Elysion Online - Chapter 184

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:33:04 AM

Chapter 184: # 173 The fox god and the shadow messenger of Gothic Lolita.txt

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Mr. Kaim went on to leave in transition. She will return in a week.

I'm taking Lily and the others to the Beast Demon Guild to do today's summoning. On the way there, I heard an infographic about Ix. I send a text to my friend explaining the situation.

At the same time, Ix has been left out of it. I'm sure he'll be fine, but I didn't want to cause confusion with the sudden appearance of Ex Machina.

Lily and the others are full of motivation when I talk about how I'm going to have an arms race with the knights on the road. The tension was low because of all the shopkeeping. It's good that I was able to recover.

Today's target is the Dark Demon Stone.

Yesterday, the lack of nighttime summons was exposed, and tangled hands are effective against goblins. If that's the case, then the dark summoned beasts would still be the best candidate.

It was time to go in between summons and try to make a dark magic stone. Time stopped as an intense heavy pressure arose during the summoning process.

Lily and the others stopped moving, and I was the only one who could move.

I looked at the source of the heavy pressure and saw the love fire there. What happened? I'm not gonna do anything, okay?

That's right. You're right. You didn't do anything. I was the one who stopped time.

Koibibi is speaking in Kyoto dialect.

"It's not love fire...possession?

I'm here. Hey, gods. She was forced to come down because she couldn't use it yet. Don't worry, she's not going to hurt you.

A godsend? So now we're talking about...

You get the idea. Let me introduce myself once again. I'm Kutenkutsuki. My name is Inari. I am the god of the foxes that govern the sky and the heavens, and the god of agriculture.

Here comes the Inari God...the god worshipped at Fushimi Inari. Oh, no.

"Don't be surprised. I'm sure you've encountered someone stronger than us.

You mean the Dragon Kings?

Yes. I have a favor to ask you, who was recognized by the Dragon King and his family for taking good care of my family members, to let me come here today.

Is it safe to ask God for help? I think it's a bad idea.

"Normally, you shouldn't do that. You are not allowed to get involved on the ground. It's a different story if our families are in danger.

Your family is in danger?

That's right. I'm sure you've noticed it too, haven't you? To the extraordinary intelligence of the goblins.

I was certainly surprised at the goblin's tactics, but at the same time, I had my doubts as to whether they were that intelligent.

If you're wondering, you've got your answer.

"...You don't mean to tell me that someone is giving these goblins wisdom?

You're quite right. He's a human summoner.

Well, you don't think... it was Luke!

The goblins love him, don't they? I am.

Well, no... and Luke has been recognized by the Inari God as being favored by the Goblins.

I can't tell you about the culprit, but I'm sure he's the one giving the orders to the goblins to kidnap the birds from the village and town of Marlin. My family members are among them.

He hurt me, and when I wanted to cut him in half, he tried to sell me into slavery, and I couldn't keep quiet about it, in other words.

I see. That's certainly inexcusable... and if a human summoner caused the problem, it's only right that a human summoner solves it.

That's right. Will you take care of it?

He gave me the information, and most importantly, if Love Fire's friends are in danger, I can't just leave them alone... I'm sure Love Fire will want to help.

''I understand. I will accept.

Yes, I'll answer. I don't think we'll have much time. Our prediction is three days later. I'll wait for you. When you're ready.

The heavy pressure disappears and time begins to move.


Now what...

I got a chill...

Then Love Fire falls in.

'Love fire! Are you okay?!

Hahaha. I'm... sorry. I don't need my power.

The love fire is twitching. It's like a newborn calf.

''Don't push yourself... see. Rest for now.''

I kneel on love fire and stroke her head. Koibito squints at me as if it feels good, but Lily and the others are not in a good mood. It can't be helped, right? Bear with me here.

Then I'll tell you the story that happened earlier. First of all, the love fire freaks out at the story of the sky-tian fox.

''Sky Heavenly Fox-sama is using my body! Oh, aww. How, what should I do! Takuto Onion.

I don't get it... does a miko purify herself?

You don't have to change your mind. In fact, Sky Heavenly Fox-sama actually surrendered his god to the love fire as it was.

Yeah, I know, but... hey, we have to do something... uh... uh...

Love Fire's tail is rampaging. Let's just calm down for now. And when I tell everyone what I heard from the sky sky fox, Lily and the others get angry.


We can't allow this!

It's rubbish...

And the love fire is upset, but with strong determination in his eyes.

''Oh no... my companion... big brother Tact! Please! I want my people to...

You don't have to do it. We're all in this together.

Lily and the others nodded.

'Let's take down those goblins and save our love fire friends.


That's why I'm gonna have to bring in some new friends!

I made the dark magic stone and it's ready. Please let me succeed in summoning it.

When I execute the magic stone summoning, black smoke erupts from the magic circle. It's a success, right?

In the center of the black smoke, a lone girl with long, habitual black hair in a gothic loli dress appears. Oh, she's a can't be helped.

The girl opens her eyes. She has jet-black eyes, but she looks sleepy. You're okay?

Did you... summon it?

Oh. It's the Summoner's Tact. You.

"...Dragon Newt.

I thought it was different because it's a gothic dress, but it's a dragon newt!

Oh. Oh. The name... uh, black, right? The girl's name in black brings to mind Noir... but not to use it as is. Okay, I've decided.

How about Noah?

"....Noah. I like it.

I'm glad you like it.

"...nii. It's good to see you.

Yuck! He blitzed me in the heart!

We have a rival for the love fire.

'What? I can't lose! I'm brother Takuto's best sister!

What I'm saying is... phew. It's all right. You got caught flat-footed. We're good.

Now, let's check Noah's status.

Name: Noah, Dragon Newt, Lv 1.

Life force 10

Magical power 22

Strength 5

Defensive Force 5

Agility 14

Dexterity value 25


Shadow Manipulation Lv 1 Shadow Detection Lv 1 Shadow Movement Lv 1 Shadow Lurking Lv 1 Covert Lv 1 Mimicry Lv 1 Night Eyes Lv 1

That brings the number of summons I can summon to seven. Then comes the info.

'You have signed a contract with the 3 attribute Dragon Newt. I have obtained the title 'Dragon Newt Summoner'.

Another title. Let's check it out.

Title "Dragon Newt Summoner

Effect: Increases the ability of the contracted Drago Newt (Medium).

A title that can be earned by signing a contract with Drago Newt of the three attributes.

I don't know how much of an ability boost this is, right? Well, if it makes you stronger, you're welcome.

Now, Noah, but he doesn't have any weapon skills. Maybe that's why, unlike Lily and the others, there are many skills that I don't know about.

'You don't seem to have any weapon skills, how do you fight?

Do you...

Noah's shadow changes shape and shifts when Noah holds out his hand that doesn't come out of his gothic clothes and moves in a transformative way. Funny! It can become a shadow spear, a sword, or even a shield. This certainly doesn't need a weapon.

However, I can only control my own shadow, and the range I can extend depends on the area of my shadow.

Is it only possible to fight in close quarters now?

Next, shadow detection is like a skill that detects the number of enemies in the shadows. And if you ask him to do the shadow movement, Noah suddenly disappears. Huh? Where is it?

"Oh, my God!

Noah is peeking out of my shadow. I freaked out.

"...prank, successful.

Is Noah a prankster for being so quiet?

But I think this skill is super useful. Let's ask for details.

'Can this skill move anywhere in the shadows?

I can't... Just Nii and Noah's shadow.

That's not so convenient.

'Can I move into Noah's shadow too?

...if Noah can get him there.

Well, it's Noah's skill, so that's what it is.

By the way, how long are you going to be in my shadow?

"...I'm not going to stop. I'll stay here.

He's going to say he doesn't want to work in the future.

Get out.


Oh, he's gone into the shadows. This kid is going to have a hard time.

So I ended up catching him for meat as bait. Apparently he could smell it even from the shadows, and it was funny to see him trying so hard to get his hands out of the shadows.

''...It's not fair.''

'I don't want to be told by someone who runs into the shadows. I mean, is it because of your shadow hiding skills that you ran into the shadows?


Can it hide in other shadows?

I can do it. I want some meat.

Yes, yes, yes. I'll bring it up. We'll have to see the mimicry afterwards.

Then there was black smoke coming out of Nowa, and when the black smoke cleared, there was Ion.

'Why me!'

'Please don't make my skirt flutter!

Mr. Tact, you've been watching too much.

Mr. Tact!

Setia and Ion are pissed at me. I don't blame them for this...

But they look exactly alike. The changes were obvious because he had fox ears and such, but this one looks perfect afterwards, with the only difference being his voice.

In case you're wondering, they say I can't change. He says you can't change if there's a height difference. Safe!

After Noah's ability was confirmed, I summoned a soul with a list summon, but failed. I'm really glad I went to the Deep Red Wilderness yesterday.

Noah is clearly an assassin, spy type. Or rather, I feel like he's more of a ninja than a fire shadow and his friends.

I'll need to do some prep work, but thanks to Inari God's information and Nowa's help, I've got a plan to break through to the goblins.

I'm going to give them hell.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!