Elysion Online - Chapter 293

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:25:56 AM

Chapter 293: # 278 Dolphin Benji.txt

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Today the test is over and we students are free.

I buy food at the supermarket and log in to the game, chewing on my freedom.

When I logged into the game, I used the octopus I caught on the boat with Sharrow and made octopus stew. But I probably don't have enough, so I'll have to hunt for it.

Today is a day of freedom, but it's also a day of feeding revenge!

So we're here in the Lagoon Sea. The members of the team are Aeon, Rian, Chess, Sabik and Diane to take on the challenge.

First, we look for the octopus.

I'll show you guys that I'm going to kill him today!

I won't make the same mistake!

Aeon and Rian are in high spirits after a long time of hunting, but there is no octopus to be found.

I saw a gap in the rock, but he was gone.

"Takuto-senpai, were you there? Kyah!

'Leanne! the same as yours.

There was a chin eel wrapped around Liane. Not as much as an octopus, but a chinanago wrapped around a mermaid is dangerous! While I'm thinking about that, Aeon slices through the chin anago. I'd like to think it was my imagination that I felt a bit of a chill.

'Are you okay? Liane.

Yeah, I'm fine. You're welcome. Aeon, sir.

You can't let your guard down.

That's the kind of ion I'm talking about...a few minutes later.

'No! Why are you coming to me!

He was being chased by a man-fish.

'Mr. Tact! Leanne! Quickly help me.

Excuse me. I have a physiological problem with that fish.

I can't either! Shit, when it comes to this.

Aeon swims at Rian, and the two of them are chased by a friendly man-fish.

'Hi, it's terrible! Aeon, senior! I can't believe you got me into this!

You'd be worse off if you didn't return the favor!

In the midst of all this arguing, I got Chess to use a provocation, but it didn't seem to have any effect. In other words, this.

''Does that mean Aeon and Rian are using the provocation skill?''

"'I don't remember! Don't think so strange, please help me quickly!

I'm pissed off, so I help. What a weak human-faced fish, but I think it's only confirmed that it has the skill to disable provocation.

There's no octopus in the quicksand, so I try to get out a little farther.

Gradually, as we get deeper and deeper, we find something in Rian's acoustic search. As we head out, what we see is the wreckage of a small boat. Then Sabik and Diane react! Apparently there's a monster in the wreckage of the ship. Great expectations for the octopus.

Then it's time to hunt!

As we all make our way to the wreckage of the ship, a red light shines through the cracks in the ship all at once. I've seen this light before! Oh no!


Chess is clad in ice and defends against the attack. But it's not unharmed. It's a gun attack. That's just what it is.

Aeon! Leanne! Use your speed and distraction to close the distance!


Sabik, Diane! Flush out the enemy with magic and breath!

I recover my chess in the meantime.

Ion and Rian try to close the distance with a quick move, but before they can do so, their magic and breath startles the enemy to flee. I succeed in identifying it.

Iron Fish Lv 16.

Normal Monster Target Active

Seeing as they don't seem to be attacking us again, these guys are only going to be able to make one attack? No. Is it dangerous to assume.

I instructed Aeon and Rian to fight using their speed as it is, and then, with Ches, Sabik, and Dian, who have finished recovering, I take them down while flushing out the gun fish.

As a result, I let some of them go, but it's no use. We can't fight recklessly as long as there might still be some ironclad fish. When I dismantled it, it was the same as a firearm flower, a bomb material. I'm not convinced it's the same as a normal underwater gunshot.

Later, Sabik and Diane find and defeat Octopus and Squid, who are hiding in a small boat. Octopus and Squid are favorites. You can't let them go.

Having reached our goal, we return to the shore, and I'm going to make stewed octopus. Do you think they'll come?


'Oh! Mr. Takut! It's Mr. Dolphin!

It looks like they've come. Then, it's feeding time. There were a lot more than I expected, so I guess we'll be fine. Unless something like the last one happened!

Mr. Tact!


Chess provoked him, and Thiefkud fell prey to Chess' punches as he went for the octopus stew. I wouldn't make the same mistake so many times either.

Since we were out of the way, I fed him slowly and succeeded successfully. As I was feasting everyone on the leftover octopus stew, I realized the hard way.

How am I going to sign up for this?

What's going on? I called Neffy and asked her to write a magic circle for me. Then I gave it a name and successfully completed the contract.

Name Saffy, Dolphin Lv 1.

Life force 12

Magical power 6

Strength 8

Defensive Strength 4

Agility 16

Dexterity value 12


Underwater Activity Lv 1 Jumping Lv 1 Rushing Lv 1 Riding Lv 1 

Sound Detection Lv 1, Sprint Lv 1

The name comes from surfing. I had decided on this one. And I thanked Nephi firmly.

'Thank you for your time.'

That's fine. It's part of my job.

Then Neffy stopped petting the dolphin. Do you think dolphins like it too?

Now, I need to get Saffy some riding gear!

So when I was in the Beast Demon Guild, Nephi-san had prepared the dolphin equipment for me. Is this why I left first!

Of course I bought it. You just have to.

I bought a cordovan saddle for the dolphins, etc., but the price and rarity were the same as the horses.

So I rigged up Saffy and let's get on with it!

'I knew it was early! Whoa! Wap!

Saffy suddenly jumped me. Safi seems to have a friendly, well-mannered side to her. Well, there are times when I have to prioritize my own timing and momentum, so I'll be fine.

By the way, Safi was riding alone. Aeon and Rian also rode, but they didn't jump. only get on with the guys! Well, okay. I was very satisfied and logged out.

Name Takuto, Summoner of Love, Lv5.

Vitality 70

Magical power 139

Strength 60

Defensive Strength 40

Agility 60

Dexterity value 102


Fighting Lv 9, kicking Lv 16, staff Lv 22, one-handed sword Lv 23, spear Lv 15, sword Lv 7. 

Throwing Lv 7 High Speed Chanting Lv 27 Summoning Magic Lv 31 Sealing Magic Lv 13 Rider Lv 21 

Alchemy lv20 Mining lv20 Logging lv33 Dismantling lv36 Appraisal lv23 

Discrimination Lv 30 Wind magic Lv 25 -> Lv 26 Fire magic Lv 1 Earth magic Lv 24 Sea magic Lv 1 

Dark magic Lv 22 Sacred magic Lv 8 Lightning magic Lv 24 Explosion magic Lv 26 Wood magic Lv 24 

Ice magic lv25 Space-time magic lv39 Underwater action lv2 -> lv5 Reading lv12 Cooking lv35 

Feeding lv7 -> lv8 Fishing lv18 Synchronization lv15 Linking lv4

Name Aeon Dragonute Envelope Lv13

Vitality 63

Magical power 106

Strength 60

Defensive Strength 33

Agility 138

Dexterity value 109


Two swords Lv 27 -> Lv 28 Spear Lv 4 Throwing operations Lv 8 Flying Lv 9 Swimming action Lv 12 -> Lv 14 

Ice Blades Lv 14 Continuous Attacks Lv 5 Water Magic Lv 16 Blue Wave Lv 3 Dragon Technique Lv 8 

Dragonization Lv 7 Sea Dragon Blessing Lv 5 Cooking Lv 18

Name: Leanne Mermaid LV7

Vitality 28

Magical power 67

Strength 26

Defensive Strength 22

Agility 54

Dexterity value 50


Spear Lv 8 -> Lv 11 Staff Lv 1 Song Lv 12 Spell Song Lv 1 Swimming action Lv 4 -> Lv 7 Water Bullet Lv 8 

Water Magic Lv 11 Diving Lv 3 -> Lv 5 Enchantment Lv 1 Acoustic Detection Lv 3 -> Lv 5 Humanization Lv 14 -> Lv 16

Name Chess Blizzard Bear Lv 9

Vitality 54

Magical power 51

Strength 77

Defensive Strength 64

Agility 33

Dexterity value 33


Bite Lv 20 Fighting Lv 15 -> Lv 16 Defense Lv 5 -> Lv 7 Provocation Lv 6 -> Lv 8 Ice Armor Lv 6 -> Lv 8 

Physical Destruction Lv 1 Physical Destruction Lv 1 Assault Lv 17 Underwater Action Lv 8 -> Lv 10 Ice Claws Lv 18 Ice Fangs Lv 5 Snow Hiding Lv 1 

Ice Breath Lv6 -> Lv8 Ice Thrower Lv9 -> Lv10 Cold Resistant Lv1

Name Sabik Yululungru Lv 3

Vitality 79

Magical power 44

Strength 58.

Defensive Strength 42

Agility 64

Dexterity value 48


Biting Lv 21 to Lv 22 Curling Lv 14 Cleave Lv 7 to Lv 9 Iron Wall Lv 3 

Deadly poison Lv 19 -> Lv 20 Heat detection Lv 13 -> Lv 15 Underwater action Lv 1 Lightning magic Lv 5 -> Lv 7 Water magic Lv 5 

Earth Move Lv 4 Rainmaker Lv 8 Water Breath Lv 5 -> Lv 7 Revive Lv 2

Name: Diane Lesser Hydra LV7

Vitality 58

Magical power 62

Strength 72.

Defensive Strength 43

Agility 52

Dexterity value 54


Biting lv7 -> lv9 Coiled lv5 Swimming action lv2 -> lv4 Poisonous armor lv5 Serial attack lv8 -> lv9 

Fear lv3 Deadly poison lv7 -> lv9 Regeneration lv4 Poison breath lv9 -> lv11 Heat detection lv1 -> lv3 

Mimicry Lv 1 

Name: Saffy Dolphin Lv 1

Life force 12

Magical power 6

Strength 8

Defensive Strength 4

Agility 16

Dexterity value 12


Underwater action Lv 1 -> Lv 3 Leaping Lv 1 -> Lv 2 Rushing Lv 1 Riding Lv 1 -> Lv 3 

Sound Detection Lv 1, Sprint Lv 1

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