Elysion Online - Chapter 104

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:36:48 AM

Chapter 104: # 99 Exchange friends with princesses and Seigo's trial.txt

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I renegotiate with the princess after recovering from honey juice shock. I'm offering two new honey juices. Just the regular one and the hot one. As long as the effects are different, they'll count as two kinds. And since I published both recipes, the reward would be doubled, but since I made them on my own, I didn't want to double the reward. Then Princess Henri made a suggestion.

How about we provide you with the necessary items for this store as your reward?

Is that... is that a good idea?

'Yes. If you open a restaurant, the citizens will get honey juice, and most importantly, if they hear you are a three-star chef, I would love to have you open a restaurant as a princess of this country. If that's what you're investing in, it's no pain or itch.

Oh, my God. You said it. You little girl.

"It's a proposal from the princess. You will accept, won't you?

It's a threat, right? If I refuse the princess's proposal, will you behead me or something?

We're very grateful for your help. I have no reason to refuse.

So we have a deal?

And Princess Henri rewards me for Honey Bee's honey drink.

Huh? Isn't that too much? No, come to think of it, it's a reward from the princess of the country. It's only natural. When I was surprised at the amount of money, Princess Henri said something even more outrageous: "And I'll trade you a friend.

I'll trade you a friend for that.

I was surprised by this bombshell. 'Are you sure you want to trade friends with the princess, I knew I could be friends with NPCs since I traded with Moch-san.

'Are you okay? I've traded friends and stuff.

'It's okay. I have a feeling that you are a natural and are going to exceed our expectations. Maybe you'll even cure your sister's illness.

That would be too much. There is a dish called medicinal food, but this is only the realm of nursing care. It is not a cure. Probably, even if you make it, the effect will be similar to that of honey juice. The best thing to do is to leave the matter of illness to the doctor.

''I've decided that if there's any chance of fixing your sister's illness, it would be better to get in touch with me at all times.

Well, I had no reason to say no, and then, for some reason, for the same reason, I exchanged friends with Hippocrates and also exchanged Liese-sama and Mr. Butler. And I found out the name of the butler at this time. This butler-san's name was Olivier.

It's bad. No wonder he seemed strong. It had to be strong. Because this name was the name of a famous person in Charlemagne's 12 heroes.

Although he is not as strong as the heroes Laurent and Orlando, he is one of the most sensible people in the French army, and he is famous as a smart general. It is said that if he had listened to this general, he would not have been defeated so badly.

His skill with the sword is also very good, and I have heard that in the battle of Roncesvalles Burgess, he was able to defeat more enemy generals than Roland. I don't know if that's true or not.

But this is the third celebrity I've heard of. The God of Blacksmithing, the Father of Modern Medicine, and the Paladin of Wisdom General. The lineup is a mess. It was decided to break up for now.

I'll have to drop off once I'm at dinner too. Before that, I explained to Setia about the yarn and she said she would be happy to try it out. Then I'll log out.

While I'm making dinner, I get a text from Kayo's sister. She says she has something important to tell me. It's definitely about Arthur. I could escape, but I don't know what he might do, so I'll just have to explain it to him instead of running away.

I'll video chat with you after dinner. Besides Kayo's sister, Riko and Miki are also there. They are completely angry.

Well, the first Seikun trial is about to begin.

Not guilty. Court adjourned.


Why do you get mad at me for a story you gave yourself? Kayo's sister repositions her.

'As you know, we've seen the video too,'

I really can't help it. This.

Riko and Miki ask me.

''I never heard of my brother being so strong!

I've never seen my brother so scared...

It's not the first time... the first summer festival when I started living with Kayo and her sisters, they were attacked by men. I saved them and beat up the men who attacked them.

Of course, you can't blow their heads off like in a game, so it's a golden stop. The men were taken to the police that Kayo's sister called and the case was over.

Before this incident, the relationship with Kayo and her sisters had been strained, but things improved quickly. However, I let the three of them get away with it then, so they shouldn't have seen me fight, so this is the first time they've seen me fight.

'I'm sorry if I scared you... sorry.

"Don't apologize... but I need an explanation.

'Yes! Why are you so strong, brother!

You'll tell me, won't you?

There is no escape. To begin with, there is no way to win when it's three against one. Well, what choice do I have?

"Huh. All right, all right.

So, let's talk about... me and my old battle-crazed monster of a man.

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