Elysion Online - Chapter 46

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:39:29 AM

Chapter 46: # 44 Cooking Contest Battle Fish, Dessert Edition.txt

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The fourth category is Aeon's favorite fish dish. The blonde-haired handsome man is the Thai Poirette... The choice of Poirette is quite a feat... Poirette is similar to sauté, but the difference is that Poirette is steamed and sauté is sautéed and grilled.

Since it's a steamed dish, you can enjoy the aroma. The workmanship is excellent, but it's just an ordinary poelee... apparently they don't take into account the opinions of the judges so far.

The judges' score is 10 all the way to 10, which is also a given.

Well, it's my turn. I had already decided what I was going to cook. The old man at the fishmonger said, "Grill, steam, and boil.

Baking, steaming and boiling down. Each has its own merits.... but you have to remember, Seigo. But remember, Seigo, you have to savor the true taste of the fish to be able to cook it!

That means I make sashimi. But that's not all I make. I'm sure you've figured it out by now... I make what Japan is famous for: sushi!

The first thing I did was to make sushi vinegar. The ingredients are vinegar, sugar and salt. You can change the taste of the vinegar with the amount you add. I make two kinds of sushi vinegar: one with the same amount of vinegar and sugar, and one with a little less sugar.

The next step is to make the sushi rice. The first step is to cook the rice. When making sushi rice, it is important to use less water. The reason for this is because sushi vinegar will be added to the rice later. Put the cooked rice into the bucket, add the sushi vinegar and mix it with a rice scoop. Then another sushi vinegar is used to complete the sushi rice.

Now, it's time to get to work. Choose the fish and dismantle it. I chose tuna, salmon and sea bream. This time, I selected the fish carefully. You can't miss big and medium fatty tuna, and salmon is one of the most popular ones.

And I chose red sea bream because it is easy to eat. This time we avoided squid, octopus, shrimp, crab and scallop because it was a fish dish. It was delicious, though.

Then we took it apart. I'm going to take it apart in general. I hold the pieces up to show the judges what I'm doing. What I do is a dismantling show. This is also what the old man at the fishmonger said.

If you are going to make sushi, you have to do a dismantling show. A dish shines when the customer is entertained.

That's why I chose sushi.

The demolition show is over. I grip the rice. Three times with one hand, I gripped it gently to make the neta. The fish was bite-sized, and the ingredients were fatty tuna, medium fatty tuna, salmon and sea bream. I seared each of them with a gas burner. I made 8 neta in total.

I used soy sauce, wasabi-soy sauce, salt and grated ponzu to dip the fish in.

The feedback from the judges was dramatic. I wondered if this was how foreigners who had never tasted sushi before felt about it. Then I ate the aburi and was even more astonished. It is a wonder of sushi that the taste of roasted sushi changes completely.

The score was 20 all out, and I reached for all the wins. I cornered a good-looking blonde-haired guy.

I suddenly got curious and looked at Ion, who was drooling just like Lily. He noticed me looking at him, wiped the drool off and turned over. I didn't have to worry about it.

The final game was dessert. This genre has all of Lily and her friends gleaming in their eyes. It's a girl, after all. Now, what will the blonde hottie make?

What I made was crepes. Surprising... because I thought you'd at least make a cake.

Then I'll make a dessert, too. But there was whipped cream and a sauce of chocolate, strawberries and blueberries, so the only thing missing from the dish I'm making is ice cream.

So I'm going to make ice cream. The ingredients are eggs, sugar, milk and vanilla extract.

First make the meringue, separate the eggs from the egg yolks and egg whites, then stir the egg whites in a bowl. Then add sugar and mix to complete the meringue.

Next, add the egg yolks to the meringue, mix, transfer it to a container and chill in the refrigerator for an hour. Remove from the container, add the milk and vanilla essence while mixing and chill.

Now, prepare a parfait glass. Yes, the dish you are going to make is a parfait. The ingredients are aloe, pineapple, banana, tangerine, strawberries, melon, cherries, blueberries and ice cream.

First, add the diced aloe and then the ice cream. Next, add diced melon, then ice cream again. Add pineapple and then whipped cream. Finally, garnish with bananas, tangerines, strawberries, melon, cherries and blueberries.

This is a deluxe parfait. Let the various sauces be poured on by the judges as they see fit.

Winner. A handsome blonde despairs in front of the overwhelming volume.

And I got the all 20. He liked the look and the ice cream. If the ice cream didn't exist, the impact would be awesome.

As it turns out, the cooking contest battle was won entirely by me! Yes!

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