Elysion Online - Chapter 221

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:30:13 AM

Chapter 221: # 208 Free Tier Zombie Countermeasures Conference.txt

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We managed to get back to the freetia. Once again, I thought, this event is on the level of a management event.

The players in the town of Fast are cheering at the completion of the event and are impressed by the first time they see Freetia.

''We managed it for now, but the problems are piling up...''

Tristan-san says that and the atmosphere around him becomes dark. Yoichi-san asks Ruin-san.

'The problem is that we don't have any weapons for the undead. Do you have any idea, Ruin-san?''

''Unfortunately, there's only one chance at an event with a luminous stone... do you have any idea, Tact-kun?''

Gaze attacks from all of us. You can't get anything out of that stare.

''Unfortunately, I don't know. I do have an idea about the fire-attribute material, though.''

'Yes... but if there's any chance, it's only in the new area. Have you ever seen silver in the Izzy mines?

Ah, you're right, silver is definitely an image of a weapon for the undead. But we haven't explored it much, have we?

''Not so far. However, I haven't explored it at all, so if I explore it, maybe I'll find it.

The same could be said of the Yellow Ossa Mountains. Then a carbuncle comes over to us with a plate.


Yes, yes, I promised you dinner. Do you have any requests?

You have a sweet tooth and a penchant for meat.

Now I'll give you some grilled rabbit meat in honey.

What about Lily and the others?

I know you ate this morning... but I tried.

I'll see you at work.

Everyone is pleased. In the meantime, Carbuncle finished the meat and feasted on it. That's very clever.

Then he goes up to Harrison's brother's head and bashes his head around. What was that?

I know, I know. I'll give it to you. Calm down.

Harrison's brother took the citrine out of Inveritri and gave it to Carbuncle, who snatched it up and ate it.

'Um...what's this?'

'It's the price you just paid... the carbuncle has the ability to release the power of the gems in your body. However, when you release it, the gems in your body are gone and they will beg for the gems.

As I thought, powerful techniques have a reasonable price to pay, right? That's where Tyrol lost his patience.

''Ah, um! May I touch it?

'I'm good... but I don't think it's good enough for free,'

That's not true. Come here~

Carbuncle's face is pouty and he offers his hand to Tyrol as Tyrol approaches, saying so. He says, "Don't give me things.

Tyrol freezes for a moment, but it looks like Tyrol has a plan. Tyrol pulls out a brush.

'Here - I'm going to brush you!

But Carbuncle is appealing over things. Apparently, jewelry is better than brushing.

At this point, Tyrol's carbuncle-moffing plan has failed.

Then I get a text message. It's Princess Sarah. She wants to talk to you about your communication. I'm guessing it's a zombie thing. I'll explain it to everyone and then use communications.

It's tact.

''I'm sorry to be so abrupt. 'I'm sorry to come to you like this, but the alchemist told me what happened. The refugees will be taken care of by us. Since it's an emergency, would you mind allowing Mr. Tact to speak to me in person at the royal castle?

I understand. Would you mind if your fellow adventurers joined us?

I can't authorize many, but I'll leave it to Mr. Tact to decide.

Oh....that's a lot of responsibility. Now I can't take people I don't know at all.

''And please bring Aura-san's valet with you.

Harrison's brother was confirmed as Aura's valet.

'I understand. I'll be on my way.


So me, Ruin, Mel, Tristan, Full Moon, Yoichi, and Harrison's brother will be coming to the royal castle with me.

Lisa and the other players and even players who weren't involved have been complaining about it, but since they've been nailed down, there's nothing I can do about it. This is what happens when you're a small and trustworthy member of a small group.

I showed my guild card to the gatekeeper, and when I entered the royal castle, the maid showed me the way. Somehow, this was the first time for me to appear outside of Lily and the others.

And the room I was shown to was filled with royalty, dukes, marquises, counts and knights of the Kingsguard. Garou-san and Brass-san are naturally there as well. On behalf of them, Princess Sarah speaks.

''Thank you for coming. Since we don't have much time, I'll greet you later. First of all, adventurers, let me ask you about the zombies in the Fast Forest.''

We all talk about the identity of the enemy, its size, how to deal with it, and what to expect in the future.

'Are you sure it's coming to this country...'

We can't be sure, but we're almost positive. I've been warned by Nebelos. If I were the only one who wanted to go after me, I'd leave the country, but I don't think it's going to be that easy.

Mr. Brass adds to my words.

'I suppose. Zombies are basically unintelligent beings. They will only attack creatures that are nearby. And the city of Fast is the transportation hub of the five countries. In terms of proximity, it would be Wantwerk first, followed by Reich and Fretia. If Wantwerk is targeted, then Vaneleaf and Gones are next.

When Princess Sarah hears this, she makes a decision.

''What we need now is information. Since the information network has been broken, we have no choice but to go and check it out in person. Airtis, please turn the Lesser Gryphon squad to the town of Fast immediately. There will be no fighting, and intelligence gathering will be strictly enforced.

'Ha! I will arrange it at once!

Airtis walks out of the room. That guy was pretty good. The image of the Libina battle is stuck in my mind.

'Was it Mana's influence when you say you had your intelligence network cut off?

'Yes... just in case there's an emergency, I have these items here.

Lady Sarah took out a red ball. I'll try to appraise it.

Communication ball:?

? ? ?

Oh, I can't appraise that. Well, judging by the name, it's a long-range communication ball, isn't it? Then I heard a familiar voice.

'Oh! God! Zombies, buzzing with zombies! Collect beautiful girls like Lily and the others! Take a lesson from Mr. Tact!

Only Aura would say something like this...

You look good.

"Oh, a message in a comms ball. Princess Sarah, how are things going in there?

There are no further attacks. Can't you still come to our aid?

'I can't... that demon Nebirosse has sealed my magic and sorcery and the return items... and now I'm fighting with my bare hands!

What are you doing? This guy.... well, I'm a summoner too, and I use swords and fight in combat, so it might not make much difference...

What's that cat doing?

'Grammas would be fighting a horde of skull dragons and zombie dragons with his bare hands.

Was that Beowulf or Hercules incarnate or something?

'I see. Mr. Aura, I have called Mr. Oskar.

Harrison's brother, his name is Oskar.

"Oskar! You will unite the Freetia's Beast Demon Guild! Grammas' orders.

Oh, okay.

She hates it.

And is Mr. Tact in there?

I'm here.

Please! Lilly and the others.

Oskar cut off the communication.

''It's a conservative item that can't be used when the magic power is gone. Besides, this way Aura-san will go out of control. It's for the best.''

Well, if that's the case, it can't be helped... Then Ruin-san asks Princess Sarah and the others without hesitation.

''If a corrupt zombie comes to this country, would it be possible to deal with it?

''...Between you and me, it's tough. Our Order's weapons are made of silver, so they are effective against the undead. But it won't work against corruption.

Oh, you've got a corrosion problem. That's tough.

"Where can I get some silver?

Mr. Ruin, don't go goofing off. But since it's a matter of fact, Princess Sarah will tell you.

"I get my silver from Vaneleaf. I heard that there is a silver mine in the mountains a short distance from Vaneleaf. However, I heard that the silver mine is quite difficult to find. It's said to be as difficult as Vaneleaf's most senior blacksmith, Dwelgar, can barely return with full equipment.

How much~. If Doergal is the final evolution of the dwarves, it's completely out of our level range to talk about. Mel asks a question next.

''Is there anything else that's effective against the undead? For example, holy water.

'We have holy water... but in a way, it's more difficult than silver.

Hmm? What does that mean?

'It is the clergy above the archbishop who can make the holy water. And all clergy above the archbishop are in Gones.

That's out. There's no way the other side is going to listen to me. It's because they seem to hate subraces, summoned beasts, and tame monsters with all their hearts. Then Full Moon asks the core of the matter.

''If we have a siege, what will happen here?''

Mr. Garou replies.

'The walls here are especially thick and strong, so I don't think they can be breached by zombies, do you? The problem is the food... we've got it stockpiled, but I don't know how long it will last if we have to feed the entire population.

That's what usually happens. Moreover, siege is a warfare method of trying to reinforce or run out of food for the opponent. I don't think it's very effective.

"Do you have any reinforcements?

''We have sent out a request for reinforcements to our friendly nations, Wizard Orb of Magic and Elixir Lapis of Alchemy, but a response is pending.

There's a new country. The wizard orb is a wizard's treasure. The Elixir Lapis is from the alchemical Elixir of Immortality and the Philosopher's Stone.

I heard that they've also asked for help from the Dwarf Village, the Elf Forest, the Lizardman's Dwelling, Hawkman and the Village, and Cerian Beast's Village, but there's been no response.

That's where King Gran and Garou-san speak.

'Wizard Orb and Elixir Lapis won't make a move... because if they're going to send reinforcements, they'll send them to Reich.

Well, we're poor and they're rich and have a treasure trove of the latest weapons.


Princess Sarah scolds me, but that kind of situation would darken all of us if we knew about it. If we could at least get some food without the zombies interfering with us, we'd have hope for a siege. That way... no, there's a way.

'About the food, sir, we might be able to work it out.

Everyone turns to me at my statement. No, I don't want them to look at me like that...

What do you mean? You mean you have a safe way to get food from here?

I don't think it's safe, but it's possible.

I show him the transference stone from the ancient island.


That's what Lewin and his friends find out. 'Yes, there is plenty of food on the uninhabited island.

''This transition stone can go to an uninhabited island where food is abundant. As expected, the zombies won't be able to come to a deserted island in a desolate sea.

Mr. Garou and Mr. Brass say cheerfully.

'You have a nice transition stone! But if that's what you're talking about, it's going to alleviate some of the food problem for now.

It's a relief to be able to hunker down and not have a problem. The only thing left to do is to get rid of the zombies. Do you have any ideas?

Don't look at me with those eyes you all expected to see! I'm not a cat-shaped robot who puts his hands in his pockets and comes up with useful items!

But beyond what was expected of me, I have an idea.

'...Can I ask you a few questions?

We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have for us.

'I hear the Yellow Ossa Mountains are sacred. Are there any good items there?

'I'm sorry. That's a place where the nine tails rule and we don't know what's in store for us.

No... but if we don't know, that means there's a chance of something. I'd like to collect some ore from the Iji Mountains, but as of now, we might as well go ahead with the Yellow Ossa Mountains.

''Then how well do you think the walls of this country are built? Specifically, can you withstand a major flood?

That's a lot of room to spare!

Oh, I see...

While Mr. Garou was like that, Mr. Brass figured out what I was thinking. Luin-san knows about it too, so of course he noticed, Mr. Brass explains.

'Tact-dono is planning to use the wave technique that Aeon-dono used on me to flush all the zombies together. If there's no point in defeating them, then we can just let them drift farther away.

Ideally, it would be the sea, but... didn't the port city of Blumen have a wall, too?

Yes. It's an oceanfront location, so we have perfect flood protection.

Then, for now, let's just let the zombies become seaweed. I'm sure the dragonized Aeon can do just that. Even a zombie would not be able to swim. Even if they drowned, died, and came back to life, it would only be an endless loop in the water.

If they're still alive, we can use sacred magic to erase them after everything is taken care of.

"It's a crappy plan, but it works. Your Majesty, Your Highness.

Hmm. I think I'll go with your plan. All right? Sarah.

Of course. 'Father. We are going to start working on the operation. We will formally request the Adventurer's Guild later on, and we would appreciate your assistance as well. Also, I'd like to share some information with you.

Everyone signed up to be friends with Princess Sarah. Then I was stopped by Princess Henri.

''I'm sorry to trouble you at this busy time. He insisted on meeting with Takht-sama and asking to speak with him.

Who's this for?

The person I most admire... the first princess of this country, Sister Gylfi Fretia.

Yee! Isn't that the princess of this country who is sick! Thus I was to meet the princess, the supreme treasure of this country.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!