Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 1678

Published at 27th of December 2023 08:07:07 AM

Chapter 1678

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Aware of something wrong, Yue Yunfeng jumps up from the ground.

Take out soldiers to cover the surface of that layer of soil aside a look, revealing a large underground dark crystal.

"This, this..." Looking at all this, people were so surprised that they couldn't say anything.

Qi Tianyu looked at the dark crystal under his feet with a face of surprise. He suddenly picked up the golden sword in his hand and chopped the dark crystal under his feet.

"Bang -" the sword of the golden war struck the dark crystal and sparked a string of sparks.

"Boss!" "Tianyu." Few people who see Qi Tianyu's gaffe look at Qi Tianyu anxiously.

One side of the green dragon beast also suddenly jumped up, toward the direction of Qi Tianyu to see the loud roar.

"What happened." "It's strange that even the green dragon is like this."

Zhu lin'er looks at the dragon and Qi Tianyu, and suddenly realizes something.

Zhu lin'er quickly steps forward, walks to Qi Tianyu's side, looks at the dark crystal below, the familiar breath is coming, and the memory in the deep of his mind emerges like an avalanche.

Zhu lin'er couldn't help trembling and said, "black Xuan!"

Zhu lin'er was able to recognize the seal that was sealed in the depths of the earth, the familiar breath, even if it turned into ash. Who could it be if it was not written by black Xuan.

"Hoo." Qi Tianyu breathed a deep breath, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart, so that he gradually calmed down.

After ten thousand years, it can be said that it was the first time that he had such a close contact with heixuan. Although it was just a mark, Qi Tianyu's anger was almost out of his countenance when he thought of his brother in the camp.

The same is true of Qinglong, who had contact with heixuan ten thousand years ago.

"Qinglong, it's OK. Give it to me." Qi Tianyu said to the dragon in the air.

After a deafening roar of the dragon, the green dragon beast flew several times in the air. After repeatedly confirming that the mark of black Xuan would not pose a threat to Qi Tianyu, he reluctantly returned to the xuanhuang Tianbei.

Looking at this Mo, Qi Tianyu couldn't help being moved. After ten thousand years, the green dragon beast is still loyal to himself.

It's a pity that other brothers At the thought of this, Qi Tianyu clenched his fist.

Seeing this, Zhu lin'er's hand covered Qi Tianyu's, and his gentle action put out Qi Tianyu's anger.

Qi Tianyu patted Zhu lin'er's hand and indicated that he was OK.

What's the purpose of living a new life and making yourself stronger step by step? It's not just to have the ability to fight against heixuan one day, to blade heixuan with blood, and to avenge the brother of Shenjiang camp who died miserably that year.

Moreover, little by little, Qi Tianyu would tear down heixuan, which had been built for thousands of years, and give back what heixuan had imposed on him thousands of years ago.

Qi Tianyu had no choice but to smile bitterly. After all, his mind was not firm enough. Today, he just came across this dark mark and lost his attitude.

If this later and black Xuan met, don't say revenge, estimate a meet to expose undoubtedly.

Qi Tianyu shook his head. His forbearance was not strong enough and needed to be strengthened. Otherwise, it's easy to break the big deal.

"Boss, how to deal with this." Cloud son hang took the soldier to fiddle with the dark crystal stone at will and then asked.

"No wonder this secret place can cultivate such strange things as Tianmo grass. Before, I was still surprised where their continuous vitality came from. It turned out that the answer was here." Tang Yiyue said with a frown.

Qi Tianyu looked at the dark crystal under his feet, and his expression was dignified.

The mark of black Xuan is sealed in the bottom of these dark crystal stones.

Qi Tianyu just used the power of spirit to detect it. Although the black and mysterious breath on the mark was very obvious, it could not cause any threat to himself.

Compared with that mark, the more difficult problem is the dark crystal in front of us.

This secret place stretches for several kilometers, and the bottom is all covered with these dark crystals. It's not too much to say that this secret place is composed of these dark crystals.

The scale of the dark crystal stones seen in the dark palace before is nothing compared with the dark crystal stones in this secret place.

Qi Tianyu guessed that the dark crystal stones he had seen in the dark Palace should have been transported out by the xuanshewei who had entered the secret place by mistake.

But later, I don't know why, this secret place no longer has the mysterious snake guard's foot.

According to Qi Tianyu's previous conjecture, it is true that these dark crystal stones are the handwriting left by heixuan himself, which is confirmed by the imprint of heixuan.

However, the dark commander who is most likely to know this has no time to ask for anything, which makes Qi Tianyu feel headache.However, the more hidden the black Xuan was, the more problematic the crystal was, and the more curious Qi Tianyu was aroused. "Boss, what should we do with that?" Cloud son navigation took the soldier to knock to knock the dark crystal stone below to ask a way.

Previously, this secret place was full of Tianmo grass. Tianmo grass constantly absorbed the dark breath released by these dark crystals and transformed it into its own growth needs.

Now, the mother of Tianmo grass is dead, and the rest of Tianmo grass has been burned by Zhu lin'er.

Without the heavenly magic grass to absorb the dark breath released by these dark crystals, the dark breath in this secret place is becoming more and more intense.

Qi Tianyu soon realized this and frowned. If they stay in such an environment for a long time, it will certainly have a bad impact on their health.

"Although I don't know why heixuan wants to make such a secret place, it's too late to send the snake guard to remove these dark crystals, but now I'll take them for heixuan." Qi Tianyu said with a smile.

"Do it." Qi Tianyu said, throwing everyone a space ring.

There are a large number of dark spars here, so it is impossible to put down one or two space rings.

Qi Tianyu could not have stored these dark crystal stones in xuanhuang Tianbei.

"Well, don't be silly. Work hard. It's a coolie fight." Qi Tianyu said with a smile, sweeping the haze.

Everyone is not ambiguous, roll up their sleeves one after another and start to act.

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