Elysion Online - Chapter 413

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:19:24 AM

Chapter 413: # 394 Undersea Devil.txt

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The next morning I eat dinner and log in. Finally, the third island...this would be the place to start.

We all gather and leave the second island. I summon Lilly and the others with Legion Summoning. We can't operate the ship without Lily and the others, Aeon says.

'It's an awesome sight,'

Yeah, well, you don't get to see a fleet like this very often.

We're advancing in formation. It's not something you get to see very often. That's when I noticed that the enemies don't seem to show up when we go to a new island. Lily and others are taking a nap with Gray and his friends in peace. I'm worried about getting sunburned from sleeping in a bathing suit, but that's not going to happen in a game... Even Ion, who usually scolds me, can't scold me because it's a peaceful sea trip.

By the way, the formation is us in the middle. It's because we'll be the wall when the need arises. And there are galleons on either side of us.

In front and behind us are one medium-sized gunboat and two high speed escort vessels. In front of me are the gunboat, Full Moon and the others, and Yoichi and the others. Mel and the others in the high speed boat, and the soloists in the high speed boat. Behind me are the shooting star people on the gunboat, Chiffon and the others on the fast ship, and Luke.

After two hours of kicking the enemy to the curb, they saw their destination island.

The third island is an island with a huge skull rock. You can already recognize the enemy. If this is a ship, then it's only natural that the enemy has a ship coming to them.

"Wufu, activate ether shield.

Yes, sir.

We put up the ether shield and proceeded cautiously. But we reach the island easily.

What do you think?

''It's not surprising that both the first and second islands had small fry appearing after the bosses came out.

'I'm not in a good mood...I feel like I'm being invited.'

That's right. By the way, we all agreed that the enemy was a pirate and that it was going to be a sea battle on a ship.

"How do we attack?

"We can only move in anticipation of an enemy attack...

"Well...I think it would be good to have the same feeling as before, with those who attack the base and those who stay on the ship separated.

Everyone agrees with Mel's idea.

'So the gunboat group will have detention, then?

I'll anchor the ship and stand by.

"You're a lord.

After all, he's an invincible wallflower. Mel and the others have a meeting to attack the base. On the other hand, we also have a meeting.

"How should we position our gun ships?

Isn't this the same as it was?

'No, it's dangerous to freeze up too much in a ship fight. It's dangerous to be too far apart.

It's hard to fight in a ship. If you harden up, it's easier for the cannons to hit you, and if you leave, each one will be destroyed.

I think the enemy will probably use the island to pinch you. That's probably why there's only one place to land.

So this one will be a bit of an ambush to avoid being caught in the middle.

As a result, I anchored and the two galleons waited at sea. The other gunboats will be in a position to wait on the other side.

With me and the galleon as bait, the other gunboats would try to catch the enemy by surprise.

Mel and the others decided on the plan and landed on the third island.

Mel and the others proceeded cautiously. The third island is an island where the entire island seems to be a stronghold. There were stairs to be carefully guided.

''...How about those summoned beasts?''

No one has responded so far. There doesn't seem to be any traps beforehand.

It's counterintuitive that we're dealing with pirates and no traps.

But I have to go.

All of us nodded at Tetsushin's words and headed for the skull rock. Then we reach the skull rock without a thing.

''We are now entering the enemy's base.''

Copy that.

Leaving a few people at the entrance, the attacking team goes inside. But they easily reach the boss's room.

''We've arrived in front of the boss's room. Everyone be on alert.

Copy that.

We also raise our anchor and get ready for battle. After receiving word from everyone that preparations were complete, the attack on the third island finally began.

''We're entering the boss room now!

Let's go!


Once everyone entered the room, the anomaly appeared immediately. A thick fog formed around the boss room and the island. Then, an info is played.

'A magical fog has occurred. Please be aware that you cannot use magic in the fog.''

The magic is sealed! And the fog was so thick that I couldn't see my surroundings at all. It's not good, but we can't move. If we move here, Mel and the others will have no way out. Then the synchro comes flying in from Lily and the others. Synchronization isn't magic, so it's effective.

'Tact! I can't see anything!'

What do you want to do? Mr. Tact.

"Easy. The enemy has an aetheric shield and is untouchable. Stay put and focus on the aether magic cannon.

Okay, okay!

And then, out of the fog, the boss appeared in front of Mel and the others.

Davey Jones?

? ? ?

That guy was a huge demon in a pirate's uniform like a captain would wear. The devil's devil's tail was no ordinary devil's tail, but a very strange devil with a fish tail.

'Welcome to my island! Welcome to my island! You're welcome, right? Poor humans.


Tetsushin-san splits his head off.'s okay. Already.

Davey Jones speaks only with his head.

'You're an undetectable!'

'Then I will! Light sword!

Mel holds the Arra Bastard Sword and slashes through it with his light sword.

''Hey, hey. Don't slash my body. That's ick.''

Oh, no!

'How come you're not dead, Andet? f*ck! All hands on deck!

But they can't damage Davey Jones. Then Davey Jones turns back into his original form when he turns into a fog.

'Are you feeling better? Then you're dead. Get him! Bastards!


A number of new enemies appear above the boss room.

Carth Pirates Lv 22.

Event Monster Target Active

Ordinary human pirates hold their guns up in unison.

'No way!'

Everybody get down! Shield bearers, defend!

Mel and the others are shot at from all directions. Mr. Full Moon and the others desperately protect them with their shields.

What do you think?

'It's frustrating, but if there's no way to beat it, there's no way to do it. Let's retreat.

Then something was falling from above. Full Moon and the others defended themselves, but it was a bottle of sake.

''This... no way!


"Everybody run! Retreat!

Then Davy Jones holds up his gun.

'Well, don't say that. Have fun with it.

Davy Jones fired his gun and all at once the fire flared up.

'Kukuk! Ah-ha-ha!

Hearing Davy Jones' laughter, Mel and his friends decide to retreat. But from behind, the Carth Pirates gave chase with their guns.

'Ugh, we've been shot!

I'm fine. Recovery.

Mirai! Watch out!


The one who protected Mirai and the others was Full Moon, who was burning in a liquor bottle.

''You guys retreat. I'll hold these guys back!

'Full moon!'

'I'm on fire and can't be saved... and I'm a shield. Never mind that, go!

Okay, okay! Everybody out! Thank you. Mr. Full Moon.

As they all run away, they call out to Mr. Full Moon.

'It's a man! Full moon!

"Burning Man! Full moon!

No, it's on fire, isn't it?

Just get out of here!

After the event, Full Moon's appearance would be discussed on the board, but that's another story.

'You won't get away from my island if you let me get away from here, will you?

'I'm not so sure about that. We don't get beat up all the time.

"(Especially the tact...)

Mr. Full Moon was desperately trying to stop the enemy from pursuing him until his life force was gone.

Meanwhile, we were in trouble, too. The moment Davy Jones gave the signal, pirate ships came out of the ocean floor one after another. They were medium-sized, but the number of cannons flying at us was staggering.

Moreover, Setia and Ix aimed at the aetheric magic cannon and successfully hit and sank it, but the pirate ship was revived. Andet?

Then the Karth Pirates come from land and shoot at us, too. We can't use our flying power in this case. Furthermore, cannons also flew from the skull rock. Then the signal to retreat goes up from Yoichi-san, who is standing by in a surprise attack.

The strategy has completely backfired, so it can't be helped. First of all, in addition to the number is different, the enemy seems to have read our formation, and is attacking the gunboats. If this continues, there is a high risk of total destruction.

We must avoid having our ships destroyed in a situation where there is not much wood. This retreat would be inevitable. Then Tyrol and the others appear from the water.

'Ta, Mr. Tact! What do you want to do?

Tyrol, go check on the galleons. Be careful when you're out at sea. And somebody better notify command of our retreat. I'll be sticking around for a while.

I understand!

Tyrol and his team will be the messengers and head out to inform them of the situation. The rest of us have to deal with these guys who are on a roll, throwing bottles and such.

'Lily, Ion, you can shoot Nowa.

The Carthage Pirates will disappear. But they will come back. Are they undead too? Then the Carth Pirates booed him.

'You just fired a big shot at people!

You bastard!

It's not a person. Lilly.

'Yes! Star Wave!

Lily's star wave hits her, but the Carth Pirates revive. What!

'Ha! It doesn't work!

Baka! Baka!

Hmm....I don't know what the theory is, but it looks like it's not even a sacred attribute.


'Lily! Don't be provoked!

Because, Aeon!

I know what I'm doing! Mr. Takut.

Hmmm...I don't know what to do. If you're undead, this should work...

Mir, could you get me some holy water?

'Yes! Holy water!

Holy water is released from the roots of the water tree in Meer. Well?


Ouch! works. But it will come back. No....

You bastard!

It's not fair to use holy water!

Huh? More? I'll have to do it. I'll take the request.

"Mir, flood.

'Yes! Flood!

This time, a large amount of water is released, and a flood hits the Carspirates. What do you think?

Buh-ha! Sigh...sigh...sigh...sigh...sigh...sigh...sigh...sigh...sigh...sigh. He flushed us out mercilessly.

More demon than captain...

But we're pirates! What kind of pirate can't swim? You idiot! Barker!

Nothing.... more trouble than zombies. Well, let's try this one last time.

"Lilly, get the Ark of the Covenant.

Okay! The Ark of the Covenant!

When the Carthyrs are trapped in the yellow ward, the sealing effect of the Ark of the Covenant is activated. How's this for you?

Ix, fire a cannon at them.

Yes, Master!

Ix fires the cannon and it comes back. It's not... this... okay.

"Setia, Ix. Can you aim the cannon at the skull rock?

I have a clear shot!

But Master, isn't it just a resurrection?

'Yes. But we won't be attacked in the meantime. Same goes for the guys downstairs.

All you have to do is stop the attack and we're on our own. I can sandbag you. No. You got a better idea?

"Summon the Legion!

I called out to Konoha, Chess, Gale, Yuu Fang, Aranea, Puyosuke, Iyuki, Hix, Stra, and Spica.

'Aeon, get on Subika and head to the rescue of those who went to attack with Lily.

That's all well and good, but what do you intend to do with the enemy?

Freeze him in Twin Glacier.

'Oh! I see!

They're not ghosts. They're a physical undead kind of thing. Then freezing them should work.

"Gale's not gonna be able to keep a bullet out of him, is he?


Good. Then I'll let Gale take the lead first. Once they're aware of Gale, Konoha, Chess, Yuu Fang, and Iyuki, please? Just don't do the blizzard.

I understand!

He looks at Love Fire and Bran further.

'Love Fire and Bran, when the shooting stops, ride Hix and Stra to subdue the skull's cannons.


I'm on it.

We'll launch them at the same time as Setia and Ix's attack.

As soon as Setia and Ix destroy the skull cannon, Gale pops up.

'What the hell!'

I don't care! Shoot, shoot, shoot!

Payback for what you did back there!


But the bullets won't reach Gale. It's electromagnetic armor. Furthermore, the electromagnetic operation returns all the bullets to the enemy.



'What? That lion!

They're bouncing bullets back!

Then they all jump out.

'They're coming out!'

"I'm sorry.



Yu Fang's extremely cold breaths and Isetsu's snow storm instantly iced the Karth Pirates. The land is now secured.

''Let's go!''


We're going down to land.

"Summon the Legion!

Furthermore, Black Iron, call for Moonshine Night.

''Black Iron, Moonshine Night, aim at the cannon. Don't hit your allies.

Black iron shot out a ray of light and Gekkiyo lifted and threw the rock. On cue, Lily and the others moved.

Koibito and Bran ride Hicks and Stra and are set up on the rock of the skull. They try to crush the cannon. However, the gunfire is heavy, so they make sure to crush it with Hix's lightning breaths and Stra's flame bombs from a distance where the gunfire can't reach them.

Once they've crushed enough and secured a landing spot, the two men land on the skull rock.

''I'll take care of the defense.''

'Please. Let me do the attacking! Mr. Hicks and the others will take care of the other cannons, please.

Love Fire overtook Love Moon and Youko and attacked the Carth Pirates.

Meanwhile, Mel and the others were struggling. Carspirates were hiding here and there, and one after another, players were being defeated.

'Shit! They got me again!

I know! Don't stop now! We have to get out of here as fast as we can!

But if we ever get out of here...

It gets dark. Then Mel and the others say.

'At least you're in there, Tact. We have an invincible ship, and we can get away with it.

Yeah, that's right!

But you're not getting out of here.

I'm sure he'll be fine. You'll be fine.

Mirai says, and the base receives a series of shocks.

'This... is an attack from the outside.

'There's only one person who would make this kind of attack, right?

The members who knew Tact nodded at Arleigh's words.

'We'll get out of here at once while the enemy is confused!


As Mel and the others ran, the Karth Pirates were waiting in the hallway with their guns at the ready.


In the next moment, Spica, who became an arrow of light from outside, blasted the Carspirates.

''Looks like you made it in time,''

I'm here to help!

Lily and Ion appeared.

'Meh, it's a goddess...'

'It was true what the summoners said...'

I know how you feel, but you'll have to wait until later to worship!

"Mm! Star armor!

Lily defends herself from the Karth Pirates' bullets with a warning of danger. Quickly, Aeon throws the Twin Glacier and slices through the Carth Pirates, freezing them in place.

'We will assist in the retreat,'

I'll take care of the defense! Because that stuff doesn't work!

"I am counting on you...

Mel and her friends managed to get to Sknavikona with Lily and the others protecting them.

There was a large amount of icy and waist-deep carspirates lying on the sandy beach. It's Libina's doing.

Since then, I've tried many different ways to defeat them. We tried to make our friends shoot each other with Aranea's control thread and charm, but we couldn't defeat them as a result.

'Isn't it nice to be able to resurrect them indefinitely?

Hey, you're back.

It looks like. Huh? Where's Luke?

That guy's a head shot.

Tyrol was waiting for me at the end of the day, but he got hit...and there are a lot fewer people elsewhere. Mel and the others are coming in.

'I'm sorry. You're saved.

It's Lord. And you haven't made it out yet. In fact, I'd say this is a good place to start.

'The gunboats took damage and withdrew on their own. The galleons also persisted, but it was Mr. Tact's decision to retreat.

They all look at me.

'If we hang around with a gunboat that is immortal and fires endless cannons at us, we'll lose two galleons. I asked them to retreat to avoid that. If you're going to blame me, blame me.

No, it's the right thing to do. I don't blame anyone. You didn't beat the boss. So, what are you thinking about retreating?

I answer Ironheart's question.

'The only people who can get on the Sknavikona are those who are working together. The rest of us will have to leave the ship and retreat. Sknavikona will have to pave the way for the retreat, and we'll have to make a retreat somehow.

You will.

'I'm going to leave Sknavikona to Mel and the others. I think it would be best if I managed to scatter the attack from the air and sea with Lily and the others.

They all nodded at my suggestion. Fortunately, they're all fast ships. As long as we can get through the siege of the gunboat, we'll be able to escape.

"Then I'll take the wheel of the Sknavikona.


What the hell?

Because I'm afraid of Mel's piloting. Kego ended up piloting it.

'My time has come!

"You'll be ready to hurt me if I hurt you?

'You didn't say anything when Mel said it!

You can't say that to Mel. Since Luke is no longer able to use the cannon properly, Setia and Ix play the cannon.

The rest of us will have to split up and deal with it.

'I'll team up with Safi. Aeon, Rian, Konoha, and Chess will attack Sknavikona's left with me. Lily and Love Fire will be Spica. Bran is Hicks. Farida, you'll attack the right with Stra. Diane, you'll be escorting the fast ship. Tyrol's already confirmed that ship's structural parts aren't going to be fixed by breaking them. So I'm going after the cannon and the rudder. Be careful, because sinking them will bring them back to life.


Tyrol and the others will break the rudder of the ship that Lily and the others targeted from the water.

Copy that.

The final retreat has begun. Sknavikona stepped forward and the firefight began.

'Then we'll go too. I'll leave it to you to decide when to leave.


Let's go!

We attacked the enemy ship.

We'll crush the rudder. Aeon and his men will take care of the artillery.

'I understand! Let's go! Leanne!


Aeon and Rian turn to either side of the ship.

'Blue wave motion!'

Water Wave!

I crush them all at once, but that's how the Carspirates find out.

'They're at sea!'

Shoot, shoot, shoot!

Shots are coming, but Ion and Rian dive underwater and head for the next ship. I hold the spear of lethal poison and Saffy and the coordination is activated. A vortex is created in the spear of the lethal venom.

It then pierces the rudder and destroys it. It destroys one after another with its own momentum.

'd*mn you! I'll get the rudder!

Underwater! Attack in the water! Whoa!

A feather flies from the sky and freezes over.

There's something in the sky!

Where is it?

Just shoot!


Conoha stopped at the mast to sneer. Combat in the fog is Konoha's sole domain. Even if he couldn't use magic, his advantage was the same.

Lily and the others were also steadily destroying the ship. Obviously, the sound of the cannon is gone, and Tetsushin and the others start to move.

But the enemy detects them.

'There's someone running away!

Sink it!

A cannon is fired from the deck. Then Diane jumps out and defends herself.

'What the heck?'

A dragon!

Don't be afraid! Shoot, shoot, shoot!

What the hell are you doing to my Diane?

"Summon the Legion!

A moonlit night appears on the deck.



Spoon, hey!

What is this? What the hell!

Then the Carth Pirates fire a cannon at Moonlight Night. The cannon is about to be shot, and Moonshine Night glares at him.

''Haha... it's over.

Who shot him...

Well, we're immortal. We'll be fine.

Moon Teruyo checks with me. I nod and she swings her gold crushing rod and the ship sinks with a single blow. I put it back in the summoning stone before Gekkiyo drowned. Well, I guess I don't have a choice now. Thanks to Tsukikuyao, Tetsushin-san and the others were able to get out, and the results are good.

''That's enough. We're retreating too. Let's meet up at Sknavikona.

Copy that.

Thus we managed to get out of the magical fog of the third island and retreated from the waters.

Name Takuto, Summoner of Favor, Lv 1.

Vitality 120

Magic power 270

Strength 120.

Defensive Strength 70

Agility 90

Dexterity value 176


Fighting Lv 26, kicking Lv 23, staff Lv 35, one-handed sword Lv 34, spear Lv 20 -> Lv 21, sword Lv 22. 

Throwing Lv 11 Chanting destruction Lv 3 Magic manipulation Lv 3 Magic manipulation Lv 3 Summoning magic Lv 39 Sealing magic Lv 26 

Rune Magic Lv 11, Rider Lv 34, Alchemy Lv 23, Mining Lv 28, Logging Lv 36. 

Dismantling Lv 42 Appraisal Lv 33 Identification Lv 40 Rapid Magic Lv 4 Fire Magic Lv 4 

Earth magic Lv 5 Sea magic Lv 4 Dark magic Lv 5 Sacred magic Lv 11 Lightning magic Lv 32 

爆魔法Lv37 木魔法Lv27 氷魔法Lv29 時空魔法Lv43 獣魔魔法Lv4 

遅延魔法Lv10 連続詠唱Lv15 水中行動Lv15 縮地Lv1 読書Lv16 

料理Lv40 餌付けLv8 釣りLv20 シンクロLv17→Lv19 エンゲージLv2 


名前 リリー ドラゴニュート・ホープLv1

生命力 160

魔力  160

筋力  276

防御力 120

俊敏性 130

器用値 122


星拳Lv11→Lv13 飛翔Lv28→Lv29 片手剣Lv39 大剣Lv35 鎚Lv13 

危険予知Lv8→Lv10 超感覚Lv4→Lv6 竜眼Lv4→Lv6 星読みLv4→Lv6 物理破壊Lv4→Lv5

星鎧Lv3→Lv6 星壁Lv2→Lv3 星雨Lv3→Lv5 聖櫃Lv1→Lv2 星光Lv1 連撃Lv14→Lv15 

集束Lv1 超再生Lv2→Lv3 星気Lv33 光魔法Lv12 星波動Lv10 

逆鱗Lv1 竜技Lv14 竜魔法Lv3 竜化Lv7 ドラゴンブレスLv6 

起死回生Lv1 星竜の加護Lv7→Lv8

名前 イオン ドラゴニュート・エンベロープLv29

生命力 85

魔力  158

筋力  87

防御力 52

俊敏性 207

器用値 130


二刀流Lv36→Lv37 槍Lv4 投擲操作Lv17→Lv19 飛行Lv17 遊泳行動Lv20→Lv22 

氷刃Lv25→Lv26 放電Lv9 連撃Lv14→Lv16 水魔法Lv18 蒼波動Lv9→Lv10 竜技Lv17 

竜化Lv8 ドラゴンブレスLv4 海竜の加護Lv6→Lv7 料理Lv20

名前 恋火 シュラインビーストLv29

生命力 105

魔力  148

筋力  163

防御力 65

俊敏性 187

器用値 110

刀Lv27→Lv28 二刀流Lv3→Lv5 風刃Lv10→Lv11 炎魔法Lv12 邪炎Lv17 忌火Lv24→Lv25 

気配察知Lv27→Lv28 危険予知Lv28→Lv29 霊力Lv10 幻術Lv2 神道魔術Lv7 

見切りLv9→Lv10 俊足Lv16→Lv17 妖術Lv5 血醒Lv9 料理Lv20 シュラインブレスLv3 

狐技Lv3 神降ろしLv2 獣化Lv4

名前 リビナ サキュバスLv26

生命力 102

魔力  192

筋力  92

防御力 74

俊敏性 138

器用値 147


鞭Lv1 闇爪Lv11 飛行Lv21 隠密Lv8 夜目Lv21 誘惑Lv18→Lv20 

催眠Lv2 魅了吸収Lv20→Lv22 魔力操作Lv3 連撃Lv3 闇魔法Lv14→Lv15 

時空魔法Lv3→Lv5 幻術Lv9 魔弾Lv20 淫夢結界Lv8

名前 リアン メロウLv13

生命力 68

Magical power 156

Strength 67

Defensive Strength 45

Agility 128

Dexterity value 104


Spear Lv 22, staff Lv 1, chant Lv 24, spell Lv 10, dance Lv 1, swimming action Lv 18 -> Lv 20 

Water Bullet Lv8 -> Lv10 Water Magic Lv11 -> Lv12 Continuous Shooting Lv5 -> Lv7 Diving Lv10 -> Lv12 Enchantment Lv5 

Acoustic detection Lv13→Lv15 Water waves Lv1→Lv3 Humanization Lv24

Name Blanc Principality Lv22

Vitality 106

Magic power 158

Strength 124.

Defensive Strength 124

Agility 122

Dexterity value 116


Flight Lv 24 Shield Lv 18 -> Lv 19 Spear Lv 25 Provocation Lv 13 Light Magic Lv 15 Purification Lv 1

Halo ring Lv 21 Light bullets Lv 7 -> Lv 9 Protection Lv 3 Tenjutsu Lv 10 Magic power manipulation Lv 3 -> Lv 5 Continuous attack Lv 1 -> Lv 3 

Angelic Blessing Lv 17 Heavenly Ascension Lv 2

Name Konoha Glaux Lv2

Vitality 90

Magic power 144

Strength 96

Defensive Strength 74

Agility 113

Dexterity value 137


Assassination Lv24→Lv25 Flying Lv37 Ice Claws Lv17→Lv18 Feather Thrower Lv25→Lv26 God's Eye Lv26→Lv27 

Aura deprivation Lv 20 -> Lv 21 Continuous chanting Lv 7 Chanting destruction Lv 8 Magic control Lv 6 Simultaneous chanting Lv 8 

風魔法Lv21 水魔法Lv18 神聖魔法Lv11 暗黒魔法Lv11 雷魔法Lv18 

氷魔法Lv34 時空魔法Lv12 氷刃Lv15→Lv16 幻影Lv4→Lv5 守護Lv1 耐寒Lv7 


名前 チェス アルカスベアLv1

生命力 100

魔力  125

筋力  130

防御力 128

俊敏性 66

器用値 70


噛み砕くLv23 格闘Lv24 氷斧Lv4→Lv6 鉄壁Lv17 強制Lv18 

氷装甲Lv16 星鎧Lv2 物理破壊Lv6→Lv7 魔法耐性Lv1 強襲Lv22→Lv23 

遊泳行動Lv18→Lv19 氷爪Lv24→Lv25 氷の牙Lv10 雪潜伏Lv5 氷結ブレスLv15→Lv16 

神聖ブレスLv1 氷投擲Lv20→Lv21 連撃Lv2→Lv3 神聖魔法Lv10 耐寒Lv5 


名前 ゲイル ネメアLv1

生命力 82

魔力  140

筋力  118

防御力 76

俊敏性 160

器用値 80


噛み砕くLv21 疾駆Lv13 角撃Lv15 雷磁装甲Lv2→Lv4 黄金装甲Lv2 

物理破壊Lv2 雷爪Lv25 威圧Lv12→Lv14 暗視Lv21 挑発Lv14→Lv16 

雷魔法Lv25 地魔法Lv1 電磁操作Lv2→Lv4 地脈操作Lv1 充電Lv9 

放電Lv10  閃電Lv11 雷の牙Lv7 避雷針Lv1 狂戦士化Lv1 

Lightning Lv 7 Golden blessing Lv 1

Name: Yu Fang Marnagarum Lv2

Vitality 80

Magic power 138

Strength 106

Defensive value 118

Agility 102

Dexterity value 70


Biting Lv 28 Biting Lv 28 Presence Lv 20 -> Lv 21 Danger prediction Lv 14 -> Lv 15 Ice claw Lv 15 Night vision Lv 22 

Defensive Disabled Lv 7, Resistance Disabled Lv 7, Ice Throwing Lv 3, Ice Fang Lv 25. 

Ice Armor Lv5 -> Lv6 Reflex Lv1 -> Lv3 Extreme Cold Breath Lv16 -> Lv17 Frozen Bullets Lv3 -> Lv5 Blizzard Lv1 

Snow Hiding Lv 6 Instant Death Lv 3 Cold Resistant Lv 5 Cold Resistant Lv 5 Crazy Warrior Lv 1 Moon Blessing Lv 4

Name Black Iron Steel Golem Lv2

Vitality 165

Magic power 0

Strength 208.

Defensive value 208.

Agility 36

Dexterity value 35


Fighting Lv 22 Robust Lv 42 Transformation Lv 14 -> Lv 15 Forced Lv 39 Physical Resistance Lv 35 -> Lv 36 

Physical Destruction Lv 18 Mining Lv 6 Steel Wire Lv 1 -> Lv 2 Stone Throwing Lv 18 -> Lv 20 Light Beam Lv 5 -> Lv 7 

Sniper Lv13→Lv15 Electromagnetic Lv4 Rotational Injection Lv17 Electric Resistance Lv1 Cold Resistance Lv1 Heat Resistance Lv10→Lv14 

Poison-invalidated Lv 11, disease-invalidated Lv 5, corruption-invalidated Lv 3, regeneration Lv 15, protection Lv 1

Name: Aranea, the lady spider, Lv 1

Vitality 90

Magic power 114

Strength 110.

Defensive Strength 65

Agility 75

Dexterity value 171


Bloodsucking Lv6 Fighting Lv6 Adhesive thread Lv24 Soft thread Lv16 Steel wire Lv33 

Manipulative thread Lv 3 -> Lv 5 Sewing Lv 10 Sewing Lv 1 Concealment Lv 1 Trap setting Lv 25 Thread detection Lv 9 

Deadly Breath Lv 9. Earth Lurking Lv 7. Throwing Lv 7. Earth Magic Lv 7. Dark Magic Lv 10. 

Spell destroyer Lv 1 Enchantment Lv 1 -> Lv 3 Emissary Lv 1 Uselessness Lv 3 Magic Lv 5 -> Lv 6 Awakening Lv 1

Name Puyosuke Clean Slime Lv22

Vitality 113

Magic power 0

Strength 0

Defensive Strength 139

Agility 44

Dexterity value 68


Predation Lv28 Defense Lv14 -> Lv15 Physical Disable Lv20 -> Lv22 Transformation Lv29 -> Lv30 

Shock absorption lv 17 -> lv 19 Fission lv 15 Regeneration lv 20 Provocation lv 10 Corruption lv 10 

Underwater Action Lv 15 -> Lv 17 Extreme Cold Body Lv 23 Cleansing Lv 17 Water Attribute Disabled Lv 6 

Invalid fire attribute Lv 9 -> Lv 11

Name Iyuki Yukina Lv 1

Vitality 94

Magic power 190

Strength 100.

Defensive Strength 74

Agility 100

Dexterity value 124


Ice Blade Lv 9 Snow Thrower Lv 10 Emissary Lv 7 Ice Armor Lv 4 -> Lv 5 Magic Resistance Lv 3 

雪潜伏Lv4 雪隠密Lv4 疾魔法Lv2 氷魔法Lv15 暴風雪Lv16→Lv18 

吹雪Lv9 妖気Lv3 運勢操作Lv3 かまくらLv1 雪分身Lv1 

重量操作Lv1 即死Lv1 連撃Lv1 罠設置Lv1 氷結波動Lv2→Lv3

名前 ミール ネロハマドリュアスLv2

生命力 126

魔力  157

筋力  78

防御力 84

俊敏性 100

器用値 128


土潜伏Lv23 森林操作Lv17 俊足Lv10 風魔法Lv7 土魔法Lv12 

木魔法Lv10 水魔法Lv7 光合成Lv13 譲渡Lv6 花蜜Lv10 

花粉Lv6 採取Lv29 植栽Lv16 株分けLv3 水流操作Lv1

聖水Lv2→Lv3 雨乞いLv1 洪水Lv1→Lv2 超再生Lv1 状態異常無効Lv1

寄生木Lv17 罠設置Lv17 植物召喚Lv3 水樹の加護Lv1→Lv3

名前 ヒクス グリフォンLv10

生命力 102

魔力  152

筋力  179

防御力 72

俊敏性 198

器用値 102


飛翔Lv36 雷爪Lv15→Lv16 羽投擲Lv5 騎乗Lv27 暴風Lv24→Lv25 

防風壁Lv12→Lv14 旋風刃Lv14→Lv15 疾風Lv19→Lv20 放電Lv6→Lv7 残像Lv18→Lv20 

風魔法Lv16 雷魔法Lv16 雷ブレスLv11→Lv12 火ブレスLv6 威光Lv4 

騎手強化Lv25 黄金の加護Lv8

名前 ディアン ヒュドラLv5

生命力 104

魔力  119

筋力  129

防御力 70

俊敏性 86

器用値 86


噛みつきLv25 巻き付きLv14 遊泳行動Lv16→Lv18 毒竜鱗Lv16→Lv17 

多連撃Lv22 恐怖Lv7 致死毒Lv24 超再生Lv10→Lv12 呪滅Lv6→Lv8

猛毒ブレスLv23 水ブレスLv1 熱探知Lv11→Lv13 擬態Lv3 復活Lv6→Lv8

名前 ストラ ワイバーンLv8

生命力 136

魔力  134

筋力  150

防御力 88

俊敏性 130

器用値 102


飛翔Lv26→Lv27 噛みつきLv12 竜尾Lv9 竜爪Lv4→Lv5 毒竜鱗Lv14→Lv16 

強襲Lv15→Lv17 奇襲Lv2→Lv4 猛毒Lv15 猛毒ブレスLv15 腐蝕ブレスLv18 

竜眼Lv9→Lv10 火炎弾Lv8→Lv10 疾風Lv4→Lv6 連擊Lv6→Lv9 風刃Lv11 風魔法Lv9 

威圧Lv5 騎乗Lv19→Lv20

名前 月輝夜 オーガLv7

生命力 128

魔力  86

筋力  204

防御力 100

俊敏性 52

器用値 52


鎚Lv15 斧Lv1 鎖Lv1 格闘Lv1 闘気Lv13→Lv14 物理破壊Lv9→Lv10 

防御無効Lv4 挑発Lv3 堅牢Lv4 咆哮Lv3 強襲Lv11 妖気Lv5 

戦闘高揚Lv4→Lv5 投擲Lv6→Lv7 再生Lv4 恐怖Lv1→Lv2 炎ブレスLv5 

闇ブレスLv1→Lv2 狂戦士化Lv1

名前 スピカ ユニコーンLv7

生命力 95

魔力  132

筋力  147

防御力 52

俊敏性 184

器用値 86


回転角Lv18→Lv19 激突Lv16→Lv17 物理破壊Lv16→Lv17 集中Lv14→Lv15 騎馬Lv19 

水上走行Lv10 危険予知Lv15→Lv16 気配遮断Lv10 旋風Lv13→Lv14 疾駆Lv17→Lv18 

騎手強化Lv19 浄化Lv10 幻影Lv18→Lv19 木魔法Lv12 海魔法Lv3 

神聖魔法Lv3→Lv5 狂戦士化Lv1 蘇生Lv1 譲渡Lv3 聖獣の加護Lv5→Lv6

名前 サフィ オルカLv11

生命力 34

魔力  44

筋力  45

防御力 20

俊敏性 56

器用値 44


遊泳行動Lv14→Lv16 跳躍Lv5 水化の牙Lv5 突進Lv7→Lv9 強襲Lv6→Lv8 

Acoustic Detection Lv 9 -> Lv 11 Jamming Sound Wave Lv 5 Water Blade Lv 5 Water Blade Lv 5 Galloping Lv 8 -> Lv 10 Riding Lv 11 -> Lv 13 

Wave-inducing Lv2

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