Elysion Online - Chapter 594

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:11:21 AM

Chapter 594: # 567 Knight's Land Paladin Road

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I ate breakfast and logged in.Today is my first time in a country! Then it was suggested by Cecia.

"It's going to be more difficult than I expected, so if you have a request from Mr. Hepistos, please give it to me first.

I strongly feel the prospect of a pretty crazy weapon.If that's the case, let's make a request.

"Can you order a sword for a thousand shadows?"

"Leave it to me!"

This is the end of my request.After that, when I heard about the results of yesterday's rock-paper-scissors competition, it was decided that Koibi, Bran, Wagitsune, Luna, and Isuki would be chosen.It's like a trip between parents and children.

When Pegasus, a member of the Paladin Road, arrived at the Guild, he boarded it and arrived at Paladin Road after a while.

The city of Paladin Road is like a town built around a castle.It has three walls and a town between them.

A boy with a lancelotte and cane and robe was greeted by one of the Arthurian legends.

"Welcome to Paladin Road, the land of knights!" I'm Merlin.He is a court magician in this knight's land.Don't ask me why there are magicians in the land of knights! I don't know!"

I'm so excited... Marlin.Merlin is a magician from the Arthurian legend.He is famous as King Arthur's mentor and prophet.He also led King Arthur's father, King Youser Pendragon of Britain.

"Thank you for inviting me.It's a summoner's tact."

"I know! He is a hero of freetia and loved by dragons!"

Love fires will blow up your cheeks, so please evaluate the others.

"Marlin... How long are you going to talk about?"

"Yes, King Arthur has been waiting for us, and we shall talk as we walk."

I headed for the castle, but it turned out that Paladin Road was a strange country.

"Lancelot! Play!"

"You next door, too!"

How many dueling have you had?It's a terrible country, and Merlin is fleeing.

"No, I'm sorry~In this country, the strong are at the top, and the weak are at the bottom.King Arthur was the most powerful king in this country.King Arthur wants to do something about this system, but he can't fix it."


"This country is the closest of the continents to the Dark Continent.It has a long history of fighting against the demons of the Dark Continent.It's no use if the king and the knights protecting the country are weak."

Is this the closest country on the continent to the Darkest Continent? According to Mel, brave men and fourth-class knights can enter here at events.I'm the first one to do anything else.

"In other words, this system is resisting demons by raising the weak and increasing the number of strong men."

"That's right! The people will be desperate if they get a living as expected, but King Arthur still wonders if they're weak and poor."

I see... It seems like a country in trouble.By the way, there are no production jobs, and they receive free food every day from other countries.It seems that this is a country that protects the continent by risking its life against the demon army.

We arrived at the castle listening to the story of the country.As expected, I'm the only one from here.

Then, he was admitted during the audience.There was a famous round table, and there were some strong-looking knights.

"Is he the summoner who saved Sir Lancelot, Marlin?"

"Yes, Gawain.Is there King Arthur?"

"I'm quite there.I've been talking to everyone about how long they've always been on the throne."

King Arthur seems to have a personality where he can't stay still... I'm surprised.

and I met King Arthur.

"Thank you for coming.Mr. Tact, we shall welcome you."

Is that welcome a duel?

"I'd like to thank Lancelotte for saving me at once, but would you mind listening to me?"

What? Even if you talk about the country, you won't know.I'm a guildmaster with only titles.

"I want you to fight me with all your might."

"""Special Quest, Duel with King Arthur, occurred"""

Duel with King Arthur: No difficulty

Rewards: Adamantite

Duel with King Arthur.Rewards are available regardless of victory or defeat.

No, no. Just give me Adamantite. Why do you fight?It doesn't make sense."Adamantite is a metal under our strict control.I can't just save Lancelot and give it to you.Let me test whether you are entitled to Adamantite."

Adamantite is one of the strongest metals in fantasy.It can't be helped... If you don't mind losing, you just get hit and break.

King Arthur is probably one of the strongest NPCs among the famous NPCs on the road.Let's see how much we can fight now.

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