Elysion Online - Chapter 707

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:06:53 AM

Chapter 707: # 676 Cyborg Saurus capture battle

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When I eat breakfast in the morning, I log in to the game.When I went to the guild, the Crows were waiting there.

"I've done it.It's something that I can't carry, so please come and get it'


It was made in the village of Dwarf in the Iji mine, and it was placed proudly.

Kongosen (Axe of Kongosen)P): Rare level 9 Axe quality S-

Weight: 300 Durability: 1000 Attack: 1000

Effects: Cutting everything, operating loads, and thunderstorms

A huge battle axe made of Kongo stone and tungsten.A large amount of thunderous stones are also used, and tens of thousands of thunder occurs along with a violent thunderclap at a stroke.Due to its weight and size, only a limited number of people can use it, but it boasts terrible destructive power.

My ability to apologize for the slow down of the thunderstorm... he told me that I would see everyone.

"Recently, it has been discovered that Kongoite and lightning properties are compatible."

"Perhaps it comes from the origin of Kongosho."

I see. The vajula is a weapon of Indra, a Hindu god of thunder and war, also known as Vajula.I think it's natural that it goes well with thunder because it's a weapon of the god of thunder god.

"I'm sorry for the delay and I've strengthened my limit."

"It's the absolute masterpiece we've all made.Crush me down with this, Cyborg or the Devil."

I thanked everyone, and when Tsukkiyo was summoned, Tsukkiyo picked up the Kongo battle axe.


"I really held it..."

"To be honest, I was worried if I could hold it..."

Hey, but it's a little smaller than the total length of Tsukikiyu, so I'm satisfied with that.

After the final confirmation of the strategy, he puts cooking buffs on everyone and goes to the front.

As we did yesterday, we moved to the port of Gonnes and formed a formation.The main body marched from the ground.It was led by Full Moon.

We decided to part ways from the sky.On my part, I have the mobility and power of Luke, Tyrol, Cosette, Lara, Felt and Maya.It can't be helped because my members were asked by Lily and others to make a comeback just like yesterday.

The other group included Al as the leader, Riku-san, Raiden-san, Takuma and Aroma.

'Supplement the enemy forces, approach them'

I'm getting in touch with the full moon.But it's not time to set it up.

"""Closer than yesterday, but no movement"""

"Are you aware of our strategy?"

'I think so, but I can't help but move.It's defense over there.'


The offensive side is free to move, but the defense side is bound to move.And the whole of Gonnes now has been cleared.It is a geographical feature that neither side can escape nor hide.Therefore, the timing of the attack is important.

"Assault is absolutely wary of the sky."

"The Buster is after us and Gilmouth,"

Normally, I would aim for Al's side, but he seems to be concerned that I beat Automata yesterday.Then there is no way not to take advantage of it.

"""The strategy was changed to plan B."Operation begins!'

"I understand!"

Yoichi and others first launched a barrage of firearms from behind the full moon.This signals the start of the war, and the automata head to the Full Moon at once.

"Move to a circle! Hurry up!"


The full moon and others changed their formation from one row to another.Then, when the shields line up like walls, the full moon hides everyone in the circle.

This prevented the automata from targeting everyone in the circle.Even after the shooting, the shields of the men are now made of Adamantite, Kongoite and Misril.Iron bullets are not allowed to pass through.

Yoichi and his colleagues can aim at automata who can only shoot while moving.This is a battle formation called houenjin.If you are against automata, this formation is the best.

In response to the automata's struggle, Cyborg South Type Buster targets Full Moon and two Cyborg South Type genocide attack Full Moon.It's on!

"The first raid! Here we go!"

When Al and his colleagues approached in a straight line, Cyborg Saul type Assault fired randomly from their hands, but the Gargoyles received the bullets and approached Cyborg Saul type Assault and Cyborg Saul type Buster all at once.

The enemy's weakness is its weakness in fighting.This blocked the attacks of Cyborg Saul type Assault and Cyborg Saul type Buster.

"Now! All the troops are rushing! Here we go! Sieg!"


The Dragon Claw from Sieg's rapid acceleration is decided to be Cyborg Saul type Assault.Everyone else takes part in the battle, and it becomes a fierce battle.As a result, Cyborg Saul type Assault and Cyborg Saul type Buster cannot move satisfactorily.

And while we were stopping the Cyborg Saul type Assaults, the Tyrols summoned the beasts at once with a legion summons, and they attacked the Automata.Automata cannot respond to sudden attacks from behind.There's no way everyone will miss that opportunity.

"Cancel the circle!"

"Guys! Charge!"

"Oh! Scrap-shipping!"

'Give me your weapon,'yes!'

It's a waste of desire.However, when the e-mails jump out, they knock them down one after another, unlike yesterday.If you know the strategy, it's like this.Beast Summoners can handle the speed of automata.If Automata turns his attention to the beast's summoners, it will be the prey of Meru.

But automata is fine with this, but Cyborg Saul is not easy.But in this state of war, secret weapons can be used, let alone Assault and Buster, which are relatively safe.

"Call Legion! Come on! Moonlight Night!"

Gekkiyo with Kongo battle axe was thrown in.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Oh my gosh!

Moonlight approaches while receiving a bullet from Cyborg South type Assault, and when the Kongo battle axe is shaken down, the body of Cyborg South type Assault is halved, and when it is struck by a thunderstorm, it explodes.

The moment I hit my head, both legs of Cyborg Saul type Assault were buried in the ground.That's how destructive it is.This is the power of masterpieces created by all the blacksmiths!

Cyborg Saul's movements change at the same time.Everyone came to see the moonlit night.I guess it was because I felt the danger of Kongo's axe, but it wasn't something that I was praised for.There are other power-type summoners, aren'

The other one who attacked the cyborg saul type Assault was the Behemoth that evolved from Maya's mammoth.When the body is distorted by a blow of a flail-like nose, a small explosion occurs from places and the mystery field is solved.

When Al and his colleagues confirm this, they are knocked down after deciding to brace all the animals in the sky.

Cyborg South Type Buster is attacked by the Golem army and the evolution of Pajirisk, Midogalsolm branching off from Orochi, Needheg, and the evolutionary five-headed dragon of the twin-headed dragon.

Cyborg Saul type Buster also makes a sound of body metal deformation when the fourth evolutionary snakes tighten the punches of the Golem army.

Another cyborg saus type buster tries to aim for moonlight.However, he acted faster on the moonlight.When Moon Ki-yo throws a Kongo battle axe, the head of Cyborg Saul Type Buster jumps.

Even so, the gunfire was charged, but the mysterious field had already disappeared.The Lily's are not the ones who misses it."Supercooled water!"

The ions pour supercooled water into the barrel and stop the magical charge.


"Dragon trick! Dragon claw!"

A love fire cuts off from the right, and Fireworks-chan warps the Cyborg South Type Buster with a Dragon Claw from the left.But Cyborg Saul Type Buster tries to bite with love fire.

"Purple thunder!"


Then, the fallen angel of aromas becomes purple thunder, and when the cyborg saul type buster is worn out, a meteor hits the paralyzed cyborg saul type buster, and when it flies, it is knocked down with a brace from everyone.

With this, automata is the only long-distance support.But the problem is genocide.He's the only one who can't come close and do nothing.But I have my hands in mind.What do you do to your enemies who specialize in short-range specialization?Let's throw slime on it.

"Slime bombardment! Here we go!"

Slimes descend on Cyborg Saul type genocide from a completely no-mark sky.I thought my body would melt, but the metal on my body was corresponding to the slime's decay.I guess it's coated rather than amazing metal.

but the slime did not proceed satisfactorily when it was stuck together.Above all, the chainsaws of both hands are slime-soaked and slow.This is the end of the stick.



Luke's Dryad and Arlaune seal the cyborg saur type genocide's body and chainsaw with forest manipulation.If you get entangled in a tree such as a slow chain saw, it's over.

The slimes leave, and instead they approach from the ground.

"It's yesterday's return!"

There are many automata who can't move cyborg saus type genocide, and the rest have no mysterious fields.However, automata is not surprising without a mysterious field.We will buy time until the Wizards and Recca are ready for the Great Wizardry.


When Sieg is blown away by a photo-shock wave, the reca's chant ends, and all the Automata are wiped out and the battle ends.

Many parts from automata.For the rest, here are the results of the dismantling of the Cyborg South Series.

Laser chain saw: Rare level 7 saw quality B

A laser blade chain saw, which is much more powerful than a normal chain saw and cuts a large tree in seconds.In interpersonal warfare, it is used as a weapon to destroy weapons that quickly reduces the durability of weapons.

Ether core: Rareness 7 Material Quality B

Cores that produce ether, mainly components used in high-powered magical weapons.

Magic energy receiver: Rare level 7 Material Quality B

A magical item to receive the power of a demon.It is important to note that energy can only be received within the range of the transmitter.

As a result, everyone thought the operation was not going to hand over beam guns or machine guns.

That's OK, but the problem is this receiver.The power of God that Leonardo was referring to was, after all, the power of Anla Manu, who used it to create that mysterious field.

We decided to take turns taking a break.I left a magical energy receiver with Mr. Sabah and had it delivered to Eriksar Lapis to listen.

"There is no doubt that this is the cause of the mysterious field."

"If you break the transmitter, it won't happen, right?

"Well, but the transmitter is probably at the top of the enemy's castle."

It's the same as the broadcast tower.Then I think we can destroy it by bombing from the air or something, but measures have been taken.Let's give it a try.Summon Setia.

"Cetia, do you know the bar at the top of the castle?"

"What? Yes, I can barely tell."

"Then go for Burst Arrow.If you use the Uluichibal, you will get it."

"All right,"

The result was shot down with a beam.I guess I can't. At this rate, I think I'm going to get caught up in either a sudden descent or a concentrated fire of beams.It seems that there is no other way but to attack directly.

When we got to the village of Jeanne, there was a safe area and we decided to rest in turn.Before the break comes, he reports to the Crows the fruits of the Kongo battle axe.

"Well, it's our best work! It's a natural achievement."

I was so proud.My turn came and I logged out.

Name Release Dragon New Hope Lv20

Life force 200

Magic 216

Muscle strength 390

Defence 148

Agility 184

Dexter value 156

Hoshiken Lv26 Flying Lv41 One-handed Sword Lv48 Large Sword Lv44 Tsuchi Lv24 

Hazard Prediction Lv35 Supersensory Lv36 Dragon Eye Lv31 Star Reading Lv37 Physical Destruction Lv33

Star armor Lv30 Stars wall Lv20 Stars rain Lv19 Stars container Lv4 Stars light Lv12 Stars attack Lv33Concentrated Lv17 Super regenerated Lv24 Star Air Lv43 Optical Magic Lv27 Star Wave Lv20

Interstellar cloud Lv7 meteor Lv6→Lv7 rainbow light Lv2 reflection Lv8 Back scale Lv6 

Ryugei Lv30 Ryugei Lv10 Ryugei Lv10 Dragon Bless Lv16 Ryugei Lv5 

Star Dragon Protection Lv23

Name: Aeon Dragon New Swallow Lv20

Life force 170

Magic 284

Muscle strength 196

Defensive 112

Agility 376

Dexter Value 210


Two-sword flow Lv50 spear Lv11 throwing operation Lv34 flying Lv39 supersensory Lv35 

Magical Power Operation Lv14 Magical Power Cutting Lv26 High Speed Swimming Lv37 Ryugon Lv30 Waterborne Lv18

Ice blade Lv38 Blue thunder Lv30 Ice thunder Lv3 Multiple strikes Lv30 Water magic Lv28 

Spatial magic Lv26 Water flow operation Lv12 Blue sea wave Lv20 Water pressure boundary Lv14 hail Lv22 

Star Ice Armored Lv22 Ice Dungeon Lv13 Tsunami Lv4 Refrigerated Light Lv14 Supercooled Water Lv3→Lv4 

Rising scale Lv5 Ryujutsu Lv30 Ryuka Lv10 Ryu Magic Lv10 Ryu Kaisei Lv5 

Dragon Bless Lv15 Hoshikai Ryu no Kago Lv24 Cuisine Lv30

Name: Tsukikiyu AUGER ROAD Lv11

Life force 196

Magic 170

Muscle strength 360

Defence 156

Agility 84

Dexter Value 100

SkillsTsuchi Lv28 Battle axe Lv1→Lv2 Big sword Lv1 chain Lv5 Magic fist Lv6 

Air Fighting Lv28 Physical Destruction Lv24→Lv25 Defence Invalid Lv15 Load Operation Lv6→Lv7 Forced Lv18 

Rugged Lv21 Roar Lv9 Attack Lv22 Yokai Lv27 Battle Elevation Lv25→Lv26 

Throwing Operation Lv9→Lv10 Super Regenerated Lv25→Lv26 Fear Lv2 Black Flame Lv6 Lightning Discharge Lv7 

Concentrated Lv6 Physical activity Lv7→Lv8 Flame brace Lv17 Dark brace Lv9 Shockwave Lv8

Lv6 Mystery Liberation Lv7 Double-edged blow Lv5 Rage Lv4 King's protection Lv5

Name Siek Light Dragon Lv11→Lv12

Life force 112

Magic power 121→123

Muscle strength 158→160

Defence 108

Agility 154→157

Dexter value 96


Flying Lv19 Dragon Tusk Lv15 Dragon Tail Lv18 Dragon scale Lv18→Lv19 Dragon tail Lv16→Lv17

Crash Lv13→Lv14 Riding Lv6→Lv7 Optical Magic Lv12 Power Lv3 Optical Breath Lv14 

Light Rain Lv7 Regenerated Lv3→Lv4 Ryuki Lv14 Fast Run Lv15→Lv16 Reflected Lv3 

Optical shock wave Lv4→Lv5, optical wave Lv7, dragon technique Lv7→Lv8, dragon brace Lv10→Lv11 

Protection of Koryu Lv13

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