Elysion Online - Chapter 364

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:21:55 AM

Chapter 364: # 347 Thief's hideout capture battle Decoy group battle.txt

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My members are Love Fire, Ix, Noah, Waxx, Hicks, Shinsu, and Spica. Koibari and Wafutsu must have some things they can't compromise on in this case.

Nowa and Shinsu are suited for this kind of covert action. They'll do just as well as you'd expect.

Iksu is in an all-or-nothing state. Iks says if you can get inside the wards, you can find out what's going on inside. I feel sorry for the enemies who make enemies of Iks. I'm not going to go easy on him, though.

Spica lent it to Tristan-san and Hicks lent it to Tyrol. I didn't give in to female pressure. It's a lie. I caved in.

Time to start the operation. A magical attack from the high-level wizards of Freetia signaled the start of the war.

''Enemy forces, concentrated deployment in front. Total number of chimeras, 30, 40 armed golems, 50 homunculi.''

They say there are 30 chimeras.

Copy that. We'll reduce the number of chimeras before they get too close! All hands on deck! Shoot!

Yoichi and the others' magic gun attacks were unleashed all at once, reducing the number of chimeras, but they were still a tough opponent to annihilate.

'They're coming! All hands on deck!

The full moon and the others hold up their great spears.



The spear thrown in a straight line successfully pierced the chimeras. He then used his weapon recovery skill to return the spear to his hand. But there was no time for the side to attack.

''It's coming! Defensive formation! Don't let your allies tag your attacks, okay?

"Oh! Compulsion!

Coercion is a skill that forces an enemy to attack you. There are three advantages to this. The first is that it is a skill that is activated on the opponent, so it is not affected by the curse.

Secondly, it forces the enemy to attack, so the enemy cannot escape.

The third is that there is no variation in attacks. With provocation, if you did it all at once, you didn't know which attack was going to be directed at whom.

There are things you can do when you know what kind of attack is coming to you. A wide variety of breaths are released from the chimeras.

'Robust! Attack reflexes!

Full Moon and the others returned all of their attacks, and the chimeras took a direct hit from their own breaths. It was now possible to counter accurately.

Yoichi and the others didn't miss it.


They killed the dying chimeras with precision. That finally reduced their numbers by half.

'I expected it, but...'

It's going to be a tough fight.

When Full Moon and Yoichi decided to prepare themselves, the chimera were instantly pierced by something. Just as they thought that, a rain of arrows rained down.

It's Spica and Tristan-san's combination.

'Wow... the view I'm seeing is completely different... this is a unicorn. Spica-chan's power.''

The chimeras attack without reading the air while Mr. Tristan is impressed, but Spica lightly dodges the attack with an illusion.

Once again, Spica pierces the chimera with his rotation angle, and just when you think the light has gathered on Spica's horns, a laser pierces the chimera and knocks it down.

Even with the chimera, Spica's strength was overwhelming.

''Oh...I have a horse I love...''

As Tristan-san was struggling, Yoichi-san and the others aimed at the dying chimera from below and finished it off.


It's my fault for not finishing them off... after all, there are many other enemy NPCs besides the Chimera that have appeared.

However, the movements of those enemy NPCs are in disarray.

"It seems that an attack has begun on the other side as well...Spica-chan, can you make sure the enemy doesn't escape?

Spica nodded.

'Thank you... let's go!

The enemy NPCs would then be subjected to multiple rushes from the spikers.

At the same time, there was a player on the other side who was also running amok. It was Tyrol.

''I am the wind! The golden wind that destroys those who torment the Fluffy Mofo! Those who want to die, come on!

"Tyrol is broken...

Well, that's the kind of tension that comes with the ride, isn't it?

Yes. I actually felt sorry for the enemy NPCs who were caught in the tornado.

That's the kind of person Raiden is, but he's also pointing to stop the victims of Hix's attack along with the rest of his friends.

''Let's do it! Tyrol!

'Come on! Tyrol!

I'm on it!

Cosette and Lara cheer for Tyrol, and as Tyrol goes on and on, he encounters the enemy he is looking for.

'That's it! Little girl!

'Don't get carried away just because you have a slightly stronger summoner!

This armed golem is the most powerful!

A white-clad enemy NPC appeared on the shoulder of an armed golem.

A dark researcher?

? ? ?

They were researchers who had fallen into the dark, Tyrol says.

'Excellent! That ugly golem, I'm going to beat you to a pulp!

"'What? Say it again!

"Wow, I think I stepped on a land mine...

Then Hix takes a breath and releases a golden fire breath. But the armed golem doesn't freak out.

''Haha! That kind of attack won't work against an armed golem!

It's not as big a deal as it sounds!

"All that's left to do is fly and you can run like an animal!

Hix's reaction to those words. Hicks flapped his wings and vigorously pounced on the armed golem. Then the armed golems lost their balance and fell one after another like dominoes.

A researcher caught up in the dominoes of the armed golems showed his face.

''Oh, my! Armed golem, fight back! An armed golem?

The armed golem seemed to be unable to move its arms because the armor it was attached to, as pointed out by Mr. Einstein and Mr. Newton, interfered with the movement of its joints.

That meant it was impossible to stand up.

'Ahhhh. That's the kind of thing you get for pissing off Hix-chan. Everyone~! It looks like neither the golem nor these people can move, so I'll do it!

I'm on it!

The summoned beasts swarmed, and as Tyrol declared, they were beaten to a pulp.

In the midst of all this, rescue arrives. Homunculus. And there was an enemy NPC to follow them.

A dark alchemist?

? ? ?

They looked coldly at the armed golem.

'Good grief. What a mess... this is why researchers are no good.'

'Totally. The researchers should have just shut up and stayed in their rooms and worked on their research.

Countless weapons fly at them as they say such things.

''Na! Homunculus!

The homunculus defended itself, but some weapons moved freely through the air and attacked the dark alchemist.

''This... this...''

It's a combination of weapons training and projectile manipulation.

Alchemists can create weapons as soon as they have the materials in weapon smelting. Of course, it's not far from what a smith makes, but even so, it's a powerful skill if you can create a weapon instantly and control it with throwing maneuvers.

''Ba... stupid... such a technique... I've never seen it before.

You guys lost because you don't know anything about cartoons.

"Don't lick the alchemist! Substance Transformation!

The alchemy's magic circle is drawn on the left and right walls. Then huge stone pillars loomed from the left and right walls to crush the dark alchemist. It was an attack that was impossible to avoid for the enemy who was covered in wounds all over his body.

''Ma... wait!''

What do you mean, "Anime...what?

That was the last word from the dark alchemists.

The dark alchemists and dark researchers were killed, but enemy NPCs appeared one after another.

Then the alchemists all backed down at once. They were not good at close combat. I say to Luke and the others.

''Leave it to me to cover you!

Luke and the others smiled bitterly and greeted the enemy NPCs with their summoned beasts.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!