Elysion Online - Chapter 477

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:16:27 AM

Chapter 477: # 456 Dragon Trials: Star Rainbow Dragon Battle

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Star Rainbow Dragon opens its mouth.

"""My name is Star Rainbow Dragon."It's a dragon that controls fantasies.I will be the last person to do this ordeal.Please let me know when you are ready.'

It was a knightly young man's voice.

First of all, a strategy meeting.

"...what do you think?"

"... It's so strong. I think the main one is light, but I don't know."

"It's a rainbow, so it can't be a normal light beam... I think it's dangerous to use Puyosuke because he's using all the light beams."

"That's not all... I think he probably has phantom abilities.Also, there is protection of stars, so there is no need for abnormal conditions."

It's about the same as me.Now, I have something to ask you.

"Can we go on like this?"

replied the Rivinas.

"Leave it to me!"

"Of course, as a mistress, there's no shortage!"

"That's where you want us to fight together, right? Leave it to me."

It's as good as I can count on you.It's about what to do with the other members.First of all, nova is confirmed.If Puyosuke doesn't work, why don't you use the black iron that you haven't used today? So the members were Nova, Rivina, Sephone, Farreader, and Kuro Iron.

They decide on a strategy and use buffs in every dish they cook.That's all we've got.

"Are you ready?"


"Well, let's get started!"

The Star Rainbow Dragon screams and spreads its wings.First of all, nova.

Suddenly, I felt completely dark in front of me and collapsed.Then, severe pain runs.What happened?


"It's okay if it's a tact! Noah!"

"...huh! Black mist!"

The black fog of nova is spread.I get up from sight.I feel like I'm dead... I had a lot of this feeling when I was a master of Scaaha.The problem is the cause of death. I had no idea.I mean, how come you're safe?


"I'm glad I have the protection of my concubine, but don't worry me!"

Sefone's vampire's ability to protect... It was saved.

"Yes, sir. I don't have time to say that now.Tact... It's the light that knocked you down.but it was a ray of extraordinary speed."

I couldn't see the light at all.It is clearly different from the previous laser.It's like a real laser.

"Oh, dear, it won't last long!"

If you look at it, the black fog is peeled off with countless dazzling objects that you can't see.

"The vampire's ability to protect him is limited to one time.What are you going to do, Tact?"

"We have no chance of winning unless we do something about this attack.Sephone, it's a shadow summons.Farreader, please aim to block magic."

"Yes! Shadow summons!"

"Magical power inhibition"

Sephonet bats are knocked down as soon as they leave the black mist.Then, although the seal should be activated, the attack continues.Hwa-reader's inhibition didn't work, and my sealing magic didn't work either.

"Here's a mistress!?"

"You don't have to overdo it..."

"But Tact... Mmm?"

Chaos Dragons also had a proper strategy.Then there must be a way to capture it.

What? There are no jewels... beautiful rainbow scales.However, I feel something is wrong.It's different from Lily and the dragons I've seen.

"Hmm... Let's get some time for tact".

"Oh! I'll support Nova,""Then my mistress will join Nova.Blood flow manipulation! Blood crystal!"

When a blood wall is formed in front of a nova, it hardens by the effect of a blood crystal and becomes a blood wall.

"Yes, take a break".

"That doesn't matter, but it doesn't last long... Nuoh!? It's going to be shaved away!"

"Don't just get shot... Black iron attacks."

Black iron uses light rays and steel wires, but the rainbow dragon does not budge.

But thanks to that, I felt something was wrong.This guy has been in the sky with the same system for a while.Ordinary dragons move their wings when they're in the sky, but this one doesn't move at all.

I was able to notice it because it didn't move at all even when it was attacked by black iron.Furthermore, there are no clouds here at the top of the mountain, so we can almost predict how this attack works.I wish I could beg for rain... I'll bet on this magic!

"I'm not sure, but I'll set it up!"

"I think you've found something,"

"I've been waiting for that word!"

"Yes. Black fog!"

Get ready under cover of the black fog of Nova.And the device is complete.I'm begging you to do it works!


A super-giant cumulonimbus cloud was formed on the top of the mountain, bringing strong winds, thunder and heavy rain.I'm glad it happened.

"'Dear me,'

Then the attack stops and the Star Rainbow Dragon is full to cope with the strong winds.

"Decide at once!"

"'Dark wave!'"

"Dark waves!"

"... the waves of the underworld!"

and a black iron rocket punch struck him.Then the attack will slip through.

'That's it,'

The rainbow dragon that appeared behind me shook its claws and hit me directly.

"""I appreciate your insight into my weaknesses, but I still have a long way to go."""

"Jolt! Dragon hole!"

Jolts are thrown into the dragon holes of the star-rainbow dragon, which is evaluating flatly.


"Manipulate blood flow! Blood crystal! You can't escape with this!"

"Oh my! Heavy Smash! Heavy Smash!"

Hwa-reader's axe hits his head and jumps back.

"... Shadow stab".

The star-rainbow dragon guards itself with its wings when the black fog casts a shadow sting on Nova, which reduces the effect of supercells.But is it all right to pay attention to the sky?

The libina stands at close range.

"Dark waves!"


In addition, a black iron rail gun rocket punch hits the star Rainbow Dragon, but the Rainbow Dragon resists with a rainbow-colored dragon brace.

"It's a bad omen! Blood crystal!"

"Yes, Dragon Bless!"

A sharp rocky mass of blood passes through the body of the Rainbow Dragon, and when it hits Nova's Dragon Breath from the sky, the breath of the Rainbow Dragon is released.

Then a black iron rail gun rocket punch penetrated and penetrated.You didn't jump because Sephonet hardened you.

But Sephone's blood crystal gets cracked and when it breaks, the Rainbow Dragon falls.

First of all, let's get together."They're all wet to the skin..."

"Tact's etch".

Why do you have to make it dirty?Then Nova dives into my robe.

"... to keep out the rain."

"You're so cunning! Noah! Even your mistress!"


"We're still fighting... Get ready soon."

"Yes. Shadow summons".

"It's a shadow summons!"

Would you mind not summoning the shadow in my robe?


"You look like you're giving birth to a baby, Tact.

Don't do that.

When we do that, a rainbow is drawn in the sky, and when we gather in the Rainbow Dragon, the shape of the Rainbow Dragon changes.

His body grew bigger and a rainbow ring formed in his body.If you scream, the supercell is released.

'You can't fool me... but you can't do the same thing.'

Our first attack and claw attack were all the dreams that Rivina had shown.So he deliberately made me attack and lure me into ground warfare, not air warfare.

"Well, let's call it the last battle... meteor shower!"

A lot of meteorites fall from the sky.Wait a minute... That's funny!

"... Dragonization!"

Nova becomes a dragon.

"'Nee, get on,'

What? Can I ride it?

"The shadow room!"

I overshadowed the Rivinas, and when I got on, Nova fluttered.Oh! Even if you're riding, you'll be able to balance yourself!

『…He has the ability to carry all the protection of dragons』

Were you able to ride Lily?I feel like I'm losing a lot!

That's the time for you to think about it's time to think about it!

The first invisible light beam and lasers of various colors attack Nova.However, the black fog of the dragonized nova is a considerable strengthening.

Nova approaches in the laser rain.


When Nova attacks with her nails, the rainbow dragon disappears.At that moment, Nova jumps.He... Can't he move to the first invisible light level?

Furthermore, using his vision, Nova is beaten and dropped to the ground.

"…it hurts…"

The dragon's magic camp is drawn in the sky and the sky is covered in rainbow color.That's crazy! It's dragon magic.

"Shadow room! Rivina! Trump!"

"Yes! Mystery!"

Rivina is enveloped in black flames and demonized.

"It's useless. You can't get away from this trick! Dragon magic Perish Rainbow Arch!"

Countless rainbows fall against us from the sky.Even if they run away, they will chase me.I can't escape like this!

"Leave it to me... I'll do something for you."

The rainbow hit us, and we got caught up in the rainbow explosion.

"... That's it, huh?"

We were alive.I mean, I didn't even get damaged.Why? We're all in a bad state.'Stupid!? It must have been completely decided! Hah!'

"Oh my gosh! Noah! Oh my gosh!"

The dragonization was loosening and growing.It's over... It's penetrated by countless lasers.


I was alive. What's this? No, there's only one person who can do this.

A demonized libina appears.

Name: Rivinalim (Magicalization) Lv1

Power of life 144→194

Magic power 250→300

Muscle strength 136→186

Defence 114→164

Agility 190→240

Dexter value 190→240


Whiplash Lv1 Blood-sucking Claw Lv15 Magic Fist Lv4 Flying Lv26 Secret Lv9 

Night vision Lv23 Fallen Lv28 → Chromaticity Lv28 Mental induction Lv5 trap installation Lv1 Attractive absorption Lv28 

Magic operation Lv7 Magic inhibition Lv1 Continuous attacks Lv9 Dark magic Lv17 Lightning magic Lv13 

Explosion method Lv12 Spatial magic Lv8 Shadow latent Lv1 Sleepbound Lv1 Focus Lv2 

Barrier Lv3 Dreamy Lv10 Dark Bullet Lv22 Super-Revival Lv3 Magic Release Lv4Yumei Corridor Lv1 Yumei Awagage Lv1 Black fog Lv1 Mystery Lv1 Mystery Lv1 Mystery Lv1 Mystery Lv1 Mystery Lv1 Mystery Lv1 

Dark wave Lv2→Magical wave Lv2→Magical wave Lv2→Magical wave Lv17Magical wave Lv1Magical wave Lv1

As expected, the demon king. It's a tremendous strengthening.But why is the outfit a vintage?

"Because he's a demon!"

"Tact... do concubines expose themselves to such shame?"

"I think you'll be all right,"

"Oh, yeah! It was good."

Sephonet seemed to be relieved from the bottom of his heart.

"I was saved thanks to you, but that's terrible how you treat me!"

The ribina is penetrated by invisible rays.However, the penetrated body turns into a pink light and returns to its original state.

"It's no use,"

"Then what about this? Holy chest!"

The ribina is wrapped in a sacred chest.and the consequences of being penetrated by the invisible rays were the same.

"Remain, be careful. That won't break my dreamy bubble shadow."

『…Interference skill to rewrite the other person's skill』

"Well? What do you think?"

I don't think it's a skill to rewrite the other person's skill.Rather, it's all phantom... and the scenery changes drastically.

The view I saw was sky.When did I fall down?When he got up, there were a dragonized Nova, a demon king, Rivina, Farreader, and a black iron.Nova's dragonization has been lifted... Huh?

"Oh, I got caught by Tacto."

"Nicely so,"

"The rest is Sephonae, but Sephonae doesn't seem to be able to do it. She seems to be easily deceived..."

Looking around, I saw the fallen Sephonet and the Rainbow Dragon eating dragon absolute.

"... Did you dream?"

"Yes, I am Sacubus, the Devil of Dreams.You can only use the skills that Rainbow Dragon mentioned in your dreams. Oh, the skills you used are dream corridors.It works for everyone, but it's a skill that makes everyone dream the same way, ignoring the ability to disable it."

What a skill to get rid of is to notice your skills, so Rivina started the dream corridor before the Dragon Magic was launched... all the rest of the dream she showed by Rivina.Even Nova's reaction is a dream... That's a terrible skill.

"""By the way, dreamy foam shadow is a skill of avoiding definition"""

You're lying about the skills you've used. You have a good personality.

' it about time?'

"Yeah, I think I'm going to find out. Can I make up my mind? Tact".

"Oh, I'll do it."

Members except Sephonae will take the initiative.

"Oh, I got caught."


"Um... What's the matter?"

I'm sorry for Sephonet, but I'll decide.An unknown magician is depicted in the sky.

"Release the devil! Ghost! Dark wave! Focus!"

"Magical wave!""""Chain Exploitation!"""

"Expanding chain expansion" complex

Dark waves with magical elements and enchantment, and a reddish-brown wave bigger than that, the rail gun rocket punch explodes, and my chain exploration kills me.

"...planetary magic pluto!"

At last, the body of the rainbow dragon becomes a purple light and disappears when the magic camp above shines purple.

"Oh, my God! The Devil of Dreams!"

"That's the one who provoked me.Bye, bye.

Leaving his body behind, the Rainbow Dragon was knocked down.Then, the info comes.

"""The level of Nova's dragon skills has reached 10.""""I got the Dragon Tail."""

Nova's Planet Magic... I'm afraid it's a wide area of instant death magic... I'

"Oh, what's the mistress's turn?"

Everyone looked away.Then, when the demonization of Rivina is solved, it becomes the Rivina of Lilim.

"We've been waiting for you, but Tacto"

"Oh! That's too much! Tact!"

No, I'm the one who made the decision, but it was Rivina who told me.

Calm down Sephonet and disassemble it.

Star Rainbow Ryuishi: Rareness 9 Material Quality A

The stone in which the spirit of the Star Rainbow Dragon resides.It is a special stone that can only be used to subjugate the Star Rainbow Dragon.

Rainbow crystal: Rareness 8 Material Quality A-

It is a collection and crystallization of all the manas of all the attributes.It has the property of strengthening all the attributes.

Star Rainbow Scale: Rareness 8 Material Quality A-

The seven-colored scales, which contain all the attributes, halve the attack of any enemy. The disadvantage of armor is that it stands out very much. It is more common to use as a shield than as armor.

Star Rainbow Tail: Rareness 8 Material Quality A-

A nail that shines in seven colors. It has all the attributes, so it is a weapon material that can be advantageous to any enemy.The material that many adventurers want.

I certainly don't want to wear armor that shines in seven colors. It must be pretty strong, but it takes courage... Unfortunately, I don't have the courage to do I?

I looked around and found a mining point.

Convergent crystals: Rareness 8 Material Quality A-

A crystal that converges to a single point when exposed to light, mainly used in lenses.

Well, I thought this should be clear, but when the light shone in front of us, the light gathered and the largest dragon ever appeared.

Mother dragon?

? ? ?

A series of matches!?Give me a break.

Name Tact Favorite Summoner Lv6Life force 130

Magic power 295

Muscle strength 120

Defensive 70

Agility 90

Dexter value 190


Fighting Lv33 Kick Skills Lv30 Stick Lv38 One-handed Sword Lv40 Spear Lv28 

Sword Lv31 Throwing Lv18 Discarded Chanting Lv22→Lv23 Magic Power Operation Lv11 Magic Power Cut Lv9 

Summoning magic Lv40 Sealed magic Lv35 Loon magic Lv13 jockey Lv38 Alchemy Lv25 

Mining Lv35 logging Lv36 Dismantled Lv49 Expert Testimonial Lv41 Identification Lv46 

Fast magic Lv13 Fire magic Lv7 Earth magic Lv8 Sea magic Lv11 Dark magic Lv8→Lv9 

Holy magic Lv15 Lightning magic Lv40 Explosion method Lv43→Lv44 Wood magic Lv31 Ice magic Lv35 

Spatial-time magic Lv49 Animal magic Lv6 Delay magic Lv14 Continuous chant Lv27→Lv28 Underwater behavior Lv23 

Shrinkle Lv10 Reading Lv16 Cooking Lv42 Fishing Lv20 Synchronized swimming Lv28Engagement Lv8 Collaboration Lv14

Name Nowadrago New Dependency Lv3

Power of Life 142

Magic Power 256

Muscle strength 122

Defensive 97

Agility 140

Dexter Value 210


Shadow operation Lv21 Flight Lv18→Lv20 Spirited Lv17 Shadow detection Lv20 Shadow movement Lv12 

Shadow needle Lv7→Lv8 Shadow hiding Lv27 Shadow spell Lv22 Shadow summon Lv14 Shadow blocking Lv17 


Super regeneration Lv3 Black flame Lv4 focused Lv3 evil air Lv6→Lv8 resuscitation Lv3 

Kurogiri Lv13→Lv16 Spiritualization Lv5 Ransomari Lv6 Sensory Lv9→Lv11 Rage Lv1 

Ryugi Lv8→Lv10 Dragon Bless Lv9→Lv10 Dragon Magic Lv6 Ryugi Lv6→Lv7 Cuisine Lv6 

Evil Dragon Protection Lv15

Name Rivinal Rim Lv1→Lv2Life Force 144

Magic power 250→254

Muscle strength 136→138

Defence 114

Agility 190 to 192

Dexter value 190


Whiplash Lv1 Blood-sucking Claw Lv15 Magic Fist Lv4 Flying Lv26 Secret Lv9 

Night vision Lv23 Fallen Lv28 Mental induction Lv5→Lv7 trap installation Lv1 Attractive absorption Lv28 

Magic operation Lv7 Magic inhibition Lv1 Continuous attacks Lv9 Dark magic Lv17 Lightning magic Lv13 

Explosion method Lv12 Spatial magic Lv8 Shadow latent Lv1 Sleepbound Lv1 Focus Lv2 

Barrier Lv3→Lv4 Dreamy Lv10→Lv11 Dark Bullet Lv22 Super-Revival Lv3 Magic Release Lv4 

Dark Wave Lv2→Lv4 Obscene Kekkai Lv17 Devilization Lv1→Lv2 Devil Protection Lv1

Name Sephone Vampire Queen Lv2

Life force 152

Magic 224

Muscle strength 140Defensive 110

Agility 140

Dexter value 188


sickle Lv1, shadow wing Lv3, bloodsucking Lv22, night vision Lv26 bloodsucking nail Lv6 

Shadow Hidden Lv18 Shadow Manipulation Lv12 Shadow Summon Lv24 Shadow Move Lv1 Shadow Hidden Lv16 

Dark magic Lv8 Ice magic Lv10 Spatial magic Lv10 Attraction operation Lv2 Dreamy Lv2 

Transfer Lv5 resuscitation Lv14 Immortal Lv20 blood flow operation Lv15→Lv17 hemorrhagic bullet LvLv13 

Blood dragon Lv2→Lv3 sleepbound Lv3 barrier Lv2→Lv3 blood crystal Lv6→Lv8 magic release Lv4 

Spirited Seal Lv19 Dark Wave Lv12→Lv13 Wake Up Lv1 Vampire Protection Lv1→Lv2

Name Farreader Witch Lv10→Lv12

Life Force 68

Magic power 96→100

Muscle strength 122→130

Defence 60

Agility 92

Dexter value 90→92Skills

Axe Lv15→Lv16 Magiken Lv22 Dance Lv10 Throwing Lv12 Shuntari Lv5→Lv6 Weight Manipulation Lv5→Lv6 

Yokai Lv26→Lv27 Dark magic Lv10 Spatial magic Lv14 Concentrated Lv24→Lv25 seduction Lv14 

Physical Destruction Lv22 Magic Interference Lv21 Magic Bullet Lv22 Dark Wave Lv2→Lv3 Shock Wave Lv3 

Magic liberation Lv11→Lv12

Name: Kurotetsu Steel Golem Lv4

Power of Life 168

Magic 0

Muscle strength 216

Defensive 216

Agility 36

Dexter Value 38


Combat Lv23 Robust Lv46→Lv47 Deformed Lv15→Lv17 Forced Lv42→Lv43 Physical Resistance Lv38 

Physical Destruction Lv20→Lv22 Mining Lv6 Steel Wire Lv7→Lv9 Throwing Stone Lv13 Light Lv12→Lv14 

Shooting Lv18→Lv20 Electromagnetic Lv11→Lv12 Rotating Ejection Lv20→Lv21 Power Resistance Lv6 Cold Resistance Lv1 

Heat resistant Lv20 Poison invalid Lv11 Disease invalid Lv7 Corrosion invalid Lv3 regenerated Lv20→Lv21Shugo Lv5→Lv6

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