Elysion Online - Chapter 513

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:15:09 AM

Chapter 513: # 490 Relief Quests from Other Countries and Port Town Reconstruction Quests from Blumen

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If we eat lunch together, we log in to the game.Next, head to Aquas, the town of Mizuki.

It's the delivery of the anti-maline agent.They also deliver bread and rice to Aquas.Aquas is a town, so it seems that the food that the government bought does not reach.By the way, the scenery of the town was restored.

"I'm sorry... Please go all the way to deliver it to me.

"Every ship has been damaged, so there's nothing we can do about it.You don't have to apologize because you've received the money."

"I see... every country has been damaged."

I don't think there's much information.Should I talk a little bit?

"Crops and ships have been damaged... and the town has been damaged.We've made a lot of money thanks to you."

"I envy you ... now we are in pain when the ship has been struck.We could sell aquas water if we could manage the ship... aquas water is the best water for crops."

"I'm going to Eriksar Lapis now, and I'll tell you."

"Phew, please."

Why are you laughing? Was it too much?

I found out why I was heading to Eriksar Lapis.They say they are already working on building ships.Aquas' water effect is well known, so it's only natural.

I'm completely ashamed of myself. You... You knew this was going to happen!

Then I explained the details to Mr. Einstein.What Einstein was concerned about was the Brattie Wars.

"A manoeuvre-type giant robot? That's outrageous!"

That place? No, I thought it was cunning, too.After that, I will talk to Einstein.

"The problem is technology... I'm sure there are researchers in this country involved.Besides, there is a possibility of mass production.If a giant robotic army invades another country, there may be a war."

Oh... That's hard.Would you like to come to Free Tier?That robot was pretty good.

"Is Freetia still on guard against Gonnes?"

"Yes... Do you think it's going to be a war?"

"It's not normal.for the freetiers are, no matter how you look at them, superior in military strength.But from that appearance, there is a high possibility of war.What are you going to do?"

"I don't belong to Free Tier, but I will protect my country if it is attacked.I'm not going to forgive him because of his fate."

In Jeanne's country, the leggins belonged to the church, too.I think it's complicated, but if you're going to kill the people we've been involved with, I'll be prepared.

"Well... I'm sorry that I'm not involved in another country's war.I should like to see your master fight with all his might."

"Isn't it Ix's mistake?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

What a troubled old man!After that, he returned to Freetia and headed for the port city of Blumen.Many NPCs worked hard to carry materials there.

I can't keep my eyes on it... I'll meet the NPC that's managing it, and I'll get a quest.Here's what I got.

Request Request "Restore the embankment of the port city of Blumen" : Difficulty level F

Reward: 20,000G

Carry a stone to repair the embankment.

Request Request: Build a Blumen Port Town Village: Difficulty level F

Reward: 20,000G

Process the wood for building the house.

We are not craftsmen, so we can only accept this much.It seems that if you are a craftsman, you will get a lot of money for these quests.

The members are Lily, Cetia, Kurotetsu, Safi, and Moonlight Night.Setia is in charge of wood processing and Lily and others are in charge of stone transport.

Lily then lifts a huge square block of stone.

"Good! Where should I carry this?"

"That's still before the cut! Fool! If you can carry it as it is, carry it to the levee!"

"All right!"

Lily carries a stone that is more than six times larger than herself.It's a great sight.

Black iron and moonlight carry the same size.Safi carries stones and trees on her back.I was the instructor, and there was an older brother who told me about the fish I had seen before.

"Well, it's been a long time,"

"It's been a long time.I'm glad you look well."

"Ha! All you can do is get well and run away! Thank you for coming all the way to help me rebuild, even though you must be busy.It's a great help... especially to girls, Golem, and augers."I guess... We're getting more and they're building.Lily can carry it even where the black iron and moonlit night cannot reach, so there must be a big difference between doing it by hand.

"Process the rocks! Don't make them smaller! OK! This is the time! We're going to build the strongest levee, and we're going to build the levee that monsters can't touch!"


Then Lily comes to pick up the rock.

"Not yet?"

"It's too early! Stupid! Wait a minute!"



Lily hits him with her star fists and Seafood becomes a star.Are they coming to interrupt me?It's troublesome. Let's clean it up.

I fly in the sky with a fry, take out the bonito, and hold it in my hand.If it's good food, here's it.Why did you make it bonito?for if we had meat, Lily would have been caught.

Then the seafood swarm naturally.

"'Thunder Voltics!'"

It's all over. That's all right.

After that, I take out a huge pot.When I was looking at the town, there were many hungry people.I contacted the guild cooks, but I decided to cook something that made me feel warm today.

First, remove the sardine's head and wata and open it by hand, then cut off the abdominal bone, peel it, and cut it into chunks.After that, mashed miso and mixed with starch made from potatoes by our guild cook to make dumplings.

Cut tofu, Chinese cabbage and carrots into bite-size pieces.Shrimp remove the backwaters and shell them, leaving the tail behind.Cut the cod into strips and quickly soak it in boiling water.Crabs are boiled and disassembled.Scallops take out their bodies, too.Okay, we're ready now.

Put kelp soup, bonito soup, soy sauce and salt in a pot and boil them down.When it's warmed up, add the crumbly dumplings and stand up for a short time, then add the remaining ingredients and boil them down and you're done!

Seafood saucepan: Rare 8 Cuisine Quality A-

Effects: 100% fullness recovery, 2 hours quickness increase (research), 2 hours cold resistance (research)

Nabe cuisine using plenty of seafood ingredients.The soup, which is full of seafood ingredients, permeates vegetables and warms the body.

I'll taste it. Whoo... It's perfect! You've finally reached the point where you can cook hot pot dishes... It's been so long.Now, people with plates around me.

"Do you want to eat first?"

"Yes, sir.

The pot disappears in no time... Still, everyone smiles when it's delicious.It's worth making just this.I'm glad to hear that everyone says that I'm treated to a treat.

"I've had a good meal, and I'm going back to work!"


By the way, Lily and others ate well, so the work continued.It goes without saying that after finishing work and promising to help tomorrow, Aeon and his colleagues at Leaprich asked for a pot filled with seafood.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!