Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 1602

Published at 27th of December 2023 08:09:17 AM

Chapter 1602

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These ghost things have a very strong defense ability, but their minds are blank about how to explain the array to them.

If you want to solve the array, you can't succeed so easily by relying on your strength. Moreover, there is the power of maze in this array, which makes them drowsy and unable to exert their cultivation and combat effectiveness.

The patrol soldiers in Taiping County were stunned. Although they adored Qi Tianyu, they didn't expect that Qi Tianyu could solve the problem of this seemingly dangerous and ferocious beast.

By now, these patrol soldiers have begun to feel relieved. They have already taken the pills produced in batches in the daily clan. So even if they are bitten by fierce beasts, they will not be in great danger.

The pills developed by Tang Yiyue are like preventive injections. As long as you take them, you can protect yourself greatly. Although it costs a lot to make these pills, it also consumes a lot of herbs every day.

The alchemists in tiantianzong also spent a long time, and there were endless spirit stones. When there was a fierce animal tide approaching outside, it was just like adding insult to injury, but Qi Tianyu didn't hesitate.

What Qi Tianyu didn't pay attention to is that in the sky of Taiping County, the endless power of qi movement keeps rolling. In just three days and three nights, the power of qi movement above Taiping County has nearly doubled.

The growth rate of Qi Yun force is unprecedented. Everyone is grateful, and Qi Yun force will continue to increase. Qi Tianyu inadvertently looked up at the sky and felt the Qi Yun force in the sky. He was not only surprised.

He had never thought of such a powerful force.

"I hope the number of casualties in Taiping County is not too large this time," Qi Tianyu said. Seeing so many forces of good fortune, he was not happy. If he could, Qi Tianyu would rather these had never happened.

Qi Tianyu is not like those vulgar rulers. In order to make the friars feel grateful for him, he deliberately did some things that people and gods were angry with each other secretly, and then he came forward to resolve them, so that everyone could feel grateful for him.

"Boss, there's nothing we can do. We've tried our best," Yue Yunfeng said helplessly to Qi Tianyu. He also saw Qi Tianyu's remorse. It's just that all this is fate. None of them can stop these things. Even Xu Luoluo can't stop them.

"Continue to arrange the array. The area of Taiping County is too large. The streets and alleys have not finished walking for three days and nights," Qi Tianyu said with a bitter smile.

The biggest danger for them now is that the human friars who have gone mad, and those human beings seem to have a mind. This is what Qi Tianyu is most worried about.

If they are just mad, it's OK to say, but if they have a mind, like real human beings, and have such terrible cultivation, combat power, and infectious ability, it will become a little terrifying.

On the first day of his arrival, Qi Tianyu met these crazy human friars. One or two of them seemed to be crazy and unconscious. But the next day, Qi Tianyu was able to clearly detect the strange eyes flashing in their pupils, just like real people, except for their way of existence and human cultivation It's just different.

On the third day, these crazy human monks seemed to have their own language. They could communicate with each other. Qi Tianyu could not understand what they said.

On the third day, they didn't kill each other as soon as they met. Instead, they gathered together in groups, looking for the spirit stone and something helpful to them. Therefore, Qi Tianyu's biggest worry at this time was not the fierce beasts, but the human friars whose spirits had changed.

"Look, now these crazy human friars have no way to save them." The peacemaker is also acutely aware of this problem, there are some cautious guesses.

"As long as things are still under our control, we believe things can be saved. You know, Tang Yiyue is still studying how to save these crazy human friars."

Qi Tianyu's face is bitter, but he still doesn't want to give up. There are dozens of crazy human friars in Tang Yiyue's place He was imprisoned and provided for Tang Yiyue to study.

Qi Tianyu also believes that Tang Yiyue can find a way to face the difficulties. They walk all the way and arrange the array. Suddenly, in front of them, a human monk crouches and squats in the corner. He doesn't know what happened.

In an instant, Qi Tianyu's face became alert. Yue Yunfeng even gathered his martial arts skills and was ready to fight at any time.

"Don't do it first, let's see what's going on first," Qi Tianyu said with a solemn face, waving his hand, indicating that everyone should not be impulsive.Because on the other side, Qi Tianyu noticed the fluctuation of the two forces, and the fluctuation of the two forces was especially violent.

"You don't get close to me, get out of here, it's dangerous here," suddenly, from each other's mouth slightly said a paragraph, also mixed with other noise.

Qi Tianyu's face was shocked. He didn't know what was going on. There were two kinds of voices in each other's mouth. Qi Tianyu didn't react yet. The other side turned around and stretched out his hand, as if to attack Qi Tianyu.

But he dragged his hand back, as if facing some great power. Qi Tianyu stared at his eyes and suddenly found that there was another pair of pupils in his pupils.

"Is that horrible thing coming back?" Qi Tianyu's face was shocked, and an extremely powerful spirit oppressed him and crushed him.

However, Qi Tianyu was targeted this time. Qi Tianyu was aimed at the power of the spirit that had just made a strange sound.

"Help me, help me quickly. I feel that my body is about to be robbed by others. I can't hold on any longer."

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