Elysion Online - Chapter 32

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:40:45 AM

Chapter 32: # 31 Post-processing and information disclosure.txt

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It's time for the mid-boss disposal, not the afterthought. I've finished him off and I'm going to dismantle the Wolfman on his behalf. You just didn't want to do that, did you?

For now, here's what I dropped when I dismantled it.

Wolfman's Claw: Rare Level 2 Material Item Quality E-

Wolfman claws. The claws are harder than they are sharp.

Wolfman's Skin: Rare Level 2 Material Item Quality E-

Wolfman's skin. Harder than wolfskin.

Earthen Stone: rare degree 2 Material Item Quality E-

A stone with the attribute of earth. It can be taken deep underground.

Demolition is also leveled up here.

Name Takuto, Summoner Lv 15.

Life Force 24

Magical power 54

Strength 17

Defensive Strength 10

Agility 15

Dexterity value 32


Barehanded Lv 5 Kicking Lv 6 Staff Lv 6 Staff Lv 6 Summoning Magic Lv 10 Alchemy Lv 4 Alchemy Lv 6 Mining Lv 6 Dismantling Lv 6 -> Lv 7 Appraisal Lv 7 

Discrimination Lv 4 Wind Magic Lv 5 Fire Magic Lv 6 Earth Magic Lv 5 Water Magic Lv 5 Dark Magic Lv 5 Light Magic Lv 5 Lightning Magic Lv 2 

Explosive magic Lv 2 Wood magic Lv 2 Ice magic Lv 2 Space-time magic Lv 2 Reading Lv 4 Cooking Lv 7 Feeding Lv 3 

How much experience do you have in this? Wolfman.

And I got the soil version of the water-based stone. Lewin-san and the others look at it immediately.

''From what I can see, I wonder if the earth-based stone is the bonus for the first blowout?

Yeah. Obviously, you can't get that kind of material from around here...

Hmm? The first blowout bonus?

Is there such a thing as a first-destruction bonus?

''This is our first time, too, so it's hard to say. Obviously, this is the only item that's unlikely to drop from this guy.

It's true that I'm wondering why this guy has a rock that can be taken deep underground.

The material used to destroy this thing is from your Tact.


Are you sure?

For better or worse, you're the only one who got him. He's only got his cronies, the Wolves, so we can't take it.

''We got a title too, and we got skill points and our level went up tremendously, so I'm not complaining. I mean, it's a miracle we didn't go back to death!

Yeah. And you'll submit a request for this material, right?

Well, we'll see.

You know, these claws are huge. They could be used as Lily's weapon. From the way Lilly fights, it's not your average one-handed sword fighting style.

Is the skin my armor? ...the hide of the wolf...

So we have an understanding of the allocation. I'm worn out. I think we should leave.


Hugues stops him. I'm wondering what's going on, and I'm looking at the fallen big tree. Could it be--

"This could be used for materials! But it's not in my inventory or the item box...

Maybe it's because it's too big?

You're right, something this big usually doesn't fit. Hmm? Hugues is looking at me. Uh...yes, yes, yes.

'Lily, can you cut that big tree for me? Ask Mr. Yug to tell you where to cut.


I'm sorry. I'll make you a wand from this tree, Tact, for you.

I'm looking forward to it.

We got the big tree in one piece, and then we'll return to... wait. In this case, are we just going home? That's not good. You can't leave me here. I mean, I've already got a request for an escort... huh, walking home?

I was asked a lot of questions along the way. Mostly about the Wolfman fight. It wasn't a punching, kicking, summoner's fight style. But I couldn't chant in that situation, so it didn't help. Naturally, I'm taking my kicking skill for situations like this, so it's a form of kicking that I got stuck in this time.

The next thing Ruin and the others were concerned about was the ice magic that Konoha used. But they don't know the conditions for obtaining it. Yes, you found it in the library. That's why I taught Ruin-san and others about it. I'm going to teach them about the title while I'm at it. I'll leave the disclosure of the information to Lewin-san and the others. It looks like the information on the library and the middle boss, and it's going to be pretty rough.

And I returned to town safely.

Well then, that's your request accomplished.

Yes. Can I ask for our own weapons as soon as possible?

I'm on it! My arms are going to ring!

Yeah! Stay tuned!

Well, what am I going to do now? I'm stronger than the boss, but I don't think I can beat him...

Well, anyway. I'm going to make a magic stone and log out. I'm going to hunt Deathnia again in the evening. I need a water-based weapon. I think it would be cool.

At night, I came to hunt Desnia. This is where we ran into a problem. No, it's a good thing. I tried to get Ion to do an underwater fight, and he beat Deathnia to a pulp by himself. The cause was of course the skill's underwater action. Apparently, this skill isn't just about being able to swim fast. It seems to be a skill that allows you to breathe under water and also become unaffected by the water current. As a result Aeon, who was fighting at high speed in the water, overwhelmed Deathnia. The only means of attack are body blows and bites. It was a natural result.

In the meantime, I got to try out the water blade skill as well. It's like a water version of Windcutter. It's encouraging to see him learn a long-range technique. Furthermore, Ion was able to activate the water blade twice at once, probably because of his dual-facedness. He's gotten stronger.

Name Aeon Dragon Newt Lv 10

Life Force 21

Magical power 25

Strength 15

Defensive Strength 10

Agility 38

Dexterity value 32


Nito Ryu Lv 6 Underwater Action Lv 1 -> Lv 3 Water Blade Lv 1 -> Lv 3

In case you're wondering, my clothes didn't go through with the water. It was still ironclad, but the sight of the water dripping off the ion was s*xy.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!