Elysion Online - Chapter 573

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:11:58 AM

Chapter 573: # 548 Surprise and Second Defense Line Ground Battle

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We all eat and log in at night.Then I got a call from a mackerel can.

"I have received information from the silver.After all, Gonnes doesn't seem to have a ship.They seem to be deploying troops in and around port towns."

"The silver are as good as it should be.There was a battle once in the day, and the Hawkmen reported an enemy attack earlier.It's twice as many as the daytime unit.It'll be twenty-one o'clock before you run into it."

But don't the people of Gonnes have any doubts?It would be strange if the number of knights increased suddenly.

'That's because the participation rate is high.Is this as planned?'

'Yes, for perhaps the demons will come without a ship.'

I call Ix and give him instructions.

"I understand your mission.Master"

"I beg you said.

"Yes, please wait for the good news."

And before the war, Ix sends a message.

'Master, I found it.I'm still using the boundary.

'Tell me where you are,'

"Yes, Master,"

He tells Ix to withdraw, and when he comes back, he finds something.

"Master, we've detected dozens of magical reactions.

"...what? Where is it?"

"We've just entered over the entrance to the Hawk River."

Huh!? Was there an air force with stealth capabilities in the enemy?I'm glad you came when I was summoning Ix by chance.

If they were to aim at it, it would be the destruction of Hawkman's village or the Irvarest.In view of the situation, I saw it as an arborist.

'All armies! Get ready for the enemy attack! The enemy is flying transparently!'

'What!? What are you going to do, Tact?'

"There has been no change in the strategy.The enemy's aim is probably Arborst.Mr. Tristan, at the signal, make a saturated attack on the sky.'

'All right! The whole army is ready to fire!'

Players standing by on the Arbarest hold their bows and arrows in the sky.

'I can go any time,'

"Three... two... one... now!"

"Southern drain!"

When the released Yumiya (bow and arrow) fell into the rain of a thousand bows and attacked mysterious enemies, it appeared.

Nightmare Royal Night?

? ? ?

A knight in black armour appeared on a black horse.What is a divine country?

"Why did you find out?"

"More importantly, the destruction of that weapon!"

A black wind struck the Nightmare Royal Knights.It's Ops.

"The night sky at Hawk River is our territory. I can't permit you to fly."

"What!? These guys!"

"Black Hawkman?"

I can't afford to be in the middle of the unit.These guys.

"Magical gun! Sweeping gun!"

Tristan and his men turned into magic guns and shot through the Nightmare Royal Knights.In addition, the bodyguard players swarmed and smashed it.Hmm... It was dangerous.I have to report it to Princess Sarah, Cain, Lewin, and Sabah Can.

Then the fallen Nightmare Royal Knights become King Daewa.


"d*mn! Stop them!"

The Ravens fire thunderbombs, but the distance between the Kingsdaewas and Tristan was too close.

"The whole army! Pull!"


"I can't do it anymore! I want to go back to death!"

"No, no! Close!"

When the Tristan's pulled, the King Daewas destroyed the Irbarest.However, the Kingsdaewas, who were absorbed in the destruction, were overthrown by the magic gun sweeps of the Tristan group.

'I'm sorry.I've lost my arbor."

"It's all right because we just have to make it again.Can you still fight?"

"Fortunately, there is no human injury,"

Mr. Tristan's decision to make Irvarest the 囮 is correct.Above all, it is great that the enemy's surprise attack did not cause damage to this player or knight NPC.

'Then join the full moon's party.The strategy will be done later."

'All right,'

Now that we're in a hurry, we're going to form a battle formation.It's our turn.Be prepared.

The Knights of Gonnes break into Hawke Valley.However, there are no landslides or dams to store water.

"Well! It seems like a hand-made thing, Freetian knights!"

"I see the enemy!"

"Here we go!"

The ground of the Knights of Gonnes detonates.These are dynamite mines made by mackerel cans.When a horse or a person passes over it, it is detonated by the collision of flints in dynamite.


"Time bomb? No, I don't think there's that much firepower."

"Don't be frightened! The enemy is just a stone's throw away!"

However, we will not let go of the offensive.


Wizards create fog.It's a mist of water magic.This fogged the knights of Gonnes.This is a valley, and it is the best terrain for fog.

"It's fog! Captain!"

"I can't see ahead!"

"Blow it up! Blow it up!"

As instructed, the fog was blown away by wind magic, but our aim was to close our eyes.

If there is a unit in front of you, you will naturally be wary of the enemy's attack.We cannot afford to watch the sky.It's too late to notice.


"Something fell from the sky".

Carpet bombing by the dynamite of Al's air force explodes.After confirming it, Mr. Raiden gives instructions!

"The whole army! Rush!"


The carpet bombardment trampled them down.However, most of the fallen people become demons.At last there were very few human knights.

Then the demons move on and collide with Tristan's and Manzuki's forces.Tristan's troops hold firearms.

"Attack begins!"


Shooting matchlock guns at the same time will replace the person behind them, and while the person who took turns shooting, the gun will be ready.

It was invented by Oda Nobunaga in the Battle of Nagashino and used a matchlock gun strategy to defeat Takeda's cavalry.Furthermore, the bullet was a silver bullet.In addition, people with large barrels also fired.

I beat the demons one after another, but there were too many.

"The whole army is going backwards! Please do the rest.

"Leave it to me. All the troops go forward! Can you ask me, Heriya?"

"Yes! Protection of destruction!"

Heavy infantry units led by Mitsuki will take up positions on a forked road with three forked paths.This is the last fort of the First Defense War.When everyone is given the ability to destroy, Mitsuki gives instructions.

"Forced the whole army! Get them back!"

"Oh! Forced!"

It is a terrible sight where demons die just by attacking their shields.

"Yes! Don't stop! Squash it with numbers!"

I couldn't force all the demons out of my power.As a result, the demons overtook him.Still, he defeated quite a few demons.

and the demons parted in three directions.The full moon also moved when they saw it.

"'The Prison of the Pharanks,'"


The prison of Phalanx was a strategy that the Full Moon had come up with.It is a strategy that will be the mainstay of the second defense line.The demons will experience the horror of this strategy.

First of all, a straight road with nowhere to go.The snowballing demon saw Luke's Summoner Corps, where Tyrol and others are joining because Lewin and Sabah can are more stable.

The demons dispersed their forces, so they had an advantage over the demons in number and quality.

"Golem's unit! Attack! The target is King Daewa!"

The Golem's rocket punches and rays are released.In addition, Riku-san gives instructions.

"Breath unit! All at once!"

Various bracelets attacked the demons.Tyrol gives instructions.

"All the troops are rushing! The animal corps continues to me!"


"Don't give them your experience! Here we go!"


The demons clash with each other, but mammoths and cyclops fall from the sky and Daewa is crushed.

"I'm here! I'm calling Legion.

"... Dragonization".

All of a sudden, Maya's large summoners and Dragon Newt, the dragonized soil, begin to trample down.Dragon Newt has become a rock dragon, and the demons' attacks are not working at all.Is that an earth dragon?Unlike Lily, he doesn't seem to be able to fly, but he seems to be overwhelmingly defensive and aggressive.

The Tyrols attacked while the demons were confused.King Daewa, who was in charge, made the decision.

"The numbers are so different! I'll join the troops heading for Hawkman's village!"

"'Huh!'But he is not so stupid as to join the divided forces for nothing.What the demons looked back on saw was a wall of light.This is the Royal Lampard that Kego used during the day.

It was approaching the demons.

The demons attack but do not budge, and try to fly away, but cannot escape.It is the skill of the bodyguards and the effect of forcing them.

Forcing is the skill of forcing all enemies to attack.This is a completely superior force skill that makes it impossible to escape, take out items, and use magic and skill buffs.The weak point is that it collects attacks other than the front, so if you don't use it carefully, it will be a good match for beating.

But unlike the first in the valley, the enemy of the sky is aiming for Hawkman's village, so you don't have to worry about it.

and the demons had no escape altogether.This is not the only fear of forced action.Forcing is a skill that makes you keep attacking, so you're completely vulnerable to enemies coming from behind.

As a result, the demons had no choice but to be trampled down by the summonses from behind.This is the prison of Phalanx, a strategy of blocking escape and trampling from behind the enemy.

Meanwhile, the demons headed toward the temple were sandwiched between Kego's bodyguards and the bodyguards of Full Moon's forces.

"d*mn it!"

"These guys!"

The good thing about Royal Lampard is that it can attack from outside with that if you put it between the walls, you could stab it with a long spear.Freetia's knights and cavalry are stabbing the demons happily.

Yumiya (bow and arrow) are also possible, but they are not used because they are a waste.This is the original prison of the Phalanx.This is a strategy that can only be done if there are many participating players at night.

"'Pharanks Press!'

The surviving demons were crushed and wiped out by Royal Lampard, who was protected by destruction.

Meanwhile, the enemy headquarters aims for Hawkman's village.

"Here we go!"

"Destroy the hamlet of Hawkmen!"

"... That's a problem."

"Yes! I must let my mistress play with me!"

Railgun rocket punches are fired at the demons and swallowed by braces and waves.It's not easy in Hawkman's village, is it?"

Nova, Rivina, Sephonet, Farreader, Grey, Toretsu, Chess, White Night, Gail, Yu Tusk, Black Iron, Airdrie, Foxko, Isuki, Mir, Dian, Moonlight Night, Crus, Herberas, and Siek were standing in front of the walls.There were no party restrictions, so the members who were good at ground warfare blocked this place.


"Well, Drago Newt in the dark, Lilith, vampire, and a demon!"

"And star Hydra, oh, auger road!"

Rivina and Farreader proudly say.

"The road is closed from here on out of course.

"I'll play with you a lot, so hang on."

'Don't lick me!'

The King Daewas attack us.Gray shouted against it, and they all attacked.

When Gray bites Daewa in a vision, Herberus pushes her down and when she bites her arms, Daewa burns up.But Daewa uses force to unfasten Herberus, but he makes himself fit.


Gray's collaboration is activated in Yuto and Herberus, and the bracelets of the three explode.

But the other Daewas attack the Gray.

"Oh, my dear!"

A white night screams, and when he steps on the ground, sharp rocks pop out of the ground one after another, penetrating and restraining the Daewas.

Then Toru slashed Daewa in succession.Another Daewa was being electrocuted by a gale jumping on it.

In addition, Crus and Meal cut the trump card.

"I'll go as far as I can! The fairy ring!"

"Mr. Tacto has given me permission! Plant summons! Come on! Bite grass!"

When a rainbow ring appears in the sky, five polka dots appear.Then bullets of water fell on the demons from the beads.I think you summoned the water fairy.

Furthermore, the biting grass eats the demons.Daewa, with an axe, attacks the two of them.Chess and Farreader stop it.

"I wonder if you have that much power? Come back!"

"Oh, my dear!"

The two of them push each other and play Daewa's axe.

Astronomy and freezing waves hit directly there.It's Airdrie and Isuki."Stop it, water-ring!"

"Sacred water!"

It disappeared with smoke when holy water fell on Daewa, which was hit directly by a celestial attack.Meanwhile, frozen daewas were cut clean with water wheels.

"Don't be frightened!"

"Push it all in numbers! Ah!"

The demons, convulsed one after another, fall to the ground, and are paralyzed at the end of their might.

"Lately, my ability has been ineffective, so I'll tell you a lot about the horrors of saucubus today."

"Dream! Don't lick me!"

"Get out of the way! You guys can't talk about it! I'll do it."

The women Daewa and Rivina are hostile.

"Death! Dreamer!"

Rivina cuts an axe and approaches the woman Daewa.


Daewa, a woman, collapses.

"I am Lilim.I'm not the kind of sweetheart that the theory that it's all right because I'm your woman.Hey, get up, sister.I knocked them down."


Daewa, a woman, launched an attack on the demons.Then King Daewa's body attacks Rivina.Sephonet guards it.

"I'll get in the way! Vampire!"

"I don't like your partner, but the mistress, the demon of the night, will deal with him.Come from anywhere!"

Sephone fights against King Daewa.Sephone dared to eat all the attacks of King Daewa, and after sealing his skill, the blood dragon bit him, penetrated King Daewa with a blood crystal, made him unable to move, and cut him in two with a sickle.

When Daewa tries to attack Sephone, a fox in the shape of a fox attacks her.Another Daewa comes from behind Kitsuneko who bites Daewa, but she knocks him off with her tail.He is possessed by Daewa from the right, and when he makes him fight another Daewa, he fascinates him.

Meanwhile, the demons rush against the wall, but Nova blocks them.

"... Dragon absolute."

The demons are held back.

"... Shadow dragon".

Dragons that emerge from the shadows one after another from the demons that can't move bite.The Daewas attack Nova.However, Nova's bodyguards were accompanied by Kurotetsu, Isuki, Tsukkiyoyo, Dian and Siek.Kurotetsu and Tsukihikiyuki play wall roles, and Airy plays recovery roles.

Why? Because attacking moonlight increases muscle strength.Therefore, Tsukihikiyo is forced to gather attacks and Airy recovers.Kurotetsu, Isuki, Diane and Siek are in charge of Nova's real defense.

The Daewas pass through the siege of Nova and die instantly after being bitten by Diane.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Siek blows off Daewa, who tries to attack Nova, with his tsuruzume and tsuruo.Even if he ignores Siek, Isetsu cuts the demons with an ice blade.

Finally, Tsukkiyoyo holds a golden stick.The Greys went down all at once.

"That's not good!"

"Get back, all of you."

However, the King Daewas cannot escape, rather they are dragged away.

"It's a good place, isn't it? Don't run away."

"Yes! I hope you'll taste it said.


"Until I crush it!"

I'm slow to judge.

"Oh my gosh!"

The demons are wiped out by the shock wave of full swing on the moonlit night.But King Daewa, who was far away, barely guarded with a barrier.But the barrier has been successfully removed, so the destructive power of moonlight is real.

"Oh, it was dangerous..."

"I was shocked, but now,"

"... Dragon Bless"."Shah!"

Unable to put up a barrier, the Kings Daewas were attacked by Nova's Dragon Brace and Dian's Wave Brace.

"d*mn it! Gather with me! We are demons! Give them the power to destroy them!"

A large number of magical elements gather in the integrated King Daewa and become huge.

Daewa Over Road?

? ? ?

Is this the boss of this battle?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!