Elysion Online - Chapter 323

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:24:43 AM

Chapter 323: # 306 Gonesse Saint.txt

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In the meantime, I bound the knights of Gones with steel threads and contacted Princess Sarah. Then Garou-san and the knights came immediately.

I've heard about the situation from Princess Sara. But still, it really is Robert. And they're the ones who escaped from the zombie fiasco.

'According to Livina and Sephone, it looks like you're being manipulated, so I've neutralized it for now, but what should I do?'

I'll take them back for now. It's just that they're knights who belonged to our family, even though they're former. And thank you for not taking your life. And the little girl.

The girl who was approached by Mr. Garou said so takes off her hood. The girl was a junior high school-aged girl with short blonde hair and blonde eyes, dressed in a monastic uniform.

Which Valkyrie is it this time?

'My name is Jeanne. I am a citizen of Gones. Will you shelter me in the free tier?

I didn't expect to see a celebrity name come in. But they said something about executions, so it makes sense, oddly enough.

Jeanne is probably Jeanne d'Arc. She was a hero who saved France from the Hundred Years War between France and England.

She is also famous for being a tragic hero who was finally sentenced as a heretic by the Inquisition and died by fire. This was later overturned by the verdict and Jeanne d'Arc is the patron saint of France.

'Well, we've been illegally admitted to Fretia. You'll have to come with us anyway. You'll have to come with us. I'm sorry, but you're coming with us.

I understand.

But the borders are so loose. From what I heard later, it's physically impossible to defend all the borders. Apparently there are far too few knights to protect everything in the air, ground and water. It's only natural.

I listen to Jeanne's story again at Fretia Castle. First, Princess Sara-sama asks a question.

'First of all, is it correct to say that you are a nun of Gones?

'No, sir. I am a citizen of Gones.

I'm wearing my sister's clothes to the hilt.

Then what is your occupation?

"? What is an occupation?

This is going to be... a long time coming. You'll have a rare opportunity to find out what's really going on in Gones. I have to ask.

You were doing something to make money, weren't you?

'Then I would pray to God every day.

It's...very nice, but you don't get paid for that, do you?

Can I get one?

...Yes? Do you get paid just for praying to God? That's what it is. There's no way that's how the economy works. "What about the food?" asks Mr. Brass.

"So what are you doing about the food?

'We use money to buy the food the priests bring us.

If we're assuming this is what we're supposed to do, we're handing out money to people who prayed, selling food ourselves, and circulating the money... I don't think it's going to work.

Here's where Princess Sarah speaks to the heart of the matter.

'Then why did you have your life threatened?'

'I don't know... that day out of the blue, the Solemnity Knights came to our house and came to get our family for treason against God. I was told by my mother to run away, and then I was rescued by someone I knew of my father, and I fled to Freetia... but the Solemn Knights followed me, and this man saved me when I was pursued in that forest.

You can't get away with it alone in a situation where your life is being threatened by your country. But still, it's crazy that he's in the country illegally, and he's coming to kill Jeanne. Garou asks, "Just in case.

''Just to be sure, do you know anything about that solemn knight?

'A solemn knight is one who executes punishment on behalf of God for the godless pagans. We know nothing else.

Well, I don't know. Then a knight under Mr. Brass walks in.

"How's it going?

I think it's likely that his memories themselves have been tampered with through memory manipulation. As soon as he woke up, he went on a rampage to commit suicide, but we are currently putting him to sleep and restraining him.

Please don't let them die. I have a lot of questions for them.

I understand.

He even tried to kill himself... it looks like he's completely muzzled. Princess Sarah asks.

''First of all, Jeanne-san, is it correct that you are seeking protection from Fretia?

'Yes. I have been told that God has appeared to me recently in this country. I would like to see God if I could, too.

Wait a minute... this is... everyone looks at me. Right? This is my fault, right? I don't know, I feel like I'm sweating badly. But I can't stop listening to it.

'Did your parents tell you that story?

No, it's from a friend of your father's who helped me out.

Safe! ...right? No, it's possible that this is what happened as a result of that acquaintance talking to Jeanne's father. No, I think it's high. It's a result of that acquaintance telling her, but I feel a twinge of guilt.

'Oh. I understand. Then I'll let you be protected in the castle first.

Thank you. Ah! Thank you, too, for once again helping me in a dangerous place!

'And don't mind me, I was just doing what I deserved to do.

Jeanne's smile is hard!

Jeanne then leaves the room and we all discuss it.

'Once again, you see how unusual Gones is,'

'It's more than you can imagine. What's in it for me to get paid just for praying?

At least they're not contributing to the economy, that's for sure.

I can still understand if this is working and donating to worship in the chapel, but you're not even working. It doesn't make sense. I feel like if you don't have to work in the first place, you don't need the money. If you pray, you get food. I feel like that would be the end of it.

'What does Master Tact think about Gones?'

I can only say that it's a mysterious and spooky country. But considering the fact that the Freetian knights have had their memories tampered with, the fact that Livina and Sephone sensed the power of darkness, and the fact that they didn't suffer the invasion of the zombies at all, I can only think that it's suspicious.

Is it likely that Dorginus is in Gones?

'I don't know about that. It's just that if Dorginus can falsify memories, it seems odd that he wouldn't use it when he came to Freetia Castle.

Mr. Brass speaks.

'Surely if all of us had had our memories tampered with, Freetia would have been finished at that point... so the conditions for manipulating our memories didn't fit and we couldn't do it?

Or that it has nothing to do with Dorginus at all.

I nodded at Princess Sarah's words. I'm suspicious, but I still vote for Dorginus not being involved. But if that's the case, who would be the other party? This is the story.

There are many demons that control humans. We can't make a decision at present.

'In any case, I'm sure Gones won't be quiet about this one.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for bringing this into your business.

''Even though it's the former, it's still something involving a Freetian knight, so it's fine. Rather, thank you for not taking a life.

I already said that. Princess.

Mr. Garou was beaten by Princess Sarah. Now, I'll have to tell everyone this information.

When I went back to the leaping, everyone was gone. Looks like they're busy with the event coming up. What can I do? We'll have to wait until after tomorrow to talk about it.

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