Elysion Online - Chapter 331

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:24:09 AM

Chapter 331: # 314 Agares Battle and Clan Leap Release.txt

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While I was making fries for dinner, Kaito told me about the bulletin board information.

''Apparently, this event, the difficulty level changes depending on the conditions for clearing quests and such.

Is that so?

'Oh. It looks like Prince Finist will be there and Barbayaga won't be there, or it's only Barbayaga, or nobody else will be there.

'It's going to be pretty tough if Prince Finist and Barbayaga don't join us, isn't it?

If you didn't have a finisher prince, you'd have to defend your village from the hawk attack. If you're a player, you'll have to split up your troops. But aerial combat is still unsuitable for players. The only way to do that is to keep them away from the village with magic and arrows outside the village.

'I agree. There are a few people who have learned flying magic, but I don't think they'll be able to fight a hawk and win.''

It's the barbayaga that I'm relying on in this situation, but even if there are three of them, and they each support me, there are three of us against Agares.

I just don't think it's going to work. It's impossible for anyone to join us. Oh!

It looks like Mel and the others will be joined by Prince Finist and Barbayaga.

'Really? I thought we were the only ones...

That's not the case. Sure enough, before I logged in, I got the information on the board.

Quite a few people know about the falcon finisher's feather. Well, I'm an internet source. I'm sure there are a lot of the same people.

I finish eating and log in. I get on the Hicks with Setia, finish the final touches, and I'm ready to go.

Then it's time for the event to start. A giant magic circle unfolds from the sky in the direction that Barbayaga predicted, and a giant jet-black hawk appears.

An Agares Hawk?

? ? ?

Agares Hawk comes straight at us. In response, Prince Finist says.

''Looks like they're here...''

Prince Finist...

I'm sorry, I'm... I keep worrying about you. But I have to take that guy down.

Yes... and good luck.

The finist prince shines golden and his figure changes.

When he opened his eyes, a huge golden falcon appeared in the sky.


? ? ?

A jet-black hawk and a golden hawk clash in the sky.

''Is that what you really are!

Oh. I am Prince Finist of Golden Hawk! I will bury you with the brightness of this sun!

Great! Don't think you can beat me in the rain!

The rain and wind intensify as Agares Hawk shouts. The rain hurts! Then the Barbayaga appears.

"You think you're the only ones who can control the weather? "You're the only one who can control the weather," says the Barbayaga. Show us your power!

The orb that Barbayaga was holding glowed. Then the cloudy sky cleared and the night sky was visible. Sunny is wonderful!

At the same time, the rain and wind stop. Agares Hawk is surprised.

'What! Nonsense... the curse of Lord Bael, the Demon King, has been removed, even if only temporarily! And what's more? I'm losing strength... it's that old man!

Agareshawk tries to get at Barbayaga, but Prince Finist spits golden fire and Agareshawk is burned and poised.

'Your opponent is me!'

"f*ck you! Excellent!

A giant hawk simultaneously starts fighting in the night sky. They're firing beams at each other. I can't get involved in that one. Then the Barbayaga announces.

'Agares is on his way. Boys.

Okay. Let's go.

We travel on the stra. Then a huge magic circle is unfolding in the forest. That's pretty big.

I'm going to summon the Legion. This time it's a raid battle. It's a full summon. The members are Lily, Ion, Setia, Koibito, Noah, Livina, Lian, Waxx, Bran, Sephone, Grey, Tora-Toren, Konoha, Chess, Gale, Yuuga, Kurotetsu, Aranea, Airy, Puyosuke, Kitsune, Luna, Iyuki, Mir, Hicks, Stra, Dian, Astel, and Gekkiyaya.

If it's raining to start, Ix is still useless. You can summon them when it's sunny, but there's no chance that they'll be begging for rain. This event was a complete Ix kill event. Well, it's my fault for not taking measures.

Chiffon, Miranda and Arleigh join the members I summoned. Hicks rides Chiffon, while Miranda and Arleigh ride on Stra.

I hold the scarlet ring and wait for the enemy to appear. This time we didn't freeze up, but instead set up to surround the magic circle.

In front of the village are me, Lily, Ion, Noah and Livina.

From me, to the left are Rian, Sephone, Kurotetsu, Puyosuke, Luna, Astel, and Tsuki Teruya. This is the member that attracts the enemy here.

On the right from me are Wufu, Bran, Gray, Tora-Toren, Gale, Aranea, Airy, and Dian.

And on the other side of me are Setia, Love Fire, Konoha, Chess, Yu Fang, Kitsune, Iyuki, and Mir.

When I activated the insurance, Agares appeared with a huge crocodile.


? ? ?

Agares Crocodile?

? ? ?

Agares looks at us and smiles.

'Ho. I predicted my appearance.

"Mir, Aranea. Drop it.


Meal and Aranea's pit is activated, and a giant crocodile falls into the pit, which is even bigger than that. Then the explosive magic Mine and Time Boss, which were placed inside the pit, explode.

'Wha! Phew!

Agareth comes in front of me.

'You! While I'm talking.

"Rune magic!

When I ignore it and block the magic, a magic circle appears underneath Agares. Agares runs away in a hurry, but he can't escape without magic, and he explodes.

'You! You too? The witches.

'Whew. I don't mean to be presumptuous. You have to threaten us, and you will get what you deserve!

Don't think you can beat me with magic.

Agares uses a potion to unseal the magic seal. There's a recovery item like that. The barbayaga and the others and Agares left the place and a magic battle began.

Now, let's get started. I'll get a call from Arleigh.

"Tact. Arleigh: "Tact, the Agares crocodile is overturned!

Copy that.

At first it's a fully charged Gale attack.

'Show them what you can do! Gail!


Gale takes a moment to attach to the Agares Crocodile and release the discharge. The Agares Crocodile explodes with a powerful electric blast. But it doesn't seem to budge. That's just big.

But here's the deal. Arleigh and the others will work as planned.

I've got a new weapon that combines the production capabilities of tact with my knowledge of video games!

Arleigh and the others drop the barrel. The contents of the barrel are bioethanol. It's also an ignition bomb held in place by Aranea's strings. Then what happens?

The bomb exploded in the sky above the Agares Crocodile, and a rain of fire rained down on the crocodile, setting its body on fire.

A pseudo-napalm, as it were. Here's the item Arleigh named.

Barrel Bomb: Rare Level 6 Bomb Quality C

Attack Power: 300 Physical Destruction 1 time used

Additional Effect: Flames

A bomb that combines a barrel of bioethanol with an ignition bomb.

The fire burns up at the same time as the explosion, so be careful how you use it.

It seems to be based on some kind of game.

This time, considering the size of the enemy, Arleigh said that rather than blowing up directly, it would be better to napalm them, so they wouldn't miss their aim and gain damage over a wide area. It looks like that opinion was correct.

I'll check the situation with Arleigh.

'It's heading towards Setia and the others while burning!

Copy that.

This is where it comes in. I put a seal and debuff on the Agares Crocodile and give instructions to Setia in sync. Then Setia gives me instructions while holding her staff.

'They're coming this way. Iyuki-san, get ready!


An Agarez crocodile pokes its head out, gets its hands on you, and tries to clamber out of the pit. I believed that's what a real crocodile would do because that's how it climbs, man.


Setia and Iyuki's ice magic slip caused both of their front feet to slip and they lost their balance.


Love Fire's signal to attack all at once. Love Fire's wind blade, Chess, Yu Fang's ice-cold breath and Mir's wind magic hit Agares Crocodile's face, causing him to fall back.


Konoha kicks him with his ice claws to stop him. Then the Agares Crocodile rolls down in the pit.

This is my idea of a time-buying strategy. This is the only way to buy time because my opponent is a four-legged crocodile.

In order for the crocodile to escape from the pit, it has to become an unfamiliar bipedal walker. The aim is to buy time, so that's what I decided to aim for.

The Agares Crocodile manages to escape from the pitfall.

However, when he gets to Bran, Bran's Heavenly Strike, Grey's Roar, Tiger's Roar, and Dian's Poison Breath are waiting for him, and when he loses his balance, he is dropped by Gale and Airy's rushes.

Heading to Rian, Aranea restrains the Agares Crocodile with steel threads around his mouth and body, and is dropped by the full swinging attack of Gekkiya on a black iron rocket punch.

When she comes to me, I slip and knock her off balance, and Lily, Aeon, and Noah's wave technique explodes. Waves that can now be fired continuously are still strong. But it consumes a lot of magic power.

When an opening was targeted, I used a last resort to flush it out with Ion's Dragon Wave and drop it with Lily's Dragon Claw. Furthermore, I had Love Fire use the flame magic Rava Flow to block the use of water. I had a feeling that if the opponent was good at rain, Dragon Wave was likely to be used, just in case.

I asked Chiffon and the others to follow up where we couldn't cover. It's not hard to get one of them off balance by aiming at the hand that's trying to climb up with the bomb. All that's left is for one of them to attack and drop it.

But it's dangerous. Unlike me, you'll have to get close to them. But I want to thank Chiffon and the others for taking on the task. If it weren't for Chiffon and the others, this mission would have been a tough one.

Eventually, the Ageless Crocodile, which has nowhere to run, will not be able to move. When that happens, it will be a magical target. From above, Chiffon and the others signal to Hicks and Stra, and a simultaneous attack hits the Agares Crocodile. I attacked with Sandstorm, too. I'm almost to reach 30!

Now, let me stall for time and see how far I can get it.

While Takuto and the others were stalling for time against the Agares Crocodile, Barbayaga and Agares were shooting magic at each other in the forest.

''Kuh... is one on three not enough of a minute... what is the Agares Crocodile doing!

'Whew. You underestimate people, you know. You people.

'Shit! Then the game is over! Agares Crocodile!

As Agares said this, Agares Crocodile's movements changed.

'Tact! The Agares Crocodile has changed things up! Something's coming.

He receives a report from Arleigh and gives instructions to the Black Iron.

'Black iron! Provocation! Puyosuke-san, take care of the defense!''

Black Iron provokes him, and Agares Crocodile's attack targets Black Iron.

Then countless numbers of something pops out of the pit and flies at Black Iron. What is it? Huh?

What is it? Gubebe!

Cephone, who was dressed up and riding on the black iron, gets involved. Sephone revives and the spell-annihilation seal is activated.

'Nuh... what was that... is Rian safe?

''Ha, yes. Kurotetsu-san and Puyosuke-san protected me, so I'm fine. This is...

"Senior Tact! That attack earlier was scales!''

That crocodile, can it fly its own scales? But Sefone has sealed it. So it's back to normal.

'What are you doing? Agares Crocodile.

Tact! 'Agares is on the Agares Crocodile!'

Arleigh informs us of the situation.

No, more importantly, what is Barbayaga doing!

Then a magic circle appears above me. Not good!

Everybody out!

Lily and the others escape under my direction, and I teleport with Livina.

I manage to escape from the fallen Agares Crocodile... but here's the problem. Then comes a communication from Barbayaga.

'Boys! We're going to prepare our trump card. Just hold on for a few more minutes!

A few more minutes and we'll find out.

I appreciate the effort you've made, but the game is over!

As Agares cuts Aranea's steel thread, the Agares crocodile opens its mouth wide and the light gathers. Wait a minute. This is a breath attack! Of this size!

Don't make me shoot you!

They all attacked on my command, but they didn't budge. I also used rune magic, but it didn't work.

'Hahaha! No use. Humans! The Agares Crocodile has solid castle skills! Damage will not cause skill cancellation!

Another foul skill. d*mn it! If you can't cancel, you'll have to lead them away.

'Do you want to use your provocation skills? Sweet!

Agares holds up his wand.


We all go dark and cursed.

Sheesh. A curse is a state disorder that renders the grant on itself ineffective. In other words, the provocation skill can also be eliminated by the cursed state disorder!

Then Lily and her friends' dragon, no. I'll take insurance here!


I know.


I know. I got it.

I'm in the clear and I'm gonna fix the anomaly. Please. Livina, Waxx, Foxx, Aster.

That's it! Do it! The "Agares Crocodile

Doggone it!

The Agares crocodile's oversized breath slipped through the village behind us.


Agares' thoughts stop at the unexpected event. Victory!


Nuh-uh? You, by illusion!

Catching the scarlet ring with his staff, Agares answers the tease.

Yes. I had Livina, Waxx, Foxx, and Aster, who weren't participating in the battle, use illusionary magic to keep their eyes fooled.

Illusion is a skill that affects the surrounding scenery and the opponent. It is not subject to the effects of curses. This time, I cast the illusion on the landscape in all directions. Even Agares, as expected, was fooled by this large-scale illusion.


Two silver swords pierce Agares' body. The only person who can match me as I teleport in for a surprise attack is Ion.



A blitz hits Agares. Furthermore, Lily, Blanc, Chiffon, Miranda, and Arleigh attacked Agares from the sky, one after another, using their martial arts skills to attack Agares.

The only thing that can be done is to make sure that you have the right information. The human touch!

A shockwave is released from Agares and we are blown away.

'This is the realm of our demons! Don't think a human can win!

This guy seems to have the same immortality as Sephone... or some sort of blessing that applies to it or something. But I can't pull it off! I take out my wand and hold it up.

"Rune magic!

'It's sealed again! You never learn!

Agares tries to get the recovery item out.

'The same move won't work! Shift change!

Me and Love Fire switch positions.


Love Fire uses his spiritual power on the recovery item and the recovery item leaves Agares. Agares rushes to catch the recovery item, but he has bought himself some time.

Everyone's attacks are rushing to Agares. But the Agares crocodile gets in the way. Not yet. We have a new trump card.

An aura of fresh green light emanates from one spot.

"What? What! That enormous amount of magic.

"We elves are the guardians of the forest. You have no idea what that means! Answer my heart and show me its true power! Clan Leap, release the treasure!

Setia also responds to the words and the clan leap shows its true form. A tremendous amount of tree magic is released from the treasure ball. Clan Leap is clothed in green leaves, enveloping Setia in the power of nature as well.

Clan Leap (Treasure Ball Release): Rare Level 7 Magic Staff Quality C+

Weight: 40 Endurance Value: 100 Attack Power: 60

Magic sword effect: Wood attribute up (super), poem breaking

Treasure Ball Effect: Continuous chanting, Large reduction in magic recovery time, Forest control, Absorption

Marking effect: Increased magic (large)

This is Clan Leap's treasure release!

Setia holds up her wand.

'Forest Operation!'

The trees in the forest grow and bind the Agares Crocodile. The Agares Crocodile tries to break free of his bindings, but he doesn't budge.

'It's no use. A mere crocodile is no match for a large tree with roots deep in the ground.

Furthermore, the Agares Crocodile's life force and magic power decreased, and the trees grew larger and larger. Eventually, the Agares Crocodile was completely taken in by the trees.

Oh my... is this the power of Setia and Clan Leap!

It's a complicated skill, but we'll burn it to the ground!

We try to interfere, but it looks like the quest is clear. A barbayaga appears in front of us.

'Whew, whew, whew. That's a shame. Old demon... is this the demon's domain? Don't make me laugh. This is our forest. It's our forest.

Three pillars of light appeared and a magic circle appeared in the sky and on the ground one after another.

''This is not good! Nuh!

Agares is bound in the magic circle.

I won't let you go.

How did a mere witch have this kind of power?

I told you. This is the forest we've managed for many years. And our house has been storing its magic here for many years, in case someone comes along to defile the place.

The first three pillars of the barbershop.

Well, it took me a while to get home, but... well, are you ready to disappear?

Wait, wait!

I won't wait. You'll pay for your crimes of afflicting the humans and defiling the forest. You will pay for it yourselves! The Judge of the Forest (Susidieni Riess)!

A green polar light erupted from the ground where Agares and the others were, swallowing them up.

''Gwaaah! Master Lukifugus, ah!

When the light subsided, Agares and the others were gone, and green particles fell from the sky as if announcing a victory from the sky.

''It's beautiful...''

Chiffon and Miranda fawned over it, but it wasn't over yet.

'Old man! What the hell?

That's a sucker for a blind eye.

The finisher took Agares Hawk's back and caught him in his claws.

'Shit! Get the f*ck off me!

The finist rises into the sky, glowing with gold.

'Wait, wait, wait! You, for real, me.

'Oh. Let me save my betrothed's soul with this brilliance! The Splendor of the Hawk Prince (Finist Svilkhach)!


The Agares Hawk was engulfed by the golden glow that the finisher emitted and disappeared.

Particles of golden light also poured down.

It was a rain of light that signaled the end of the Demon King Bael's reign. Then comes an infographic announcing the end of the event.

''Congratulations. You have completed the event quest "Defeating Agares". Please do not forget to continue to receive the ending and rewards.''

Oh, you're going to get your reward after this, right? Well, I'm curious about the ending, so let's make sure to watch it all the way through.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!