Elysion Online - Chapter 349

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:23:08 AM

Chapter 349: # 332 Desert cactus and boxer.txt

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Log in to make bonito fish sauce.

Cuttlefish fish sauce: rarity level 7 Cooking Quality C+

Fish sauce made from fermented skipjack tuna.

The undiluted liquid is diluted and adjusted to taste just right.

This is the fish sauce you can buy on the market. It's a perfect fish sauce. I would like to thank Shallow and his team.

Next, I think I'll make surume.

First, I cut the squid squid so that its body and legs are attached to each other. Then cut the cartilage and remove the mouth and eyes. Finally, I peel off the ears so as not to damage the gut.

After that, scrape off the sucker, rinse it and dry it in salt water for 3 to 5 minutes. The squid should be ready tomorrow because the squid will be dried overnight.

After that, I'll make a meal for everyone and then I'll make a beef steak for Lily to eat.

'Ahhhh. It's so good! Ugh!

'I know it's delicious, so don't go wild. It hurts, doesn't it?


Lily stares at me.

'What's wrong?'

Huh? Uh, no! I thought this kind of tact would be nice.

What kind of me...

Then I felt a glance behind me, and Aeon and the others were grinning at me.



f*ck! What's wrong with you?

Sigh... next time let Aeon do it for me.

No! It's gotta be Takt or else!

If Lily says so, you have to do it... After feeding Lily and putting her to sleep, you finally head out into the desert.

The members are Ix, Gray, Byakuya, Hix, and Stra. Ix as the flame attribute, and we head into the desert. We've finished collecting the iron sand, so we'll have plenty to explore this time.

I rode Hicks from the rocky area and left. But they won't let me explore easily.

''Enemy, they're coming from the front! Master!

I visually confirmed it, too.

Lesser Gryphon Lv 15.

Summoned Monster Target Active

I can't lose this one! The Lesser Griffon uses a lightning breath.

Byakuya, Hix and Stra avoid it.

'Rune skill!'

Now the nasty skills are sealed off. In this situation, we have no choice but to fight hard. I'm going to change my weapon to a spear.

''We'll deal with this guy ourselves!

As I say this, Gray rides Stra and Byakuya keep their distance.

'Let's do it! Hicks!


The Lesser Gryphon's claws and my spear collide. It bounces, and Hix and the Lesser Gryphon collide. I was about to be shaken off, but I managed to hold on. I knew it would be tough with a spear... but I can't pull it off here!

The partnership with Hicks is activated and he rushes in with a whirlwind spear. The Lesser Gryphon comes rushing in as well. Excellent!

We collided again, and I pierced the Lesser Gryphon's claws and went straight through the Lesser Gryphon's neck.

But the Lesser Griffon glared at me. It flapped its wings and came scratching at me with its claws, which were safe as it pulled out its spear... Hicks took it with his claws, opening up the distance.

Seriously... it's amazing that he's safe with that one, but he even fights back... I look at the Lesser Griffon, who is still staring at me even though he's dying.

It's amazing... for a man who's dying, he stands tall... he's the king of the skies. Then it's rude if we don't get serious too! He activates the linkage again. In contrast, the Lesser Gryphon activates a windbreak. No matter! And I'm gonna go through with it!

Pile bunker!

The collaboration between the windbreak, me and Hix clashed, and I pierced the windbreak, and this time I pierced the Lesser Gryphon's face, knocking the Lesser Gryphon down.

Huh... the Lesser Gryphon was still strong... now, let's dismantle it.

Lesser Gryphon's Feather: Rare Level 5 Material Quality C

A feather of the Lesser Gryphon with the power of the wind. Used in armor and items.

Hmm. Looks like they're used to make armor. The item is probably a brush. I'll give it to Wufu when I return.

Then, Ix, who was riding with Hicks, slowly turns to look at me.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Master.

Oh, no.

Oh man...I forgot about Ix. I couldn't help but get hot at the sight of the Lesser Gryphon.

''It's fine... but we'll fight the next enemy ourselves.

Oh, yeah. You're on your own.

So we continued our search and found a giant cactus.

Euphorbia ingens.

Come to think of it, I've heard that cacti don't grow in the Sahara desert. This guy is the one that gets mistaken for a cactus in the desert... It's shady, and I was at the moment when I approached to take a break.

Numerous spikes suddenly shot out of Euphorbia.


Hicks uses a windbreak to prevent it. Identify.

Euphorbia Ingens Lv 30.

Normal Monster Target Active

That son of a b*tc*... tricked my identification skills. I didn't know we were dealing with this kind of enemy... but if we find out, we're going to go easy on him!

"Rune skills!

Euphorbia's needle attack stopped.


Yes, Master.

Ix readied his energy sword, and a blade of flaming energy slashed through Euphorbia, breaking it apart. Huh? That's weak for the level.


Gray's warning! What is it?

A cloud of green smoke forms as the dismembered Euphorbia falls into the desert. I hurriedly instructed Hicks to get away from it. Then countless spikes came flying out of the smoke.

I quickly prevented them with Byakuya's spiritual power and Hicks' wind protection, but the number of spikes was even greater than before... When I was unaware of what happened, Ix informed me of the situation.

'Enemy reaction is increasing. There are many smaller enemies on the ground.''

A skill like Puyosuke's Splitting... or a rune skill can't aim at a small enemy on the ground in a windproof wind... then I'll just obliterate them all together.

'Ix, take care of the energy blaster.

Yes, Master.

Ix holds up his energy blaster.

'Charges complete.'

All right. Hicks, let's get the windbreak open. Gray, Stra, Byakuya. Stop their attack.

The aim of the needles falls apart as Stra and Byakuya exit the barrier. Gray roars at Stra to blast the spikes that are closing in on him, and Byakuya uses his spiritual power to return all of his needles to the enemy, and in one fell swoop, he enters the enemy's bosom with a whirlwind and a sprint, slicing through it with his wind claws. As Byakuya moves away, Stra's venomous breath hits the enemy.

With the wind protection lifted, he was able to identify the enemy.

Euphorbia Man Lv 20.

Normal Monster Target Active

There was a lot of little doll euphorbia. I'm sorry to come out of the blue, but I need you to be gone.

"Target acquired. "Energy blaster firing!

An energy blaster burst into the central point where the Euphorbia Man was swarming, and the majority of them were obliterated. I'll leave the rest to Grey and his team.

The battle is over and we dismantle them.

Numbing Needle: Rare Level 6 Material Quality C

A needle with deadly poison and paralyzing effects. Used as a throwing weapon.

That was a close one... this needle was a bad one. I got a lot of those. I have throwing skills too, so it'll come in handy. I'm sure the fire shadows will want it.

Afterwards, we find a rock that could be used as a resting place and eat shaved ice in the shade. Shaved ice is great and effective. You feel it when you're in the desert.

As we were all resting, a strange one arrived.

Boxer Kangaroo Lv 33.

Tame Monster Target Active

Well, let's meditate on the fact that the kangaroo has a glove. But there's something else I really need to tweak.

Why the Afro? No, I guess it's because I'm a boxer...but kangaroo afros don't look good on me.

Then the boxer kangaroo makes a hand appeal to me to come over here. Then Ix reacts.

'I don't need a master to come out.'

The boxer kangaroo takes a cross-arm block stance as Ix releases his energy gun. The energy gun is then popped.


Ix fires in rapid succession, but they are all played. Furthermore, Gray and Byakuya's roar, and Hicks' wind blades are not good enough for the cross-arm block. Gray and the others try to bite it, but they are played by an invisible wall.

Seeing that, it made sense. This guy is like an enemy that can only be defeated in a fighting battle. Moreover, this guy himself seems to be aiming at me, who has fighting skills.

There are a lot of unusual monsters...I'll get them all to stop attacking and I'll go out bare-handed. From the looks of it, it has the provocation. If they can't escape, they'll have to fight. The boxer kangaroo sees that and gets excited.

He nods as I gesture to him with punches and kicks. Apparently, if it's a fight, there's no need for rules. Then the boxer kangaroo jumps onto the rock on which he was resting and rides it. Apparently, they used this rock as a stage for the fight.

I get on Hicks and I stand on the rock. We step on each other. Coming!

The boxer kangaroo disappears, and I bakked, and the boxer kangaroo is hit by a kick. Skill unforced!


My straight caught the boxer kangaroo in the face. But the damage is weak and the boxer kangaroo keeps its distance, and when it checks its face, it activates its fighting spirit.

It looks like he's in serious mode. They're slowly closing the distance between them... perhaps I won't be able to beat the boxer kangaroo with my skills. If there's one thing you can beat, it's your reading depth and reflexes.

The two fighters trade left-handed punches. This guy even feints. Furthermore, he understands his advantage and is in no hurry to attack. Let's judge that he doesn't have the advantage of his reading depth and reflexes. It's insanely strong.

Then the boxer kangaroo throws a straight right. Just as I'm about to meet it with a counter, he fires off a kick to feint a counter punch. Boxer Kangaroo defends with a left hand.

Awesome. I was just about ready to counter with a punch and he was looking to reverse it.

He's keeping his distance. I'm not going to be able to keep this up. I change my stance. The boxer kangaroo is alarmed by this. I knew he didn't know anything about anything but boxing.

But there's no way he's going to pull out. The boxer kangaroo will curl up and lunge at you. The boxer kangaroo is coming forcefully because I have neither muscle strength nor defense. But the more momentum we have, the more we have the advantage.

A right blow comes in. I grab my right hand and use the momentum to throw it away.

The boxer kangaroo that was thrown away doesn't seem to understand what happened. I get up, shake my head, and brace myself again.

But every time the boxer kangaroo throws his hand out, he throws it. Then the boxer kangaroo uses a martial arts technique to accumulate a right hand. Was that... a corkscrew blow? But the use of martial arts is deadly.

As I predicted, a corkscrew blow is unleashed and my right is countered into a boxer kangaroo. I connect with a series of more strikes. Then I use a fighting martial arts technique.


An uppercut hits the boxer kangaroo in the jaw and he's on the stick. He didn't go down, that was a mistake! I'll take that!

Turn and kick!

A spinning kick to the boxer kangaroo's groin and the boxer kangaroo falls over. The boxer kangaroo looks at me and laughs for a moment, then falls over. Info comes.

'Your kicking skill level has reached 20. I have acquired the kicking skill [Continuous Kicking].''

'Your kicking skill level has reached 20. Your agility skill has been released.

I'm humbled...I don't want to fight this kangaroo again...if he hadn't taught me aikido, I would have lost for sure. And that Aikido was just one blow away from being able to match the end of the attack. It's mentally tough...

Are you okay? Master.

I'm gonna need a break.

I decided to use my camping set and take my time resting. Then I check the skills that have been released.

Agility skill... it's a skill that Love Fire has too. Perhaps there should be a shrinkage beyond this skill. In that case, I must acquire it. I'll need 8 points, which is still a modestly high amount. It's still a modestly high price, though, since it's likely to be a contraction. Then let's get it.

I've acquired the Shunsuke skill.

Now my remaining skill points are 5 pts. But it's a skill I want in order to use the sword, so it can't be helped. Let's take a little more rest before we leave.

Name Takuto, Summoner of Amity Lv9.

Vitality 76

Magic power 202

Strength 60

防御力 40

俊敏性 60

器用値 120


格闘Lv12→Lv15 蹴り技Lv18→Lv20 杖Lv27 片手剣Lv30 槍Lv18→Lv19 刀Lv14 

投擲Lv8 高速詠唱Lv36→Lv37 召喚魔術Lv34 封印魔術Lv21→Lv22 騎手Lv31 

錬金Lv20 採掘Lv28 伐採Lv33 解体Lv39 鑑定Lv30 識別Lv34→Lv35 

疾魔法Lv2 炎魔法Lv3 地魔法Lv2 海魔法Lv4 暗黒魔法Lv2 神聖魔法Lv10 

雷魔法Lv31 爆魔法Lv28 木魔法Lv26 氷魔法Lv29 時空魔法Lv40 

獣魔魔法Lv2 遅延魔法Lv2 連続詠唱Lv3 水中行動Lv12 俊足Lv1 

読書Lv14 料理Lv38 餌付けLv8 釣りLv20 シンクロLv16 連携Lv6→Lv7

名前 イクス エクスマキナLv44→Lv46

生命力 76→78

魔力  76→78

筋力  76→78

防御力 76→78

俊敏性 76→78

器用値 76→78


飛行Lv8 機人兵装Lv24→Lv25 暗視Lv4 鷹の目Lv6→Lv8 射撃Lv8→Lv9

解析Lv5 索敵Lv17→Lv18 投擲操作Lv6 連射Lv6→Lv7 反射Lv3 換装Lv5 

リンクLv14 魔力充電Lv8→Lv9

名前 グレイ シルバーウルフLv18→Lv19

生命力 57

魔力  45→47

筋力  88

防御力 44→47

俊敏性 98→100

器用値 56→58


噛みつきLv25 銀の爪Lv17 鉄壁Lv17 気配察知Lv26→Lv27 

夜目Lv27 危険察知Lv30→Lv31 銀の牙Lv24 疾風Lv20 


名前 白夜 仙虎Lv14→Lv16

生命力 42→44

魔力  65→67

筋力  80

防御力 38→40

俊敏性 93→99

器用値 45→51


噛みつきLv22 風爪Lv10→Lv12 見切りLv6 飛行Lv14→Lv15 跳躍Lv14 

暗視Lv18 威圧Lv11 風魔法Lv21 仙気Lv12→Lv14 霊力Lv10→Lv12 

旋風Lv8→Lv9 咆哮Lv10→Lv12 疾走Lv21→Lv22

名前 ヒクス レッサーグリフォンLv16→Lv18

生命力 76

魔力  90→94

筋力  122→126

防御力 50

俊敏性 132→138

器用値 68


飛翔Lv29→Lv30 鉤爪Lv10 騎乗Lv20→Lv21 旋風Lv17→Lv18 防風Lv8→Lv10 

風刃Lv8→Lv9 疾風Lv17 残像Lv13 風魔法Lv12 雷魔法Lv12 

雷ブレスLv10 威光Lv4 騎手強化Lv17→Lv18

名前 ストラ ワイアームLv15→Lv17

生命力 98→102

Magical power 94 to 98.

Strength 105 to 108.

Defensive Strength 62

Agility 88 to 90

Dexterity value 72


Flying lv 19 -> lv 20 Biting lv 10 Biting lv 10 Coiled lv 9 Poison armor lv 10 Assault lv 10 

Poisonous Lv13 Deadly Breath Lv12 -> Lv13 Corrosive Breath Lv14 Heat Detection Lv5 

Wind Blade Lv 9 Wind Magic Lv 5 -> Lv 7 Intimidation Lv 5 Riding Lv 12

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