Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 2360

Published at 27th of December 2023 07:43:16 AM

Chapter 2360

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When Qi Tianyu returned to elder Lan's residence, Fang min was also moving.

Fang min shakes a few circles in his room. After all, if he doesn't hurt himself or get sick, he can't delay his time. I don't know if Qi Tianyu has found elder Shengze.

"Buckle, buckle, buckle." Fang min was anxiously circling the room when the doors and windows were suddenly photographed.

"Fang Feng? What are you up to? Mr. Zhang, as long as you are outside, I will fall asleep when you knock on my door in the middle of the night. " Fang min thought that it was the people outside who found that they had not had a rest so late, so they could say.

"It's me, Qi Tianyu."


Fang min quickly came over and opened the door and window, did not expect the other party to come back so soon.

"How's it going? Didn't you find that man? " Fang min anxiously asked, after all, that person is now the only hope, but even I don't know whether I know the road is accurate or not.

Qi Tianyu has just been resettled, but he has more and more doubts in his heart. He can't put them down all the time, so he has to find a way to come to Fang min's side and want to make a good inquiry to solve his inner troubles.

"You were talking. What's the matter with you? Is it really not found? I'll tell you again, you should go and find someone quickly. " Fang min thought that the other party didn't speak because he didn't find the person he was talking about, so he was very disappointed, so he quickly pulled Qi Tianyu in.

"Fang min, you..." Although Qi Tianyu ran over in a hurry, he didn't know how to ask when he opened his mouth. He couldn't ask directly if the other party had leaked his whereabouts.

And the reason why Qi Tianyu couldn't speak is actually Fang min's anxious eyes when he just opened the door. From Fang min's eyes, Qi Tianyu felt that he was not the one who revealed his whereabouts.

"You what you, I'm talking to you once, you now hurry to go again, I don't believe you can't find that person." Fang min tries to recall what happened in those years, hoping to provide more clues.

"No, well, you don't have to think about it any more. I've found the man you said." Qi Tianyu couldn't bear to worry about each other alone.

"Then hurry up. What are you doing here? Don't worry, I will find a way to hurt myself tonight. In this way, the elder can't do his job, and I can give you enough time to act. " Fang min thought that there was hope in this matter, so he hastened.

"No, I didn't come to you on my own initiative. I was arrested." Qi Tianyu still doesn't have the heart to tell the other party what he came for. After all, he should be very sad if he helps a stranger who has just met a few times but is suspected by the other party.

"What did you say? You're not kidding, are you? Who were you arrested for? Is it elder LAN? " Fang min just began to look unbelievable, but then he sat by the bed, obviously reacting.

"Did you think of something?" Qi Tianyu asked immediately. After all, besides knowing the seriousness of being caught, he had a lot of remorse.

"No wonder you left here so easily. I thought elder Lan was busy with his own business, so I didn't care about you, but I forgot the most important thing..." Fang min sitting at the bedside seems to lose all hope, just talking to himself there.

"If you think of something important, you should say it now. We still have hope." Qi Tianyu now fully understood that he was not the person in front of him, but he must know something.

"It's the secret guard. It's elder Lan's Secret guard." Fang Min said these words as if exhausted his whole body.

"Hidden guard? Is that great? " Although Qi Tianyu had heard of a similar name before, it was just a little more powerful than the ordinary bodyguard. Why did the other party lose all hope when they mentioned it.

"Very good. They are the best team here." Fang min nodded, now all the answers are just instinct.

"Can you tell me the details? How do they know where I am? " Qi Tianyu still doesn't understand. No matter how powerful the opponent is, it's absolutely impossible for him to reach his present level. How can he not even find someone following him?

"They are specially selected by elder blue from a group of people controlled by Dementor. I just met them once or twice by coincidence. They are like ghosts, and we can't find them at all, but they are always around you, and they will give you a fatal blow when you don't pay attention to them." Fang min is not too familiar with these people.

"So these people are also controlled by Dementors?" Qi Tianyu didn't expect that most of the people under elder LAN were controlled by Dementor.

"Yes, they are the most powerful among those people, so they are selected out. In the end, they should be able to practice a strange skill." Fang min nodded, affirming the other party's guess."I know!" Qi Tianyu had a face when he heard this, and suddenly he was enlightened. He clapped and yelled.

"What?" Fang min was startled by the other party's action. After all, there are still people outside guarding him.

"I know how to crack Dementor? It turns out what elder Shengze said is true. As long as the heads of these people are removed, their bodies will naturally disappear. " Qi Tianyu muttered to himself.

Sheng Ze had already said the solution he knew on the road, but because it was a long time ago and no one had used it, it was ambiguous. Qi Tianyu didn't understand it at that time, but now after listening to Fang min's words, Qi Tianyu understood it immediately.

For those who are controlled by the Dementors, the most powerful of them are the heads and the hearts of those people. As long as we get rid of these hidden guards, the rest of us will be defeated.

Only in this way, can we best crack the Dementor, do not need to spend too much power.

"Fang min, thank you very much. By the way, do you know how many people there are in total?" Qi Tianyu has a great deal of assurance.

"About dozens, about twenty or thirty people. I'm not sure, because I only met them once by chance." Fang min seriously recalled for a while, and his eyes showed light again. After all, the feeling of despair just now was really bad.

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