Elysion Online - Chapter 520

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:14:52 AM

Chapter 520: # 497 The City of Cherry Blossoms and the Emperor

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Just before we enter the town, we find only one unnaturally placed grass.

"Do you think I should go through?"

"The people in the harbor told me that robbers would appear, so I think they'll come out."

"""If you are a thief, you may have a good item…."something collected from the villagers."

'In conclusion, Gilmouth!'

Oh, no. Well, let's see what kind of trap it is.

When we pass over, a rope appears.I'm disappointed. Then a thief appeared.

Robbery Lv20

Normal Monster Expedition Target Active

Robbery is a monster.

"Hah! I'm stuck! Scratch!"

"If you want to save his life, give him something of value -- oh, my God!"

The blue flame of Darley burned the thief with his rope.

"What!? What!? That horse!"

"It's rotten!"

"Run away!"

"Oh, that? Can't you move?"

It's the silvers' shadow stitch.Well...

"Who said stupid?"

"Here, here!"

"It's you! You're the worst!"

"It's not me! That's why I help you."

There's no way I can help you.They are all grilled with blue flame.

"Why... Even us..."

"Because you're the one who fought."

"Oh my gosh... I'm so shocked."

There is no reason to say that robbers are terrible.By the way, there were no items.

and finally arrived at the capital.Sojiro talks with the gatekeeper.

"I have heard from the Emperor.I'll be gladly."

I was able to enter the capital.Do you hear more from the Emperor?What do you mean?I'm sure I haven't contacted you.

When I entered the capital, I felt lonely... all the shops were closed.Don't be sad on the main street.

"... It's really very lively. There are a lot of restaurants waiting in line to eat."

"I'd love to see it.and shall I see the Emperor now?"

"Yes, and I'd like to have some medicine and food from the port city."

Then Silver began to say something outrageous.

"Is that just Gilmouth? I want to take a look at the town."

"I think it's all right.Just stop the brawl."

"I know, I'll see you.Gilmuth~"

What a fellow! I'd like to see it, but we've all broken it up!As a result, I'm the only one in the castle... That's terrible.There were many warlords in the castle.The times are a mess... I don't know what kind of person you'll see in the Emperor... this.

and finally met the emperor of this country.The emperor was an intelligent man with a beard of about thirty.He holds a scepter in his hand.

This person... No way.

"You have come all the way.My name was Umayado no Okimi.Call me Prince Shotoku."

It's coming, isn't it?If the person who created Japan's first constitution is alive, it's not surprising that he is at the top of the country.

Furthermore, the conversation with the gatekeeper mentioned earlier: Prince Shotoku could predict me coming.There are so many legends about Prince Shotoku.

"I'll see you first."I am a guildmaster for the guild ""Leapling"" in Free Tier, the land of freedom."It's a summoner's tact."

"I am acquainted with the kings of the continent.I have a lot to tell you, but now I want to buy the medicine and food that you are making."

"I know.Is this all right for the food?"

I'll take out the food I've accumulated in the inventory.The court lady and the people around her are buzzing when they see it.However, Prince Shotoku is calm.

"I have money ready.Your money should be just right."

You can't read it as far as you can... Huh? The price doesn'

"Did you use the medicine in the port village? That's how much it was."

I see. That's exactly the amount Mr. Lewin decided on.You're strong.

"You must accept it now.What would you like to do with your medicine? There is not much left, so if you show me around, I'll use it myself."

"I don't want to use the guests, but I'll give them all the ingredients, so can I ask for them? I'll arrange for the guide."

"All right,"

"What are you guys doing? Get the ingredients to the city as soon as soon as possible.

"Yes, yes!"

Prince Shotoku stopped the people who rushed to carry the ingredients.

"Wait, we forbid those who took the villagers' food to give it to them.If you meet him, tell him.I know everything."

Oh... I'm scared. That's a great threat.

"It is good for others to eat.I'd like to talk to him for a while.Get back, all of you."

"But I can't leave the Emperor alone!"

"You think I'm dangerous?"

"No, no! Excuse me!"

Are you going to leave me alone? Is that all right?No, I don't think I'll win because I'm giving off a terrible atmosphere.

Then Prince Shotoku suddenly sat cross-legged.

"Well, there is no one in the way.Let me eat ramen!"

You kicked me out because I wanted to eat ramen!?It was the moment when the image of Prince Shotoku completely collapsed.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!