Elysion Online - Chapter 241

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:29:11 AM

Chapter 241: # 228 Force to gather with the kingdom of ants.txt

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Just in case, we set up a gate point, set up our position and strategy, and rushed into the square.

Then the ants were waiting.

The Queen Sand Ant?

? ? ?

King Sandiant?

? ? ?

Bishop Sandiant?

? ? ?

Night Sand Ant Lv 25.

Normal Monster Target Active

Luke Sandointo lv20

Normal Monster Target Active

Pawnsandant Lv 10

Normal Monster Target Active

These ants...they're armed with their tops standing up...and the top of the square and the walls are full of sand ants.

The pawn has a sword, Luke has a shield, the knight has a sword and shield, the bishop has a staff, the king has a large sword and shield, and the queen has four spears.

I can't keep track of the numbers. I'm pretty sure there's one king and queen and four bishops... but this isn't anything to be worried about! You're crazy! Let's try it anyway.

"Fire! Hah!

The other summoned beasts attack all at once, led by Hanabi-chan. In the meantime, the rear guard chants magic, but Sand Ant sends stones flying and doesn't let them use magic.

And when the fireworks girls defeat the Sand Ant and the pawns, the Queen Sand Ant screams at them. The Queen Sand Ant lays eggs and more Sand Ants are added.

This is a jam if you don't defeat the Queen Sand Ant first!



Setia aims at the Queen Sand Ant with an arrow, but Ali's Luke uses a provocation and is defended.

Moreover, the fireworks girls are also forced to attack by Ali's Rook, and the Sand Ant swarmed in on them.

The vanguard and the rear guard were completely separated. This is no longer good!


I used my strawman return to get back to Lieprich. Then the players are flooding in. Mel and the others are coming.

'I see you guys have escaped too, Tact...'

You can't do that...

Yeah... so you could make a return.

Then Luke and the others speak to me.

'...What do you want to attack?

"Not today....fortunately we have a warp point set up in front of the boss. Just let me try that one with a full crew.

Can you win?

I'm gonna have to play my trump card... can you guys join me tomorrow?

I checked and it looks like we can all get together at 9pm. Well, we'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'm going to need a full team to take on the challenge.

I'm going to share information with the event players.

The first thing I heard is that all the armed ants have been using martial arts. The bishop seems to have confirmed the sand earth magic sandstorm.

Luke asks.

'How do you plan to attack it?'

First the queen. If we don't beat the queen, we don't have a chance.

I know, but...

'Luke's in the way (right, right?)'

You all know what I'm talking about!

I can't help it because it's a fact.

'Didn't you have a problem with Yoichi-san's Arrow Rain?

'Unfortunately, all of them were defended by Luke... the provocation skill is a skill that activates on the whole, so arrows are inevitably at a disadvantage. But once you defend against them with your shield, the effect wears off, so you have to aim for that. But there are a lot of other rooks, so if you're in an archer's party, you'll be able to reach the queen because you're outnumbered, but after you shoot, you'll be ant food...

So... if it's a breakthrough, it's still oil... I guess the Sand Ant stones were originally intended to set the ant army on fire scales.

However, if we can't use oil, we'll have to come up with a different strategy.

All we need to do to attack is to break through the provocative rooks, probably the knights and kings who are the queen's guards, and destroy the queen. If we can manage the queen, we have the advantage of having a trump card.

It's Darley that makes this possible. If we can work with Darley, we might be able to get past Luke.

The rest is just a matter of timing and finishing the job.

We retreated this time, but we got the rocks, which was our original goal. That's what the rest of the party did as well, and a lot of rocks were delivered to the Alchemy Guild.

I make my own bombs. The ants, of course, because they could be used against the zombies, too.

And outside, the production workers are working hard. It's especially hard work for Yug and the other woodworkers. They are building catapults again to send the oil farther into the creation of the siege towers.

'Mr. Yug of the catapult! Look at the results!

'Mr. Hugues of the Catapult! Is this the right place?

'Mr. Hugues of the Catapult! I don't have enough material!

"Then go get it! You've got to get a lot of them! And don't give me weird nicknames!

I know that Mr. Hugues is shouting such things, but I know that he said it himself.

And now all sorts of subspecies have abandoned their homes in Freetia and taken refuge in Freetia.

At first they had chosen to fight the zombies, but after the defeat of the Drauglebeast, the emergence of the guardian dragon, and the king's announcement that Freetia had a plan to destroy all zombies, all subraces have gathered together.

They will also fight with us. But there are those who won't fight with us.

'Not at all! How dare they run away!

They say that in times of distress, the true nature of a man's character comes out, but I never thought that so many of the nobles would run away.

Liese and Princess Henri are complaining over an apple drink. Apparently, the zombies were close at hand and quickly fled to another country.

''If they're people who aren't going to be able to fight anyway, it's better if they're not there. Wouldn't it be nice if their share of food went to people who believe in this country and will fight for it?

They look at me.

'Mm! Surely Tact was right!

''Hmm. Tact-sama really does have a great sense of humor, doesn't he?

Is it a compliment? It.

Airtis says the main army of zombies will be here the night after tomorrow.

'We won't be ready in time, so we'll use the ion as planned. You're on it. Aeon

I'm on it! I'll take them all down!

I'm counting on you... Well, I have school tomorrow, so I should get to bed.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!