Elysion Online - Chapter 768

Published at 6th of March 2024 07:04:49 AM

Chapter 768: # 735 Griffon's treasure

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and as he walked he reached the gate on which the Gryphon emblem was drawn, and when it opened he saw a golden world.


"Can't you see the golden world as long as it's not a game?"

"Did you see such a scene in Eldorado?"

"It was a similar world, but with processed gold all over it.It wasn't such a world as here where gold and stone are left on the ground."

When we walk through the golden world, the gold disappears on the way back to the normal corridor.and reach the dead end of the wall.The guide, the Gryphons, chirped, and a golden gate with a new Gryphon on the wall appeared.

When it opened slowly, there was a Grupps.

"This is my sanctuary.Then he who has passed the test. Choose the one that matches the number of enemies you have defeated.Others who could not defeat them may choose one treasure specially."

'Really!? I did!'

Depending on the result, this is what happens.Then Mr. Shallow would have liked to have taken it, but he probably tested his courage to challenge our quest.In other words, the Cosettes were appreciated by Grupps when they received the quest.

Now, it's a pattern every time.Let's take a look at the list.

Griffin Justia

griffin round shield



a completely cured golden nail

The Key to Eden

Clatail of Dionysus

Gryphon gold

a Gryphon ring

Gryphon shoes

Gryphon's tank

solar stone


Welsh Gold

yellow diamond

a jewel of a hawk

Welsh Gold Kitter! Oh, that's not it.Let's take a look at them one by one.

Griffin Justia is like the original sword of the game.There was protection from the sun, and there were light rays, devil attacks, red flames, and purification.It's my first time seeing a light sword.It's like a sword with two attributes: fire and light.Personally, I think it's a pretty strong sword.

The Griffin Round Shield is a shield on which the arms of the Gryphon are painted.This is also the original game.There was a golden barrier and protection of the sun, and fire waves and photo-shock waves were used as means of attack.Actually, Crowe and others have confirmed that wave techniques can be shot with magic shields.But this is the first time for wave techniques and optical shock waves.I think this is also a strong shield.

Tulsus is a cane from Greek mythology.It is said to be a stick possessed by Dionysus, the god of fertility and drunkenness, and his followers.The stick, which had a grape cane at its tip, looked like a cane with a spear sticking out of it.Skills include fertility and projection, madness, tree attribute improvement (research), forest manipulation.It's a funny but scary weapon.

Cornucopia is a horn from Greek and Roman mythology.It is said that Zeus gave it to Amartia, who raised him, in return.It is said that this cornucopia had the power to give the owner what he wanted, but of course it did not have such power in games, and it seems that it is a horn with abundant harvest, weather control, and lightning.Is this through?

The golden nails, which are completely cured, seem to be the ingredient of medicine that can cure any disease.I'm sure it worked on Princess Silphy's magic.It's a problem to secure.

The key to Eden was explained by Grupps.

"The key is the key necessary to use the Heavensgate at the top of the mountain.However, having it does not mean that you can go to heaven.Especially in Heaven Gate, you have to go through a trial to reach heaven.I'll tell you just in case, but only those who have the key can be tested."

Let me take it with you... well, it's only natural.Eden is the name of a paradise in the Bible.So the first human beings, Adam and Eve, got angry when they ate nuts of good and evil knowledge that God forbade them from eating, and expelled them from Paradise.

It can't be easy to go to a paradise with such background.I mean, it's almost impossible under normal circumstances.It's a chance to go to heaven.I think I'd better get this.

The Clatail of Dionysus seems to be the Clatail of Dionysus, the god of liquor mentioned earlier.According to the explanation, it is possible to make strong sake.I wonder if this will come after receiving a quest from a giant Yagi snake... What should I do if Lewin asked me to leave it to him?

The gold of the Gryphon is like an ingot.Unlike ordinary gold, it seems that the power of the Gryphon resides in it.I suppose they could make weapons like Griffin Justia.

The Gryphon ring seems to have the same golden barrier and sun protection as the Griffin Round Shield.I don't have the skills to attack, so it's a complete protective accessory.I think it's convenient.

Gryphon's shoes seem to be magical ones with Gryphon's wings.It has the effect of flying, empty legs, and windbreak, and it seems to be popular among players who can't ride Gryphon.

Gryphon's chariot seemed to be armed exclusively for Gryphon.This is through because of the remnants of the sun tank.Besides, I like riding on Hicks' back, so I don't like tanks.

Next is Welsh Gold, which is the material of the ring that Princess Silphy has already heard from Nao.I'm sure you'll get it'sure.

Ma-taka no hoju is already a material for developing into Hippoglyph.Is there this one too?

This completes the confirmation.You can exchange four.Let's organize it.

First, Welsh Gold was decided.Next is Eden's key, the jewel of the hawk?The other is either Dionysus' Clater or Welsh Gold.and there was the golden hand of the Gryphon.But in my case, I think Welsh Gold is better.

I asked Mr. Lewin that once he got the Dionysus Claterail, he would be able to challenge the Yagi Big Snake quest.When Nao saw Welsh Gold, he said he could make several rings for ingots.

I'll check everyone's situation.Tyrol seemed to be curious about the horse-hawk's jewel, the Gryphon's carriage.However, it seems that they want Welsh Gold and Yellow Diamond, too.

The aroma seems to be interested in Griffin Justia and Welsh Gold.Maybe it's because of the fallen angel.It seems that he thinks that the Beast Mystery Guild's quest is okay with the treasure beads of the horse hawk.But Eden's key seems to be a concern, too.

Maya, don't hesitate to choose Gryphon gold and Welsh gold.This is what happens if you have a dragon newt from the soil.The cosets are really worried because they are one.But in the end, Welsh Gold or Yellow Diamond settled.

After thinking about the future in my brain, I decided to choose Dionysus' Clatail.The reason is that we know that Welsh Gold is mostly available, but this Clatail may only be available here.

Besides, alcohol can be used in many ways in strategy.Moreover, Dionysus is a god known to have caused a tragedy with the alcohol he taught.I don't know what kind of alcohol you're going to make, but I don't think it's going to be negative.

Each of us received a reward.

Key to Eden: Important Items

The key needed to open the gate to Paradise Eden in heaven.

Dionysus Clatail: Rare degree 10 Regular item Quality S+

The power of drunken god Dionysus is found in the kratail, which can make alcohol stronger than usual kratail.However, too strong alcohol can be a double-edged sword, so be careful when drinking.

Welsh Gold: Rareness 10 Material Quality S+

Gold of the highest quality for the royal family.It is also characterized by a slightly reddish color and is known to be used in wedding rings.It has a stronger effect than ordinary marriage rings, and it is considered a coveted money by summoners all over the world.

Horse Falcon Treasure: Rare level 10 Important items Quality S

It is a hoju that contains the power of a horse hawk.The items you need to evolve your opinx.

This is the end of the event.Finally, Shallow and others will be given the island's.The Gryphon God has a big belly.Then I'll tell you only.

"Will you be tested by Eden?"

"No, I'm exhausted from the trials, so I'll try again."

If possible, Bran's confession would have been Eden, but he could not risk it.

"You must do your best, and when the time comes, say it on this island.I'll take you to my gate, the guardian of Eden's gate."

"All right,"

When we got on the boat, we could see the clouds of the typhoon from a distance, so we decided to move to Freetia today.I feel like I'm being targeted.I don't want Scura to take my treasure here.

When we come back, each of us makes a request.I asked for a drink and a Welsh gold ring from Dionysus's Clatail, and as I left, Uwell jumped in.

"Tak! Tak! Gold! Where's the gold?"

"Then I gave it to Nao.""Oh, that'said he.

Uwell lies on the ground.I wouldn't use it as a weapon in the first place.And Lily and others are nervous because I gave it to Nao.I've been watching you exchange it up close.But it will be after the next evolution.

"Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta! I'll massage your shoulders for you."

"I'll lay you down on your knees!"

"Hey, I'll sleep with you."

Still, they cannot help but appeal to Lily.Well, I think Aeon and Nova are more of an appeal than a desire... but they're both appeals.I was smiling at Lily and logged out.

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