Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 2017

Published at 27th of December 2023 07:57:05 AM

Chapter 2017

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"See you, my Lord! I don't know what you call me to do? " After seeing Qi Tianyu, they saluted him.

"Don't be so polite! This time I'm here to ask you for help. Specifically, I want you to help me investigate the current situation of the Jin family and whether they have made any moves recently. "

Qi Tianyu said his problem directly, because he really wants to know the current state of the Jin family, because his main purpose here is to find the Jin family, so their state is very important to him.

"Lord Hui, there has been a commotion in the Jin family in recent days. Maybe three days ago, their ancestors died, and the ancestral land of the Jin family was destroyed. So the Jin family has been in a panic these days. As for their next move, it's not known yet."

The Tianyan people answered truthfully, without any cover up, because now Qi Tianyu is their immediate superior, so of course what they said is true information.

"Well, it is! Let's do it! You do me a favor. You send some people to keep an eye on the Jin family. If they have any changes, please let me know. "

Qi Tianyu didn't have any doubt about the information they provided, and the information he got was similar to what he had guessed. The Jin family must be very flustered. First he learned that the ancestral land of the Jin family had been destroyed, and then he killed Jin en and Jin Yin. It's no wonder that their family is not in a panic.

"Yes, my Lord. It's the responsibility of my subordinates to share their worries. You're welcome. We'll keep an eye on the Jin family for you. As soon as they have any changes, we'll send someone to inform you immediately."

Tianyan people are not unreasonable machines. They are very helpful when they see that this adult is so polite to them, so they are especially willing to work for Qi Tianyu.

"Well, well, there's another thing, I just ask. It doesn't mean anything else. How do you know that I'm not a bad person, or that I've taken your token from the eye of heaven?"

Qi Tianyu was a little confused. He really didn't know how the people in the sky could distinguish himself, so he was curious and wanted to know.

"Well, if you're Hui, it's not that Qi Tianyu was asked all of a sudden. He was a little confused, but he told the truth. After all, Qi Tianyu didn't feel that he had anything to hide.

"That's right. As long as you have used it once, all of us will get your information. So when you use it again, we can compare ourselves to know whether you are a real adult or not. If there is no accident, it will take a long time to verify your identity when you first use the token. ”

it's the same way that people in heaven can tell the truth, but it's not enough for them to know the truth.

"Oh, it's like this. Thank you for telling me, but please rest assured that I won't tell you what I know. Well, you can leave. You must remember that as long as there is any change in the Jin family, you should inform me immediately."

After knowing everything, Qi Tianyu became more and more impressed with the tianyaner intelligence system. However, he also understood that if they did not have some means, they would not be able to develop to the scale they are today.

After all, he came here just to have a good rest, and let them come to keep an eye on the Jin family, so it's better to let them do it quickly, otherwise the Jin family would be a bit embarrassed.

"Yes, my Lord, then we will step down." A few people from the eye of heaven left here. They had to finish what they were told by the adults, so they went down to work.

After they left, Qi Tianyu had a rest. Along the way, he was also very tired, so he needed a good rest. Moreover, he was relieved that people with the eye of heaven were staring at the Jin family, so he soon fell asleep.

In Jinyin City, however, the Jin family is still brightly lit. In the conference hall, Jin Fu is the eldest son of Jinyin. Just three days ago, because Jinyin's life card was broken, the family was in a panic. As the eldest son of the family leader, he naturally inherited the position of the family leader.

But he obviously can't really make the decision, because now several powerful people in the family are sitting together, and they are discussing about the current environment of the Jin family and what to do next. However, Jinfu's opinion was quickly denied, because he just took office, and he has no prestige and real power, but he didn't say anything, because he didn't know what to do It's his responsibility to stabilize the broken Jin family.

Now a group of old men sitting below are quarreling. They are the elders of the Jin family in Jinyin city. The big family is like this. Although the collateral family is not as strong as the direct family, it still has the owner and elders. That's the truth that although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs.

These elders have long since burst into two factions, one of which advocates to leave here and the other insists on staying here. They have their own opinions, and Jinfu's right to speak has been ignored. Now it's almost a mess.Later, Jin Fu was also tired. He couldn't stand the quarrel of the old men, so he yelled at them, but he was ignored. So he left here and went back to his room to have a rest.

He is very worried about the Jin family now, because his father has died and the ancestral land of the Jin family has been destroyed. Their Jin family is no longer better in Jinyin city than they were in those years. Now they can be said to have suffered from enemies on both sides. The two families in the city who were bullied by their own families are now ready to fight back.

And now there is a lack of top experts in the family. There are internal strife among the family members. It's just internal and external troubles. But he has no way because his strength is not high enough to frighten them. Moreover, his son has died. Now he is tired. He has no hope for the future of the Jin family.

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