Elysion Online - Chapter 165

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:33:42 AM

Chapter 165: # 156 Astaroth Dragon.txt

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We're all in full recovery for the mission. Ruin and his team are busy preparing the other base. They're busy making final adjustments to the catapult.

Just as Lwin-san comes over here to check the information, the fire shadow and Darley return.

''Urgent report! The traps we set up were broken by Astaroth's attack, that they were!

Huh? Was the aim of your earlier attack to destroy the trap!

Damage? Is everyone safe?!

Fortunately, the target is the nearest trap from Astaroth, that it is a discarded trap, that it is. Everyone is safe, that it is.

Yeah. I'm glad to hear it.

No, it's too early to be reassured. The trap was targeted, which means that everyone at the interception point could be targeted at any moment.

What do we do now? We can't go on like this. We need to do something... against a demon. He's not a robot. Then maybe that trick will work.

We have to think of a plan, that we have to, or everyone will be in danger.

Here's an idea. If they're going for a trap, let's use it to our advantage.

I'll explain the plan I've come up with to them.

''It's the only way... we can't change the interception point now... Tact-kun, can you please?''

Yes, sir.

'The fire shadow told everyone about this.

Yes, that I do. And the boss is being led to the pyramid by the other side's strategy, that it is. Lord Tristan will look for an opportunity to lead him there.

So... what's the plan?

What do you think? At least to me, it's only a good place to intercept. That's where I suddenly had a bad feeling. Would I go to the trouble of preparing a place that would be easy to intercept?

With this game, you'd rather have that against you...

I have a bad feeling about this, but is it really being led?

'You don't think Mr Tact is a guide?

Yes. When you think of pyramids, you think of tombs, don't you? When I think about that kind of thing, I feel like it has something to do with demons.

'You certainly have a point...'

We'll both think about it, but this is just an inference. But we can't ignore it.

'...I'll get the raft ready. I guess we'd better hurry.

Agreed. I'll take command of the catapult as planned. Can I ask you to liaise with Tristan?

I understand.

I told Mr. Tristan what we thought. Perhaps there is some movement at the pyramid. I asked him to start guiding us from there.

Liquor would be able to get ahead of us and take a break.

After I finish contacting them, some of the attack party appears from the forest. One of them was Arleigh.

''You've brought quite a few of them with you.

That's my virtue!

Arleigh says such a thing, but the leaders of each party interrupt him.

'You were just passing on information here, weren't you? How could I not cooperate if I was told that I could earn points without dying?

We had a better plan than they did. Besides, our role was clear, and it was a win-win situation.

Are you aware of the plan?

I ask, and they all laugh.

'It's more like a plan... hey?'

You don't call that an operation?

I agreed because I thought I could hit the boss, but I'd like to make a ton of points anyway.

Apparently they're just leading us to the pyramid because it's suitable for interception.

'I understand. I don't intend to cause you any harm. I'll explain the details of the operation again.

When I explained the plan to them, they all agreed with it. Now we have even more strength. All we have to do now is get ready and wait for the boss to arrive.

The pyramid was filled with players who had broken up with us. They had been trying to defeat Berserk King Kong for a long time, but hadn't been able to, and now they were aiming to defeat Astaroth this time.

'We're currently guiding the boss to safety!

'Yes! I don't know what those production guys are up to, but I'm sure they can get in the boss's face here!

It's good for defense. Let's get a lot of points for this place.


Soon Astaroth will be in range of our attackers!

'Yes! I'm going to attack you all at once!

The players attack at once, but to no effect at all. Astaroth approaches the pyramid and holds his hand over the pyramid. A huge magic circle is unfolding around the pyramid.


Whatever you do.

In the next moment, they were devoured by the darkness spewing out of the magic circle along with the pyramid. Then the darkness that swallowed the player and the pyramid returned to the magic circle, and from the magic circle emerged a distorted giant dragon.

An Astaroth Dragon?

? ? ?

Someone was checking it out from a tree in the distance. It was Tristan.

'Mr. Tact, all those things over there have just been wiped out, and a dragon has appeared. His name is Astaroth.

"A bad premonition can be a good thing...

Yes, sir.

Tristan gets down from the tree and rides the liqueur.

'Come on, let's go! Liqueur!


The duo of Tristan and Lichur began to guide them. Tristan readied his bow and arrow and used his martial arts skills while running Lycur.

''Strike shot!''

One arrow hits the Astaroth Dragon in the eye with Astaroth on board. Tristan quickly makes a U-turn on the liqueur.

He looks behind him and sees that Astaroth and the Astaroth Dragon are tagging (targeting) him.

As planned, the two were coming after Tristan. However, the Astaroth Dragon was faster than expected.

A fireball is released from the mouth of the Astaroth Dragon.


Tristan was slow to react to the sudden attack, but Liquor ducked the fireball using the large tree as a shield.

Tristan was surprised. He had ridden horses in various games before, but this was the first time a horse acted on its own to protect its rider.

''You're really good. 'Ricule-chan... but if this is it... Ricule-chan! Evasive action, please! I'll just focus on the attack!

Tristan is not a summoner. So I don't know if he'll do what I say, but Lichur nods.

And Tristan continues his attack. The Astaroth Dragon also fights back, but he dodges the attack brilliantly with the strategy of using Ricule's great tree as a shield.

''...No. I'm seriously going to fall in love with you.

A strange love affair was about to be born when Takuto was unkept in his custody. Tristan and Lycur successfully reached the guidance point while attacking the Astaroth Dragon.

From there, the players began to fight back.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!