowned slightly, thinking, ‘Erge’s current state…’

“Where’s Qiao?” Chu Rong approached, stopping two steps away from Chu Yan. His expression was cold and hard, with a slight frown and a hint of confusion in his eyes as he asked, “Why can’t I sense his presence? Where is he?”

Seeing the genuine confusion on his Erge’s face, Chu Yan’s heart tightened, cold sweat breaking out instantly. His mind raced, and he stammered, “Qiao, um, Qiao is sleeping somewhere else. Erge, you, your power suddenly upgraded, everyone was afraid you’d hurt him, so they placed him somewhere else.”

At Chu Yan’s words, the gentle aura around Chu Rong suddenly changed. He looked at Chu Yan sharply, taking a step closer and said in a deep voice, “You’re lying!”

At the same time, a powerful spiritual power spread out around them, scaring the soldiers and officers nearby, making them retreat to a safe distance.

“I-I’m not! Erge, when have I ever lied to you, um… I-I definitely wouldn’t lie to you this time!” Chu Yan, resisting the urge to collapse to his knees, forced a smile while explaining, gesturing frantically to the soldiers behind him to go get help.

Despite recognizing that his brother was lying, Chu Rong, being his sibling, wouldn’t harm him. Instead, he frowned even more, raising his wrist to activate his communicator and dialed Qiao Zhiya’s number.

The prompt that the call couldn’t be connected came quickly, making Chu Yan hold his breath, reaching for the sedative in his space button — he felt his Erge needed to calm down, or everyone here would be in trouble!

This communication failure seemed to trigger a memory switch in Chu Rong. His body stiffened momentarily, then he lowered his head, covering his forehead with his hand, silent for a while. Suddenly, he slowly lowered his hand and took out a small communicator with vine patterns from his space button.

‘We’re finished!’

Chu Yan sensed the increasingly powerful spiritual power in the air, and alarms went off in his mind. He couldn’t worry about anything else. He quickly lunged forward, wrapping his arms tightly around Chu Rong, using his own body as a human shield to prevent him from going berserk, and said quickly, “Erge, don’t worry! The Imperial High Advisor has been found. Once he wakes up from his coma, we will be able to determine Qiao’s safety! You need to stay calm, Qiao is waiting for you to rescue him, stay calm!”

Chu Rong’s slightly confused mind quickly cleared up as memories before his coma flashed through his brain. His gaze darkened, his grip tightened on the small communicator, and his eyes shifted as he looked at the star-filled night sky. He slowly pushed Chu Yan away, saying in a low voice, “I am very calm.” There was no time more calm than now.

What Federal Marshal, what SSS-level genius — Zhuang Yu was right. He was just trash who couldn’t even protect his lover, trash who could only watch helplessly as his lover was taken away by others.

Chu Yan had never seen such intense self-denial from him. Hesitantly, he called out, “Erge? You…”

Chu Rong came to his senses, quickly suppressing the rising negative emotions in his heart. He carefully put the small vine-patterned communicator back into his space button and asked, “Has the flagship returned?”

Chu Yan, cautiously observing his expression, saw no signs of him going mad, and the surrounding force was slowly retracting. He didn’t dare relax, but after a few seconds, he realized Chu Rong was referring to the Chu family’s flagship that Fan Xiangnan had taken out before Chu Rong fell into a coma. He replied, “No, Erge, the coordinates you gave before you fell into a coma were too many and too vague. Xiangnan-ge has only found and destroyed two teleportation sites so far, and is on his way to the third.”

Only two had been destroyed.

Chu Rong squinted and looked at the night sky again, then suddenly strode towards the military port.

Startled, Chu Yan quickly followed and asked, “Erge, where are you going?”

“To cut off the filthy tentacles of the Zergs.” Chu Rong replied, his face cold as an icy pool of water.

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