Elysion Online - Chapter 392

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:20:29 AM

Chapter 392: # 373 Magical Land Wizard and Dreaming Ship Carpenter.txt

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Finish your dinner and log in. Let's explore the new town together.

Wizard Orb is a western-style building and all the NPCs are wearing robes. It's just like a magical country. I'm not sure if they are unusual or not, but they are glancing at me.

It's not a country that understands summoned beasts very well...I decided to bring Lily and the others back. As we continued our search, this town was full of accessories and jewelry for sale. Naturally, the prices were high, but I had to think about it for a moment.

There was also an abundance of wands. Some wands of wood, others of metal. They were made of gems similar to the jewels of Setia. There were also many other weapons that were made of gems, but they were subtle.

If it's a fire attribute boost, it can be done with monster materials. The reason for using gems on purpose is not clear. I guess this is the difference that Setia was talking about. I was more curious about the titanium ore used in the metal staff. It's because it's the material for Ix's weapons.

After that, the end of the search around the shop and look around the shop of magic items and magical clothing. It was quite interesting. We also found items used by the dark summoner, and although the magic clothes were expensive, there were many clothes that looked good on Lily and the others. I'd love to buy them for them someday.

Now, relying on the information Saba Can gave me, I rode the Darley to the port city of Wizard Orb, Goffel.

I was in the middle of it. Suddenly, a horse comes from behind. The marker indicated an enemy, but it doesn't seem to be a monster, does it?

Then he shot an arrow of light at me. No questions asked. We're in a grassy field, there's nowhere to run. I'm going to take out my spear with lethal poison. You're the one who put up a fight first. You're gonna regret it.

"Let's do it. "Darley!

We flip Darley and intercept. The arrows of light will tell us how many enemies there are, six in all...

In the meantime, the arrows look like the two behind me. When the three vanguards draw their swords, the horses shine and accelerate. Ha! Excellent!

'I'll show you the difference between us! Darley!


The linkage with Darley is activated, and the lethal poison spear is on fire, and I hold the spear in place.

The two opponents move in between me. This is my chance. I break the linkage.

The moment the enemy's sword is aimed at me, I hold the spear to the side and bend backwards to duck the attack. My spear catches the enemies on either side of me, causing them to fall off their horses, and then I get up.

I happened to be watching a movie about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and was studying how to fight on horseback and how to use the spear. This was one of the things I wanted to do.

But this isn't the end of it, man. I'm going to activate the linkage again.

The archers in the rear guard hurriedly take out their arrows, but it's too late! He pierces one of the men with the bow with his entire horse, and the one who is farthest back with the same momentum. The linkage is broken and they turn.

Arrows come flying in, but I knock them off with my spear. I'll give him credit for aiming for the turn, but this guy's level of skill is low. At first, or even now, he'd normally use Arrow Rain. I try to get my arrow ready, but it's too late. I throw the lethal poison at him and it hits him in the chest.

When I check on the enemy, I see that one of the vanguard is dead. The archer with the lethal poison in his spear is struggling to move. Lethal poison, it's very effective. Lethal poison... I'll pull out my spear.

"Oh, my! Summoner against God! It's not fair to use a poisonous weapon!

Shame on you!

A summoner who defies God? And I've heard this argument before.

'You're the Knights of Gones, aren't you? Why are you here?

'I don't have to answer that! Die! Great sinner!

Darley, you can burn it.

Darley burns the Knight of Gones, who rides his horse and plunges in, with fire.

'Geez! Oh, geez.

The lethal venom spear I threw in his face hits him. I don't have time for this nonsense. I collect the lethal poison and ask the fallen knight, "Now, answer the question.

"Now, answer the question. "Now, answer the question: why are you here?

'Who will answer! Geez!

He instructed Darley to burn it.

'I'll ask again. Why are you here?

'Hm. You can't do that, phew!

The blade of the lethal poison spear crushed the crotch with the one that wasn't on the blade of the lethal poison spear. The spear of lethal venom catches the man's crotch.

'For the last time. Speak up unless you want to die.


I stabbed him in the groin.

'Huh! Ahh...

I twitched and stopped moving. You've wasted your time. But the info is coming.

'Your spear skill level has reached 20. We have acquired the spear martial skill [Penetreater].''

I didn't want to remember that with these guys. Well, never mind. We should hurry up and get to Goffel. I arrived at the Goffel and made my way to Noah's place. Noah's house was an abandoned beach house. Is he okay?

I'm sorry.

Come in! What's that? Sir, are you a summoner by any chance?

This boy is good as Hephaistos.

'Yes, but what's wrong with him?'

'Those weirdos who came earlier told me not to build a ship for the summoner or something.

Those guys back there... they met Noah and they ambushed me.

So you're not gonna build me a ship?

It's no use if you can't take the quests, right?

''Hmm~...Brother, did you maybe fight those people just now or something?''

Yeah. They attacked me out of the blue, and I just returned fire.

So your brother is stronger than those guys?

Wha...what...I thought you were going to freak me out, but your eyes are shining.

Oh...will it?

What color is your guild card?

"Adventurer, it's yellow-green in the Beast Demon Guild. Here.

I showed him my guild card and Noah shook my hand.

'I've been waiting for someone like your brother! I need you to help me build my boat! I'll give you the boat I built, brother! No?

Info is coming. d*mn...

The special event 'Noah's Ship of Dreams' has been triggered.

Special Event "Ship of Noah's Dream" Difficulty level: A

Reward:Magical Ship

Gather the materials that Noah specifies.

What kind of material does he require? But I have a promise to make to everyone. I have to.

I'd be happy to help you if you'd give me the ship.

Yes! You said it. I still won't let you say I'm withdrawing or anything.

I know. So what can I do?

'Well... for starters,'

Noah's stomach bug rumbles.

'Feed me food.'

You're hungry!

Name Takuto, Summoner of Love, Lv 16.

Vitality 82

Magical power 225

Strength 74

Defensive Strength 40

Agility 60

Dexterous value 141


Fighting lv 15, kicking lv 20, staff lv 32, one-handed sword lv 30, spear lv 19 -> lv 20, sword lv 15. 

Throwing Lv 9 -> Lv 10 High Speed Chanting Lv 38 Summoning Magic Lv 38 Summoning Magic Lv 25 Sealing Magic Lv 25 Rider Lv 33 

Alchemy Lv 23 Mining Lv 28 Logging Lv 33 Dismantling Lv 41 Appraisal Lv 32 Identification Lv 39 

Rapid Magic Lv 2 Fire Magic Lv 3 Earth Magic Lv 2 Sea Magic Lv 4 Dark Magic Lv 3 Sacred Magic Lv 10 

Lightning magic Lv 32 Explosion magic Lv 32 Wood magic Lv 27 Ice magic Lv 29 Space-time magic Lv 41 

Beast Magic Lv 3 Delayed Magic Lv 6 Continuous Chanting Lv 8 Underwater Action Lv 15 Quick Feet Lv 4

Reading Lv 14 Cooking Lv 40 Feeding Lv 8 Fishing Lv 20 Synchronization Lv 16 Linking Lv 7 to Lv 8

Name Darley, Red Riding Horse Lv18

Vitality 50

Magical power 62

Strength 54.

Defensive Strength 32

Agility 144

Dexterity value 82


Kicking Lv6 -> Lv7 Rushing Lv12 -> Lv13 Furious Fire Lv7 -> Lv8 Flame Manipulation Lv18 Riding Lv28 

Galloping Lv 20 -> Lv 21 Rider Enhancement Lv 24 Serial Attack Lv 7 Eiki Lv 7 -> Lv 8 Fighting Qi Lv 10 -> Lv 11 

Transfer Lv 5 Red Horse Blessing Lv 9 -> Lv 10

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