Elysion Online - Chapter 126

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:36:00 AM

Chapter 126: # 121 Silver Wolf and Wilderness Cave.txt

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This is the Gray evolution you've been waiting for! I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Let's take a look at it as soon as possible.


Well, there's only one, so no need to get lost! Let's look at the description too, in case you're wondering.

Silver wolf...a wolf with beautiful silver-colored fur. It can raise its fur to the hardness of silver and has the speed of a gale. It attacks its enemies with its silver claws and silver fangs, and the silver wolf's roar blows them away.

It's full of abilities. It's going to be very strong! I can't wait! Let's evolve!

Name Grey Grey Wolf Lv 16 to Silver Wolf Lv 1

Life force 40 to 45.

Magic power 15 to 25.

Strength 50 to 60.

Defense 25 to 30.

Agility 50 to 60

Dexterity value 28 to 35.


Bite Lv 16 Silver Claw Lv 1 Iron Wall Lv 1 Signals Lv 14 Night Eyes Lv 11 -> Lv 12 Danger Detection Lv 10 Hardened Fang Lv 12 -> Silver Fang Lv 12 Gale Lv 1 Roar Lv 1

Grey's form is now the same size as mine, and his fur is a beautiful silver color. He has an imposing figure and looks like a wolf king.

'You're getting cooler. Grey.


Gray sticks his head against mine. Is that an appeal for petting? When I pet it, it's silky smooth. Fluffy is nice, but silky is nice too.

"Let Lily touch it too - Grey~

When Lily tries to touch me, she quickly ducks and uses me as a shield.

'Why won't you let me touch you!

Lily is shocked, but maybe the first chokehold incident is traumatic for Gray.

Well, I guess I'll be going home for the day.

As I'm thinking about it, Gray tugs at my robe. You found something?

I've been looking at the hole where the king cobra has been hiding. Since we're here, let's take a peek. Just to be sure, we changed members. In place of Toratetsu and Byakuya, I summon Gale and Yuuga.

When we get close to it, it's a huge hole. It's like a cave... or rather, a cave. We begin our search with Gray in the lead.

Then we find a mining point. Is it red clay again? But what I got was an earthen stone.

Grey! Nice! It's great! I'll make you some honey juice when you get home as a treat!

But this cave wasn't just a cave. Grey and Yu Fang are on the lookout for something. An enemy?

What appeared were multiple flying glass skulls. Identification.

Glass skull Lv 8

Normal Monster Target Active

That's just the way it is. But this glass skull was no ordinary skull.

It shot a fireball out of nowhere. You're good!

When I get motivated, Gray, who was in the lead, accumulates something. What is it?


Gray screamed, and with that, a shockwave was generated, blotting out the fireball and blowing the glass skull away.

So the glass skull died.

Huh? A blow? Isn't it strong?

I'm immensely disappointed with the strength of the gray, but I'm going to take it apart anyway.

We dropped silica and limestone as expected. And there's quite a lot of it.

That's it. I guess that means I'm going to have to take down all the glass skulls here! If Gray's there, we can afford it!

There are mining points here and there, and while mining, you hunt for glass skulls. By the way, this glass skull, even if it wasn't grey, was a blow. I thought it was a bonus monster, but unfortunately, I heard it wasn't so easy.

An unseen conditional abnormality occurred on the fox cub. That's the curse. Apparently, defeating a glass skull will cause a probability of being in this state. It's a very skull-like ability.

The effects of the curse's abnormality seem to be buffs, recovery, etc. These guys are small fry, so it's fine, but it's a very unpleasant abnormality. There's no need to cure it here.

When I was exploring in a carefree mood, Gray and the others were alarmed. I'm fine! No matter how many glass skulls come around, I don't feel like I'm going to lose.

I come around a corner and see a big bone. What's this? Let's try to identify them.


? ? ?

I'm sorry for getting carried away! I'm going home now!


"Curse failed to take effect.

...I see that the return is also subject to nullification. I'm sorry for underestimating the effects of the curse.

Because I cast the spell, Skull-Orthros turns to me. Hello.


Oh. Let's get out of here!


We made a mad dash for the exit. Shit! Hurry up and break the curse!

With a rattling sound, Skull-Orthros comes after them.

Shit. I knew we couldn't get away. To begin with, Orthros is a monster in Greek mythology, and his name means "fast. There's no way they can escape.


Gray's warning! What will Skull Ortros do?

I turn around and see the fire coming. Just in time!


An earthen wall appears just in time to prevent it, but the sound of footsteps approaching. You don't think you can move while spitting fire!

No! It's no use. Let's just stay here and fight and buy ourselves some time!


I tried to change members, but the curse interferes again. Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah!

Then I thought it would be Legion Summoning, but this is a cave, it's not big enough and the opponent is a monster. If I used Legion Summoning, it might buy us some time but... it would cause a lot of damage. Selfishly, in a situation like this, I don't want to do that.

It's hard to think about the members of this place, but I decided to do something about it.

"When the wall breaks, we're going to set it off! Gray roars, Gale does lightning magic, Foxxo does fire magic, please! I know Yu Fang is dangerous, but see an opening and attack me!



Lily, pseudo-dragonize! You ready? You don't have to win. You've got to make up the time somehow.


When Lily turns into a pseudo-dragon, the earthen wall breaks down, revealing a two-headed dog in bone form. This guy is Skull-Orthros... he's too big! But I can't help but be amazed!

Now! Splash!




Countless water bullets, shock waves, lightning, and fireballs hit Skull Ortolos, but they didn't do any damage. It's barely at the level of being ducked by the shockwave. Yuu Fang bites in the meantime.

But while Yuu Fang is biting, Skull Ortolos is building up something. This is not good!

Lily! Stop it! Yu Fang, get away!

I got it! Takt!


Lily uses her fighting spirit and holds her sword.

''Dragon technique, dragon claw!''

Lily's Dragon Claw took a direct hit and managed to open up a distance with Skull Ortros.

But that's about the extent to which I could barely gain distance with this one's maximum firepower technique.

And I've found it. I still haven't unlocked Skull Ortolos' tame!

How did you... well, that's not the worst part!

Gray! Take care of Lily! Orphan, illusion!



Gray goes into Lily's defense at the speed of a gale. Whatever's coming, it's going to come off!


The roar of Skull-Orthros resounded and a shockwave was generated. That guy could use a roar too!

Oh no! That's a lot of range!

Just as I thought that, Gale, Yu Fang and the lone child jumped in front of me. ...Everyone.

''Kyaaaaaah! Ugh!


We were blown away by the roar of Skull-Orthros and we were blown up and slammed into the wall of the cave.

I reverted back to the robe I was in at the beginning with the total loss of the endurance value of Piranha's robe. My cypress staff was barely safe, but Lily's werewolf's great sword was broken.

But I survived thanks to Gale, Yu Fang, and the lone child as a shield, and Lily is safe thanks to the effects of her pseudo-ryuguration and the protection of Grey. Would that Grey be an ironclad skill? Their silky fur is tickling, and they're safe, as if the damage has been mitigated.

But they had wounds all over their bodies. The next time we get hit, we're dead. I looked at our statuses and saw that the curse had disappeared from me, Grey, and Lily. In my condition, I can make a return! Those men risked their lives, and it wasn't in vain!


Return is triggered. This time it was my complete mistake in ignoring the warnings of Gray and his team. I need to be reminded of that. I could say that I killed Gale and the others, and that was a huge mistake.

But... but I'll look at Skulloloth.

We can't defeat you with the way we are now. But you will be hunted by us one day!

With that in mind, I return to the shop and the info plays. You won't get experience if you lose, but you'll get experience for using your skills.

''The level of earth magic has reached 20. [Desert Storm] and [Bottomless Swamp] have been acquired.''

'The level of water magic has reached 20. [Aquawall] and [Water Prison] have been acquired.

Desert Storm is a sandstorm. It's probably not the massive one we encountered in the wilderness.

Bottomless Swamp is a bottomless swamp. That could have stopped Skull Ortros in his tracks.

The Aqua Wall is a water wall spell.

Water Prison means water prison, but what kind of magic is that? If it's a prison made of water, it looks like we'll be able to escape soon... but I'm curious, but we'll have to check tomorrow.

When I was thinking about it, Aeon and the others who found us battered and battered became upset. Come to think of it, this is the first time we've been defeated so completely... it's frustrating to lose after all.

Looking at Gale and the others, it looks like we'll need six hours to summon them again. I need to apologize to everyone tomorrow and thank them for their help.

"The sword Takuto made for Lily... it's broken...

Lily is looking at the broken sword. I look at it, too, and it reminds me of all the battles this guy has saved me from. I touch the broken werewolf's great sword.


Lily looks at me curiously, but I continue.

'It wasn't Lily that broke you, it was me... you've really helped me so far. Thank you for fighting Lily so far.

I thank her for the werewolf's great sword, and Lily mimics me.

'Thank you for fighting Lily until now. Really...thank you.

I pat Lily's head as she desperately thanks me.


We may not be able to defeat him, but this sword is one of us. We'll get revenge for our friends, no matter what.

' Yeah! Takt!

I vowed to get revenge with Lily and Skull Ortolos.

I then handed the materials to Hephaistos, asked for the glass sword, and logged out.

Name Takht Intermediate Summoner Lv 7

Vitality 41

Magic power 82

Strength 30

Defensive Strength 20

Agility 26

Dexterity value 57


Fighting lv7 Kicking lv12 Staff lv16 One-handed sword lv8 Throwing lv3 High speed chanting lv5 -> lv6 Summoning magic lv20 

Sealing magic Lv 1 Alchemy Lv 9 Mining Lv 14 Logging Lv 10 Dismantling Lv 20 Appraisal Lv 10 Identification Lv 16 

Wind magic lv20 Fire magic lv20 Earth magic lv19 -> lv20 Water magic lv19 -> lv20 Dark magic lv19 

Light magic Lv23 Lightning magic Lv17 Bomb magic Lv16 Wood magic Lv16 Ice magic Lv15 Space-time magic Lv15 -> Lv16

Reading Lv 8, cooking Lv 20, feeding Lv 6, fishing Lv 8, synchronization Lv 4.

Name Lilly Dragoneut Lv 26

Vitality 38

Magical power 29

Strength 77

Defensive Strength 26

Agility 22

Dexterity value 18


Bare-handed Lv 6 One-handed sword Lv 18 Large sword Lv 7 Fighting qi Lv 7 -> Lv 8 Pseudo-dragonization Lv 3

Name: Grey, Silver Wolf Lv 1

Vitality 45

Magical power 25

Strength 60

Defensive Strength 30

Agility 60

Dexterity value 35


Bite Lv 16 Silver Claw Lv 1 -> Lv 2 Iron Wall Lv 1 -> Lv 2 Presence Detection Lv 14 Night Eye Lv 12 Danger Detection Lv 10 

Silver Fang Lv 12 Gale Lv 1 -> Lv 2 Roar Lv 1 -> Lv 3

Name: Gale Liger LV6

Life Force 27

Magical power 34

Strength 35

Defensive Strength 20

Agility 40

Dexterity value 20


Bite Lv 6 Clawing Lv 6 Clawing Lv 6 Intimidation Lv 4 Night Eyes Lv 6 Provocation Lv 4 Lightning Magic Lv 8 -> Lv 9

Name Yu Fang White Wolf Lv 6

Vitality 28

Magical power 19

Muscle Strength 29

Defensive Strength 26

Agility 33

Dexterity value 24


Biting Lv 9, Attention Detection Lv 7 -> Lv 8, Night Eyes Lv 7, Fang of Waterification Lv 9.

Name Foxxo, the wild fox, Lv3.

Vitality 20

Magical power 32

Strength 30

Defensive Strength 10

Agility 26

Dexterity value 21


Biting Lv5 Bite Lv5 Presence Lv4 -> Lv5 Fire Magic Lv2 -> Lv3 Night Eyes Lv4 -> Lv5 Fox Fire Lv1 

Sorcery Lv 1, sorcery Lv 2 -> Lv 3, possession Lv 1

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