Elysion Online - Chapter 244

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:29:02 AM

Chapter 244: # 231 Ant Kingdom Strategy Battle.txt

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I ate dinner and then logged in. The time was just about up, so I decided to take a bath before bed.

Everyone was gathered downstairs. Then we decided on the members of the attack team. It went like this.

Tact: Setia, Love Fire, Kazuki, Black Iron, and Darley.

Luke: Govrina Archer

Tyrol: The Good Fox

Fierce Wind: Fairy

Al: Firebird.

Takuma: Fireworks and good foxes

Aroma: Angel, Good Fox

June: Shiba Inu's Cerian Beast

Unat: Serian Beast, the tortoiseshell cat

Maya: Dragon Newt of Earth

Naoto: Druryard.

Date: Dwarf

Then I explain my plan and we move through the warp gate.

When I enter the square, there are no changes to the enemy members. The enemy attack begins.

But unlike last time, Sand Ant attacks Black Iron, who is provoking me.

Aroma, Jun, and Yunato are supporting Kuro-iron with recovery and buffs.

The Sand Ant swarming the black iron is then burned by the good foxes. The other players also prepare for fire magic.

''Rune Arts!''

"Rune magic!

I seal the Queen and King's martial arts. The Japanese fox sealed the Bishop's magic.

''Tact-san, they've completed setting the trap!

I did it too!

Me too.

I'm ready. I get on the Darley that Love Fire is riding and put away my staff and hold my spear. Then a line of coordination is generated with Darley.


Darley's fire on my spear. Luke directs Govrina Archer to Arrow Rain, and Luke the ant uses the provocation in unison.


We charge at the queen.

Ari's rooks recognize this and try to defend themselves with their shields, but they fall into a pit. It's an earthen dragon Newt, a driad, and a dwarf trap placement skill.

That clears the way for them! The Knight holds up his shield, but the shield pierces through and closes in on the Queen.

But my spear is defended by the king's shield, which protects the queen. The King's shield is different from the Knight's, after all...

But it's within the plan. The love fire behind me jumps over the King and slashes at the Queen.

''Abominable fire! Yah!

But the Queen defends against Love Fire's attack by crossing the spear in her upper arm. King takes an extra look at the Queen in a pinch. While there, Darley kicks in and blasts King.

'Pile bunker!'

"Fire shower!

I shoot [Pile Bunker] at the Queen's stomach, but the Queen crosses the spear in her lower arm and defends.

Behind me, Luke and the others chant a fire shower, but the fire shower is defended by Ali's Luke and Knight's provocation.

It's the only way to do it... at this moment, I'm sure of victory.

An arrow hits the Queen's face and explodes. It's Setia's magic arrow. As the attack hit, the strength of the arm was weakened and the love fire cut the Queen in two, and the Queen was engulfed in flames and knocked down.

Okay, now we have a winner. I thought so, but I wasn't naive.

The King screamed and the other ants screamed in unison, the color changing to red. He looks like he's angry because he's beaten the Queen.

I wish I hadn't used my trump card and won. I can't strengthen this number of reinforcements in a stone...

"Wufu, beastify!

Fireworks, pseudo-dragonize!

'Yes! Beastification!

Let's go! Pseudo-dragonization!

White and silver fire blows out from the Japanese fox, and a giant fox with beautiful pure white fur and five tails appears from within the giant white flames.

Is that the trump card of the Shrine Beast! That's a beautiful fox. Status.

Name: Japanese Fox Shrine Beast (Beastified) Lv3

Vitality 76 to 101.

Magic power 96 to 121.

Strength 46 to 71.

Defensive value 40 to 65.

Agility 92 to 117

Dexterity value 94 to 119.


Fan Lv 10, Dance Lv 10, Throwing Manipulation Lv 10, Evil Flame Lv 10, Abominable Fire Lv 12. 

Presence Detection Lv 12 Danger Detection Lv 12 Sealed Magic Lv 10 Magic Sealing Lv 10 Illusion Lv 10 Fire Magic Lv 6 

Shinto magic Lv 15, sorcery Lv 10, sewing Lv 12, leatherwork Lv 12, cooking Lv 14, blood awakening Lv 5. 

God descending Lv 1 Breath Lv 1 Fox technique Lv 1

Four over 100 starters... oh, man.

"No more or less! Let's go!

The Japanese fox takes a breath.


A silvery white flame is unleashed. Luke the ant defends himself with his shield, but the shield is extinguished. Goodbye, Luke.

More silver and white flames are released from five more tails, and above, the sand ants on the wall are burned.

In the meantime, the pseudo-dragonized Fireworks arrived. She insisted on defeating the King, so I decided to leave it to her.

I'll take the bishop, who can't use magic...

"Foxmanship! Shrinetail!

The Japanese fox's tail turned into white and silver fire, and the Knight and Bishop were calmed down and killed.

That's when the beastliness of the Japanese fox is released. We went to the Japanese fox and found him there, turned into a child.

'Tact-han! Love fire! Ugh, look at me~

Hey, sis! Cute! It's lovely!

'Love fire! Bear with me~...I'm not feeling very strong right now.

The love fire that flirts with you without regard to that. That's pretty funny.

''Dragon technique! Dragonclaw!

Are we done? As I looked at it, Hanabi-chan was fighting with King's sword, and to my surprise, Hanabi-chan was pushed down.

Seriously... this red color enhancement... could this be a pseudo-dragonization level enhancement?

Hey, somebody! Cover the fireworks!

At Takuma's request, Luke and the others try to cover him, but Drago Newt of Earth stops them.

'Don't mess with Drago Newt's fight,'

I agree. This is the fight Hanabi wanted. If you mess with this, I'm going to get mad at you for sure.

Maybe so, but...

And little Hanabi is not stupid. Here, watch him.

Hanabi exhales and clenches her fist. Now, the final blow... how do you hit it?

Hanabi closes the gap between them. The King swings his sword at me.

He ducks it and closes the gap even more. King's shield isn't working in time. That's what I'm going to do.

"Dragon technique! Dragonclaw!

The King gets knocked down. Then came the info.

''Your level of sealing magic has reached 10. You have acquired the sealing magic [Rune Magic].''

Takuma approached Hanabi-chan as the battle cry went up.

'Well done! Fireworks!

Takuma... you didn't believe I won...

'What? No, I believed it, okay?

'I heard it all! Stupid!

See? I'm in trouble. I don't know. We're taking apart the building while Takuma is pissed off. A rock from Sandosto. The others were iron weapons. The only thing different was the queen.

Queen Sand Ant Eggs: Rare Level 4 Food Item Quality D

Eggs laid by queen sand ants. High in protein and nutritional value.

Queen Sand Ant Ant's Ants Nectar: Rare Level 4 Food Item Quality D

Food made by Queen Sand Ant to raise their children. It's high in protein, nutritious and very sweet.

Does this taste good? I have some resistance... after a rock-paper-scissors game, I got some queen sand ant nectar. I think I've seen on TV that there are desert ants that collect honey, and that they are surprisingly tasty.

As soon as I got it, I tried it.

'Oh! Delicious!

Okay. Of course you'll give me that, right?

Tact! I want one too!

Let me lick my hair.

Yes, yes. Everyone will be happy if you give it to everyone who worked hard.


A gaze attack from another summoner. I can't give it away for free, as it were.

''If you want it, ask your master to buy it for you in Lieprich.


Luke and the rest of the group are being pestered all at once.

'Nah, by the way, Mr. Tact...what's the price?'

I'll decide with Mr. Lewin, but it's new material, so it'll probably be expensive.

Of course!

Only me and Ruin-san will know which one will get more money, the cost of weapons or the cost of anthill honey.

Name Takuto, Summoner of Affection Lv2.

生命力 66

魔力  123

筋力  56

防御力 40

俊敏性 55

器用値 96


格闘Lv9 蹴り技Lv16 杖Lv22 片手剣Lv20 槍Lv12→Lv13 刀Lv1 

投擲Lv7 高速詠唱Lv24 召喚魔術Lv28→Lv29 封印魔術Lv8→Lv11 

騎手Lv18→Lv19 錬金Lv17 採掘Lv20 伐採Lv24 解体Lv34 鑑定Lv21 

識別Lv30 風魔法Lv23 火魔法Lv28 土魔法Lv22 水魔法Lv29 闇魔法Lv22 

神聖魔法Lv8 雷魔法Lv22 爆魔法Lv24 木魔法Lv23 氷魔法Lv22 

時空魔法Lv37 水中行動Lv2 読書Lv8 料理Lv33 餌付けLv7 釣りLv16 

シンクロLv10 連携Lv3→Lv4

名前 セチア ハイエルフLv7

生命力 52

魔力  128

筋力  45

防御力 36

俊敏性 37

器用値 128


杖Lv14 魔法弓Lv11→Lv12 鷹の目Lv5→Lv6 射撃Lv4→Lv5 木工Lv12 

採取Lv22 調薬Lv12 刻印Lv3 宝石魔術Lv1 宝石細工Lv1 風魔法Lv7 

火魔法Lv16 水魔法Lv20 土魔法Lv13 闇魔法Lv1 神聖魔法Lv3 

雷魔法Lv1 爆魔法Lv1→Lv2 木魔法Lv16 氷魔法Lv3 樹魔法Lv9 

High Elf Knowledge Lvv 15, Spirit Summoning Lvv 6, Cooking Lvv 8.

Name Love Fire Shrine Beast Lv5

Vitality 76

Magical power 85

Strength 85

Defensive Strength 48

Agility 96

Dexterity value 70


Sword Lvv15→Lv16 Two swords Lv1 Wind blade Lv2 Flame magic Lv9 Evil flame Lv12 Abominable fire Lv14→Lv15 

Presence Lv 17 Danger prediction Lv 16 Spiritual power Lv 2 Illusion Lv 1 Shinto magic Lv 5 Discernment Lv 2 

Shunsoku Lv 2 Bewitchment Lv 2 Blood Awakening Lv 5 Cooking Lv 8 Divine Descent Lv 1 Beastification Lv 1

Name: Japanese Fox Shrine Beast Lv3

Vitality 76

Magic power 96

Muscle Strength 46

Defensive Strength 40

Agility 92

Dexterity value 94


Fan Lv 10, Dance Lv 10, Throwing Manipulation Lv 10, Evil Flame Lv 10, Abominable Fire Lv 12. 

Presence Detection Lv 12 Danger Detection Lv 12 Sealed Magic Lv 10 -> Lv 12 Illusion Lv 10 Flame Magic Lv 6 

Shinto magic Lv 15, sorcery Lv 10, sewing Lv 12, leatherwork Lv 12, cooking Lv 14, blood awakening Lv 5. 

God descending lv1 Beastification lv1 -> lv2

Name Black Iron Iron Golem Lv4 -> Lv5

Vitality 84 to 86.

Magic power 0

Strength 103 to 106.

Defense value 103 to 106.

Agility 26

Dexterity value 15


Fighting Lv 18 Ironclad Lv 26 -> Lv 28 Provocation Lv 23 -> Lv 25 Physical Resistance Lv 24 -> Lv 26 

Physical Destruction Lv8 -> Lv10 Mining Lv6 Stone Throwing Lv6 Injection Lv4 Electrical Resistance Lv1 Cold Resistance Lv1 

Poison-free Lv 1, disease-free Lv 1 

Name Darley, Red Rabbit Horse Lv2 -> Lv3

Life force 40

Magic power 34 to 36.

Strength 38 to 39.

Defensive Strength 28

Agility 96 to 99

Dexterous value 60 to 62


Kicking Lv5 -> Lv6 Rushing Lv9 -> Lv10 Furious Fire Lv3 -> Lv4 Flame Manipulation Lv4 -> Lv5 Riding Lv23 

Galloping Lv13 -> Lv14 Rider Enhancement Lv20 Serial Attack Lv2 Eiki Lv3 -> Lv4 Fighting Qi Lv3 -> Lv4 

Transfer Lv3 -> Lv4 Red Horse Blessing Lv3 -> Lv4

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!