Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 1142

Published at 27th of December 2023 08:23:34 AM

Chapter 1142

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Qi Tianyu threw a stone into the river. In an instant, he didn't know where he was swept by the current. In an instant, he disappeared.

There seems to be an invisible net under the water, which can swallow everything that falls into the water.

"I remember that in this secret place, the birthplace of a river of life was an ancient cave. Deep in the cave, there should be an ancient battlefield connected to it. "

"Countless ancient corpses and ancient soldiers were washed out from the depths of the caves and exposed to the river bank." Qi Tianyu recalled.

Compared with the river of life, this long river is much more strange and seems to have no vitality.

Even on both sides of the river bank, there is no grass or tree.

"Go on, go on and have a look." Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er are so fast that they are tens of miles away.

In contrast, this strange river is more or less small, but there are still some changes. At least it is not as seeping as it just looked.

Qi Tianyu went to the river and reached for a scoop.

"Be careful." Zhu lin'er immediately grabbed Qi Tianyu for fear that he might be in danger.

Qi Tianyu laughed and said, "don't worry, it's OK. I know it."

Seeing that Qi Tianyu was so confident, Zhu lin'er stopped him.

Qi Tianyu finished and felt the water in the lower river with his hands. In a moment, Qi Tianyu had a number in his heart. "There is no corrosiveness, there is no strange fluctuation, but the water is a little turbulent."

Generally speaking, where there is living water, there must be fish or other creatures. It's just this place It's kind of weird.

"It seems that there should be something dominating somewhere in the long river, so that there will be no other creatures." Qi Tianyu said, shaking the water on his hand.

"If we want to go down there, we have to figure out for ourselves." Qi Tianyu said and took out two pills.

He swallowed one of the pills and handed the other to Zhu lin'er.

"This is the water entry pill, which is the same as the principle of Dun Di Fu. If we take it, we can not only breathe underwater, but also not disturb our vision. "

After taking the pill from Qi Tianyu, Zhu lin'er swallowed it without hesitation.

Qi Tianyu took Zhu lin'er's hand tightly and rushed into the river.

As soon as they entered the water, the turbulent undercurrent almost didn't disperse Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er.

Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er made great efforts to adapt to the underwater environment and stabilize themselves.

Qi Tianyu nodded to Zhu lin'er, and then, relying on his own intuition, he took Zhu lin'er to swim deep ahead.

There seems to be no danger at the bottom of the river except for the rapidity of the current. And with the deepening of diving, the surrounding water flow is more and more gentle.

Although there are no impurities in the water, the light is dim and the field of vision is not wide.

The scope of Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er's eyes is not extensive.

"It's strange, when is the beginning." Qi Tianyu found that he and Zhu lin'er had been diving for a long time, but they didn't see the bottom.

But fortunately, the effect of water into Dan can maintain several hours, enough time, at this point Qi Tianyu is not anxious.

Zhu lin'er also wondered if they had met a deep ditch at the bottom of the river. They could stretch down for several kilometers, just like a trench.

"Oh, Tianyu, look." With sharp eyes, Zhu lin'er could see several caves on both sides of the river bank in the distance.

Following the guidance of Zhu lin'er's hand, Qi Tianyu looked forward and naturally saw all that.

"Come on, let's swim through." Qi Tianyu takes Zhu lin'er and swims to the entrance of the cave.

Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er stopped at a distance from the cave entrance.

Because here, they can already feel a suction.

Countless rivers are rushing into the entrance of the cave.

If Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er didn't find something wrong in time, they would have been sucked in.

Of course, as long as you are careful, Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er still don't pay attention to this suction.

Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er stay at the entrance of the cave, carefully observing everything at the entrance.

The erosion of water at the entrance for many years has already polished the entrance into a smooth piece, and there is no place to grasp.

The dark hole seemed to devour the only ray of light left in the river. There was no light and nothing to see.

Just like a beast with a big mouth, waiting for Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er to die.

"It's strange that there are so many rivers with such a large flow, but the fluctuation of the water level of this long river is very gentle and not too obvious, which means that the water flowing into the entrance must flow out through some openings." Qi Tianyu's divine sense spreads the sound way.

But Qi Tianyu didn't know where these rivers flowed."Come on, we have to go in and have a look." Qi Tianyu's divine sense spreads the sound way. Qi Tianyu felt that there were too many secrets about the secret place of Liyue sect, sealed in these caves.

"Tianyu, are you serious?" Zhu lin'er's voice was transmitted with a slight frown.

Zhu lin'er is not afraid, but she and Qi Tianyu are alone, and they are not ready.

And the road ahead is uncertain, I don't know what is waiting for them. In addition, Zhu lin'er is not at ease. And the little clothes on the shore.

"Yue Shang, I know what you are worried about, but at the moment, we have no other choice. These things are not only about Xiao Ni Yue, but also about the whole Liyue clan and you. "

"If we don't make it clear, we will only be limited everywhere and have endless troubles." Qi Tianyu listed all the things and analyzed everything.

After thinking for a moment, Zhu lin'er finally nodded. Qi Tianyu is right. Her mind is a little fixed, which leads to a little limitation.

"Ready, let's go." Qi Tianyu grasped Zhu lin'er's hand tightly, and with the help of the current, he and Zhu lin'er rushed to the cave.

At the same time, Qi Tianyu opened the dark yellow immortal body, light golden light, wrapped Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er in it, not hurt by the current collision.

Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er relax, let the body no longer tight, along the water will bring them to the depths of the cave.

Gradually, the surrounding water gradually becomes gentle. If it is not for xuanhuang's protection, Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er's eardrum will have to be broken by the water.

A bright light appeared in front of Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er. Following the light, Qi Tianyu and Zhu lin'er swam forward.

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