Elysion Online - Chapter 598

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:11:15 AM

Chapter 598: # 571 Raising the level of Uwell and the Trials of the Earth Dragon

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The next morning, after breakfast, I logged in and saw Ewell curling up on my back sleeping.It's been a long time since I saw this.

Today, I first heard about Drago Newt from Nao.

"They use a lot of the same minerals in my case, and they make themselves make ingots.Most of the ingots in the guild were made from that.I'm making a lot of money thanks to you."

It's the first time I've heard that ingots are basically better materials than ordinary mineral materials, so it might be a big help.I was shocked when I told him about it.

"It's amazing that you can make ingots just by eating minerals! This is an exceptional ability!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes! Ordinary ore contains impurities.The ingot was made by smelting it.Ah, smelting is a method of obtaining metals by melting ore using a furnace.There are many other methods, but in Mr. Ywell's case he smelts in his body."

"That's it!"

You're proud, but I'm sure you don't understand.

"I mean, what have you been doing until now? You have a furnace, but it's small, right?"

"Actually, it was pretty much.

Let's say that earlier.Well, if you have Ewell, you may not need it anymore.

When I asked Hepistos if he should see his ability, he seemed to be obsessed with adamantite now and decided to raise his level first.

So she tries to defeat the white rabbit of Inaba on the island, but Lily and others say they will do their best as seniors.Then, he suffered a crushing defeat in front of a white rabbit in Inaba.


"Don't look at me dumbfounded! Yuwell! This white rabbit is so strong!"

"That's right! We're not weak!"


What on earth did I want to do?It would have been better if someone else wanted to show their strength.

"Are you ready? I don't have much time because I have to hand out gifts..."

"Then, let's make time again and tell Ywell how amazing Lily is!"

"Did anything go wrong?"

"No... I just thought I had to show some good points as a senior member of Tacto's Dragon Newt."

Well, I understand that's important, so I'll make time for you later.Then the members chose Lily, Farreader, Ewell, Grey, and Sieg.

Let's have Gray and Farreader show their strength as seniors.First, Gray defeats the white rabbit of Inaba in an instant.Then, of course, Yewell's level will rise suddenly, but it will stop at 10 levels.

『We have reached level 10 of Ewell.US>"I acquired a defense skill"

US>Name: Uwell Dragon New Lv1→Lv10

Life force 10→14

Magic Power 2

Muscle strength 20→38

Defence 20→40

Agility 2→5

Dexter value 4→8


Bare hands Lv1, mining Lv1, forging Lv1, defense Lv1It should have gone up a lot, but there's a limit or something.Don't worry. Let's keep going.Next, Farreader, unlike Lily and others, kills the white rabbit of Inaba without doing anything, and the first info of growth comes.

"""The level of Uwell has reached 20."US>"Growth"

Ewell shines green and grows.

"""The evolution of Ewell has been completed."The pseudo-dragonization skills have been released.

"Yewell acquired provocative skills."

Growing up, Yewell grew up to be about the same age as Lily and others in the early elementary school.When I see Ewell, I really remember the first time.Here are the skills that match your growth.

Name: Uwell Dragon New Lv20

Life force 28→33

Magic power 2→7

Muscle strength 48→53

Defence 60→65

Agility 7→12

Dexter value 10→15


Lv1 bare hands Lv1 mining Lv1 forging Lv1 defense Lv1 provocation Lv1 

pseudo-dragonization Lv1

What I thought when I saw this, was that if Uwell had been the first Dragon Newt, it would have been quite hard.because the only means of attack are bare hands.

Ywell learns the provocation, so Lily plays the White Rabbit of Inaba.Lily's first shot was still beaten, but Lily knocked it down with her star fists.

"I did it!"

"But isn't this because of you?"


"Oh!? But it was Lily who knocked it down!"

In the meantime, an info comes.

"The level of Uwell has reached 30."Special event ""The Test of the Earth Dragon"" has occurred"""

Wrapped in the green light of Ewell.

When I opened my eyes, it was a cave-like space.There's Ewell right next to me.

"Where are we?"

"If it's the same as Lily, it's one of the sacred places of the Dragon Kings,"

"Sama" (The Left)

The ground vibrates and a giant seven-color rock dragon appears from the ground.The dragon is a Western-style dragon whose head is made of crystal wood.

Life Dragon of Myongno Ryuo?

? ? ?

Is this the king of earth dragons?

"""I am the dragon that brings the blessings of life to the world."Life Dragon of the Dragon King of Meinou.My ordeal is simple and clear.'

The Life Dragon of the Dragon King Mei-no-Farm sees Ywell.

'You, Uwell, are you prepared to defend?'"Are you prepared to protect it?"

"""Dear me, our earth dragon is a battle to protect it."You must ask your lord, who has evolved at once, what he is prepared to do."

"Are you prepared to protect Tak and everyone? Of course you have!"

However, Myoko Ryuo Life Dragon shakes his head.

'No, that is certainly to be observed.However, there is no way that those who cannot protect themselves can protect others.Therefore I ask, Ewell, are you prepared to protect yourself and those whom you wish to protect?'

"...Yes, no, I'll do it! I'm still immature, but I'm still prepared to protect both!"

"Well, let's trust your words and bless them."

Ewell is enveloped in the light of evolution.Then Ewell developed a dragon tail and a rock horn formed on his forehead.

'Uwell has evolved into a Dragon New Protector.'

"""Yuwell acquired protective skills for hammering, earth magic, earth hiding, rock waves, and dragons."""

"""I have acquired the Dragon Armour"""

"""Smelting" has been added to smithing skills"""

"""Pseudo-dragonization skills have evolved into dragonization skills"""

You remember smelting right now!I didn't understand the meaning.

'Thou, the guardian.From now on, you should call yourself Dragon New Protector

"All right!"

Let's take a look at the status of Ewell, which has evolved.

Name: Yuweldrago New Lv30→Drago New Protector Lv1

Power of life 43→53

Magic power 7→27

Muscle strength 65→85

Defence 85→105

Agility 13→28

Dexter value 15→30


Bare hands Lv1 → Fighting Lv1 Tsuchi Lv1 Mining Lv1 Forge Lv1 Defense Lv1 → Iron wall Lv1 

provocation Lv1→Lv2 earth magic Lv1 earth latent Lv1 stone wave Lv1 dragon technique Lv1 

Pseudotragonization Lv1→Ryuotragonization Lv1 Protection Lv1 of local dragons

I feel like the way the status goes up is similar to that of Lily.

"Wake up to the power of the dragon, Drago Newt, and remember that.The number of things a person can protect is fixed.You can't protect everything.Therefore use all your might to those who you want to protect.'

"Oh, I see! Myongryong King Life Dragon!"Then, the Life Dragon of the Dragon King sees me.

'Four Dragon Newts have been recognized.I'll test your resolution."

Oh, I don't know if I have a trial, either.I wonder what it is. Then, the Life Dragon of the Dragon King, a living farmer, dived into the ground and disappeared.I don't think that dragon will make an enemy of me, but then I hear the rolling sound I've heard a lot from the back of the cave.

Giant rocks rolled from the back of the cave.When I saw that, Yewell stood in front of me.

"Taku! Behind me! Taku?"

I pat Ewell on the head.

"This is my trial.And I'm not just a person to be protected."

I cut the approaching rocks with quick lightning.This is the last time!

"We are friends.As I mentioned earlier, the Life Dragon of Myongno Ryuo is known to protect only one person.But if you have friends, it's a different story.Ewell, protect what you can.We'll keep what Ewell can't keep."

"Taku... I see! But I'll protect them a lot, so they'll have less chance!"

"I'm looking forward to it.This is my resolution."

Then, the Life Dragon of the Dragon King, a living farmer, came out of the soil.

'The form and determination of thy aim.I was sure to show it.God bless you with life.'

The Life Dragon of the Dragon King Mei-no-Agriculture shone green and we returned to our original space.

"Aeon and Nova are so mean!"

"I'm not mean!"

"Yes, it is."

Did you still do it?Then Yewell pulled his clothes.

"I can't keep that,"

"I don't think I can do it... Lily looks like that, so I'm going to change the members and continue."

"All right!"

The next members are Ewell, Toru, Luna, Sieg, and Chikage.Utilizing provocation from Uwell, Toru kills the white rabbit of Inaba with the perfect two-sword style.Then another info will come.

"""The level of Ewell has reached 10."US>"Retrieved storage skills"

Name: Yuweldragonnew Protector Lv1→Lv10

Power of life 53→60

Magic Power 27

Muscle strength 85→95

Defence 105→130

Agility 28

Dexter value 30→32


Fighting Lv1 hammer Lv1 mining Lv1 forging Lv1 iron wall Lv1 

provocation Lv2→Lv3 storage Lv1 soil magic Lv1 soil latent Lv1 rock wave Lv1Ryujutsu Lv1 Ryuka Lv1 Jiuryu no Kago Lv1

Oh, it's a new skill.This is what Aeon called the skill of making and accumulating weapons.Will it be the last time?Let's have a thousand shadows decide.

"""The level of Uwell has reached 20."US>"Growth"

Yewell shines and grows up.Hair grows, forehead horns and tails grow.

"""The evolution of Ewell has been completed."I've acquired the skill of kneading.

"Dragon Bless got it."

"The restriction on rock waves has been removed."

Name: Yuweldragonnew Protector Lv10→Lv20

Life force 70→92

Magic power 30→50

Muscle strength 120→142

Defence 162→186

Agility 30→50

Dexter value 36→56


Fighting Lv1 hammer Lv1 mining Lv1 forging Lv1 iron wall Lv1 

provocation Lv3→Lv4 containment Lv1 kneading Lv1 soil magic Lv1 soil latent Lv1 

Stone wave Lv1 Ryujutsu Lv1 Ryuhwa Lv1 Dragon Bless Lv1 Jiuryu no Kago Lv1

Then, like Lily's, Ewell's eyes become dragon's and harden.I was caressing Uwell's horns when Uwell noticed and scolded me.It seems that the horns are weak.

That's it for today.If you can get this far at once, you'll do well.And if you do it any longer, it will be your next trial.It will probably be a trial to fight the evolutionary dragon of Ewell.It would be dangerous to try without knowing Ewell's ability at all.

"Hey! How long are you doing this? I'm going home."

If you talk to Lily, she stops.What's going on?

"'I'm getting stronger!'"

I went home and was lectured.for I had completely destroyed the Lily'

'Yewell, help me,'

"I can't deal with these three! I'm going to train at the blacksmith's!"I was able to run away... I can't.This is only after lunch when we visit to thank you.

Name Farreader Magic General Lv5→Lv6

Life Force 96

Magic power 140→142

Muscle strength 200→204

Defence 80

Agility 120→122

Dexter Value 120


Axe Lv23 Magiken Lv28 Dance Lv10 Throwing Operation Lv12 Shrinkuchi Lv18 

Load operation Lv16 Evil air Lv33 Dark magic Lv10 Spatial magic Lv16 Concentrated Lv30 

Temptation Lv14 Physical Destruction Lv30 Magic Interference Lv26 Attraction Operation Lv7→Lv8 Dark Bullet Lv23 

Dark Wave Lv9 Shock Wave Lv10 Continuous Strikes Lv9 Rage Edge Lv6 Magic General Technique Lv2 

Magic Release Lv14 Pseudo-Magicalization Lv1

Name: Sieglesser Dragon Lv13→Lv14

Life force 76→78

Magic 64

Muscle strength 104→107

Defensive 66

Agility 92→94Dexter value 62


Flight Lv8 Dragon Tusk Lv11 Dragon Tusk Lv14 Dragon scale Lv14 Dragon tail Lv14

Rushing 12 Underwater Behavior Lv1 Light Magic Lv8 Fear Lv3 Fire Brace Lv7 

Fast Foot Lv12 Dragon Protection Lv10

Name: Chiei Karasu Tengu Lv26→Lv27

Life Force 66

Magic power 98→100

Muscle strength 102→105

Defensive 41

Agility 120→122

Dexter Value 108


Flying Lv23 sword Lv19 cane Lv1 night vision Lv13 sign blocking Lv12 

Sensing Lv7 Shrinky Land Lv10 Neriki Lv15 Discontinued Lv9 Dark Blade Lv12 

Sorcery Lv1 Phantom Lv11 Wind Mystery Lv3 Dark Magic Lv3 Spiritual Power Lv5 

Robbery Lv3 Shadow Part Lv15

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