Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 1366

Published at 27th of December 2023 08:16:37 AM

Chapter 1366

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"Boss, you have to save us. The spiritual power in our newly broken cultivation has been exhausted. Vitality has not yet been able to resist the devastation of Xiao Tianzheng's blood essence. After a while, if my sister-in-law hits us again, we will be cold. "

Ye Yunfeng and Qi Tianyu's divine sense say that although Tang Yiyue doesn't play so hard, it's better not to be beaten.

"Eat these two bunches of barbecue," Qi Tianyu handed over the two bunches of barbecue. "These two bunches of barbecue are delicious. The two pieces of barbecue just now are just for a try. After all, the meat of this fierce beast has not been tried." Qi Tianyu continued.

Sure enough, when Qi Tianyu said that, Tang Yiyue's face suddenly looked better.

"I'll let you go this time. If you still start in such a hurry in the future, no matter who intercedes with you, it's useless." Tang Yiyue snorted and said, like a little princess who is favored by others.

All the time, Tang Yiyue is really a beloved Princess, the only daughter of the Tang family.

"Qi Shaozhu, how did you go in? Now your breath seems more mysterious." The white faced friar said curiously that he finally wiped the blood that Yue Yunfeng and Yun Zihang vomited on her face. The blood was very thick and hard to wipe.

"Is it?" Qi Tianyu laughs mysteriously. He doesn't want to say something about his breaking through cultivation, so as not to hit them. But Xiao Tianzheng says it directly.

Sure enough, people's faces were complicated. They didn't know what to say. They could only bury their heads and eat the barbecue quietly.

"Why are the trees so flourishing in this place? When we came to search yesterday, there was no such situation. "Suddenly, a voice came from outside.

"Maybe it's an illusion. It's so remote here that there shouldn't be any unpredictable people hiding here," another voice said.

Then there was a sound of footstep, and the sound of footstep went away.

"What happened to those two voices?" Finally, the peacemaker broke the silence.

"It's supposed to be people from Phoenix. Only in Phoenix can there be patrol soldiers. If the secret treasure appears in Phoenix, they must attach great importance to it." Said the white faced friar softly.

"In this way, they are looking for someone to hide in the veins of Tianhuang mountain. If they find them, they may kill them. Only in this way, all the people who fight for the secret treasure will be from Phoenix. No matter how much they fight for it, the secret treasure will be in Phoenix."

Qi Tianyu said softly, his face a little dignified.

"Then it's time for us to go out and walk around. When we get there, all the people are from Phoenix, and only a few of us are outsiders. We will definitely be targeted by people from Phoenix." Xiao Tianzheng also said with reason.

"It's better to kill all the patrol soldiers and let them know that we outsiders are not easy to bully." Said the man.

Their chivalrous and righteous people always do things without stop. They must do well what they decide. They must kill all who they decide to kill, and the whole family must be in good order.

"Let's go out together. I've arranged arrays in this place. The monks who are not above me in array talent and cultivation can't be aware of it." Qi Tianyu said softly.

"The accomplishments of those patrol soldiers just now are not low. It's safer for us to go out together to avoid accidents." Qi Tianyu continued.

After all, they can't figure out how many friars these patrol soldiers will have every time they come out. If they suddenly meet a patrol team of hundreds of people, they will be in danger.

They nodded, disposed of their barbecue and went outside. The patrolmen had just been marked by Qi Tianyu. Now they were able to follow the mark left by Qi Tianyu.

Many people use the method of hiding body to hide their bodies.

"Why do I always feel a bit of danger around me? Do you think there will be fierce animals here?" A voice came from the front, with a trace of vigilance and panic.

"Maybe it's your illusion. How can there be fierce beasts around here? Even if there are, they dare not come out. On this day, the fierce beasts in the Yellow Mountains, one or two, are very afraid of us?"

The other monk said this, but he also looked around in disbelief, for fear that there might be a crisis around him.

Qi Tianyu slowed down and worried that they might find him. Qi Tianyu didn't expect that one or two of these patrolmen were so sensitive to the smell of danger.

These patrolmen are gifted in danger judgment, which is why they are trained to be patrolmen by the rulers of Phoenix.

Only ten minutes later, other patrol soldiers appeared around. Qi Tianyu was surprised and quickly reminded everyone to avoid the search of another patrol.

"Where did you just go on patrol?" Qi Tianyu followed the patrolmen.

"We have searched the small hill in front of us. There are two or three monks hiding there. We will go to a nest tomorrow to serve him. If we are alone, our strength is not enough. Those monks look a little dangerous." Said another patrol."Oh, OK, let's go around the hill instead of searching for it." The patrolmen Qi Tianyu followed continued.

After a few words, they left without further discussion.

"It seems that the efficiency of the patrol soldiers in Phoenix is not very high, and they have no clear route when they patrol." Qi Tianyu said in surprise.

"They have a lot of patrol soldiers in Phoenix, so the ruler of Phoenix simply let these patrol soldiers go out to patrol. They have their own registration of where they go, and they will report back to the top." The peacemaker and Qi Tianyu said.

"It turns out that this complete inside information is very powerful. Actually, because there are too many patrolmen, they don't pay attention to efficiency." Qi Tianyu chuckled and shook his head.

"But that's good. After all, it's more convenient for us to do it. If Phoenix clearly arranges the route that patrol soldiers must take, it may be a little difficult for us to get in." Qi Tianyu continued.

The more disordered the rules are, the easier it is to break in. Since these patrol soldiers patrol disorderly, they can kill a group of patrol soldiers, disguise themselves and sneak in to attack other patrol soldiers.

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