Elysion Online - Chapter 205

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:31:26 AM

Chapter 205: # 194 Iji Mine Residents and Church Prayer.txt

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After we finish eating, we're in a new area! We're leaving for the Iji Mine!

First, warp to King Kong's fort. You've completed the quest, so it looks like there are no enemies there. The members are Lily, Love Fire, Konoha, Himari and Hicks.

A basilisk? Elephants? Rats? I'm not gonna deal with that! Let's head to the rocky terrain at once with Hicks. Before I do that, I'm going to take my long-awaited Rider skill. The Cavalryman skill is 5 pts.

'I've got the jockeying skills.

My remaining skill points are now at 57 pts.

Now we're ready. Lily, Love Fire and the three of us will ride Hicks. Lily rides on the condition that she will fly by herself when it comes to combat.

''Wow! It's not at all like flying by yourself!

It's a nice breeze!


The jockeying skills are working great. It's tremendously stable and the last time I sped up, it almost blew me away, but I didn't feel it at all. I used my magic while piloting to try it out, and it was normal. I wish I'd taken it sooner.

They don't seem to let me reach it as it is when I'm enjoying a smooth air journey.

''Huh? There's something coming from above!

Love Fire warns us and we look up and see a giant snake with wings heading our way. Identification.


? ? ?

Spoiled. But it doesn't look like they can afford it. Wyrm inhales.


I signal with the reins, and Hicks takes evasive action. A poisonous breath is released where we were.

Oh no! That's a breath all of a sudden. Then let's go too!

Guys, let's go! We'll take care of him first! Everyone else, look for openings in the enemy!


Lily flies through the air.

'Let's go, Hicks!'

Hicks takes a breath and unleashes a lightning breath! It's working, but it's not as good as the wyrm. Then it's a close call.

Hicks wears a whirlwind and rushes in. Again, Wyarm draws in a breath and releases a mysterious green smoke breath. He senses the danger and stops letting Hicks plunge in.

Wyarm follows. He seems to be very confident in the breath he just gave me. Then let's take measures here too. Me, Koibito and Hicks are going to apply the sacred magic bracelets on them. Now the bracelet from earlier isn't scary.

Turning around, Hicks puts on the whirlwind again and challenges me to a close battle. Wyrm uses the Mysterious Breath again, but this time there's no question.

When you dive into the mysterious breath, the disabling of the status quo is still removed. It's still a breath that causes some sort of disability... we'll think about this later. When you escape from the mysterious breath, the Wyarm doesn't like close combat and escapes to the top.

I knew it's not good at close combat because it has no arms and legs!

"Heavy Slash!

Lilly uses a heavy slash on the wyrm to bring the wyrm back to Hicks in time. Nice one, Lilly, nice.

He tries to catch Lilly with his long tail though.


Konoha and Himari stop their tails with their key claws and escape in the nick of time.

'That was close... thanks. Konoha, Himari.


I feel like Konoha and Himari are saying, oh dear, they're going to be taken care of. At any rate, when Hicks hits the wyrm, it's chopped up into a whirlwind and scratched with more claws. I'm going for the new magic too!


A blizzard attacks the wyrm from point-blank range and freezes it. In the meantime, Love Fire leaps onto the wyrm and stabs the sword into it.

''Evil Flame!''

The sword is filled with evil flames and burns the wyrm from within. Furthermore, the love fire brings the stabbed sword back up and slashes through it. In the sky above, Lily spins around vertically.

''Rolling Slash!''

A powerful blow from Lily sends her crashing to the ground.

'Guilty Thorn!'

I restrain the wyrm with more thorns.

'Now!' Explosions!

'Yes! Flame Circle!



The magic of me, Love Fire, Konoha, Himari, and Hix poured down, and Lily accelerated through this.

'Gale thrust!'

The first time Lily used a gale thrust?

Lily's great sword pierced through Wyarm, causing Wyarm to scream and fall.

Wyarm, finish him off!

Let's take it apart immediately.

Wyrm's Wings: rarity 5 Material Item Quality D

Wyrm feathers. The feathers have the hardness of snakeskin, yet are smooth to the touch. Very resistant to wind magic.

Wyrm's Skin: Rare Level 5 Material Item Quality D

The skin of the wyrm. This skin has the hardness of snakeskin, but is smooth to the touch. It's a very strong material against wind magic.

It's a huge enemy, so the material is also huge. I'll have Wufu and Mew take a look at it later.

As you continue your air travel, you will be attacked by an enemy that appeared from the Iji Mine before you arrive at the Iji Mine.

Lesser Gargoyle Lv 20.

? ? ?

They're like rock lesser devils, maybe 10 of them. Not good... hard enemies are my natural enemies.

As expected, their damage is not as effective as I expected. And they're fast, even though they're hard. That's not fair!

What is the iron law of hard enemies? Weakens them with an anomaly. A magic of sorts. Make it work!


One gargoyle slows down. OK!

Lily! Go for the one that's sick!

'Yes! Yah!

The gargoyle shatters when Lily's great sword hits it. Alright! Strike!

Konoha, the sun! Draw the enemy to you. Lilly, go after the one who's sick.


We managed to beat the gargoyles. If it wasn't for Sick, we would have been in trouble. It's hard to do an endurance strategy of poison against hard enemies that fly around fast in the sky. So level up.

'The level of occupational summoner has increased. You have gained 1 status point.

Vocational Summoner's level has been increased. You have gained 1 skill point.

Now my remaining skill points are 58 pts. I set my status points to the agility value.

Let's dismantle it.

Demon Ore: Rare Level 3 Material Item Quality E+

A stone with magical powers. Used to make weapons. It is compatible with gemstones and stones with magical properties.

Ah, a new ore material! It's an unexpected harvest. Hephaistos, I'm sure you'll be pleased.

Then we arrive at the mountain. We immediately set up the gate points.

There are mining points all over the place, just as we were told in the Adventurer's Guild! I'm getting excited!

As soon as I used the ice axe, the ice axe shattered. What did you say? The tension is sluggish.

I have no choice, so I put my Hibari back and summon a black iron, but even the black iron couldn't be mined. There's no way to do it.

Returning to Freetia, the adventurer's guild told me that if the beginner's ice axe was broken, I needed an intermediate ice axe.

So we bought an intermediate ice axe, and headed back to the mountain.

Using the intermediate ice axe, I was able to mine it successfully. Good! Let's get it on!

Every time you mine, you're sure to get some iron ore. It looks like they're rare and produce magical ores. This place is heaven!

As I was mining, I heard some great vibrations and footsteps. What is it?

Ta-tact! There's something big! A.

When I looked at the direction Love Fire was facing, I saw a giant person heading towards me in an athlete run.


? ? ?

That's right. That's just the way it is. But maybe the Titans aren't as strong as they should be.

"Lily's got it! Heavy Slash!

Lily flew through the air, and as she approached and did a heavy slash, she thought the great sword had sliced through the Giant, but stopped in the middle.

'Yeah! Mmm~! Nuh-uh, I'm stuck~!

Oh, my God! There's too much distance. I warn Lily with my synchronization skills.

'Lily, get away from me!'

'What? Wah!

Lily narrowly escapes from the Giant's hands as he tries to catch her in the nick of time.

'Come back here for once.'

"But, TACT! Lily's sword!

"It's okay. I'm gonna draw you in with an apose.

"I know! I get it!

Lily comes back, but in the meantime, Giant comes closer. It's not good.

'Konoha, Black Iron, Hicks. Please.

The three of them fight.

First, Hicks releases the wind blade and Giant flicks the wind blade with his bare hands. Huh? Can a wind blade play with your bare hands?

Konoha throws a feather thrower, but it doesn't freeze up. He continues to engage in close combat with Kurotetsu. If it's a close fight, Black Iron has the advantage. That's what I thought.

But reality was not so sweet. When the Giant used his martial arts straight, it reduced the life force of Kuro-iron by a quarter. Furthermore, the side kick of the martial arts technique would knock Black Iron away.

The Giant tries to chase after Kurotetsu, but Konoha slashes him from the side with an ice blade. But the slashed wound regenerates.

This guy is a bad guy to fight.

I retrieve Lily's large sword with an apose while Giant is paying attention to Konoha. I'd like to retreat with this, but I need to get some information on this guy.

I'll use Sick on the Giant, but it won't make me sick. No... just as I think that... the giant turns to me and lifts a huge rock nearby.

Oh no, just in time! Then Love Fire uses a skill.

''Spiritual power!''

It stops just before the giant rock hits. This is psychokinesis! At any rate, thanks to the love fire, I made it in time.


We get back to the free tier before the rock that was thrown at us hits us.

""That was close..."

Needless to say, we all thought so. I gave Love Fire a tail brushing for following through on my mistake so well. Naturally, Lily puffed out her cheeks, so I did the same for everyone who did their best.

While brushing her, she reported the results to Hephaistos.

'Isn't that magical ore! So much! Wow, it's like a dream.

He started to go around with the magic ore. Are you okay?

I'll ask her about the magical ore.

''Demon ore is an ore that contains magic power and is used to make magic swords!

A magic sword? It was just released. Come to think of it, it was explained to me when Setia evolved. As I recall, it's gemstone magic. And the explanation was that it was compatible with stones that have magical attributes.

''So what does that mean for magical ice-stone?

They should be perfect for each other.

So I'll have to go get them again. For now, I asked Hephaistos for a hammer for Lily, a shield for Bran, and five spears with Setia.

There are many different kinds of spears. There are things that are made entirely of metal and others that are only metal at the tip. I first asked for a metal one with only a metal tip. It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what to do with it.

It's a very good idea to have a good time.

'Yeah, I thought as I fought on Hicks, the spear would be a good match, after all. I can use it in underwater battles too, can you ask for it?

We're on it. Oh, how would you like to be engraved today? If possible, I'd like it to be Mr. Tact's.

So there you have it... mine...

Can you order a sword?

Okay. So I'll leave you to it? The "Mark

My sword is engraved with elven letters. A mere iron sword has suddenly become a fantasy. What effect does it have?

Leapling's One-Handed Sword: Rare Level 5 One-Handed Sword Quality D

Weight: 25 Endurance Value: 50 Attack Power: 20

Marking: Automatic recovery (medium)

A one-handed sword made of iron. Due to the effects of the Intermediate Furnace and Intermediate Hammer, it is lighter in weight and has increased durability and attack power.

The emblem of Clan "Leapling" is quenched on the sword's edge.

Hmm. Auto-healing... it would have been nice if it had increased muscle strength or something. I feel like this would be better suited to a lily or something with a harder defense.

'I engraved it for Tact-sama, so Tact-sama should use it.

Well, I guess that's a non-negotiable point. Let's use it gratefully.

After that, Setia immediately made a spear-handle stick and handed it to Hephaistos. According to Hephaistos, it will be ready in a minute, but in order not to waste time, we headed to the field.

Regin wants to go too, so I take Meir and we head out there together.

'This is our field,'

Well, you're not leaving it alone.

Meir told me. I'm sorry! I haven't been here since the Nebilos attacked me!

Then, Meir left the sugar cane out and put the abandoned field back together and planted the vegetables that Yuna had given him.

''I don't think we're on the clock...''

'It can't be helped. When it comes to growing plants, there's no one better than the Dryads.

'Huh? But Setia taught me that, didn't she?

I have the knowledge. "I know what I know, but I am not as good as a Meer or a Dryad when it comes to growing plants and trees. Elves are the guardians of the forest and nature, while the Dryads are the ones who grow flowers, plants and trees to create the forest.

I see. So that's the deal.

"All ready, sir! Please!

Me and Setia rain on the field with Rain and grow vegetables with Grow.

'It feels good~'

Mir is happy to be bathed in that magic. Apparently, Rain and Grow are pretty good for Meir.

After harvesting the veggies, I head to the church where Regin is and Regin is offering flowers. It's not, it's not too late...I buy some flowers in the village and offer them and pray for everyone.

'Thank you, Tact-san...Setia-san...thank you. I'm sure the children who are gone will now be able to sleep in peace.

Regin really wanted to lay flowers and pray for the children killed by Nebilos... he should have done it sooner. A reminder.

When I come back, Hephaistos comes back with a spear. He wants time for Bran's shield, as expected.

Leapling's Direct Spear: Rare Level 4, Spear Quality D

Weight: 15 Endurance Value: 40 Attack Power: 15

A spear with a straight spear handle made of cypress and an iron ear. Due to the effects of the medium-grade furnace and hammer, it is light in weight and has increased durability and attack power. The spear has the emblem of Clan "Leaping" emblazoned on its mouth.

According to Hephaistos, it would still weigh about 30 if it were made entirely of iron ore. That's barely enough for me.

Now that he's made it for me, let's get the spear skill. I'll get 1 point for the spear skill.

I've acquired the spear skill. I've acquired the spear martial art [Lancer].

Now my remaining skill points are back to 57 pts. Well, I thought on this mountain, but again, when you go to a new area, there are stronger enemies and more experience for that. Hence, it wouldn't be a problem.

Aeon, Rian and Bran confirm the feel of the spear.

''No problem.''

I'm fine too.

'It's a nice spear. You can always fight with it.

I'd love to level up Bran, but we're out of fish, so we'll be on the water for a while!

Name Takuto Intermediate Summoner Lv 14 -> Lv 15

Vitality 48

Magic power 95 to 97

Strength 34 to 35.

Defensive Strength 23 to 24.

Agility 34 to 35

Dexterous value 69 to 71.


Fighting Lv 9, kicking Lv 16, staff Lv 21, one-handed sword Lv 18, spear Lv 1, throwing Lv 4, high-speed chanting Lv 14. 

召喚魔術Lv27 封印魔術Lv3 騎手Lv1→Lv6 錬金Lv14 採掘Lv14→Lv18 

伐採Lv17 解体Lv29→Lv30 鑑定Lv16→17 識別Lv22→Lv23 風魔法Lv20 

火魔法Lv21 土魔法Lv22 水魔法Lv20→Lv21 闇魔法Lv20 神聖魔法Lv3→Lv4 

雷魔法Lv21 爆魔法Lv20→Lv21 木魔法Lv20→Lv22 氷魔法Lv20 時空魔法Lv22→Lv23 

水泳Lv8 読書Lv8 料理Lv32 餌付けLv6 釣りLv14 シンクロLv9

名前 リリー ドラゴニュート・クーラLv4→Lv5

生命力 62

魔力  47→48

筋力  114→117

防御力 42

俊敏性 41→42

器用値 37→38


光拳Lv8 飛行Lv8→Lv10 片手剣Lv25→Lv26 大剣Lv17→Lv18 縋Lv1 

連撃Lv5 錬気Lv15 光魔法Lv2 光波動Lv2 竜技Lv5→Lv6 竜化Lv5 


名前 セチア ハイエルフLv1

生命力 50

魔力  110

筋力  40

防御力 36

俊敏性 36

器用値 110


杖Lv14 魔法弓Lv6 鷹の目Lv1 射撃Lv1 木工Lv10→Lv12 採取Lv14→Lv15 

調薬Lv8 刻印Lv2→Lv3 宝石魔術Lv1 宝石細工Lv1 風魔法Lv7 火魔法Lv13 

水魔法Lv14→Lv15 土魔法Lv13 闇魔法Lv1 神聖魔法Lv1 雷魔法Lv1 爆魔法Lv1 

木魔法Lv15→Lv16 氷魔法Lv1 樹魔法Lv6 ハイエルフの知識Lv13 精霊召喚Lv5 


名前 恋火 シュラインビーストLv1→Lv2

生命力 75

魔力  82

筋力  78→81

防御力 47

俊敏性 88→90

器用値 68→70


刀Lv13 二刀流Lv1 風刃Lv1 炎魔法Lv7 邪炎Lv12 忌火Lv12 

気配察知Lv14→Lv15 危険予知Lv13→Lv14 霊力Lv1→Lv2 幻術Lv1 神道魔術Lv5 

見切りLv1 俊足Lv1 妖術Lv2 血醒Lv5 料理Lv6 神降ろしLv1 獣化Lv1

名前 コノハ スノーフクロウLv3→Lv4

生命力 48

魔力  55→57

筋力  37→38

防御力 35→36

俊敏性 42

器用値 60→62


奇襲Lv16 飛翔Lv23→Lv24 氷爪Lv10→Lv11 羽投擲Lv6→Lv7 暗視Lv11 

気配遮断Lv10 風魔法Lv16→Lv17 水魔法Lv12→Lv13 氷魔法Lv17→Lv18 

氷刃Lv7→Lv8 耐寒Lv1→Lv2

名前 ひまり ホークLv11→Lv14

生命力 29→31

魔力  30→33

筋力  42→46

Defensive Strength 20

Agility 40 to 43

Dexterity value 22


Flight Lv14 -> Lv16 Assault Lv9 -> Lv10 Claws Lv9 -> Lv10 Wind Magic Lv9 -> Lv10

Name: Meir Doriade Lv 11.

Vitality 46

Magical power 35

Muscle Strength 16

Defensive Strength 16

Agility 46

Dexterity value 44


Earth Lurking Lv3 Vine Lv4 Shunsoku Lv3 Earth Magic Lv5 Wood Magic Lv5 Flower Nectar Lv2 

Gathering Lv 1 -> Lv 4 Planting Lv 1 -> Lv 4 Parasitic trees Lv 4 Setting traps Lv 3

Name Hicks, Lesser Gryphon Lv 1 -> Lv 2

Vitality 72

Magical power 62

Strength 92.

Defensive Strength 46

Agility 92

Dexterity value 60


Flying lv4 -> lv8 Claws lv3 -> lv4 Riding lv2 -> lv6 Whirlwind lv4 -> lv5 Windproof lv1 -> lv2 

Wind Blade Lv2 -> Lv3 Gale Lv4 -> Lv5 Afterimage Lv4 Wind Magic Lv2 Lightning Magic Lv2 Lightning Breath Lv1 

Majesty lv1 Rider enhancement lv2 -> lv4

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!